Milestones (other than the scale)



    BACKTOCHRISSY Posts: 73 Member
    Usually I try to put off things that require me to go upstairs.. I noticed today that its easier to go upstairs and I am not finding ways to stay put. I was proud!

    Congrats. That is a great Milestone!!! You def should be pround!:smile:
    BACKTOCHRISSY Posts: 73 Member
    It's always a good thing when you can go harder for longer :-)

    WTG!!! :happy:
  • BoricuaMami5785
    I'm wearing another pair of shorts I couldn't get into :)
    Woooo Hoooo!!!

    Great job!!! That DEF is a motivational NSV to continue! :smile:
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    Givens - I love your NSV!! I used to have the affliction that the scale was the only determining factor of success, now I LOVE gym successes! Last year, I cried and told my husband there was no way I could go more than 5 minutes on the Stair Climber, now we do 45 minutes side-by-side! I am the happiest sweaty mess ever!

    Chrissy - Clothes NSVs are so great! It's like having a brand new wardrobe right from your very own closet! Next year I am hoping to be brave enough and "small" enough to wear shorts all summer! This year, I have been thankful that Maxi dresses are still in style - because they hide a multitude of sins and I am ADORABLE in them... LOL!!!! So proud of you!

    BACKTOCHRISSY Posts: 73 Member
    Thanks ladies. :)

    Oh, I wish I looked cute in Maxi dresses!! I do love them but i put them on and look like a -- well I don't know what -- but it's not cute LOL
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Last year, I cried and told my husband there was no way I could go more than 5 minutes on the Stair Climber, now we do 45 minutes side-by-side! I am the happiest sweaty mess ever!

    CC - That is awesome!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    I think this is my favorite of all of our forums! WTG EVERYBODY!

    At this rate we are going to have to rename our group next year!

    Congratulations everybody!
  • bird5027
    bird5027 Posts: 37 Member
    Congratulations to everyone on reaching your milestones! Way to Go! You all are so inspiring! Keep up the great work!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    At this rate we are going to have to rename our group next year!

    I sincerely hope not, m23. There will always be folks with 100+ pounds that they want to lose, and it would be a shame if the "vets", with all of their accumulated knowledge and team spirit, left the group after they lost their weight.

    Who's going to watch out for the newbs? :bigsmile:
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    Yesterday a friend who is in town on vacation and I went out to dinner. We walked from my work to the restaurant and back, which was roughly a 2 mile trip. Throughout his visit we've gone on walks and bike rides and it's been a lot of fun. I'm just loving being more active in general.

    Today a ring that has been moved gradually from my ring finger to my index finger as I've lost weight fell off. Sadly it's a puzzle ring and can't be resized.
  • BoricuaMami5785
    At this rate we are going to have to rename our group next year!

    I sincerely hope not, m23. There will always be folks with 100+ pounds that they want to lose, and it would be a shame if the "vets", with all of their accumulated knowledge and team spirit, left the group after they lost their weight.

    Who's going to watch out for the newbs? :bigsmile:

    Givens, you are absolutely right... I would never do that. I treat knowledge as something that should be passed down and kept in motion, not selfishly maintained (only to be lost by time). Besides, every we look at that name (in the future) it'll be a reminder of EVERYTHING we put in to get to our goals and results and where we never want to go back to. What a great motivator!
    BACKTOCHRISSY Posts: 73 Member
    Yesterday a friend who is in town on vacation and I went out to dinner. We walked from my work to the restaurant and back, which was roughly a 2 mile trip. Throughout his visit we've gone on walks and bike rides and it's been a lot of fun. I'm just loving being more active in general.

    Today a ring that has been moved gradually from my ring finger to my index finger as I've lost weight fell off. Sadly it's a puzzle ring and can't be resized.

    That sounds like a fun visit!!! Congrats on the smaller finger size. But, it is puzzling how a ring can not be resized?? :noway:
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    Great job Brook!!! Sounds like its about time to treat yourself to a new ring!

  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    My wife remarked to me yesterday that I was going to have "pants on the ground" if I kept wearing the size pants that I was wearing any longer. This prompted me to try on some old pants that are a size down which had not fit for quite some time. This morning, they fit quite comfortably, maybe even a little baggy.

    I feel safe to say that I have dropped one, if not two, pants sizes. Thanks everyone for the great support. I strive to give as much as I have received.
  • hollyla9905
    That is the best feeling givens! Pretty soon your going to have to go shopping and get yourself some new clothes!
  • cc11395
    cc11395 Posts: 121 Member
    Awesome job Givens...I am sure your wife is so proud of you!!

  • dward59
    dward59 Posts: 731 Member
    Givens: You didn't tell her that was your plan all along?? ;-)

    Congrats on another job well done. You sir are an inspiration!
  • mdgivens
    mdgivens Posts: 206 Member
    Givens: You didn't tell her that was your plan all along?? ;-)

    And now I have to wipe water off of my screen :laugh:

    Thanks, everyone!
  • m23prime
    m23prime Posts: 358 Member
    Oh yeah! New trousers! Teeny tiny new trousers!

    You just wait...maybe not my NEXT birthday...but the one after that...I am going to be able to wear all those doll clothes they sell on department store menswear racks! :smokin:
  • Carysta
    Carysta Posts: 152 Member
    I had a mini-win today, I put on a shirt I haven't worn in a while that was always tight at the hips... and it just falls nicely loose. I am tempted to go try on my jeans that I stopped wearing because they were too tight in the thighs, and see if I get another win from that! Congratulations to all of you, with all of your amazing victories! I just found this group and I'm glad to see so many postive, motivated folks :)
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