

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    edited January 2019
    Good afternoon team!

    Hope you are all doing well. I will catch up with posts in a few but wanted to give my update for today. I managed to get in a full days rest yesterday! Yay! Hit it hard at the gym this morning for workout #1 and will also be joining my husband tonight for workout #2.

    Weighed in this morning and the scale is slowly creeping up so I decided to go back to what I was doing before the holidays. Going to start Intermittent Fasting 18:6 again and to boost my weight loss I am getting it going with a 48 hour fast. No food for today and tomorrow. Water water water with some coffee and tea.

    Wishing you all a wonderful Thursday!!

  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,816 Member
    Worked hard to get over 10,000 + steps, this week I went to the doctors to get an x-ray on my hand as my friends kept saying it looks like the knuckle has a fracture, It is still badly bruised. No fracture but I have soft tissue damage and swelling.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Weigh in week 2
    Weigh in day - thurs

    PW - 229
    CW - 228.2

    It’s coming off slowly

    POSTED! and yes indeed, it is coming off. Happy Dance for you!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    sue_01 wrote: »
    Worked hard to get over 10,000 + steps, this week I went to the doctors to get an x-ray on my hand as my friends kept saying it looks like the knuckle has a fracture, It is still badly bruised. No fracture but I have soft tissue damage and swelling.
    OW. I hope you are being spoiled a bit by others waiting on you and letting your hand rest, ice, and generally do nothing. Good job on the steps - I'm picturing you marching along with your hand held over your head to keep the swelling down. You are unstoppable!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member

    late weigh ins!
    @gabi_texanmom (Monday)
    @iluvnufoods (Tuesday)
    @orngnerdz (Tuesday)

    Two with already one miss - last chance! Both Wednesday weigh-ins:
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,816 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    sue_01 wrote: »
    Worked hard to get over 10,000 + steps, this week I went to the doctors to get an x-ray on my hand as my friends kept saying it looks like the knuckle has a fracture, It is still badly bruised. No fracture but I have soft tissue damage and swelling.
    OW. I hope you are being spoiled a bit by others waiting on you and letting your hand rest, ice, and generally do nothing. Good job on the steps - I'm picturing you marching along with your hand held over your head to keep the swelling down. You are unstoppable!

    No special attention! It is my left hand.
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,816 Member
    Week 2 Weigh in
    Starting weight- 191.5
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    Week 2
    Pw 178.2
    Cw 177.5
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    I guess a tiny loss is better than a gain so I'll take it😀
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Bear479 wrote: »
    I guess a tiny loss is better than a gain so I'll take it😀

    More than half-a-pound loss isn't "tiny". It's "definite progress"!!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 143.7
    CW: 144.2
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,440 Member
    S I G H .... Fridays are gonna be a challenge to get the pre-work 7 minute HIIT in .... it is the day I report my weekly weigh-in on two challenges ... and check out on progress by others ... and what's new here .... and I leave in less than 30 minutes and haven't started cooking breakfast eggs or coffee yet .... work-morning MFP is just as bad for my morning routine >:) as a brand new book! So hard to walk away from!

    But I have been doing the 7 minutes 2 X MOST days this week, and at least once every day!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    POSTED! Great week, beauties <3

    @Smart_Beautiful_and_Strong WOW.
    @BMcC9 yes, you know it is all going well!
    @Bear479 more green in our spreadsheet!
    @sue_01 even injured, you've got this!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Yesterday I neglected my strength workout but had such a strenuous snowshoe on all this lovely new snow that I almost didn't make it back, I was SO HUNGRY! It felt amazing to eat, and I did not go crazy. I did have a small snack (apple with sunflower seed butter) before dinner so I would not overdo it, and I slept like a cat last night. Well, I did not take up the whole bed, so not quite like a cat.

    Ready today to work those muscles, especially upper body that does not get too much work when on the snowshoes. I will earn a good shower and get out in the snow later!
  • Inspire2019
    Inspire2019 Posts: 6 Member
    Week 2
    Last week:248
    This week: 244.6
    Loss: -3.4
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,228 Member
    Week 2
    Last week:248
    This week: 244.6
    Loss: -3.4

    POSTED! You are burning up those pounds!
  • steplaj
    steplaj Posts: 586 Member
    Week: 1
    Weigh in Day: Friday
    Previous weight: 251.8
    Current weight: 248

    Considering I still weighed 251.8 on Tuesday of this week - I’ll take it!!!

    Any loss a victory - keep up the great work...

  • steplaj
    steplaj Posts: 586 Member
    tdrjustus3 wrote: »
    This is the point where I usually stop. I have had great results and now I am slacking off on monitoring what I eat. I had a terrible day at work yesterday and I want to just eat my emotions right now. I am behind on some work assignments and I feel like I will never get them done. I have gained over the past few weeks and I am starting to feel defeated... but I can’t stop now. This is truly mind over matter. thanks for letting me vent.

    I know this point all too well. It’s funny how we can get too comfortable with our routines that we stop monitoring and measuring or bothering with any of it at all because we think that we’ve got it down right. Often we forget all this little snacks add up. I find myself looking for snacks and then I wave it off thinking it wasn’t much I can add it later or just take a wild guess at the calories I also find myself tasting far too often and even having small bites of my kids foods to check if it’s hot or to have a taste or when he says mommy I’m done you finish it I’m happy to do so. All these little bits add up at the end of the day.

    This is so true! When I was focused and tracking everything and counting every thing that went into my mouth, I did so much better. Tracking is self accountability - it is so much easier to sneak a candy or a cupcake if you don't have to account for it on your numbers. I have said so many times, back to the basics... It is all too easy to sneak that little snack and say I have plenty of room left in my numbers. It is even easier to "guesstimate" incorrectly.

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