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Active in August



  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    Donna, the chocolate pudding is from the Oh She Glows blog. It's just 3 medium bananas (not too brown), half of an avocado and cocoa. Put it all in the food processor until smooth and then chill. So easy, and so good!

    The other recipes are from a vegan nutritionist Grounded Nutrition (.com, I think). I have a few of her meal plans, and she often does free challenges (7-day smoothie challenge, 10-day salad challenge, etc) and I try to make sure to always sign up for those because there are usually bonus recipes too. The recipes aren't always great, but there are some really, really good ones, and now I just skip the ones I don't like and sub them out for something from OSG that I know I DO like. :smiley:

    The homemade tomato soup was just something a friend of mine shared with me a couple of years ago. Take all your garden tomatoes that are getting too ripe and cut them in half (or quarters if they're really big) and throw them in a roasting pan. Throw a bunch of garlic cloves in (as much as you like - I did a LOT!) and then roast it at 375ºF for 60-90 minutes (I do 90). If you want, you can add an onion too (although I don't usually bother). When it's done roasting, I pour it all into a pot, add some veggie broth powder (for the flavor) and then a bunch of fresh basil. Then I use my immersion blender to liquefy the whole thing. Voilà, soup!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Way to go prepping Karrie. I forgot about that roasted tomato soup idea, I think I recall you posting it before. I'll have to give it a try.

    True enough Donna, I'd rather throw out the junk and use up the good healthy food than vice versa.

    Sounds like you have a good plan for your test week before you go back to work Jacquie. Is your family at all receptive to ETL?

    My plan for the week is oatmeal with berries, chia seeds and walnuts for breakfast. Lunch will be detox salad and a wasa cracker or two, an apple if I'm still hungry. Dinners will be cooked greens and tofu or beans with melon or other fruit for dessert. Easy to throw together and no fuss.

    Got out of the office on time, first time in a while. Of course, I brought work home, but I get a lot more done here than I do with the constant noise and interruptions at the office.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I didn't get my banana muffins made last night, so I just grabbed an orange and a green apple for a snack later. I'll have to make the muffins tonight (they're so yummy!)

    Today is the home inspection at the old house. Keep your fingers crossed for me! (Last time we had an inspection (in Jan), we ended up having to buy a new furnace... :unamused:
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    edited August 2018
    Mihani - sounds like a good plan. I like wasa crackers...I did so well yesterday until I dove into baked pita chips.

    Karrie - Keeping my fingers crossed for you and the inspection. I am sure it will be a relief when it sells.

    Mini tri day. Walked dogs 1 mile, biked to the pool and back on mountain bike (7 miles) and then swam 900M. Pool was unusually busy and Brooks & I were in different lanes. This 30 y/o guy was in my lane, he passed me twice so I know he knew I was there...and it is so funny that without verbal communication I knew he was not happy I was in his lane. He actually hit my goggles on the left side and gave me a bit of a black eye. He said he didn't know I was there.....I was stunned, sweet little life guard came running over who saw it happen and offered to get me ice...I asked the guy are we swimming clockwise in lanes or just splitting the lane (usually people swim clockwise in lanes)....he kept saying I was in his lane......I said sweetly: no worries, I will change lanes with my husband but if you punch him he will punch you back! (hahaha this is so not Brooks...I have never seen him punch anyone but I was putting this jerk on notice), he did not know I was with Brooks who is an excellent swimmer but Brooks was upset too (again non verbal communication, I could tell by the way Brooks was swimming). This guy was not one of our usual locals. When my lane cleared out Brooks joined me and we did this practice swim where he sets the pace doing the breast stroke and I am working on my reach and glide part of the stroke. I did my fastest 100m this way!

    Brooks made an excellent salad but I forgot to tell him I was quitting fish. He is trying so hard to eat healthy that I just ate the tuna. He just recently accepted the no chicken in my diet for good.

    House is clean and somewhat organized. Going to make a few BD cards and then later on falafels for dinner. 99* now.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Good luck Karrie!

    Donna, wow, that's sooo rude and inappropriate how the guy at the pool treated you. I certainly hope he apologized rather than just saying he didn't know you were there.

    I got stuck a little late at work and traffic was awful. I think school must be back in session. Traffic is always so much lighter in the summertime when the schools are closed. Still have work to do tonight but I had to prep some food. Cooked up a couple bunches of asparagus, two bunches of chard, and a skillet of chickpeas, mushrooms and kale. Eating some Santa Claus melon for dessert. Not sure if I have ever had it before. It's good.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    edited August 2018
    Mihani - thats what made me mad..he didn't apologize or ask if I was ok...and I am, just a small bruise/black eye. Good thing I had my goggles on...they protected by eye.

    I have never heard of Santa Claus melon. It sounds good! Good job prepping.

    The TJ's falafel mix were good. Brooks loved them.

  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    edited August 2018
    That guy was a jerk. I know I've complained about swimmers in my lane before on this forum, but even when I am mad about someone being in my lane, I never physically touch them or run into them EVER! That's just ignorant. Sorry about your black eye. :confused:

    I was doing great yesterday until I baked some tater tots for my kids for supper. They came out so golden and crispy that I had to pop a few into my mouth. And then a few more. And then a few more. Oops!! And then I made the banana lemon blueberry spelt muffins and of course I had to try one fresh from the oven. Oops again!! :blush:

    Day 2 is probably not the time to start making bad choices. Sigh. Oh well, onward!!

    Didn't hear anything back about the inspection yesterday. Today is the big day. I hope the realtor calls us (soon!) to say that the conditions have been lifted and the house is sold!! I'm having a bit of anxiety about not having heard anything yet, but then I think if there would have been something bad about the inspection I'm sure we would have heard about it already. But really, there's no furniture left in the house and so everything is exposed. There's no possible way that anything is suddenly wrong with the house.

    So now it's just a waiting game. But I'm not patient. I've been waiting a LONG time to sell this house!!!!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    I'd have been so mad at that swimmer...in fact, I AM mad at him! What a jerk. You're rocking the activities as usual, Donna.

    I think no news yet is a good sign Karrie!

    School does seem to go back in session earlier lately. That or kids go back sooner in the US than Canada. We always went back the day after labour day.

    I'm having my batched food this week, but still having some sweets that are definitely not on plan. I need to stop having anything after dinner.

    The smoke from the wildfires around us has been bad the last few days. The fires aren't a threat in our area, but our usual breeze from the ocean is absent. It is supposed to improve a bit today and the forecast is for rain all day Sunday. I am SO looking forward to a cool day with rain!!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Wildfires are so scary, Carla. Hope the air quality improves soon for you.

    I will have to try the falafel from TJ's, Donna. I love falafel but they are delicious deep-fried calorie/fat bombs in restaurants.

    Hoping for good news on the house front Karrie! Darn those tater tots >:)

    Jacquie, how is your "test-drive" week of ETL breakfast and lunch going?

    I am waiting for a pot of brown rice to get done then making a stir-fry of bok choy, green onion, red pepper, shiitake mushrooms. Got all my veggies prepped so hurry up rice, I'm hungry! I have been eating the detox salad all week again, and easily have enough for a couple more days. I really don't get tired of it. Might just keep making it every week for a while. It's so convenient. If weight loss stalls out I'll switch it up though. It has raisins and currants in it, although probably no more in a serving than would be permitted in a day when full on 6 week plan.
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    It's official!! The house is SOLD!!! :grin:
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    YAY!!!!! :)B) AWESOME! What a relief. Happy Dance. Are you celebrating? Orlando is one of my favorite places. I have not seen the Harry Potter World.

    Today the puncher was back...in all fairness, watching him swim, he totally is a newbie. He keeps his head straight down and lifts his head straight up to breath...does not breath side to side and because he is looking straight down he has no idea what is going on around him and his arms are kinda flailing around.

    Roasted artichoke hearts and brussel sprouts tonight with balsamic glaze and put them on a quinoa & barley mix. Plus a veggie burger and sweet potato waffle fries. I was hungry after swimming and walking/jogging today.

    Mihani - you can either fry the falafel mix or bake them. I sprayed a baking sheet with olive oil and baked them. Your stir fry sounds delicious! I think I will get the rice cooker out and stir fry veggies tomorrow.

    Carla - I hope the smoke does not bother your lungs. I realized last month I had quite the asthma/cold going on...I was in denial but smoke would really set me off.

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 139 Member
    Congratulations, Karrie! What a relief to have it sold! Woot!

    Carla, over the weekend we experienced extensive haze from Canadian wildfires hundreds of miles away. I cannot imagine being closer! Hope your lungs are handling it.

    Donna, your dinner sounds delicious and has reminded me that I bought some citrus balsamic that I keep forgetting to try. A salad is in order for lunch!

    Mihani, I'm gonna track down the detox salad and give it a try. I want to prep something that I can eat all week at work.

    My progress has not been stellar this week. I'm eating ETL at about 50%. Lots of "let's have coffee one more time", dinner out with hubs, lunch with son (who has a first girlfriend and is starting his major on Monday at the U - he needed to talk). All this to say, I really let life influence my eating. You don't realize how much your life revolves around food until you try to take it out of your life events. To that end, the routine of work will make it easier. This job will not have "goodies in the breakroom." As long as I avoid the bistro, I'll be fine. I'm going to ask my daughter if she'd be willing to make one dish a week for me to keep in the fridge. She has an interest in culinary and time on her hands this Fall. ;)
  • whats_her_name
    whats_her_name Posts: 716 Member
    I'm in Saskatchewan and I'm not too close to the fires either, but it was hazy here and I couldn't even THINK about going for a walk outside. It was terrible. I seriously can't imagine living in BC right now...

    It isn't real yet that the house sold; hasn't sunk in yet. But they take possession in 2 short weeks, so it'll be real soon enough!! My son cried last night when we told them the house sold. He's very sentimental; one day he'll be called a hoarder, I'm sure of it... :wink:

    My OSG cookbook was at the cabin when we had the fire, so the smoke damage people have it right now. I need my cookbook...
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Congrats on the house sale, Karrie! Possession in 2 weeks is pretty fast, but I guess since you aren't living there it is a schedule you can work with. Soon you'll have all your crafting items in the new house...is that good or daunting?!

    Mihani, how are you adjusting to the new software? Bok choy and mushrooms in a stir fry...YUM! Lately I've really been enjoying my stir fry with a sprinkle of coconut aminos after it's done. We did that with some veggie kabobs we baked in the oven and they were delish. Joe picked up a charcoal BBQ (we donated our old meat grill to the office a few years ago) but with the smoke and heat we decided to skip the outdoor grilling.

    Eating out is a challenge for me too, Jacquie, especially when I'm not fully in the groove of things. There's always the pull to have something that is extra tasty or feels like a treat. A cup of tea or black coffee just doesn't have the same feeling as going out for a coffee and pastry. That will be so awesome if your daughter pitches in with making a healthy dish each week for you!

    Donna, I pictured "the puncher" as an expert swimmer that was irritated and intentionally hit you. I'm so glad that that doesn't seem to be the case, even though it was still very rude of him. There needs to be a warning sign put up when he's in a lane! How's your eye doing?

    There's a nice big wind coming in off the ocean and smoke isn't in the forecast for tomorrow! Today is going to be 13* F cooler than yesterday, and looking ahead at the extended forecast, we have nothing but temps in low 70s coming up. I'm sure we'll still have a few hotter days, but I have been stalling on washing and drying all of my fleece so I'll need to get on that the next time we have a particularly warm day. Aside from that, low 70s is my fave so I'm pretty excited about that. One of our trees has a few bright red leaves and it has me excited for fall weather.

    I just received my order of dyeing supplies for cellulose fibers. I prepped my fabric yesterday and with the wind it will be ready to play with today. I really want to concentrate on that today, but I also have a big weaving project on the go at the local art center and I haven't been there in almost 2 weeks. I'm renting the loom so I really need to put in some time. I'll probably go to the center today, work on Friday, and then dye fabric on the weekend.

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    I almost bought the last copy of the OSG's cookbook when I was in Italy at the military exchange store. I was with a friend who was happy with my weight loss and wanted to get on board so she bought it. I need to get one.

    Karrie, I love that you son is sentimental. He must have wonderful memories of that house. I moved so much as a child and frequently moving now. I sometimes wish I had the memories of growing up in one town with good friends & family. The trade off, I have lived in Canada, Europe, East & West coast...I think Texas is it's own country. The internet and Facebook has improved my ability to stay connected to friends from all over. My favorite area is still the Pacific Northwest (more than Italy.....gasp).

    Jacqueline - you are doing great! Yesterday was a 100% ETL except for my coffee creamer and SF chocolate....something I decided I could not give up on. It has almost been a year since I have been on ETL. Several ups and downs. Someone posted a video of me on FB when we bought our house last year and I was 40 lbs up....I was so embarrassed....I wanted to post a disclaimer that I have lost weight...but it can be my before video. I was looking at pics Brooks took of me in the Tri and I have a long ways to go but seeing that video when I was even heavier was good to reflect upon. Making a Dr appointment after next Tri....need to lose 5 more lbs before appointment. Can't wait to see my blood work.

    Carla - these fires are so scary...I hope you get lots of rain soon. We were surprised how hot and dry Whistler was. Brooks signed up for another Ironman in Victoria in June next year. We are hoping it won't be as hot. Almost 300 people did not finish the Ironman in Whistler due to heat exhaustion. One good thing about training in 100+ temps here in San Antonio.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Yay Karrie! Too bad about your OSG cookbook though.

    Jacquie: https://ohsheglows.com/2011/09/27/detox-salad/ I use more lemon juice, cut down somewhat on the raisins and currants, and of course I don't drizzle it with maple syrup as she suggests, but it does sound good that way. I throw the broccoli and cauliflower in my food processor with the slicer blade (the shredder turns the broccoli to pulp) and then change to the shredder blade for the carrots. It stays good and crisp a full 6 days that I know of... and it definitely makes more than enough for one person for a week.

    Donna, the first OSG cookbook is one of my all time faves (as evidenced by the many splotches on the pages).

    Carla, I'm hooked on coconut aminos. I use it for roasted veggies and stir-fries all the time now. Software has ups and downs but it's such an enormous improvement over the versions we were using that I'm really happy. We're still having to switch back and forth to the old versions of things for work in progress, but eventually those things will get phased out.

    I have been so good for the past couple weeks, and am meeting some people for drinks tomorrow after work so I'm debating on what to drink or whether to drink at all. We'll see how I feel when I go out. It doesn't bother me to not drink at a bar when others are drinking so it's no pressure either way.

  • CoffeeandHumblePie
    CoffeeandHumblePie Posts: 139 Member
    Thanks, Mihani Do you use the kelp powder in your detox salad?
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,061 Member
    edited August 2018
    Mihani - how did it go tonight?

    Tried Trader joes cauliflower gnocchi !!! Brooks said they were very fluffy and good before I told him they were made out of Cauliflower. He liked them...of course I put a lot of pesto on his.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 4,051 Member
    Hi Jacquie... I used kelp powder when I had it, but I haven't seen it around lately so I don't use it. I do use plenty of black pepper but no salt in my version. I forgot to mention, it really needs to sit for a few hours to let the flavors meld. The first time I made it I was disappointed initially, but the next day I was going yummmm! If I recall correctly you start your new job on Monday... good luck on your first day with work and sticking to your ETL breakfast/lunch plans.

    Donna, I had one margarita and a vegan taco (they are the smallish "street taco" style), and I was happy with that. I didn't even feel like having another drink or a second taco. Progress! The cauliflower gnocchi sounds great. The lowly cauliflower sure has turned into a magical food over the past few years.

    I am going to have to go to the office for a while today and tomorrow. My goal is to start working more from home on weekends, but I have to do a certain amount of catching up before I get to that point. I'd have to bring way too many files home with me to work here this weekend.

    Going to stop at the grocery on the way home and get my prep done tonight. I think I'm going to make yet another batch of the detox salad. Having that for lunches seems to be helping keep me on track the past couple weeks.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,363 Member
    Yesterday we got a little rain, and so far today it has been raining as well. Not a huge downpour, but a pretty good amount of water over time. It's a nice change and will hopefully help out with the fires.

    I've been dyeing cotton fabric using various thicknesses of dye and different techniques. I've been enjoying it. The only part I don't like is mixing up the chemicals wearing goggles (therefore no glasses to see properly) and a respirator. It's pretty foggy and fuzzy! I can make most of the mixtures up in batches ahead of time, so I don't have to do it too often. The fabric I've done so far has cured and is the wash now.

    I'm not up for batching this week, but the meals are very simple, so I'm going to make them on the fly each day, or maybe make up a few at a time and have a few days off in between. We've decided that now that we have 2 large binders stuffed full of meal plans, we can probably cancel our membership and repeat our favorites for a while. We can sign up again when we need some extra motivation.

    Good luck on your first day at the new job, Jacquie!