

  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Hi Everyone ...

    I have volunteered to be the 'fitness motivator' for our group. Not exactly sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure that it does NOT mean "drill sergeant" :smiley:

    To get started, I would like to hear from all of you. I have two questions for you ...

    1. What role does fitness currently play in your efforts to lose weight/establish a lifestyle change?

    2. What could I do in my role of "fitness motivator" that would be helpful for the group?

  • GettingFitTash
    GettingFitTash Posts: 31 Member
    Weigh Day: Monday
    PW: 197.0
    CW: 197.0
    Shouldn’t complain but I want it to go down 😏
  • GettingFitTash
    GettingFitTash Posts: 31 Member
    And I’m in for the step challenge. I’m not great at remembering to enter my steps but the accountability has been great to get me moving 😁 I’ll do better in Feb!!
  • MoStacy
    MoStacy Posts: 98 Member

    Week 5 weigh-in
    Weigh-in day - Monday
    PW - 136.7
    CW - 134.7

    GOAL!!! Now, to keep it off.

    WHOOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!! So happy for you!
  • MoStacy
    MoStacy Posts: 98 Member
    Username: MoStacy
    Weigh in week: week 4
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Starting Weight: 170lbs.
    Week 1: 169.6 lbs
    Week 2: 169.3 lbs
    Week 3: 168.2 lbs
    Week 4: 167.2 lbs
    Todays Weight: 166.5 lbs.

    Do we start recording Feb. steps on Feb.1?
  • MoStacy
    MoStacy Posts: 98 Member
    1. What role does fitness currently play in your efforts to lose weight/establish a lifestyle change? My husband & I have started entering race events like the New Town Triathlon (as a team). Helps us stay on track & gives me a fun goal to focus on.

    2. What could I do in my role of "fitness motivator" that would be helpful for the group? Hmmm, I already find being on this team motivating. Enjoying everyone’s journey and I don’t want to let the team down.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    jan110144 wrote: »
    jugar wrote: »
    Anyone feel like stepping up to be either fitness motivator or general motivator? It's always fun to have someone around pushing and kicking some hind ends!

    I'll give "fitress motivator" a try.

    Wonderful - thanks! So @mari_moulin - I'll put in a note on the Captain's Lounge that @jan110144 will be our fitness motivator.

    Thank you so much for all you do for our team ladies!! It’s gonna be a great February!!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    I’m still in for step challenge!!
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    Having trouble fitting exercise into a busy schedule? Don't like the idea of going to a gym? Not sure where to start?

    Check out this resource for beginner workouts you can do at home. There is a nice variety here so you can find something that fits what you need ... or mix them up for variety.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,450 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone ...

    I have volunteered to be the 'fitness motivator' for our group. Not exactly sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure that it does NOT mean "drill sergeant" :smiley:

    To get started, I would like to hear from all of you. I have two questions for you ...

    1. What role does fitness currently play in your efforts to lose weight/establish a lifestyle change? I have been playing my exergame for years now - incorporating the mini-trampoline upped the game (the first one was a free-to-me rescue from a neighbour's curb / it finally gave up the ghost and I bought a brand-new replacement late last week) Now that I am into trying to lower the body fat % numbers by incorporating HIIT sessions on my exercise bike (currently up to back-to-back 5 minute sessions so that 10 minutes = 30 second low / 30 second high pairs) the exergame may turn into my "active lifestyle activity" rather than my "primary". But the game is the only way I have to count steps ..... so not likely to drop it all together

    2. What could I do in my role of "fitness motivator" that would be helpful for the group?

    • Only if someone ASKS you .... Friend them on their wall so you can give encouraging wall-posts when you see their exercise log info / ask how it's going if you don't see an exercise log post for several days. Put a cap on this if you need to number-wise. I don't know how many Friends you already have on your wall. You Aren't a Personal Drill Sergeant! :D
    • Set in-group Weekly Fitness-themed Posting Challenges (sorta) for things like
      1. "try out 3 or more of the beginner workouts here and vote for your fave. [hyperlink to the article you posted]" Post voting results at the end of the week
      2. "Give daily examples of the NEAT "commando sneak-attack" calories you burned" Recap at end of the week (NB: I can point you at two MFP threads that could be referenced and that have LOTS of examples of NEAT
      3. "Post exercise / activity difficulties you face (time or physical or mental/motivational) / offer suggestions and strategies to at least 2 other people .... Tell us what strategies you tried and how they worked out for you"

    Stuff like that.

  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member

    1. What role does fitness currently play in your efforts to lose weight/establish a lifestyle change?

    Fitness plays a HUGE role in my weight loss. I work out almost everyday. Sometimes twice a day even. I really want to be fit and gain muscle. I do different classes (Strong, Zumba, and workout video with friends once a week. I do C25K program and go to the gym at least 4 times a week. If i cant get out for a workout i will do one at home. Love youtube workout videos.

    3. What could I do in my role of "fitness motivator" that would be helpful for the group?

    maybe daily workout checkins??
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    jan110144 wrote: »
    Hi Everyone ...

    I have volunteered to be the 'fitness motivator' for our group. Not exactly sure what that means, but I'm pretty sure that it does NOT mean "drill sergeant" :smiley:

    To get started, I would like to hear from all of you. I have two questions for you ...

    1. What role does fitness currently play in your efforts to lose weight/establish a lifestyle change? I have been playing my exergame for years now - incorporating the mini-trampoline upped the game (the first one was a free-to-me rescue from a neighbour's curb / it finally gave up the ghost and I bought a brand-new replacement late last week) Now that I am into trying to lower the body fat % numbers by incorporating HIIT sessions on my exercise bike (currently up to back-to-back 5 minute sessions so that 10 minutes = 30 second low / 30 second high pairs) the exergame may turn into my "active lifestyle activity" rather than my "primary". But the game is the only way I have to count steps ..... so not likely to drop it all together

    2. What could I do in my role of "fitness motivator" that would be helpful for the group?

    • Only if someone ASKS you .... Friend them on their wall so you can give encouraging wall-posts when you see their exercise log info / ask how it's going if you don't see an exercise log post for several days. Put a cap on this if you need to number-wise. I don't know how many Friends you already have on your wall. You Aren't a Personal Drill Sergeant! :D
    • Set in-group Weekly Fitness-themed Posting Challenges (sorta) for things like
      1. "try out 3 or more of the beginner workouts here and vote for your fave. [hyperlink to the article you posted]" Post voting results at the end of the week
      2. "Give daily examples of the NEAT "commando sneak-attack" calories you burned" Recap at end of the week (NB: I can point you at two MFP threads that could be referenced and that have LOTS of examples of NEAT
      3. "Post exercise / activity difficulties you face (time or physical or mental/motivational) / offer suggestions and strategies to at least 2 other people .... Tell us what strategies you tried and how they worked out for you"

    Stuff like that.

    Great suggestions! Thanks
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,296 Member
    Thought for sure I posted my weight on Saturday with my other two comments. Don’t know if it’s too late. I was getting a lot of those “something went wrong” messages. Here it is for all its worth.

    Starting Weight : 217.7
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Week 4

    Previous Week: 213.6
    Current Week : 213.3
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,296 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    It is almost FEBRUARY! The days are getting longer, there is more time for stepping, right?

    We need to make sure to enter 12 team members for the steps challenge for next month. Who is still in? Who wants in? Who wants out? Let me know!

    current team:


    Not everyone has kept tracking all the way through, so we are going to need more team members who will commit to the month (a nice short one!) of tracking steps every day.

    I am in. I know I don't walk as much in winter, and I wish there was a way to count every step in snowshoes as at least double, but I want to do this.

    Let's try to beat those fanatics in Team WeightNoMore! Heck, let's try to get out of last place!

    I’m in for February. I am still trying to get the hang of this. First, my name is wrong on your list. It’s Micki48. Also I don’t get an accurate account of my steps because I just use my phone steps and it is not on me constantly. Does that matter? Also should I log steps every day or once a week? And by which day?

    I’ll try to increase my steps in February. Weather has not cooperated this month.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,231 Member
    tdrjustus3 wrote: »
    Week 5
    Weigh In Day: Monday
    PW: 282.2
    CW: 281.4

    POSTED! That's mighty close to 5 pounds for the month - going down like clockwork. Cheers!
  • steplaj
    steplaj Posts: 586 Member
    Good Morning

    I think I speak for everyone when I say, "Our Hearts and Prayers go out to everyone living in those areas that are being hit by extreme and life threatening temperatures." Please, to all our friends and families, try to stay indoors and if not, be sure to protect yourselves from the extreme cold.

    As always, if you are a challenger and you are unable to participate in a weigh-in due to an emergency or natural disaster (which this is), simply let a captain or moderator know and you will be excused during that time.

    To those of us who are not in those areas affected, please, be sure to take a moment and reflect or pray for those that are...

    Stay Safe and Warm!

  • nicole3921
    nicole3921 Posts: 97 Member
    edited January 2019
    Week 5
    Pw: 171
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,450 Member

    For the parts of the continent where this weather is NOT typical, so you don't have the outdoor clothes 'cause you just never had to deal with this kind of situation long term ...... COLD CAN KILL IN MINUTES IF YOU ARE NOT DRESSED FOR IT!

    Stay safe! Stay Warm!

    I have lived in "Cold Country" all my life - it takes ~ 5 minutes from " decide it's time to leave" to gearing up, to going through the door ..... and THEN have to start car, scrape or brush car windows, maybe clear sufficient snow or plow leaving to get out of driveway ..... and THEN start longer than normal commute.

    We've had some snow this month too
    BTW, those are Adults on the road ....

  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Week 5
    Pw: 163.2
This discussion has been closed.