

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hey Girls.....
    lots of great posts!!!

    I have to admit though....when I read so many ,I let them run together, so I can't speak to many with a name to it....

    ..... but I totally agree that was an awesome thing to do, Snoozie . We may have all done the same, but I know not many others would. They would have been in too much of a hurry.

    I agree with you
    Vail on the insta pot....it must be that we already cook well lol!! so to us it is.... meh! lol

    Susan, 2nd shift is GREAT!! I love it! wish I had started it as soon as I moved to this new job....it would have been so much less stressful!

    Suzy!! Such a great reason for a trip together!! .....fingers crossed no one in the family finds out that you know too early!

    Busy times here...so gotta go.

    Best wishes to you all!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail! So good to see you and glad you were able to pop in!! Thrilled you are loving the 2nd shift and that it's far less stressful for you - awesome!!!

    Today was a GOOD morning in Snoozieville - had my 3 month checkup at the doc; everything was down (only 1 point on my A1C from 7.2 to 7.1 - but it was still down ha!! Kidney has stopped leaking (pretty sure thats due my stopping all ibuprofen based painkillers) and BP was great... iron was the only thing that is still at the very lowest end of the normal scale, so another 3 months on supplements and if no change, the dreaded colonoscopy again :( but that's ok.. at least this time i'll know what to expect if i have to have it!! and who knows maybe i've always had low iron and just didnt know it!

    AND on the way out.. she (my doc) casually tosses out "oh and your weight is looking great btw".. i said thank you ... and why can't every visit be like this with us?" huh? huh? she just laughed.. anyway defintely this is one of the visits that will help motivate me to keep working on getting what i want for myself! On which note I better go get a few groceries before getting ready for work... 2nd shift this week for me too Gail - mornings free are lovely aren't they!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hi Gail! Glad you’re enjoying the shift change so much!

    Snoozie, great news on the doctor visit! Your hard work is paying off! What a great motivator, too!

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Excellent news on the Dr. visit. Snooze!! Not sure I knew about the kidney, but I am glad it is repairing itself.
    Thank you, Suzy!!
    I need to see where I am on the A1C scale...it may be dreadful again...
    But I am hoping the weight loss will help with that. it's what the doctors tell me anyway....I think it is just their way to try and get me to stop eating!!...LOl
    scale says I am down another 2 lbs....but I am going to get new batteries to be sure...it flickered and paled a bit so I am not positive yet.

    I do love not having to start waking up at 5:30 just to get out of bed by 6:30.....but I can't go to sleep until 2:00 in the morning and sleep until 10:00 or 10:30..

    I go in at 2:00 unless they ask me to come earlier.

    ok time for home now.

    Bye bye
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Gail that's awesome on the 2lbs - well done you! very glad the 2nd shift is working for you girl!

    I am slightly frustrated (but not crazy yet lol) that the scale is NOT moving; I've been playing pickleball almost every day for at least 1.5 or 2 hrs, and eating "well" and not pigging out ...and then goign to work so i'm till moving there... so WHAT the hell LOL... altho i did notice today my shorts are a little loose... so perhaps its body recomposition happening a bit.. which i'll take instead of the scale if that's the case.. but i may have to start the dreaded logging again to see if i'm eating more than i "think" i am... i am still struggling with waiting too long to eat... so maybe i am eating more than i think when i do .... oh well... i know i'm dehydrated for sure and need to drink more.... i'm guessing wine doesnt count huh? hahaha..

    last shift tonite then I'm off for 2 weeks - so a happy camper for sure!! hope everyone is having a good week!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Hang in there Snoozie! It will show up on the scale eventually but having your clothes fit a bit looser is a huge motivator! What are your plans for the two weeks off?

    I’ve not been making great choices lately but not really going off the deep end either. I think I’ve got the summer doldrums. It’s hot and humid and I want ice cream and wine (not a great combo 😂)!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Yes, Suzy!! That pic is so true. I spent so many years giving up when I went off the wagon. Now I just get up, dust myself off and keep on moving forward...it is finally paying off.

    I think the Metformin kept me from losing before. now it is finally moving.

    Snoozie, awesome news on the looser fitting clothes!! that is more important than any number on a scale! You got this!
    Have a great time on your two weeks off!
    I am trying to hold onto one week of pto until the end of the year. fingers crossed it will work out.

    Have an awesome weekend y'all.
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Congratulations on your check-up, Snoozie! And nice that your doctor appreciates your work on the weight! How frustrating that the scale isn't moving now. I know we've talked before about set points ... I also think there's something about going into new lows - my body seems to be very reluctant to edge downwards below it's comfort zone - lol! I wonder if there's some of that going on as well as the body recomposition. Well done on your impressive activity levels!

    Congratulations on your weight loss, Gail! Hopefully your A1c results will be good too - yes, I'm always hearing that weight loss is the thing these days.

    Thanks for the picture, Suzy! So true! I am frustrated, but I know well that if I "relax" and start eating "normally", I'll pile on the weight pretty quickly. At the moment, I am still trying to lose weight that I gained in the spring.

    I'm still going to Slimming World - thinking of giving it up, partly because of the expense, and because of the difficulty of getting to the sessions, and they are so long .... However, if I do stick to it AND be careful with my portions and so on, it does seem to help to lose weight. I'm trying to keep up with writing down what I eat. As a daily weigher, I do get frustrated with the reliance on weekly weights. Supposedly I lost 3lb last week, so I know I'll have a gain this week, and they'll assume I've been overeating, when it just really depends which day I weigh. Anyway, 3lb is a deficit of 1500 calories a day, which if it was true, would mean I'd have been eating nothing, and I shouln't really be applauded for that! But as it is, it's just my normal weight fluctuation. I do think there is a very slow downward trend, though.

    I'm back at the gym now, so in constant pain - lol! I'm trying to go after work, partly to make me finish work on time as the class is booked, and partly so that it feels like doing it on my way home rather than a special trip. I have to adapt some of the exercises, but it's got to be good doing something! I wish I could find something I loved like your pickleball, Snoozie!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Suzy - that sign literally stopped me from going off last nite!! i love it.. ty! I actually stopped at a drugstore to pick up a bag - yep i caved on the way home from work cause it was a busy night and i was just in a bad mood lol... i went in and there were about 10 people in line and i was like omg no... but i still went to the aisle.... but.. being a drugstore they were charging almost $4 for a bag and i thot to myself.... are you really gonna pay that for CHIPS lol.. and then wait in line at 11pm at night?? so i left without em but i had every intention of finding SOMETHING else at home (altho i knew there wouldnt be much as i have not been buying anything to keep me out of trubble!) But i logged on while i was rooting thru the place and saw the sign.. AND i thought yup yup yup.. crap...... so i had one fudgeo cookie instead to soothe my frayed nerves LOL... so thank you! i may make that my screensaver on my laptop!

    Vail i completely agree about the set point.. my body is fighting me hard to break thru the weight i've been "set" at since the regain.. its like it's simply refusing to cooperate - i can picture my body with its arms folded shaking its head saying nope not gonna do it... so the fight is on as to which of us will win hahahaha

    I think i told you about that one day i weighed myself every 3 hrs and showed a difference of almost 5 pounds thru the day - so i totally agree with your frustration over the weeklyl thing.. but i get the decision to stay or go with the SW is a tough one.. wowsa on the gym!!!! i love that you're using your time there to make sure you leave work on time LOL.. and that you don't have to go out again if you go on the way home.. great ideas! I should still be doing some gym work especailly strength training - the pb is good exercise but doesnt address the strength training/muscle retention probs so good on ya for hitting the gym!

    Gail - are you not on the metformin anymore??? or did you mean now that your body has adjusted to it you are finding u can lose weight? I know someone told me when i was first put on it many people lose weight - i wasnt one of them!

    Suzy - i can totally relate to the summer doldrums - i did have a laugh at the combo of ice cream and wine tho... my summer drink is a frozen lime margarita.. only in the summer and only on an outdoor patio, and the only thing that has saved me this year is i havent hit any patios... wahhhhhh! But i will definitely be taking myself out to lunch at some point while i'm on vacay and there will be a margarita!! somehow tuna and salad just doesnt cut it some days, eh?? maybe you could invent a wine flavoured ice cream? even if it doesnt go commerical sale, it would be a fun (and drunken) experiment!! Hang in there!!

    I'm going to get dressed and drop by the pb court close to me.. not sure if anyone will be playing today but thats ok - i'm a little stiff today and a walk at the lake might be a better choice anyway... but either way it'll have to start with me getting dressed LOL...

    let's not forget to be kind to ourselves Hatters - every day we do something good for ourselves.. whether its one good food choice over another, moving our parts a little when we don't feel like it... or making a cup of tea and watching some bad tv for some R and R... we're all doing the best we can and while some days we may do better than others, we are all still here and still working on ourselves - and that says a LOT!! so whatever it is that you need to bring a small joy to your day and to help you appreciate the wonderfulness of you, take it/do it/get it/be it! Cause we are all indeed SO much more than just a number on a scale, right?? /hugs all around
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Still here... 14 show up days... then 6 days vacation... and she's retired 31 August 😎🤷‍♀️😂
    My replacement can reach out to me until 31 August...

    Then sorry...

    Carol in Jersey
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Congrats on your retirement Carole - i know how exciting it is as my last day of work is Aug 23rd.. time to work at living instead of living at work, eh! :)
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Just in time to say congrats Carol

    I have been reading and keeping up off and on from my phone, and attempted to write on here, but I never saw my any of my input showing up. So, unfortunately I am still not savvy with technology.

    I am glad everyone is good.

    I want to share: My youngest son got married 2 weeks ago. I waited until 3 days before the wedding to find my dress. The colors were pastel, before going out on Wednesday to find the dress, I was needed to work until 3 am. My stomach looked like a small sized watermelon and I am sure swelling with fluids was a contribution from standing on my feet all night. The gown I picked largest size was a 12 (This is after trying on everything possible in the store). With the help of my daughter and the assistant in the store they zipped the gown up. Then I totally ate only 3 egg whites and 1 slice of toast and coffee without sugar twice a day. (I will admit and laxatives) By Saturday I was able to fit the dress a little more comfortable. The problem was I cried in the store because I allowed myself to continuously eat without discipline and gain my weight back.

    I just think back to crying in that store and I am diligently counting my calories. It worked before and I know it will work again.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    Carol congratulations on your very quickly impending retirement!!!

    Snoozie, I don’t think I realized that your retirement is right around the corner, too!!! Wow! Such big and exciting changes for both of you! Congrats!

    Milove, good to hear from you. You looked stunning in your pastel pink dress! It sounds like you’re motivated to get back on track. Congratulations on your son’s wedding as well!

    I’m still trying to find my motivation muse. It has been way too easy to rationalize having that ice cream scoop or glass of wine. Also way too easy to find a reason not to do any exercise.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Milove - a) don't feel bad about not being tech savvy.. i kept trying to open your picture so i could actually see it and it took me about 10 min to realize i had to click on the jpg part instead of the picture itself.. duh!! but it was worth the wait you look stunning!!!!!!!! omg on the egg whites and laxatives... but if it got you feeling great in that gorgeous dress then im happy!! and yes i know exactly what you mean about standing in the store upset because of the regain.. i have a suitcase full of stuff i still can't wear since my regain :(

    Suzy yup.. i'm on vacation right now then go back on the 17th for 6 shifts and i'm done (well actually 7 but the last day i just have to return all my stuff then i get to bail lol). and speaking of rationalizing... i have been a freaken eating machine the past 3 days... i do not know WHAT is going on.. if i'm doing that sabotage thing again or just emotional eating cause of the retirement; i'm thrilled with it but there are def a lot of emotions swirling around because its all new to me.. anyway i have to put the brakes on the feed bag no matter what the reason!! all the pb in the world aint gonna help when the fork is working overtime!
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    Milove, congratulations on your son's wedding! You look stunning, and that dress is beautiful. I'm sorry you were upset when trying it on, and you had to go through such extremes with diet - it's a shame that they didn't have it in a slightly larger size and it would have been fine ... but the end result is absolutely gorgeous.

    Carol, congratulations on retirement (soon)! My retired friends love it, none of them regret going as early as possible, and none of them are bored, etc. You've worked for it - enjoy!

    Snoozie, I can't believe you are so close! If it's any help, I lost a fair bit of weight when I took partial retirement, during the 6 weeks off. Piled it back on again when I went back to work, but I think it just shows the lack of work stress helps a lot.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,447 Member
    Thanks Vail - it does help lol! I admit I'm slightly concerned I will turn into a couch potato and gain back weight once i retire, but i keep telling myself i'll actually be able to eat better when I am not running back and forth to work and have time to cook (snort..) and i know i'll have pb over the winter to keep me moving my parts ... i joined the senior centre last week and will take at least one class type thing over the winter... its way cheaper to join there than at our community centres. I am slightly worried tho there will lots of people there way older than me who will still be able to kick my *kitten* at some of those classes lOLOLOL.
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,354 Member
    That will just be more motivation for you to up your game, Snoozie!
  • cbmcphillips
    cbmcphillips Posts: 801 Member
    Thanks ladies

    Congratulations Snoozie..my husband already has a work plan for me..
    Working on cleaning what hasn't been cleaned in a very long time 😂😂

    You look stunning Milove

    Talk to everyone soon..

    Gotta get ready for work tomorrow

    Carol in Jersey 😎