September Monthly Challenge: This September I Will...



  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    September seems so long but it will go by so quickly. @themedalist I love what you said about having enough information already. It’s time to commit, make a plan, and do the hard work.

    In September I will remember that my strength lies deep within me. I can choose to focus on the moment and decide to love myself with better choices...not perfect ones, but I can start by choosing food from the earth more often...fruits, vegetables, and healthy meat choices. When I want to make an unhealthy choice, I will stop and feel what is driving that choice. Is it the flavor, am I craving salt, am I feeling sorry for myself about a situation I haven’t dealt with, do I just not care enough about myself at that moment? Also, I want to get back to exercising regularly.

    Small step and how often? 1) Stock my fridge and cupboards and prepare food in advance as often as necessary. Probably once a week since I don’t get to the grocery store often. 2) strength train 2-3x/week, do classical stretch 5-6x/week, and walk my hills again. 3) continue reading books that are helpful in my quest, 4) And possibly THE most important step is journaling every day.

    I would love it if more members would respond to my posts. I need to also be more responsive in turn but it’s disheartening when I post about a serious issue and get one or two responses when I know this is a big group. That’s when I almost make the decision to leave the site, but old friends and ties with them keep me coming back, just to stalk sometimes!

    Success to me is having a sense of peace within that I’m doing OK. I like the sticker idea so I will try that and see if tracking my actions will help. This is an inside game for me that has outward results.
    You all have great ideas and plans. I cant wait to see how this month goes for everyone. 🌹
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    The medalist wrote this and I tried the quote thing again but...oh well. She said:

    Look what came in my inbox today![/quote]

    @themedalist Hmmm...don’t you love it when things like that happen!?! Pretty amazing how often those “coincidences” occur😍
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @prgirl39mfp I hear you loud and clear! This is definitely an inside game and until something there changes, the outside will stay the same or worse. You are very wise and know what you need to do. Sometimes we don’t listen to or express that inner voice for whatever reason. I read “The Untethered Soul” and have to admit it seemed pretty far out there, but putting the ideas into play have shown me otherwise. Now I’m listening to “The Power of Now” which is another one that is not on the entertainment easy reading list but very insightful. I also listen to some amazing podcasts. I feel like I’ll never be in complete control and that’s probably for the best but I think we can be happy in spite of that...or maybe because of it.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    @prgirl39mfp & @nebslp

    For me, and this is just my perspective, I spent decades trying to figure out what was wrong with me, and remained obese (called it heavy or overweight, but I was, in fact, obese.)

    In fact, I was just fine inside. I just didn’t make HEALTH a high enough priority. I made Work & Being a Mom my priorities, and was great at both, but paid huge prices medically.

    I also always failed because everything (WEight Watchers, etc.) had fat goals that I just could not do. I’d be so hungry, that most diets failed or if they worked, I immediately regained. So, I gave up after reading that yo-yo dieting was worse for my health then being “heavy.” There was no such thing as “healthy fats”

    Enter Health & Baby Steps (gradual changes)... gave myself 3 years which will be 1/1/19 to change my habits. Down about 67 lbs & figuring out when I should stop. Determined never to regain...

    Amazingly, I DO feel in control now. Completely.
    * I know I need a large breakfast by 10 AM (before I lay in bed until 1 or 2 on weekends/summer & then went out & ate a huge lunch “because I didn’t have breakfast)
    And many more...fiber, healthy fats, water, movement, mindfulness, small plates, two routine meals with a third that varies, sel-care, etc.

    My most recent discovery is that I’m not a sugar or white flour craver! I can control those easily now. And while I never thought of myself as a salt person, if I do go over 1500 mg a day, I get hunger signals & a “mouth hunger” ie not hungry but my mouth is.

    It’s a fascinating journey!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @themedalist You're awesome!

    I love your goal. I started the Handstand Challenge in June and have been practicing yoga/strength/handstand exercises for 5 minutes daily for 96 days.

    I find that recording a video of each session is a great way to check progress and form. You can also take screenshots from them to share and ask questions from others.

    My routine changes over time, and it may be more gymnastic than you're looking for but you might find it interesting to get to know me from.

    This was today:
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @prgirl39mfp & @nebslp

    A specific goal such as logging all food accurately, daily, helped me lose 80 lbs and keep it off.

    Reading the "Helpful Posts" Must-Reads often in the General Weight Loss forum helped me to that properly.

    Nice to meet you!

    I'm seeing professionals about my anxiety and it's been so helpful! That, and exercise, parkrun, self-care, quitting alcohol, and commitment to goals have given me so much more confidence compared to 5 years ago.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    @themedalist You're awesome!

    I love your goal. I started the Handstand Challenge in June and have been practicing yoga/strength/handstand exercises for 5 minutes daily for 96 days.

    I find that recording a video of each session is a great way to check progress and form. You can also take screenshots from them to share and ask questions from others.

    My routine changes over time, and it may be more gymnastic than you're looking for but you might find it interesting to get to know me from.

    This was today:

    This is just awesome, @Orphia! Your determination and commitment is palpable.

    No matter what our goal is, if we practice it daily we are going to get better at it. What we focus on and give our attention to improves.

    As for me, mobility and gait challenges from birth (cerebral palsy) limit how well I can do something, but as I've learned, NOT whether I can do it or not. I know I can find yoga poses that will work for me...I just need to give it some time this month.

    I'm really glad you've joined our group!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    September seems so long but it will go by so quickly. @themedalist I love what you said about having enough information already. It’s time to commit, make a plan, and do the hard work.

    In September I will remember that my strength lies deep within me. I can choose to focus on the moment and decide to love myself with better choices...not perfect ones, but I can start by choosing food from the earth more often...fruits, vegetables, and healthy meat choices. When I want to make an unhealthy choice, I will stop and feel what is driving that choice. Is it the flavor, am I craving salt, am I feeling sorry for myself about a situation I haven’t dealt with, do I just not care enough about myself at that moment? Also, I want to get back to exercising regularly.

    Small step and how often? 1) Stock my fridge and cupboards and prepare food in advance as often as necessary. Probably once a week since I don’t get to the grocery store often. 2) strength train 2-3x/week, do classical stretch 5-6x/week, and walk my hills again. 3) continue reading books that are helpful in my quest, 4) And possibly THE most important step is journaling every day.

    I would love it if more members would respond to my posts. I need to also be more responsive in turn but it’s disheartening when I post about a serious issue and get one or two responses when I know this is a big group. That’s when I almost make the decision to leave the site, but old friends and ties with them keep me coming back, just to stalk sometimes!

    Success to me is having a sense of peace within that I’m doing OK. I like the sticker idea so I will try that and see if tracking my actions will help. This is an inside game for me that has outward results.
    You all have great ideas and plans. I cant wait to see how this month goes for everyone. 🌹

    @nebslp you have a great goal for September backed up by concrete, doable actions. You have a very thoughtful approach to changing the habits you want to change. And I'm glad you are returning to journaling.

    And I hear you on wanting more feedback on posts, especially posts that are difficult to write. This is a large and supportive group, but I think it can be hard to know what to say sometimes, especially for issues that are deeply personal for the poster. I sure am glad you are still with us!

    I don't think there's a better marker of success than a sense of peace. You are so right---it's an inside job!
  • nebslp
    nebslp Posts: 1,650 Member
    @orphia That video is impressive! What a great testament to your dedication and hard work. Welcome to the group.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    @orphia That video is impressive! What a great testament to your dedication and hard work. Welcome to the group.

    @nebslp Thank you!
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    Who is clicking "woo"?

    It doesn't mean "woo hoo".

    Woo means pseudoscience, derp, WTF.

    Thought you should know in case you venture out into the other forums.

  • Heidijens123
    Heidijens123 Posts: 289 Member
    This September I will go to the group fitness classes at the gym every week day. Which means getting up early as with my schedule it's best if I do the early morning (5:15 am) classes.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal : Setting my alarm early enough to get there in time, getting my workout stuff ready the night before. Telling my husband and teen age daughter I'm going then so they can hold me accountable. Also making sure I go to bed early enough the night before.
    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible) every week day as that's when the gym has classes.
    What help do you need from us? Cheer me on, ask if I made it to class or just how was class today?
    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I'm going to put a sticker on the calender every day I go. Sounds cheesy I know but it will give me visual proof that I went. Also hopefully I will notice good changes to my body. And feel better about waking up early.

    Day 1 done! ( no classes yesterday for labor day) Also apparently its the hardest class they have. Did my first burpee and them some more. :)
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Thank you everyone! @Orphia fantastic video and accomplishment. I did go to counseling for the anxiety and it did help with my emotional eating. Now going through menopause so those feelings are creeping back. Time to take control. Thank you so much for explaining the " woo" option. I had no idea that is what it meant.

    @BeautyNovice welcome and good luck with the journal. I started this year and I love it.

    @nebslp nice to meet you. This is a wonderful group and there is lots of support. I have been an MFP member since 2014 and during that time I have met good, bad and really ugly people here. I am very particular with my friends list and I love the interactions and support I get here. It is so necessary to have a great support system but in the end is all about you, and what you allow. If you do not see the support you need or want, make sure you are your own cheer leader and support system. Like minded people tend to gravitate towards that. I really hope you are able to find it here.

    @MadisonMolly2017 great perspective. It is an inside job and like dating, sometimes you have to kiss lots of frogs before finding the right one. Haha. I have tried so many diets, programs, next week I start a challenged about Intuitive Eating. Lets see how that goes. Finding what works is the key. You know what works, you see the results and you work at it. Thank you.
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @carolbrady1 I am a beer girl and have the eternal beer belly. I am cutting down too. I use to drink beer at least 4 days a week. Now I do it once or twice a month. Makes me want to eat a lot. Good luck!
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,105 Member
    My understanding is that this group decided to use WOO in it’s WhooHooo sense, which I LOVE!!! 💕
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,215 Member
    I'm new to the group, but I think this is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm working to establish healthier habits after having fallen off a while back and generally would like to build a community of supporr.

    In September I will write in my journal daily. Beginning each day with journaling helps me stick to my daily goals, so that's what I'm focused on in September. Each day in my journal, I'll be committing to moving my body and making good food choices.

    The small step I will take will be to get up when my alarm goes off (no snoozing).

    What I'm looking for from the group is encouragement and celebration.

    Success will look like daily entries in the journal (two full pages). Other results I expect are a feeling of empowerment, moving my body six days per week, and increased energy.

    Thank you for having me! 😀

    Welcome to our group, @BeautyNovice! We are glad you are here! Journaling is a great goal for September.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    My understanding is that this group decided to use WOO in it’s WhooHooo sense, which I LOVE!!! 💕

    This is exactly right. In our group, Woo = WhooHooo, High Five, Way to Go You. I had no idea it had another meaning in other MFP groups. Thanks for letting us know, @Orphia. It's definitely something we all should keep in mind if we venture out into other groups. But I'd like to keep our meaning as is. Insightful, Inspiring, Like, and Hug all have a positive connotation and I'd like "Woo" to remain a positive response as well.

    It's very negative for me, and has been for 13 years.

    It's well known as negative in the logic and critical thinking community, which is a huge part of my life.

    I'm not sure I will participate much because of that.