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Active in August



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yay for new floors Donna, hope it all goes smoothly this time. And yay for Brooks, good job on the triathlon.

    I miss Carla and Karrie too... and Lia.

    I've realized I got too much food for this week. I forgot what a huge batch that detox salad makes. I also have leftover casserole, E2 hummus, stuff chopped for salads... plus chard and collards yet to cook and eat. I am going to be stuck late at the office a lot this week. The whole upgrading of software is throwing me even more behind.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 139 Member
    Donna, we camp in the Minnesota/Wisconsin state parks. Wes and I hope to do a "tame" BWCA camping trip in the next couple of years - he has been up several times - it is a beautiful, pristine area w/canoe only access.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    All the software stuff is finally finished. Two nights in a row in the office past 6:00 though... sigh. I am going to bed super early tonight. I'm beat. Thing is, if all this works as it's supposed to, I won't have to be in the office every weekend and that alone is worth all the hassle to be able to work more from home. I like the new stuff, but it's not second nature yet like the old versions of everything. So many things that you just do on auto-pilot and don't realize you are even doing them until they suddenly aren't where they are supposed to be.

    I did manage to get in a good workout last night. Yay! I felt so good after and all day today.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Hi! I'm around. First week back to work and I am seriously dragging my butt. Add PMS into the mix and I am a giant walking talking carb-loading hormone!

    No more holidays for me until Christmas. :cry: But at least I have something to look forward to - Orlando, woot!!

    I have some catching up to do on the thread, but I'll try to check in regularly again now that I'm back to work. :blush:

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Hi Karrie!!! Are you going to Orlando for Christmas?

    Another long day, but everything is now running and I am going to do a couple hours of work from here tonight. Our secretary is off the next couple days so I'll be staying later again the rest of the week.

    I ate the last of the cabbage and kale casserole for dinner tonight. I really like it. I am definitely going to make it again.

    Better get busy. It will be bedtime before I know it.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Hi, The new floors are installed...they look great. Worth the fuss and wait. I will post pics tomorrow. Now trying to put house back together. Painter coming Friday to calk and paint the trim Tri on Saturday...feeling a bit stressed. One friend separating from hubby, another good friend recently diagnosed with Ca and my younger friend who is very active and encouraged me to swim laps and do an easy triathlon diagnosed with seizure disorder and not allowed to swim or ride bikes until this is under control. I am going to think of these people before the event and be thankful that I can do this even if I am not the fastest old lady out there.

    Welcome back Karrie!
    I have to look for the recipe Mihani.
    Jacqueline - have you started the new job? Camping sounds beautiful.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Hi Mihani, yes we're going to Orlando for Christmas again. My brother & his family, my family and our parents are all going. We're renting an 8 bedroom house this time, so we're saving some money to boot. And we're going to go to LEGOLAND and to NASA this time too, in addition to Harry Potter World and Disney... We're all very much looking forward to it. I'd like to be at least half way to my goal weight by then too, so I really need to get back on track.

    Bisky, glad you like the floors this time around; I am STILL trying to put my house together since the move last January. We *almost* have everything out of the old house, so I'm still unpacking boxes and trying to find a place for everything. And we still haven't bought the last of our decorations for the new house either (area rugs, art for the walls, etc), and I'm not finding what I had in mind, so it's not going to be done anytime soon, either. sigh.

    On the bright side, we did accept an offer on the old house last week. They have until next Wednesday to remove conditions, so please keep your fingers crossed for me that everything goes smoothly between now and then!!! (knock on wood...)

    Today is my 21 year wedding anniversary. Going out for a nice lunch date. :smiley: I'm going to have a rice noodle bowl with steamed broccoli and tofu, with a peanut sauce (it's so tasty!!)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Glad the new floors are in and you are happy with them Donna. Sorry to hear about your friend.

    Congrats on your anny Karrie! The trip sounds like so much fun. I so want to go to Harry Potter World one of these days.

    I had another good day on track. I seem to have settled into a groove this week. Eating fairly simple, glad I had everything prepped no need to think or do any work, just throw some things in a bowl and eat. I was up late working last night and then had trouble sleeping, and got stuck at the office late tonight, so I am going to bed super early.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 139 Member
    Glad the floors are in, Donna. Pictures?

    We just celebrated our 27th anniversary yesterday (on the 16th) - dinner and back home to watch a movie with our young adult kids. Karrie, happy anniversary to you!

    I start my new job on the 27th. Trying to get all my ducks in a row. Shopping for clothes and shoes (a month of all black until my office attire comes in). Eye appointment for new Rx. Found out I have early cataracts, the fast progressing kind. Boo. Probably thanks to long-term high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. Next week I'll be working on a final push of decluttering homeschool stuff, craft supplies that I haven't touched for years and certainly won't after going back to work, anything else that could use a touch up before I start.

    I've decided that the best way to stay on track with diet is to keep my breakfast/lunch/snack a simple routine. Find something that works and stick to it. Likely this will be oatmeal, salad w/protein, larabar or piece of fruit. I will do a trial run this next week.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    Hi - so busy with visitors, putting the house together and triathlon tomorrow. I actually forgot to eat lunch today. A little nervous.

    Mihani - good job keeping on track! Simple and fresh works great.

    Happy anniversary Karrie and Jacqueline. Ours is next month. I will post pics of floor soon.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Good luck today Donna!

    Sounds like you have a solid plan Jacquie. Congrats on your anniversary.

    Got my grocery shopping done early this morning. I still had half a head of cabbage left from last week's cabbage and kale casserole so I got some more silken tofu and I'll just make another batch of it for this week. Also got ingredients to make more of the detox salad. That was great for lunch all last week and it lasts a long time. Also got some greens and asparagus to saute, and bok choy, shiitake mushrooms and green onions to make a stir-fry.

    Looking forward to working from home today and not going to the office. Speaking of, I better get busy!

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    How was your triathlon Donna? You look great!

    I got the detox salad and casserole made, and tackled some weeds in the back yard, took a nap, laundry... lots of things done today and none of them involved work. It's fine, I'll put in a full day tomorrow to make up for it. Feels good to have things ready to go again. Looking forward to another good ETL week. Still haven't managed to get into a routine with exercise, but I am doing more around the house which is definitely exercise considering I have been neglecting my housekeeping for a while.
  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 139 Member
    Congrats on the triathlon Donna! You look great! How was that smoothie?

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    edited August 2018

    I was too tired to do more than post a picture yesterday. The Dam triathlon was great. The swim and run portion were longer than the Rookie tri but all my times were improved. It started at 7:00 in the morning. By the time I finished the run (the last event) it was just starting to get hot. I was last in my age group (60-64) but not last overall, hahaha. The winner of my age group runs half marathons. The swim and bike are my favorite events. The only thing, after the event the food was horrible......bratwursts and mimosas.

    Brooks took me to a near by Whole foods because I wanted something healthy for my poor tired body. I had a green smoothie of spinach, Kale, cucumbers, ginger, lemon and apple...called the Green Godess. It was actually a little bitter so I added some honey.

    Before the event, to not get intimidated by all the healthy, fit and good looking young people, I thought how thankful I am that I can do this at my age. I dedicated this Tri for my father who died at 63 of a heart attack, my young friend who encouraged me to do this last year as she was training for triathlons but developed a seizure disorder and now not allowed to swim until seizures are under control and my friend recently diagnosed with cancer. I had started to think I don't belong in these events but....people are so nice and encouraging. A volunteer college boy ran the last .2 miles with me (he runs track in college) and kept saying positives things to me. I told him about my father and after I went through the finish line he gave me a hug. It is amazing. When I am in my 70's I am going to volunteer for these events and clap for people.

    Next Triathlon is in September in 5 weeks. Plus we have a bike ride in Corpus Christie the week before.

    I can't believe how healthy and strong I feel on mostly a 90% plant based diet!!! After next month it will be time to get blood work done...should be interesting!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Hi Gals!

    Belated Happy Anniversary to each of you, Karrie and Jacquie.

    Grats on the triathlon Donna. Great pic :) Another triathlon in 5 weeks! Wow, you're amazing!

    Mihani, I'm happy the new software lets you work from home more often. Soon it will be second nature. Nice that you had some time yesterday to do things around the house, including some prep work for the week.

    I finished my batching for the week about an hour ago, so I should be set for the week. I have a friend coming for an overnight crafting session tomorrow, but she's watching what she eats so I think I'll be able to stay on track. Maybe some extra coffee, but I'm not sweating that right now.

    Ruby is in the figurative doghouse right now because she got a hold of my precious woven scarf that was laying out to dry on the table outside. It is chewed and snagged, and pretty much trash now. I will use it as an excuse to buy more yarn to make another! I'm thinking about making a couple for Christmas gifts.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,052 Member
    Carla's back! :) Good to see you. Sorry about your scarf... sounds like Ruby is recovering well from surgery though!

    Excellent job on the triathlon Donna... must be a great feeling of accomplishment! Sounds like you had some awesome sources of inspiration too.

    Got into some plantain chips today. They are so good. I threw out the rest of the bag so I would stop eating them, and ate leftover casserole and some watermelon.

    I like working at home. Although I could easily stay up half the night and keep trying to get things done, but I'd be dragging tomorrow so I'm knocking off and heading to bed.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Jacqueline, we're anniversary twins!! :smiley:

    Donna, you look great in your pic and congrats on the finish!! Woo hoo!

    I spent the afternoon and evening getting myself prepped for the week. It's the only way I can do this thing properly.

    I made Day 1 meals and snacks. I know Dr. F says no snacks, but if I don't have something healthy ready for me, then I will grab pretzels or some such unhealthy thing. Maybe later I won't need so many snacks, but for now I need to be prepared to keep me on track.

    Tonight I'm going to make Day 2 meals and snacks. Then I will alternate between Day 1 and Day 2 for the week. And then next week I'll have a brand new Day 1 and Day 2 set of meals... Least amount of prep, least amount of leftovers getting freezerburnt that I'll end up throwing out, and more free time than trying to do all my cooking every single night (which burns me out and makes me want to quit).

    Day 1
    Breakfast: Overnight oats with pomegranates
    snack: orange & banana
    Lunch: Homemade tomato soup with (lots of) garlic and basil
    snack: cherries & nuts
    Supper: Sweet & Sour meatballs (made with black beans and navy beans) on rice with a big salad

    Day 2
    Breakfast: Berry Bowl with walnuts and cinnamon
    snack: banana blueberry lemon spelt muffin
    Lunch: raw zucchini hummus and veggies, with raw chocolate pudding for dessert
    snack: lemon pie date balls rolled in coconut
    Supper: Quinoa salad with lemon and red pepper on mixed spring greens

    The raw hummus is made with zucchini, tahini and a couple of other things I can't think of right now and then I'm having it with lettuce leaves, celery, carrots and cherry tomatoes.

    The chocolate pudding is made with bananas, avocado and cocoa. It's super tasty!!
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member

    So happy to see Carla & Karrie back!

    Mihani - I have to do that sometimes...just throw food away (the OREO cookie blowup). Mentally it makes me feel a little more in control. I don't like the waste of money but then if I am not eating my fruits & veggies they will to waste.

    Carla - I am sorry about Ruby's bad choice. Dogs, love them but sometimes they are such a pain. Cleo and I just took our 3 mile walk. She is going to either be outside or in a kennel because she decides to use my tile floors as a bathroom. I am not going to let her mark the new floors. On our walks I am using positive rewards...food and treats to try to get this point across.

    Karrie - your food plan sounds delicious! Where are you getting these recipes? The hummus, bean meatballs and the chocolate pudding?

    Jacqueline do you start work this week? What is your game plan for meals?

    I just listened to a good pod cast this morning from half size me about the mental progress of losing weight. It was very positive!

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 139 Member
    Hi All - Hope you are having a great start to your week.

    Donna, I start work on the 27th. I'm doing a trial run this week on meal plans. Breakfast will be oatmeal, ground flax, berries, nuts and 1/2 tsp brown sugar. Lunch will alternate between: potato (russet or sweet), black beans, massaged kale w/hummus, salsa OR Ezekiel toast w/hummus, tomato, mushrooms, red peppers w/mixed green side salad. Snack of fruit or larabar.

    Dinners, for now, will be portion controlled versions of what the family is having. I'll be using a 13 week cookbook with full menus, time lines & shopping lists. This way, any one of us can open the book and run with it. It's definitely a SAD cookbook (midwestern comfort food), I will opt for a big salad and small portions of the prepped food, and leave off the cheese.

    I picked up new eyeglasses this morning. I was long overdue and I'm now into bifocals. The doc said to keep them on all the time for the first week and then wear as needed. I can already tell that I'll be limiting screen time while going through the adjustment period.

    Karrie, I'm saving your menu! It all looks delicious.

    Carla, is this typical behavior for Ruby? I know our dog misbehaves when he's stressed or his routine changes. I empathize with you! Tucker chewed up a hand crocheted lace table topper a few years ago. It was a wedding gift from a dear friend.

    Mihani, good choice on ditching the temptation! It is so hard to throw away food, but it's for the best.

    Donna, you are an inspiration! Don't feel out of place at these events - you are a role model for the younger participants.