WAIST AWAYS -- February 2019



  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    I just saw the news about Andrea - so we need 3 more. I hope she feels better soon.

    Me too :( shes gone through so much these past few months.
  • Astrue
    Astrue Posts: 510 Member

    If anyone would like to join our Step challenge for February, please let us know and we will add you to the spreadsheet. We need 10 people to help us compete against the other teams. so far we have......


    We just need 4 more people. All you need is some sort of step tracker the motivation to GET TO STEPPIN!

    I can do the step challenge again this month. I promise to log more regularly, I know I missed the cut off one of the weeks due to b being down with the flu.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    jan110144 wrote: »

    Who’s up for a fitness challenge to break the winter doldrums in February?


    1. YOU pick the challenge you want to do for the month.
    2. Share your personal challenge with the group
    3. Commit to doing your chosen challenge daily for the month of February. A total of 4 pass days (allowing for
    time conflicts or just to provide a day of rest each week) will be permitted.
    6. Post your progress every one to two days.
    7. At the end of the month, post your final results (how many days you were able to complete the challenge) and
    share your experience with the challenge. "Winners" will be those who complete the month with 24 days completed (although anyone who has continued to work on their challenge and report in through the month will be a winner, regardless of the number of pass days).

    Reporting Format:
    Your Personal Challenge:
    Date – yes/no
    Comment on how this is going for you hard (problems, successes, how you are feeling about doing this, etc.)

    Name: Jan
    Personal Challenge: Planks
    2/1 – Yes
    2/2 – Yes
    So far so good. Not sure if I will be able to meet the length of time for holding the challenge as it increases, but
    I’m going to try!

    I am looking forward to seeing the challenges everyone picks for themselves.

    I just watched the January Wk 5 Moderators' Challenge video ..... VERY Powerful!

    I have finally linked the High Intensity Interval Training (harder version) on my exercise bike to working on lowering body fat % number (as determined by a U.S. Navy Formula website where you plug in your height, current weight, and 3 body measurements.)

    I am already down 1.5% between Jan 2 and Jan 26.

    I am using the connection to fuel a change my morning pre-work routine to "2x5 minutes HIIT before work" (this way, they stay at 30 seconds light / 30 second hard intervals .... if I did 1 x 10 minutes, they would be 60 seconds light / 60 second hard intervals).

    To fit them in, that means:
    • out of bed right when the alarm rings AND
    • NO BOOK before work!

    I commit to keeping on with the new morning routine, and doing a second 10 minutes after work. My Low Intensity Steady State jogging on the mini-trampoline / cardio exergame is no longer my primary / often only exercise ... but got to keep it in to some degree as this is my "step counting activity" for the Step Challenge.

    Done the 20 minutes of HIIT every day this week.
  • Astrue
    Astrue Posts: 510 Member
    LiLee2018 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! First timer to this challenge and really glad to take part in it.
    My name is Lisa. 39yo stay at home mom of 3. 6yo daughter, 3yo son, 2yo son.
    I've been overweight pretty much since puberty, so elementary school. I remember gaining a lot of weight in 5th grade and being teased about it.
    I lost a lot in my teen years due to depression, but being a stupid teen still thought I was SO fat at around 140-150lbs.
    Fast forward to 30yo. I find out I have PCOS, insulin resistance, and hypothyroidism and I'm at my heaviest weight of 250lbs at only 5'3".
    Got put on medication and with no effort on my part, lost about 60lbs over 2 years. But due to infertility issues and just bad eating habits (ALL THE CARBS!!!), I started gaining weight again.
    Did eventually get pregnant.. 3 times and here I am.
    Last year, I kept putting off starting another diet. Just kept telling myself... "Oh.. NEXT Monday I'll start." Then it would come and pass and I'd still be eating terribly.
    Well I had a health scare that really set me straight. I started getting chest pains. Left side chest pains. Scared the ever living bejebus out of me. Turned out to be stress related and nothing else concerning showed up on my tests thankfully. Who knew raising 2 toddlers could be stressful?? /sarcasm
    It really opened my eyes though. What if it hadn't just been stress?? What if I had to have open heart surgery at just 39yo with 3 small kids?? I needed whatever I decided to do to be the last "diet" I ever went on.
    So I started the keto diet 7 months ago at a weight of 224lbs. I knew this was it though. I knew that THIS time, I wasn't giving up.
    It's been a lot easier than I ever thought it would be. I'm not super strict with ingredients, but I stay within my carb limit. I know this type of restrictive diet isn't for everyone, but it works for me. I also can't control my appetite if I eat carbs b/c they never make me feel satisfied. I could eat an entire box of pasta and an hour later would be hungry again. I could eat 2 packs of ramen WITH 3-4 eggs and would still be hungry after.
    I've lost about 45lbs. I've had 3 planned "cheats" this entire time and.. I'm still going as strong and as determined as I was on day 1.
    Still have about 50-55lbs I'd like to lose and I'm going to get there. No doubt in my mind that I WILL reach my goal.
    Decided that I need to take nightshades out of my diet temporarily... at least a month. I'm fairly certain I have an intolerance to them. They're my fav. I love hot sauce, I love spicy, I love tomatoes, but whenever I eat them... my gut is not happy with me, so I'm giving those up for at least a month.
    They're the main veggies I eat so decided that I'm also going to try going carnivore for a month too just to see how it goes. If it works out, then yay, if it doesn't, then just back to keto for me :)
    My new years resolution was to start exercising which I did.
    I'm extremely out of shape though so I'm starting off reeeeeally slow. REALLY slow lol. It's still difficult for me to not want those instant results, but my mind is slowly coming to terms that changes aren't going to happen overnight. Also doesn't help that I'm extremely lazy and enjoy being lazy. Taking care of my boys (while my daughter is in school) is exhausting and I fully admit that I'd rather just sit and veg out on the couch than get up and do anything physical lol. So it's been a challenge to just get up and do something.
    Anyway... I've written a novel here lol.
    Really looking forward to this challenge and helping to cheer everyone else on :)

    Welcome! I just started with the group (and MFP in earnest) at the beginning of January. I'm also a SAHM, although my kids are a bit older at 8 and 6. It's crazy to me the amount of time I devote to their physical activity, while not prioritizing it for myself.

    Congratulations on your progress so far! Let me know if you want any fitness ideas. I'm a big proponent of weight training and yoga. They are the only activities I come back to again and again. And with weights, if you track your numbers, you can see progress on paper, which is rewarding. Nothing feels like progress more than sore muscles.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Astrue wrote: »
    Welcome! I just started with the group (and MFP in earnest) at the beginning of January. I'm also a SAHM, although my kids are a bit older at 8 and 6. It's crazy to me the amount of time I devote to their physical activity, while not prioritizing it for myself.

    Congratulations on your progress so far! Let me know if you want any fitness ideas. I'm a big proponent of weight training and yoga. They are the only activities I come back to again and again. And with weights, if you track your numbers, you can see progress on paper, which is rewarding. Nothing feels like progress more than sore muscles.

    I've been writing down every workout that I do. How many sets & reps, along with the weight I use. I'm still pretty weak, but I can feel myself slowly getting stronger.
    I can actually feel some baby biceps now instead of just soft mushy sadness lol

  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    Welcome to all the new members we are going to have a great month of weight loss! I know I'm really looking forward to it and it's nice to have some other young moms who are in the trenches. Part of the reason I want to lose weight and become more fit is for my kids. So I can be a good example for them and also just keep up with them.
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    LiLee2018 wrote: »
    Hi everyone! First timer to this challenge and really glad to take part in it.
    My name is Lisa. 39yo stay at home mom of 3. 6yo daughter, 3yo son, 2yo son.
    I've been overweight pretty much since puberty, so elementary school. I remember gaining a lot of weight in 5th grade and being teased about it.
    I lost a lot in my teen years due to depression, but being a stupid teen still thought I was SO fat at around 140-150lbs.
    Fast forward to 30yo. I find out I have PCOS, insulin resistance, and hypothyroidism and I'm at my heaviest weight of 250lbs at only 5'3".
    Got put on medication and with no effort on my part, lost about 60lbs over 2 years. But due to infertility issues and just bad eating habits (ALL THE CARBS!!!), I started gaining weight again.
    Did eventually get pregnant.. 3 times and here I am.
    Last year, I kept putting off starting another diet. Just kept telling myself... "Oh.. NEXT Monday I'll start." Then it would come and pass and I'd still be eating terribly.
    Well I had a health scare that really set me straight. I started getting chest pains. Left side chest pains. Scared the ever living bejebus out of me. Turned out to be stress related and nothing else concerning showed up on my tests thankfully. Who knew raising 2 toddlers could be stressful?? /sarcasm
    It really opened my eyes though. What if it hadn't just been stress?? What if I had to have open heart surgery at just 39yo with 3 small kids?? I needed whatever I decided to do to be the last "diet" I ever went on.
    So I started the keto diet 7 months ago at a weight of 224lbs. I knew this was it though. I knew that THIS time, I wasn't giving up.
    It's been a lot easier than I ever thought it would be. I'm not super strict with ingredients, but I stay within my carb limit. I know this type of restrictive diet isn't for everyone, but it works for me. I also can't control my appetite if I eat carbs b/c they never make me feel satisfied. I could eat an entire box of pasta and an hour later would be hungry again. I could eat 2 packs of ramen WITH 3-4 eggs and would still be hungry after.
    I've lost about 45lbs. I've had 3 planned "cheats" this entire time and.. I'm still going as strong and as determined as I was on day 1.
    Still have about 50-55lbs I'd like to lose and I'm going to get there. No doubt in my mind that I WILL reach my goal.
    Decided that I need to take nightshades out of my diet temporarily... at least a month. I'm fairly certain I have an intolerance to them. They're my fav. I love hot sauce, I love spicy, I love tomatoes, but whenever I eat them... my gut is not happy with me, so I'm giving those up for at least a month.
    They're the main veggies I eat so decided that I'm also going to try going carnivore for a month too just to see how it goes. If it works out, then yay, if it doesn't, then just back to keto for me :)
    My new years resolution was to start exercising which I did.
    I'm extremely out of shape though so I'm starting off reeeeeally slow. REALLY slow lol. It's still difficult for me to not want those instant results, but my mind is slowly coming to terms that changes aren't going to happen overnight. Also doesn't help that I'm extremely lazy and enjoy being lazy. Taking care of my boys (while my daughter is in school) is exhausting and I fully admit that I'd rather just sit and veg out on the couch than get up and do anything physical lol. So it's been a challenge to just get up and do something.
    Anyway... I've written a novel here lol.
    Really looking forward to this challenge and helping to cheer everyone else on :)

    What a wonderful accomplishment you must be so proud. I am also committed to low carb for the month of Feb (no more than 50 grams total carbs 25 grams net) I tried to do keto but it made me a little crazy trying to figure out how to get my fat intake up without eating sticks of butter. It's ok when I focus on limiting carbs and keeping protein around 95 grams. Do you mind if i friend you so i can check out your diary? Might give me some idea of things to eat.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited January 2019
    I don't track on MFP. I probably should though. I've been using the carb manager app to track my food.
    The only macros I aim to reach are protein and of course staying under my carb limit. If my fat is high then it's high, if it's low then it's low. I don't worry about hitting fat although it's usually not a problem for the things I eat (fatty meats).
    You (and anyone else) can still friend me here though :D The more the merrier!
  • NikkiDT9211
    NikkiDT9211 Posts: 39 Member
    edited January 2019
    Hi all!

    Thanks for letting me join you this month. My name is Nichole and I am 32 years old from California. I have been losing weight for almost a year now (2 more weeks!) and I've lost 48 pounds so far. I want to lose 30-40 more.

    I have been losing some motivation so I am very excited to be a part of this. I love the competitive nature and the sense of teamwork. I look forward to kicking Feburary's butt with all of you 😊.

    I see you guys are looking for people for the step challenge. What does it entail?

    Hope you all had a successful day!
  • GettingFitTash
    GettingFitTash Posts: 31 Member
    Personal Challenge: to be purposely active everyday for 30 minutes

    I’m training for my first 5K in April, very excited! I’ve been part of F2F for several months, it is very encouraging and motivating for me :) I’m 47, married with 3 kiddos, need to lose about 40 pounds. Looking forward to a great month!!
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    Week 1
    Pw 178.5
    Cw 172.8
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    Woohoo almost 6 pounds. People will say it's only water weight but I dont care then its 6 pounds of bloat I dont have to look at. Since I haven't eaten carbs for about 6 days now I feel better. My mood is more stable. I sleep better. The only downside is I have to cook alot bc I cant just eat a sandwhich or something fast. That will be better next week since I go back to work next week and we have a really nice canteen where I will have a big selection of different meat, fish, veggies, or my favorite a huge salad. I will cook a bunch of meat on the weekend so I have something at night and dont have to cook when I'm tired.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Personal challenge: drink more water

    I know it sounds like a small challenge, but life is a little crazy right now.
    So I've been reducing carbs as much as possible for the last 5 days, but have been suffering quite unpleasant side effects, constipation and flatulence (sorry too much information in the morning!)
    Anyone suffered similarly and got any practical advice?
  • Bear479
    Bear479 Posts: 58 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    Personal challenge: drink more water

    I know it sounds like a small challenge, but life is a little crazy right now.
    So I've been reducing carbs as much as possible for the last 5 days, but have been suffering quite unpleasant side effects, constipation and flatulence (sorry too much information in the morning!)
    Anyone suffered similarly and got any practical advice?

    So I had a similar problem and I think it's pretty common when you go low carb bc you dont get alot of fiber. I definitely need my fiber so I take chia seeds. I mix 30grams of chia seeds in a low carb shake mix with almond or coconut milk. 30 grams is alot and it's a good idea to build up to a certain level. Maybe start with 15 grams and see how your body reacts. Chia seeds are very very high in fiber. They also help me feel full. Or you can get another kind of natural fiber supplement like psyllium husk. Drink it 2x per day before eating. Sometimes I do both. physllium husk before lunch and chia seeds after dinner (bc its like a desert for me). Just some ideas but start off slow and build up to a good level for your body and of course drink tons of water.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    I am a returning member so I posted my weigh in on the Jan thread. If I see a note there, I will repost it here.
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Thanks Bear! I will definitely try that!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
  • jan110144
    jan110144 Posts: 1,281 Member
    @ Bear479
    Week 1
    Pw 178.5
    Cw 172.8

    GREAT way to kick off the month!

    @GettingFitTash Great fitness goal. Join our fitness challenge and let us know how you are doing on this goal throughout the month and what benefits you are experiencing from it.

This discussion has been closed.