50 Day Binge-Free Challenge



  • SarahRose35
    SarahRose35 Posts: 127 Member
    Day 25: CONGRATS! You’re HALF WAY THROUGH! How are you feeling?
    I feel amazing. It's been almost a week of not tracking calories and just as long without binging. I've been eating relatively clean, but I need to still work on adding in treats in moderation so I don't binge later. Not counting makes me so much happier (:
  • mamahannick
    mamahannick Posts: 322 Member
    Today is day 5 binge free. :) I'm going strong with no intention of ever turning back. :)

    Catch-up time!

    Day 1: Why are you doing the 50 day binge free challenge?
    To reach a level of intuitive eating where I no longer second guess my food choices or intake. To become a healthy role model of balanced eating for my daughter. To be HAPPY again.

    Day 2: Post a recent picture of yourself! Don’t body-shame, name two things you like about yourself in this picture.
    No picture, but two things I like about my body are my post-baby belly and my arms.

    Day 3: What do you define as a binge?
    Mindlessly eating an excessive amount of calories in a short time frame, eating them quickly, in an out-of-control manner, usually losing track of what all I've eaten, never seated with it portioned out.

    Day 4: A picture of one snack you had today that you felt was a good portion size.
    (Yesterday) I had a single homemade chocolate chip cookie about an hour after dinner.

    Day 5: What do you usually binge on? Do you have certain trigger foods?
    I usually binge on total junk food. High-sugar, high-carb. Nutritionally void. I've even eaten things like Nesquick chocolate milk powder straight out of the container with a spoon before...gross. No specific trigger food I don't think.