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  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Hi all! Just spent the last three days and evenings at the hospital with my mom. My stress level is off the charts. She has an autoimmune disease in n her kidneys. They’re putting her through intensive steroid treatment and then administering a chemo drug for a month. Survival rate is 98%, so that’s good news. Hopefully the cure won’t set off complications in other areas. She’s supposed to get out on Sunday, Monday at the latest. My sister has had the flu so it’s all fallen on my shoulders. She’s taking over today so I can finally get some of my to do list done for Christmas.

    Needless to say, my eating has been the last thing on my mind. I haven’t even stepped on a scale in weeks but that’s okay.

    We’re having both of our kids and their significant others here for Christmas Day and I’m cooking a full meal and then some. Not gonna stress about it either.

    Merry Christmas to all of you lovely ladies! Thank you for your support and cyber-friendship! It means so much!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Oh Suzy!!!! I am so so sorry to hear about the diagnosis for your mom with her kidneys.. thankful the survival rate is at 98% but that doesnt impact you right now dealing with everything..... i really do know what you're going through.. and i also know there is nothing at all we can do to help you with it except to say we're here for you if you need to vent or scream or need an emergency pkg of chocolate or a case of wine sent via courier we'll do it! I very much hope she gets released before Christmas; i know its still a long road ahead but hopefully once your sister recovers she can take some of the load...

    i love that your kids and other halves are going to be with you for Chritsmas... and i think Gail said it perfectly in her post (if i may quote you Gail) :smile: "Guess what I am trying to say is let's not beat ourselves up over a good time with friends and family...just enjoy it , move on and do better when we can." So I hope we all take that to heart and just enjoy the time we get to spend with our loved ones!!

    Gail - i am totally with you on the brussel sprouts and the stuffing (but yes i have to say i'd pass on the okra.. BUT that said.. maybe if it's cooked right by someone who knows how to cook it i would love it!! Anyway.. i'm with ya on the scoop out stuffing... thats why i'm making my moms for myself this year lol... isnt it funny how stuffing is so important to everyone??? And most of us want it the way we grew up with... altho many stuffings are nice they just arent ever the same as "our own"... so while it may seem very weird to some of you, my mom's stuffing comes out crunchy on the top and .. mushy? well not mushy but moist and soft inside lol... because she always put a bit of mashed potato in the stuffing.. yes i know it sounds weird lol.. but she would also fry 2 slices of bacon and crumble them and put it all fat and everything into the bread pieces to soak.... along with the onion and celery and spices and stuff.. and then always mixed in about a 1/2 cup of mashed potatos and a wee bit of chiken broth.. lol... weird but true.. and it makes it nice and .. stuffingish. and she always made a separate second dish of stuffing cause we always fought over it lol.

    i'm doing up my mashed potatos with green onions, my "squirmit" which is turnip and carrot mashed togehter, brussel sprouts and either chicken or turkey for my christmas dinner.. ohhhhhhhh and of course STUFFING!! HAHAH
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    You must be exhausted, Suzy! I'm glad you have some answers now and know what is happening with your mom, but it must be so tiring dealing with it all on your own. It's good of you to cook for everybody on Christmas day. I hope you have a lovely relaxing day with your family!

    Congratulations, Gail, I am so pleased for you that you can really celebrate this achievement! It's so inspirational to know that years into our weight loss journeys, progress can still be made!

    My mouth is watering reading all your Christmas meal plans! I'm not sure whose house to come round to - lol! My son is home for Christmas, for possibly the last year (he'll probably working Christmases after this), and it will be just the two of us as usual. He goes to his dad's for New Year, and I'm on my own then, so it's not a time I enjoy. But reading about your meal inspired me, Snoozie, and I might make a special meal myself for Hogmanay/New Year. With some wine, of course! It will be something to look forward to. On Christmas Day, I tend to do something that's easy (so I'm not stuck in the kitchen), but something special that we wouldn't normally have.

    Thank you all for being there this past year. I love having this group to check in with. I know you understand! I'm going to keep what you said about enjoying ourselves in mind over Christmas, Gail. Merry Christmas to us all!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello, ladies,

    Merry Christmas

    I have been MIA for awhile but I have tried to read through everyone's post.
    Everyone seems well through these winter months.

    I hope all ends up well with your mom Suzy.

    It seems like you have sold your house Snoozie, Congrats!

    Gail, Congrats on doing well with loosing the weight

    I am five pounds up from my last weight, but I am not changing my ticker yet. I am pushing through. I had a lot of birthdays throughout October to November and then it was thanksgiving. So much food, pies and cakes.

    My husbands family in the Bahamas have settled down and everyone are doing fairly well. Hopefully, eventually they will be able to rebuild their homes.

    I am still moving well at work, but I am having a lot of issues with my right knee it loves to swell if I go up and down the stairs too much, and my left ankle gives out on me while walking. However, I keep pushing.

    My youngest and last son/child who got married has moved out with his wife, so unless one of my grandchildren is visiting it is just me and hubby.

    I wish all well this Christmas week. Much love.........Milove
  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    You certainly can , Snoozie. I was worried that I might come off as preachy, since I have lost some weight. But I do believe we beat ourselves up too much...as long as we aren't sitting around eating "buckets of everything" , I think we are ok. WE are what we are! Love us this way!

    Suzy, I am sorry to hear about all your mom's kidney problems. So good that it is a 98% rate. But like I believe Snoozie said, it doesn't get you through the hard stuff she's going through now. I know you will enjoy your family time with your children. (if you're not too tired from the cooking) I know how that is. Enjoy, enjoy , enjoy!

    Hogmanay ?? Vail, I know you will enjoy this Christmas so much. You should totally do something special for you both to enjoy.

    Milove, My husband is wishing for times like that. I think it will be a few more years before we have time to ourselves. He is so tired of washing clothes ….3 or 4 loads a day. lol not to mention the dishes!! but he did take that job up on his own. I know he wishes he could hit rewind. lol

    I am sitting here think about that dressing...mashed potatoes does not sound weird at all. I bet some southern cooks around here would be like..."Why didn't I think of that!"
    You described it perfectly, Snoozie! Crunchy , Mushy is exactly what I am looking for!!

    Last working day until the 2nd! 2020!! and I am broke until next year! Same as always! lol
    Be good to yourselves. Thanks for your friendship!

  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member

    Merry Christmas to all the lovely Hatters !!!!

  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    Merry Christmas!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Good morning Hatters!

    Hope everyone had an enjoyable Christmas... and can you believe in just a few days it will be the new year.. and in fact a new decade! Wowsa.. 2020 always seemed like "the futuristic time"to me.. i always thought by then it would be the age of the "Jetsons" because in my head 2020 was going to be exactly like that.. i could step into a tube and get dressed; program my dinner to make itself, live in a nice apartment somewhere in space. ha..

    Anyway... as we are starting a new year I was trying to think of a topic or thread title we could use.. Suzy totally scored on our one for last year and i'm hoping all of us will be able to come up with an idea or two to consider, so mine i was thinking that this year, maybe could be about a bit more than just weight loss for us... we know its important at our age to take care of our whole self.. and to do things that bring us joy, peace, and happiness; finding things that challenge us and recognizzing things we need to let go of.. finding ways to cope with stress, maybe giving back some to family, friends, neighbours or strangers.. or making time for yourself if dealing with all the obligations and committements you may have on the go..

    I do realize that our weight loss goals are the main reason we are on this forum and they are a big part of what we want for ourselves, but there is so much more to all of us than just our weight.. so i was thinking maybe this year our theme could be "Be your Best Self today"..
    whatever part of our selves we can be our best at every day.. it may be a pound lost, or a random act of kindness, or trying something new.. or carving out some me time to recharge and regenerate.. anything and everything that we do that all makes us be our best self each day..

    so thats all i've come up with so far.. im looking forward to hearing any ideas and thoughts anyone else has too!!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I like it, Snoozie!
  • milove1029
    milove1029 Posts: 308 Member
    Hello, everyone,

    I survived Christmas!!! Up 6 pounds from my last weigh in on here. Still not going to change my ticker yet.

    Like "live your best life"

    I turned 62 October and during reflection (trying not to feel depressed), I motivate myself by saying "I am living my best life" and I start smiling and two stepping with a dance.
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    Hi Hatters!

    Well its New Year's Eve day, and i just wanted to pop in and wish all the lovely Hatters a healthy 2020!

    I did my final weigh in for this year this morning, and will weigh tomorrow morning at the start of the new year as well. This year my goal is going to be getting my blood sugar down to a normal range.. its the biggest priority for me going forward and while part of that will be losing weight, more of it will be focusing on eating better. I had a few health issues over Christmas which has made me realize my only wish for all of us is a healthy 2020 - the wealthy and wise as the saying goes of course would be great too lol.. but we can go after those two as long as we have our health :)

    Wishing all of you a wonderful 2020!
  • suzyqholland
    suzyqholland Posts: 1,362 Member
    I hope you’re okay Snoozie. We take our health for granted until something happens and then it’s a real eye opener. An ad for the new weight loss app called Noom showed up in my Facebook feed. The first question it asked was, do you want to focus on health or weight? That really got me thinking...which do I choose? I always thought they were the same thing but they really aren’t. I agree with you that our health is the most important thing. I’m going to spend some time coming up with measurable health goals and I firmly believe that if I can achieve them then my weight will go down. Improving my health is my top concern for 2020, too.

    Happy New Year Hatters!!!
  • Snooozie
    Snooozie Posts: 3,457 Member
    I'm fine now Suzy - it was just a combination of things that all happened at once; a head cold then my hand swelled up and couldnt use it, then my shoulder went out on me - when i realized my only wish was to be better before the start of the new year it made me realize that the weight wasnt the biggie anymore, its my health. I had also discovered while removing the licence plates from my car that i had trouble getting up after squatting for so long (those suckers were welded on tight) and that made me realize too that my focus now should be on cardio, strength training and lowering my blood sugar. as you said, if i do that my weight should adjust as a result... so kudos to you on your decision to work on health goals too.

  • Time2LoseWeightNOW
    Time2LoseWeightNOW Posts: 1,730 Member
    Happy New Year everyone!!

    I love the "be the best you"!

    Still going through the hacking,,coughing, sneezing stuff. Two shots made it a bit better along with some meds.
    Hope you're better Snoozie.

    I am using the phone app so forgive any glitches if I don't catch them ..we have been off work since the 23rd. Gotta go back Thursday...yuck!

    Funny you should say that about the Jetsons, Snoozie. I was teĺling some of the yoing guys at work last week that I thought by 2020 we'd be like the Jetsons, too....they didn't know what I was talking about. Lol
    Makes me feel old! Not! Although 60 is around the bend.

    Best wishes for our year 2020!!

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    Happy New Year! I so agree about health being important, including mental health of course. I have to remind myself that it's something that needs to be constantly worked on as I get older, and weight control is just a small part of that work. So funny about the Jetsons! I used to get so excited about what the future I would live in would be like. I thought having people walk on the moon was just the start, and by 2020 we would have most definitely colonised other planets, hopefully met other intelligent life, etc.!

    Anyway, I love the idea of something broad about being our best selves today. I think it allows for acknowledging other things we have achieved, not just weight loss.

    Wishing you all the very best for 2020!!