

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Vail, we ate Dutch pancakes, mussels in Belgium, beef stew in Ireland and of course fish and chips! I loved the breakfast sausages and even had beans on toast one morning. We had the best steak we’ve ever had in Dublin. I had a bite (or two) of my daughter’s sticky toffee pudding and it was incredible! I drank a lot of Gin & tonics and a few glasses of wine. I’m not a beer drinker. My daughter found a new favorite cider (Orchard Thieves and one called Alska). We found delicious food everywhere.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    suzyyyyyyyyyyyy welcome home!! omg so glad you had such a fabulous trip thats the best news!!! LOVE the pics... please post LOTS MORE!!! trust me you wont b e boring us at all!! and i agree with Vail - you look fabulous!! i was drooling reading some of the foods you tried... i actually love the pic of you on the cliffs of moher and the amsterdam shot is gorgeous!! i will write more tomorrow as i only have about 4 hrs to get some sleep before dayshift but honestly so happy the trip was great and so many fab memories
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I love the picture of the ring fort. What an incredible view! I love the sight of the sea or loughs (I'm not sure which!) stretching into the distance! Also the dark clouds waiting to rain when you get back in the car - lol! I'm with Snoozie, I'd love to see more pictures! So funny to think of beans on toast being a local delicacy - I thought it was widely eaten, but have just found it's definitely a British thing!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member

    Dunluce Castle ruins.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member

    This is Knappogue Castle. It’s an Airbnb where you rent the entire castle. It was so cool! There were doors down hallways that led to stone circular staircases up to the tower and little medieval chapels. We played cards in the medieval lord’s hall. There was a walled garden and banquet hall. It wasn’t any more expensive than our stay in Dublin. We loved it!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member

    Brugge, Belgium. This is one of our favorite places in Europe.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    oooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh love the pics!! you stayed in a castle !!! i woudl love to go to Belgium .... i am not gonna lie i'm a little green with envy Suz... but honestly so happy it was so great!! i was kinda disappointed tho... when i was looking at the pics and .. they ended LOL.. i was hping they continued on another page!! (hint hint hint!!)
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    I’m hoping to get back to normal tomorrow. I gave myself the day off and it turned into two days. Tomorrow I’m going grocery shopping and back to making dinner. Looking at some of my photos really gave me a wake up call. I’ve got to renew my motivation to reach my goal by the end of the year. That may be overly ambitious but it’s something to shoot for anyway. I did walk after dinner tonight but my eating was out of control today.

    Tomorrow is a new chance to get it right. Let’s make it happen! Let’s achieve our goals! One day at a time!

    Never give up!!!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Thank you for the extra pictures, Suzy! That Air BnB is incredible - was that your find? And Brugge is beautiful. I have never been - I keep meaning to, because the ferry over to Zeebrugge is only about an hour's drive away. But of course, there's the insurance problem!

    Yes, tomorrow is a new chance! Even the rest of today is, lol! You do honestly look fantastic in those photos. But I know it's how you feel yourself that counts.

    I can't believe it, but I've gone back to Slimming World, even though I know their low-fat diet doesn't suit me and I really don't like all the "woo" (in the sense they use it here) and cult-like stuff. The trouble was, although I know exactly how to lose weight on my own, I'm just not doing it! I thought that if I have to check in, and am with a group of other people, and have to pay real life money for it, I might feel more committed. And also, I think changing things up every now and then can be good. I know it's easy to overeat on Slimming World, but I think I have that in hand and have a realistic idea of how much "free foods" I can actually get away with! I can't afford to do it long, but I'm hoping it will get me started.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Thanks Vail but you’ll notice that I didn’t share the photos where I looked like a balloon. :D You totally need to visit Brugge! I don’t think I understand about the trip insurance. Is it to cover the cost of the trip in case something happens or for health insurance away from home? Just curious...perhaps I’ve been naive about it all and have just been extremely lucky that nothing big has gone wrong. :#

    I did find the castle, just a lucky search online. It wasn’t cheap but then no hotels are that cheap anymore.

    I’m not familiar with Slimming World but it sounds a bit like Weight Watchers? I say whatever helps you get back on track is a good thing. I hope it’s a good group and you find your motivation muse!

    Snoozie, when is your trip to Italy?

    Susan, I’ve been thinking about you and hoping you’re doing okay. Sending hugs, my friend.

    Milove, are you still checking in? Hope you’re doing well.

    Gail, haven’t heard from you in awhile. I hope you’re just busy and enjoying life!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    The insurance is mainly for medical problems abroad. It's usually about £10 or similar for a few days abroad, but because of my health conditions, it's hundreds of pounds for me.

    Yes, Slimming World is a bit like Weight Watchers, but much bigger in the UK, I think. The basic principle is that you can eat unmeasured amount of "free" foods i.e low fat meat, fish, eggs, rice, pasta, beans, peas, lentils, fat-free plain yoghurt, quark, fat-free cottage cheese and most vegetables and fruit. Then you have a small measured amount of dairy (e.g. milk) and fibre foods (e.g. a slice of wholemeal bread, a few nuts, etc.). Then anything else is "Syns" which have points and you can have 5-15 a day (e.g. 6 syns for a tbsp of oil, 12.5 for a glass of wine, 30.5 for a BK whopper, 4.5 for 25g of flour, etc.). Basically a low fat diet, and you go to weekly classes. It's the weekly meetings I joined for, really, rather than the diet.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Hi Hatters... sorry was MIA in posting; i was reading but my shoulder was messed up again for a few days; on the mend now so i'm in!! While you were gone Suzy I bit the bullet and reset my ticker.. sigh.. UP to my actual current weight... as of this morning 2 of the 5 are gone, but its frustrating i admit to realize i still have 3 pounds to go just to get back to where i WAS starting! However it is what it is so I'm not gonna let that into my head, im just gonna move forward one day at a time and one pound at a time! Honestly my best motivation right now is that "blah" bloaty feeling.. you know what i mean... and Ive been afraid to try on any of my summer clothes i bought last year LOL.. sadly the weather hasn't been conducive to summer clothes so that gave me an excuse to keep stuffing my face! But im gonna suck it up today and dig out a few things to try on... could be an ugly day ha

    As for Vails info about the travel insurance - we were chatting about that cause we have both discovered that its very hard and very expensive to get travel insurance for both of us if you have a pre existing medical condition of any kind (and yes travel insur at my end is just for cancellation of the trip for any reason, not medical insurance coverage for when your away) I had no idea how crazy expensive any of it got once you have any kind of existing med condition, that's if you're lucky enough to even find a company that will insure you. We're not going to Italy til Sept 28th btw.. :)

    Vail - I've honestly never heard of Slimming World either... did i read that right where you can have any amount of "free" foods that include rice, pasta, beans? It does sound similar to the WW "points" system here; one of my friends joined WW for exactly the same reason - the weekly classes and check ins for the accountability aspect so I totally get it - I have no doubt you'll do well; please keep us posted!

    I am going to try to find a 1400 cal meal plan online, just to simply give me ideas; half my problem is I can't be bothered prepping anything, then i discover i'm starving and eat half the fridge and cupboards...

    k i think since i'm up at this ungodly hour i'll head to the lake for walkies... and dream of staying in a castle someday LOL!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Snoozie, I was behind a car today that had a “Pickleball Rocks” bumper sticker and thought of you! It must really be catching on.

    I’m having problems getting back into the groove of things. I start my day off well but fall off the cliff by lunch. Every night I say that tomorrow is going to be THE day and then bam! Candy, muffins, ice cream...whatever! So, true to form, tomorrow is going to be THE day!!! I can’t gain more weight being back home than I did on a two week vacation! That’s just wrong!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I'm laughing at tomorrow being THE day: I so understand that! We're like Scarlet O'Hara "Tomorrow is another day", except we have too much food instead of too little! I always think I have my mindset sorted, and then like you, I just lose focus throughout the day. Good luck tomorrow!

    I'm sorry about your shoulder, Snooozie - you have had no end of painful things going on over the past few years! I'm glad you're feeling better. Congratulations on the 2lb loss!

    I do know what you mean about the bloaty feeling. I hope you find a plan that suits. I'm not one for prepping either, partly due to limited space in my fridge and freezer, partly because I like to cook fresh. I tend to go for simple things that are quick and easy to cook. For instance, due to my unlimited pasta on Slimming World, putting some linguine on the boil and cooking some prawns, peas, broccoli, adding garlic, chilli, lemon, and some chopped fresh tomatoes at the end. The tomatoes are a bit of a faff, but I put a cross in the top and put them in the boiling linguine water for a short time, then they're easy to peel and deseed. Only saying that because I just realised my son didn't know how to peel a tomato! And the broccoli goes in with the linguine four minutes from the end of cooking. And a bit of fresh parsley and seasoning at the end. So it's only about 10 minutes (a bit longer getting the water to the boil) for that recipe. The only thing is that this dish was so, so much nicer when I used butter to cook the prawns! Sadly, not allowed on Slimming World, or you have to count it.

    Anyway, I have been sticking to the diet carefully, and also being careful with portion size and not going overboard with the unlimited fruit, pasta, etc! Yes, I am weighing my wine. I want to give it my best shot. I tend to get a bit rebellious if I feel people are telling me what to do (don't eat that, measure that, etc.) so I'm having to remind myself I'm doing it for my own benefit, not for the Slimming World consultant's - lol! I'm trying to ignore all the promotion of artificial sweeteners and low-fat junk, and just eat healthy food that I like within the plan.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    lol Suzy @ the bumper sticker! I played for the first time over about 2 weeks this morning.. had a great time.. shoulder is still off but its the left one so i thought enuf... it'll either fix it or not lol... and im right handed so... on i went! i have a doc apt this afternoon to have a mole removed so i may ask her for a script for physio for it... annoying as hell but it is what it is...

    Vail i had to laugh at your idea of "simple" .. i was good with putting the linguine on to boil... but after that adding the spices and cooking prawns.. that to me IS a lot of work hahahaha. and ohhhhhh i will say i now toss in any frozen veg at the end with the pasta - i learned that from Jamie Oliver lol... put everything in one pot! Congrats on sticking with it; portion control is a huge thing with me because i wait to darn long to eat and then im starved so i wolf down way more than i need.. and good idea on reminding yourself its not about following someone elses rules, its about using them to get what you want for yourself!

    Suzy... a lady at PB had a t shirt on that read something like "365 days a year.. 365 chances to try again" or something like that... so yesssssss today can be the "THE day" !!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Someone from the FB group i joined for planning our trip to Italy posted this pic ... I emailed my sister and said " I WANNA GO NOW AND I WANNA GO HERE! haaaaaaaa"

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Beautiful! It looks like Capri. I'm envious!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Absolutely breathtaking! We went to Italy for two weeks in September 2011. It was a great time of year to go and was one of our favorite vacations. We rented a car and drove all over (Rome, Siena, Assisi, Venice, Cinque Terra, Pompeii). You’re going to have a fantastic time! I do remember doing an awful lot of walking so you’ll walk off all those wonderful meals and gelato.

    I still haven’t managed to have my “this is the day” day. Somehow I haven’t gained any more than that five pounds I put on before we even went on our trip. I should reset my weight but I haven’t. I have company coming on Thursday for a week; a sort of family reunion type thing. I wish I was looking forward to it more. Family is complicated.

    Vail how is the slimming world program going? I’m intrigued by this unlimited food concept.

    Snoozie, I hope your shoulder is feeling better.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    :D What the heck....I updated my current weight. Let’s see what happens! I’m not giving up!!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Well done on resetting your weight. And on not gaining. I hope the "day" comes soon. We are all people who have successfully lost weight and can do it again! (I tell myself - lol!).

    Slimming World is going OK. I do seem to find the the fact that I am paying for it and will have to go to a group is motivating. I'm being careful with the "unlimited" pasta, rice and potatoes. For instance, I had one small potato to make mash last night and made the rest up with carrot and cauliflower. I've found there is another plan for people who want to lose more quickly or who are stalling, which involves eating only "speed" foods (most non-starchy vegetables and fruit) and "protein"foods (lean meat, etc.) so basically low fat, low carb. I bet I end up getting that one suggested.

    I "only" lost half a pound last week, which was fine for me, but I felt a bit embarrassed as everyone else had lost more and had big goals (like 4 pounds!). I know I can't create a big enough deficit to lose more than a little bit each week. And my weight fluctuates so much, which is why I weigh daily. I wouldn't be suprised if I have a gain next week. Weekly weighins don't suit me - at least not if I want to see results every time.

    Anyway, I do keep telling myself I'm paying for it so need to stick with it! Writing up the diary is probably useful. And the group talk last week was quite good - I do find it all a bit lacking in "science", but the advice to replace normal free food with "speed" foods and be careful with alcohol was fine. The consultant is quite entertaining, which helps!