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TEAM: Gutbusters (September)



  • metubal
    metubal Posts: 290 Member
    LesIckaBod wrote: »
    metubal wrote: »
    Sorry about the late checkin. Wi-fi has been hit-and-miss since i landed here. My son uses an oxygen concentrator and local airlines don't have any experience with them, so my travel plans are changing daily, maybe hourly.

    I am down with a cold today. He just started a fever of 100.4. I'm bummed because a light cold can easily put my son in the intensive care unit. So i went out and bought lots of supplements for both of us: zinc, vitamin c, elderberry, echinacea,.. We're both using colloidal silver spray, too. Fingers crossed, positive thoughts/prayers appreciated.

    On the food front, I'm happily eating all the Turkish food that i have missed for years. So I've had too many carbs (bakery mostly) but have not gained yet😊

    Username: Metubal
    Weigh in Week: September Week 3
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 160.5
    Today's Weight: 160

    @metubal I hope your son is able to recover from his fever easily, and that you and he both have a happy and healthy visit in Turkey. How long are you visiting for? (Also, congrats on your on-the-road loss for the week - that's not easy!)

    We'll be here until 10/20. We are not going out as often as I hoped, but eventually we will kick this cold's butt and enjoy the sea and the beaches, and the history.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    Username: craigo3154
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous Week's Weight: (63.5kg) 140.0
    Todays Weight: (63.7kg) 140.4

    2 weeks in Spain, no facility to weigh at all. Diet all over the place. Inconsistent exercise. Amazed the weight is not 1kg up or down.
  • craigo3154
    craigo3154 Posts: 2,572 Member
    (Sorry in advance for long post - a lot to catch up on)

    September 20
    Exercised?: Yes (8000 steps lugging baggage to the office, then through airports and transfers)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Short but hectic day in Spain followed by flight home.

    Out of internet contact for a large amount of the day.

    September 21
    Exercised?: No (24+ hours travel time and changing 8 hours in time zone, no chance to really exercise)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Long flights (Madrid to Dubai (7 hours), then Dubai to Melbourne (14 hours)). Only 90 mins transfer time (which is very tight).

    Food was passable (gluten free preference). Don't usually have any bread and I find now the gluten free bread on the airlines is fairly tasteless (so I mostly leave it). Means I usually have to self-top up cater to ensure I get enough calories for the day.

    Home in time for my wife's birthday (22nd).

    September 22
    Exercised?: Yes (over 10,000 steps)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Wife's birthday.

    Fantastic dinner out at teppanyaki restaurant. Japanese is my wife's favourite style of food and not having to cook is always a bonus. It also fit in with her keto style diet.

    Unfortunately my wife had been ill the previous day with food poisoning and spent most of the day recovering. She had planned to go out with a craft group for the day but was not feeling up to it.

    My wife is doing amazingly well. I am unbelievably proud of her and try tell her this as often as possible.

    She has not had to have insulin for the past 3 weeks. The blood sugars are mostly under control (when ill, they spike, bet that is a normal bodily defence). She was hoping to be under 100kg (220lbs) by her birthday (started at over 110kg (240+lbs) in July). She is currently under 97kg (215lbs) and on target to be under 90kg (<200lbs - one-derland) by Christmas. If she gets there, it will be the first time in her adult life not being classified as obese (BMI < 30).

    As she had planned to spend most of the day out, it had been pre-arranged that I could go flying. The local drone racing club was having a race that had been postponed by a week because of poor weather. Despite not feeling up to going to her event, she insisted that I go to mine (will have little chance to fly as work is having me travel back to Spain next weekend). I helped set up the track, run the day, race and pack up. Flew surprisingly despite jetlag and placed second in my division.

    It ended up being a long day and was happy to finally get some sleep.

    September 23
    Exercised?: Yes (6km in 46mins - hills)
    Calories?: Yes
    Tracked?: Yes

    Really slow start to the day. Jetlag finally kicked in and slept in followed by being fuzzy headed most of the day.

    Still got out and walked which helped A LOT. Did not feel like walking, but knew I needed it. Was so nice to walk in the forest again after missing it for 2 weeks. Motion creates emotion.

    Late night catching up on things, and work from home tomorrow (and phone conference with Spain tomorrow evening.

    Busy days ahead and not feeling ready for them yet. Maybe that's the Jetlag talking.

    Daily Strength challenge

    Challenge for September 23 is push ups

    3 sets
    • First set till the point where you can do no more, wait 2 mins
    • Second set of 60% of the number you did in the first set (half, then another 10%), wait 2 mins
    • Third set of 50% of the number you did in the first set (half)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Message to all Team Members:


    This is the last week of the September Challenge. After this week, all members will be rolled over automatically into the October Challenge.

    The October challenge thread is:
    TEAM: Gutbusters (October) ( https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10697078/team-gutbusters-october#latest )
    If you wish not to participate next month, please message the team captain or Ashley (@AB0215) or Craig ( @craigo3154. )

    Please view your team thread and post a brief introduction so others in the team can know who you are.

    When viewing the thread, please "bookmark" the thread by pressing the "star" icon (it should turn yellow).

    This way you can be notified whenever someone posts to the thread (your "bell" icon on most forum headers will show if there are any notifications).
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    I weigh myself everyday... and it's not official.... as Sunday is my weigh in and the only one I keep track of.. but I'm so excited I thought I'd give you all a sneak peak... I'm in the 290's!!! No more 300 for this girl! Official weight to follow tomorrow <3 This was my first mini goal. 30 lbs in 64 days. I'd say my weight loss is going well... Next mini goal will be 279 as that means I'll have less than 100 lbs to lose. Goal weight is 180 ( I'm 6'1). If I keep pace... it'll be another 60 days or so but that's okay.

    Happy Weigh-in Day, @WishfulThinning18 !! You're our only Sunday weigh-in. What's the verdict?!!

    Can't wait to celebrate with you. :smiley:

  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    cjscoey wrote: »
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 170.4 pounds
    Today's weight: 171.4 pounds

    Sorry folks not sure where the gain came from, I was under my calories and exercised this week, I think I have been too far under, not feeling well still so not eating well. Fingers crossed that next week I have a big loss.

    @cjscoey It happens to all of us. Shake it off, keep on chugging along, and trust in the process! You got this! :smile:

  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Bendiz_ wrote: »
    Username: Bendiz_
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    Previous weight: 171.7
    Today's weight: 171.5

    @Bendiz_ Still making progress! Every step forward is a step forward, no matter how big or small.
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    fe452436 wrote: »
    Weigh in day:Friday
    Weigh in week:3
    Weight last week:197.5 lbs
    Weight this week:195 lbs

    @fe452436 Way to go this week! :smile: How are you feeling these days?
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Week 3
    Last weight: 159.4
    Current weight: 159.4
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Comments: ugh! 😥

    @ShareASmile I know it stinks not to see a move downward, but holding steady isn't necessarily a bad thing. You know how people say some big percent of weight loss is mental? I always imagine weight loss is like I'm gripping on to the edge of a cliff. If I can pull myself a little bit up the cliff that's great, but I'm also pretty psyched to just keep my fingerholds in this cliff and not slip backwards. Does that make sense?

    So hang on, and you'll pull yourself up. :smile:
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    emmclean wrote: »
    Username: emmclean
    Weigh in week: Week 3
    Weigh in day: Saturday
    Previous Weight: 185lbs
    Todays Weight: 184.6lbs

    @emmclean Way to get back on board after the fun of the wedding and honeymoon, and I recall you saying that you've got a big event you're managing for work. Way to stay on track through some big life events!
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    @craigo3154 Way to go on maintaining throughout your work trip! I know you'd struggled a bit with not losing too much weight while away from home, so this seems like a big victory!

    And way to go for your wife, too. I'm sure she's happy to hear you say you're proud of her, and I hope she's feeling good and strong for herself, too. I wish her a happy birthday, and a happy, healthy year. :smile:
  • WishfulThinning18
    WishfulThinning18 Posts: 125 Member
    Previous weight 301.6
    Current weight 299.8

    Woo barely but the 2 is there instead of the 3!

    P.s I work nights so sorry my weigh ins are always in the afternoon. I know it probably drives you nuts watching for it
  • fe452436
    fe452436 Posts: 255 Member
    Luckily I am not retaining water weight this week.I am doing 20 minutes of walking as back pain is better these days.My Phisio therapy sessions are over.And I have learnt few back exercises to do on my own.There are days when I am unable to move much still I tell myself to get up do this and I keep doing my household work.
    In diet I fail several times when I eat carbs.Eliminating several other things though.
  • Colleen790
    Colleen790 Posts: 813 Member
    Week 4. Sept. 24
    Exercise. No
    Calories. Yes
    Tracked yes
    Went to a funeral this morning before work. Resisted indulging in the big spread of food. Only a nice piece of carrot cake.
  • mthomas0228
    mthomas0228 Posts: 594 Member
    Username: mthomas0228
    Weigh in Week: September Week 4
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 143.3
    Today's Weight: 143.1
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Previous weight 301.6
    Current weight 299.8

    Woo barely but the 2 is there instead of the 3!

    P.s I work nights so sorry my weigh ins are always in the afternoon. I know it probably drives you nuts watching for it

    @Wishfulthinning18 Congratulations!! Barely there or not, you broke through a barrier. It's like running a marathon. The first runner to break the tape wins, right? Well, you broke the tape! (Now to just keep on movin!)

    PS. No worries about when you post. I only check and update the spreadsheet in the morning, anyway. No stress for me, so no stress for you! :smile:
  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    fe452436 wrote: »
    Luckily I am not retaining water weight this week.I am doing 20 minutes of walking as back pain is better these days.My Phisio therapy sessions are over.And I have learnt few back exercises to do on my own.There are days when I am unable to move much still I tell myself to get up do this and I keep doing my household work.
    In diet I fail several times when I eat carbs.Eliminating several other things though.

    @fe452436 It sounds like you're doing what you can. I wish I had some kind of advice or better words for you, but I hope maybe it helps to know we're rooting for you. This "team challenge" we're part of is just for fun, but the bigger better prize is better health for each individual. You're here and working on that, and the fact that you don't give up makes me feel more determined, too. I'm so glad to see you keep coming back, and keep on working! Thank you for being here!
    Username: mthomas0228
    Weigh in Week: September Week 4
    Weigh in Day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 143.3
    Today's Weight: 143.1

    @mthomas0228 What a month you've had!!! You're down 4.54% for September!! What is your ultimate goal?
    Be_Lively wrote: »
    Sept Week 4
    PW: 219
    CW: 216


    @Be_Lively You're having a great September, too!! Way to end strong!!

  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Happy Weigh-in Day for:

    @Be_Lively - Down 3.57% for September!
    @Metubal - Hope those colds are going away quickly!
    @mthomas0228 - Down 4.54% for Sept!

  • LesIckaBod
    LesIckaBod Posts: 719 Member
    Week 3 Results

    Gutbusters, we did well!! We were the biggest losing team:

    The TEAM Biggest Loser...
    1st - Gutbusters. - 0.69%
    2nd - Flab-U-Less. - 0.44%
    3rd - The Slimsons. - 0.40%

    We had a top 3 biggest loser by percentage:
    The Biggest Loser Is...
    2nd - @LeslckaBod. - 2.23%

    We had a top 3 biggest loser by pounds lost:

    Individual Top 3 Pounds Lost
    2nd - @Grebber1. - 4.6 lbs.

    And look at how we blew away the overall pounds lost by team category:
    Overall Pounds Lost by Team
    The Big Butt Theory - 13.7 lbs.
    The Slimsons - 15.0 lbs.
    Gutbusters - 29.4 lbs.
    Run Track Minds - 6.1 lbs.
    Flab-U-Less - 18.7 lbs.
This discussion has been closed.