September Monthly Challenge: This September I Will...



  • Heidijens123
    Heidijens123 Posts: 289 Member
    This September I will go to the group fitness classes at the gym every week day. Which means getting up early as with my schedule it's best if I do the early morning (5:15 am) classes.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal : Setting my alarm early enough to get there in time, getting my workout stuff ready the night before. Telling my husband and teen age daughter I'm going then so they can hold me accountable. Also making sure I go to bed early enough the night before.
    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible) every week day as that's when the gym has classes.
    What help do you need from us? Cheer me on, ask if I made it to class or just how was class today?
    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I'm going to put a sticker on the calender every day I go. Sounds cheesy I know but it will give me visual proof that I went. Also hopefully I will notice good changes to my body. And feel better about waking up early.

    Day 3 done. It was double step which kinda scared me sense I'm just learning regular step but I did better then I thought I would and it was a good workout.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Late to the party, but better late than never! I really wanted September to be the month I start daily activity, but since I'm slowly coming back from a hip procedure I will have to go a different direction.

    This September I will begin meditating.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal: I downloaded the Calm app and I also have Headspace app. I will try using them. I don't think I could do it without help. My mind races from one thing to the next!

    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible): Every evening.

    What help do you need from us? Just the awesome support you always show! And if anyone has tips for meditation, i.e. best time of day, apps you use, best practices, I would love to hear them. I have a brain that never shuts off and it's difficult for me.

    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I will place a sticker on our calendar in the kitchen each day I follow through. I hope to find a sense of peace and feel less stress by meditating each day, so hopefully by end of September my outlook will be more positive than negative.

  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Good luck @PackerFanInGB
  • Heidijens123
    Heidijens123 Posts: 289 Member
    This September I will go to the group fitness classes at the gym every week day. Which means getting up early as with my schedule it's best if I do the early morning (5:15 am) classes.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal : Setting my alarm early enough to get there in time, getting my workout stuff ready the night before. Telling my husband and teen age daughter I'm going then so they can hold me accountable. Also making sure I go to bed early enough the night before.
    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible) every week day as that's when the gym has classes.
    What help do you need from us? Cheer me on, ask if I made it to class or just how was class today?
    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I'm going to put a sticker on the calender every day I go. Sounds cheesy I know but it will give me visual proof that I went. Also hopefully I will notice good changes to my body. And feel better about waking up early.

    Day 4 done.
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Late to the party, but better late than never! I really wanted September to be the month I start daily activity, but since I'm slowly coming back from a hip procedure I will have to go a different direction.

    This September I will begin meditating.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal: I downloaded the Calm app and I also have Headspace app. I will try using them. I don't think I could do it without help. My mind races from one thing to the next!

    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible): Every evening.

    What help do you need from us? Just the awesome support you always show! And if anyone has tips for meditation, i.e. best time of day, apps you use, best practices, I would love to hear them. I have a brain that never shuts off and it's difficult for me.

    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I will place a sticker on our calendar in the kitchen each day I follow through. I hope to find a sense of peace and feel less stress by meditating each day, so hopefully by end of September my outlook will be more positive than negative.

    9/6: Used Calm app before bed. Listened to the daily meditation called Nests. It was awesome! Kind of difficult to concentrate on because my DH had the TV on pretty loud. But it was a great first session. One of the things she said at the end of the session really hit home to me..."You can't stop a bird from flying over your head, but you can control whether it lands on you." A great analogy for not allowing my brain to obsess about things I cannot control.

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I was moved by that analogy too, @PackerFanInGB. I just love the Daily Calm. 10 minutes of guided meditation interwoven with a thoughtful perspective on varying topics so many of us struggle with. It’s changed my life, truly. I didn’t appreciate how much time I spent ruminating on things in the past or worrying about the future. I let too many present moments escape unnoticed. Too many thoughts built nests in my head. I’m much choosier now what I focus on thought-wise and I’m much happier for it.

    You asked about tips for meditation. One suggestion I have is to really focus on your breathing. It really is the anchor. It takes practice and it doesn’t happen right away, but when you get comfortable focusing just on your breath is when I think you’ll see your mind start to quiet down. It’s a very peaceful and freeing feeling.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited September 2018
    This September I will go to the group fitness classes at the gym every week day. Which means getting up early as with my schedule it's best if I do the early morning (5:15 am) classes.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal : Setting my alarm early enough to get there in time, getting my workout stuff ready the night before. Telling my husband and teen age daughter I'm going then so they can hold me accountable. Also making sure I go to bed early enough the night before.
    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible) every week day as that's when the gym has classes.
    What help do you need from us? Cheer me on, ask if I made it to class or just how was class today?
    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I'm going to put a sticker on the calender every day I go. Sounds cheesy I know but it will give me visual proof that I went. Also hopefully I will notice good changes to my body. And feel better about waking up early.

    Day 4 done.

    @Heidijens123, you are not missing a beat! Congrats on your streak! Are you still checking off the days you meet your goal on a calendar? Yesterday you mentioned there was a lot of double stepping, how was today’s class?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Jinantonix wrote: »
    Day 5 of Sweatember and I have managed exercise every day. I’m so proud of myself as for the first two days my asthma was particularly bad due to a developing cold and it would have been so easy to use it as an understandable excuse.

    How’s Sweatember, @Jinantonix? How are you feeling?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I'm new to the group, but I think this is exactly what I'm looking for. I'm working to establish healthier habits after having fallen off a while back and generally would like to build a community of supporr.

    In September I will write in my journal daily. Beginning each day with journaling helps me stick to my daily goals, so that's what I'm focused on in September. Each day in my journal, I'll be committing to moving my body and making good food choices.

    The small step I will take will be to get up when my alarm goes off (no snoozing).

    What I'm looking for from the group is encouragement and celebration.

    Success will look like daily entries in the journal (two full pages). Other results I expect are a feeling of empowerment, moving my body six days per week, and increased energy.

    Thank you for having me! 😀

    How’s the journaling going, @BeautyNovice?
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    nebslp wrote: »
    September seems so long but it will go by so quickly. @themedalist I love what you said about having enough information already. It’s time to commit, make a plan, and do the hard work.

    In September I will remember that my strength lies deep within me. I can choose to focus on the moment and decide to love myself with better choices...not perfect ones, but I can start by choosing food from the earth more often...fruits, vegetables, and healthy meat choices. When I want to make an unhealthy choice, I will stop and feel what is driving that choice. Is it the flavor, am I craving salt, am I feeling sorry for myself about a situation I haven’t dealt with, do I just not care enough about myself at that moment? Also, I want to get back to exercising regularly.

    Small step and how often? 1) Stock my fridge and cupboards and prepare food in advance as often as necessary. Probably once a week since I don’t get to the grocery store often. 2) strength train 2-3x/week, do classical stretch 5-6x/week, and walk my hills again. 3) continue reading books that are helpful in my quest, 4) And possibly THE most important step is journaling every day.

    I would love it if more members would respond to my posts. I need to also be more responsive in turn but it’s disheartening when I post about a serious issue and get one or two responses when I know this is a big group. That’s when I almost make the decision to leave the site, but old friends and ties with them keep me coming back, just to stalk sometimes!

    Success to me is having a sense of peace within that I’m doing OK. I like the sticker idea so I will try that and see if tracking my actions will help. This is an inside game for me that has outward results.
    You all have great ideas and plans. I cant wait to see how this month goes for everyone. 🌹

    How is it going for you, @nebslp? You are really tackling the hard work of looking for the “why” underneath the “what” and that’s not an easy process. I hope there are small victories along the way!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    This September I will improve my nutrition and heal the emotional eating pattern I developed in highschool.
    The small actions I will be taking: I am already working out in the gym 6/7 days and cooking for myself. I will be eating mindfully using the left hand (I am right handed) or eating a meal in 20-30 minutes without hurrying.
    What help I need from you? I don't have friends, so I hope I could make some with whom I could share my journey. I would be glad if you'll also show your support by telling your journey.
    What does succes look at the end of September? Being lean and connecting with other people. Also, not even thinking of eating when emotionally down.

    How are you doing, @AlexAndreiMircea99?

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    This September I will make small changes to help curb after dinner eating and snacking that just ends in me emotional eating non stop. I will start having a snack after work and making my suppers more protein rich so I'm fuller. Then focus on NOT eating much after dinner and getting sucked into the black hole of eating abyss.

    Fantastic goal, @purplicious86! Stopping the late night snacking was my top priority when I lost weight here on MFP in 2011-2012. I lost 50 pounds. I make a concerted effort not to eat junk food or snack when watching TV at night. I will not be resuming that bad habit!

    Great choice for a September focus!

    It's definitely not easy! How did you go about it? I feel like I don't even notice myself go to the kitchen then come back sometimes! So far it's going okay.

    I went cold turkey, @purplicious86. I realized that if I was serious about losing weight two things had to change: I had to give up the late-night junk food snacking and my portion sizes had to shrink. The first week was painful watching my husband sit there eating ice cream and candy. But then I got easier and the cravings subsided.

    Stay with it, it’s a worthwhile change!
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    @PinkyPan1, how’s the daily meditation going?

    @77tes, is the nightly yoga still feeling like a good fit?

    @MadisonMolly2017, how’s the clothing re-styling going?

    And @prgirl39mfp, how are you??
  • Heidijens123
    Heidijens123 Posts: 289 Member
    This September I will go to the group fitness classes at the gym every week day. Which means getting up early as with my schedule it's best if I do the early morning (5:15 am) classes.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal : Setting my alarm early enough to get there in time, getting my workout stuff ready the night before. Telling my husband and teen age daughter I'm going then so they can hold me accountable. Also making sure I go to bed early enough the night before.
    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible) every week day as that's when the gym has classes.
    What help do you need from us? Cheer me on, ask if I made it to class or just how was class today?
    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I'm going to put a sticker on the calender every day I go. Sounds cheesy I know but it will give me visual proof that I went. Also hopefully I will notice good changes to my body. And feel better about waking up early.

    Day 4 done.

    @Heidijens123, you are not missing a beat! Congrats on your streak! Are you still checking off the days you meet your goal on a calendar? Yesterday you mentioned there was a lot of double stepping, how was today’s class?

    Thanks, yup still putting it on the calender. Todays class was good. Lots of planks and lunges. It wore me out pretty good.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    edited September 2018
    Late to the party, but better late than never! I really wanted September to be the month I start daily activity, but since I'm slowly coming back from a hip procedure I will have to go a different direction.

    This September I will begin meditating.
    The small actions I’ll be taking to accomplish my goal: I downloaded the Calm app and I also have Headspace app. I will try using them. I don't think I could do it without help. My mind races from one thing to the next!

    How often you’ll be taking these actions (daily is best if possible): Every evening.

    What help do you need from us? Just the awesome support you always show! And if anyone has tips for meditation, i.e. best time of day, apps you use, best practices, I would love to hear them. I have a brain that never shuts off and it's difficult for me.

    What does success look like to you at the end of September? I will place a sticker on our calendar in the kitchen each day I follow through. I hope to find a sense of peace and feel less stress by meditating each day, so hopefully by end of September my outlook will be more positive than negative.

    I thought of something else in the “best practices” arena, @PackerFanInGB. I would recommend steering clear of meditating while someone else was in the room watching TV or better yet, in the room at all (unless it was a group meditation). Place and environment are very important in meditation and a quiet, relaxing spot free of distractions is optimal.

    Didn’t you clear out a reading nook for yourself in a previous Declutterfest? That would be perfect for meditating!

    And how are you feeling? How is your hip recovering?

  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I just LOVE reading what your goals are for September and your updates on how you are progressing! I think we are all capable of remaking our lives, our health, and ourselves in whatever ways we choose, but it doesn’t just happen. And it doesn’t happen because we want it to be so. We change our lives for the better when we decide to DO something differently and then we follow through with a different set of actions.

    And as @MadisonMolly2017 said, it doesn’t have to be a big, time consuming action. In fact, small is almost always better than big and ambitious because it’s more sustainable. A 15 minute walk you get in the habit of taking every day will transform your life in all kinds of amazing ways. And it’s superior to a planned 60 minute gym session that you intended to take, but didn’t have time for.

    My warmest, heartiest shout out to all you action takers! Woo-hoo!! <3
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    @prgirl39mfp, how are you??

    THanks for asking. I am doing good. Reading a book called Feeling good, The New Mood Therapy, researching the intuitive eating thing and making sure I find my adult coloring books so I can continue to ease my mind. Menopause symptoms come and go but they are tolerable.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    @prgirl39mfp, how are you??

    THanks for asking. I am doing good. Reading a book called Feeling good, The New Mood Therapy, researching the intuitive eating thing and making sure I find my adult coloring books so I can continue to ease my mind. Menopause symptoms come and go but they are tolerable.

    Good to hear, @prgirl39mfp. I know quite a few people who use adult coloring books as a stress reducer and it works well for them. Menopause is a trying phase, but it won’t last forever.
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    I aim to 'go dry' this month - starting this week! I am developing a beer belly and my size 12 jeans have got far too tight!

    How is the alcohol free month going for you, @carolbrady1?