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LiLee's Journey to overall happiness



  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Ok.... kittens!!
    Not the best photos when they're awake. They're definitely in full blown PLAY PLAY PLAY mode right now lol.
    Finally got them both off the bottle and eating on their own. Although I've been using this kitten 2nd step formula stuff that hubs got from Petco. They seem to enjoy it though so... whatever.
    Will need to work on getting them on just water soon though.
    We still put them in the bathroom at night, but they're out in the living room most of the day now. Also starting to incorporate clumping litter in to their litter now.
    And yeah.. they're both doing really good :)

    They're currently making a giant mess at hubby's desk lol
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Those are adorb babies.......sorry for what your son said, man that is sad.......It looks like they did a great job of re-attaching though.....and knowing how my two boys were, after scrapes and bruises, and stiches......they love showing off their scars :)......he is one tough kiddo!

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Back to it finally. Daughter's birthday and youngest's birthday were this weekend. Lots of cake and ice cream lol.
    But yep... finally back to it today.
    Doing an egg fast. Started it off today w/ a chaffle made with 2 eggs, 62g of mozzarella, monk fruit, vanilla extract and topped with some SF syrup and some butter.
    Bought myself a new waffle maker too. A bit more grown up than the spiderman one I was using lol Plus I can just make one big waffle instead of having to make 2 small ones over and over again.

    Also started exercising again. Just keeping that low for now just so I can get back in to the habit again. Did 20min on elliptical. No resistance, but doing it to faster paced songs helped me to at least go a bit faster than I had intended so I still got my heart rate up. Yay :)
    Expecting AF to arrive soon. Within the next couple of days. So that's going to suck, but still going to try to do something.

    Stress has definitely gotten the better of me this year so far, but I'm still determined to get to that 30lbs lost goal by the end of the year. I think I may have to change it slightly to just be like... get to 150something weight by the end of the year. Hell, I'd be happy to be back in the 160's too.

    That's going to be DIFFICULT with even more birthdays and holidays and other crap coming up, but I can do it! I can be strong! I need to keep it to just a single day of cheating or even just a meal. I've been letting my stress guide me these last few weeks.

    I'm already thinking about what I want for my birthday though lol. More fried chicken and a giant buttery baked potato /nodnod
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Glad the stress is better, you had a rough go of it girl! Awesome that you are back on track with eating and exercise :) You totally can shed the 30 by the end of the year :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    vol- I hope I can! I just have to reign it in though and have to remain pretty darn strict (in terms of not allowing unplanned cheats).

    Today is day 3 of my egg fast and so far so good. While I'm not sick of eggs, I am ready to just get back to my regular diet. But just one more day though. I can do one more day :)

    I did not exercise yesterday. While I'm back to better eating again (like no urge to cheat again), I'm still not really 100% where I was before mentally so I made excuses to not exercise. Not even excuses.. just.. I don't want to so I'm not lol.
    I was making those same excuses today but I started watching a vlogger that is also on her weight loss journey and watching her get up and do something got me to get up and do something too.
    I just sat there and thought to myself... "I'm going to watch this video... the least I can do is finish watching it while I'm on the elliptical. Even if it's just at a slow pace."
    So that's what I did. I got on the elliptical and took it slow while I watched her video. I did increase resistance just a small bit and near the end went a bit faster too, but I kept it slow for the most part.
    Even though it was barely exercise, I'm still happy that I got up and did something. It's a small step in the right direction.

    Also... forgot to post weight, but it was 191.something on Day 1 of the egg fast.
    And from just a second ago, it was188.2.
    So it's dropping, but still up from where it was. Hoping a couple more pounds of this is also PMS related too since that should be starting up today or really soon.

    In other news. Son has his follow up appointment today. His nose looks great though. Looks to be healing up really well and he says it doesn't hurt anymore when we're putting the ointment on the scar.

    Kittens are also doing great. Hyper little monkey cats. They're starting to get a lot more hyper and getting on to a lot more things. We're going to wake up one day to everything on all the shelves knocked down to the floor.
    One thing they still need to work on though is pooping and NOT stepping in it. So gross, but neither of them seem to mind getting a small bath to clean the poop off. Mia (the orange one) actually starts to purr once she's wrapped up in the towel getting dried off lol.
    Right now I'm trying to wean them off the kitten formula and just drink plain water. Only have about 2 servings of it left anyway so they're gonna get weaned off no matter what lol.
    Also trying to get them to eat crunchy food now too. Somewhat successful so far :)

  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Glad things are going well. How was your weight at the end of the egg fast?

    OMG your babies are so cute :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Oh I forgot to update here too lol.

    So my weight this morning was 187 on the dot. That's down just over 4lbs which I'm more than happy with, but that's still up about 2-4lbs from where I was before my giant stress filled cheatfest lol.

    4lbs may have come off even if I had just gotten back to regular keto too though so /shrugs.. still a win :)

    I had myself some fried cabbage this morning. Like... an entire giant bag worth. Still only equaled about 300 calories.
    Had some lunch which was leftover shaved beef w/ peppers, onion, cheese

    Dinner is going to be a sirloin and either sauted broccoli or green beans or zucchini. Maybe a medley :disappointed:

    AF started today and with it came a headache and some minor cramping and uhm... gut issues so no exercising today. Probably not tomorrow either since first 2 days are the worst. Will see how it goes though.

    Need to get back to IFing again too!
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    OMG this southern gal loves her some fried cabbage........yum o! Congrats on the 4lb that is super awesome!!
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    WHEW My appetite is really high right now. I fixed some chia seed pudding that I snacked on, but I needed more so ate some cheese and salami slices too (all after dinner). I could've easily eaten the entire mason jar of the pudding I made. Easily. And dinner was big too. Sauted broccoli and zucchini w/ 2 sirloin steaks (maybe about 4ish oz each).
    Thanks so much AF!.... :neutral:

    I could use more sleep, but it's been pretty good here so far. About to go start up a pot of neckbones w/ mushrooms so I can have that for dinner.

    Lunch is gonna be.. something. Probably steak burritos (leftover steak)
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    OMG the AF and food intake ---totally the same way........

    Your lunch sounds amazing ;)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Still have a voracious appetite, but I've been doing pretty good at picking better choices so I'm not eating like 5k calories a day lol.
    My weight has gone up a pound though. I THINK that might be b/c of the mushrooms I've been eating. They don't exactly sit well in my gut, but I've been taking enzymes to help with it so that could be a potential reason.
    It's going good though.
    I can already see and feel the bloat I had coming back off. Now if I can just get the weight to start going back down again without having to do anything extreme.


    They're both doing great! Getting in to everythere and everywhere. They both know their names which is always super cute. Especially with cats. Gotta enjoy it now while they still respond to their names lol.
    They are little weirdos too. Like, if they're both by eachother and one of them sees the other using the litterbox, the other will have to use the litterbox at that exact moment too. Like women needing to go to the bathroom together. It's so strange lol.

    JJ (calico) is definitely the vocal one right now. Hungry? MEOW. Attention? MEEEEOOOW. Where's my sister? MEEEEEEOOOOW. Just wanna meow? MMMMMMEEEEOOOOWWW.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Woops, forgot to add, We're rearranging 2 of the kids rooms.
    Did my son's last night (the older son). Thankfully that was easy b/c he's actually been keeping his room somewhat clean.
    My daughter's room is next though and I'm procrastinating like crazy. It's not.. super messy, but it's messy enough and cluttered and uuuuugh.

    Gotta do it though before school starts at the end of the month. DH is planning on making them both desks. Nothing fancy or anything, but need to get the rooms situated how we want so he can figure out the dimensions.
    We learned last night that kid's chairs and just chairs in general are frackin expensive!!
    Thought we'd be able to get something for them for like... maybe $20 a piece but nope. Sheeeeeeeesh

    UGh Not looking forward to online school for them. The schedule that I've seen seems really... annoying. NM my youngest and trying to explain to him that he's going to need to leave them alone. I'm sure we'll all adjust to it, but this is still going to suck.
    BUT on the bright side.. we'll get to sleep in. No need to wake up all early since online school starts at 9.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    OMG the kittens....so adorable.......love love love.....

    My youngest (13 8th grade) is going into week two of remote and so far so good. Hubby is helping him through the day since he works from home. On M-W-F he has live classes from 9am-355pm, so he is occupied, just making sure he puts on a shirt before class has been the biggest issue :)......T/Th they just work on their own for homework/ or other work. So far really nice.....since my Mom lives with us we are going to keep him home the entire year, we can always choose to send to him once they decide to open (which may or may not happen) Nashville has insane numbers right now, but we do have the choice.

    Sleeping later --win win/Not buying school clothes --win win/Not having to take him/pick him up from school ---win win :) hope your kiddos do well!

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Vol- YES! You understand! lol Although we did have to buy 2 out of 3 kids new clothes. My poor older boy outgrew like all of his stuff so definitely needed more even if he was remote learning lol. And my daughter well... I can't resist buying girl clothes b/c they're adorable :P But she also seems to be going through a little growth spurt so needed a few things too.
    But HIGH FIVE not having to get up early or take them/pick up!! WOOT!

    I also chose to just keep them home all year. My states numbers seem to be slowly going down finally, but meh. I'd rather just wait until everything calms the heck down before sending them back, plus me keeping them home will be 2 less kids the school will have to deal with whenever person to person school starts up.. IF it does.

    Mammogram was today. My very first one and it wasn't so bad. The lady did want me to tell everyone to NOT come in right before your period starts b/c it hurts more and your breasts can get little cysts in them which will show up and blahblah. So yeah.. there ya go. Everyone that hasn't had one yet.. make sure you don't go in right before your period starts lol.
    It wasn't bad though. Pancaked twice on both boobles and out I went. The worst part was trying to find a dang parking spot in a giant *kitten* minivan.
    There is nothing worse than trying to find a spot in a crowded as hell parking garage in a giant frickin car.
    I already hate parking when there are no other cars around.. add in jam packed parking and it's a nightmare /cry
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Glad you got your mammy :) they are no fun at all but boy are they important super important.......Yeah ---not fun at all, but it is usually pretty quick if you have someone that knows what they are doing :).

    LOL I hate parking too, I always say, I wish my SUV had a front camera too, I never can seem to see the front when I pull in :) the rear camera is great, but how about for shorties, can we have a front one too???!!!!

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Vol- Lol yes! I always go in too far over one side or the other so have to back up and straighten up in to the spot a couple of times. I mean I guess that's better than just leaving the car all crooked though like some people do. OMG I'm sure I would've backed up in to someone by accident if we didn't have a rear camera. Whoever came up with that idea is a genius and I hope they got the big bucks for it! lol

    So diet is swell. I mean really nothing much to report on there. I really need to track though and stop being so lazy about it.
    I exercised too. I somewhat pushed myself. Not really a difficult workout on the elliptical, but it was definitely cardio.

    No new kitten photos yet. They're currently acting like little hyper monkeys while I type this. Attacking each other and running off, then attacking again lol. So long as they're not attacking my feet though, pfft, have at it kittens.

    We are having a flea problem in the bathroom though. The one they were in when we first got them. Keep spotting them whenever I'm on the toilet and gotten bitten a few times now. I kill whichever ones I can catch.
    I've mopped and vacuumed twice now. Need to get up under our towel rack and behind the toilet a bit better next time. Hopefully the fleas haven't made it out in to the rest of the house. We do need to treat our dogs again. Hoping that treating them will help to kill any that have gotten in to the rest of the house. We still haven't gotten the cats to the vet yet. THat will be up to hubby to do and he's a bigger procrastinator than I am.

  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    You definitely want to treat for the fleas ASAP. We are currently dealing with a flea problem here because our normal flea treatment stopped working and then the new thing we tried didn’t work AT ALL. Our neighborhood has fleas pretty bad because of our neighbor’s cats that they keep letting have kittens and roam around. So we have to be very vigilant or we’ll get fleas in the house. It’s never just a couple either. If you see a few fleas that means there are hundreds hiding and eggs hatching. :(
    We are finally on the tail end of it now thankfully but it was rough.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Fleas suck for sure. Our dogs (they are indoor) but still could get them are on a monthly tablet and we have never had any issues. They work so much better and it prevents ticks too. But it is kinda expensive :(.
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I noticed the other day that both cats were infested again. The fleas hid well until there were too many of them to hide. I moved our heavy as sin couch and cleaned under it well (that's where the kittens like hiding and sleeping).
    Thankfully haven't seen any more fleas in the bathroom or anywhere else, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time before we do.
    We also bought some flea stuff for them. Advantage or Frontline. We've used both on our dogs and they always worked really well. So FX that we're ahead of a flea infestation. We have carpet so it would suuuuuuuuuck if we got infested.
    We usually treat our yards for fleas and ticks so don't have a huge problem. We do however always have a problem with flies though. We get SO many damn flies in the house every dang year. Every time we open the door, a few fly in. Drives me crazy.

    Anywho, I OMAD'd today! Sorta. I did have like 3 Quest chips at noon, but didn't eat an actual meal until 6.
    Had to clean up b/c have some solar panels dude coming tomorrow. Can't let folks think we always live in a disaster zone! lol
    While cleaning the hallway that leads to 2 of my kids rooms... I got tired of it looking like a crackhead was squatting in our hallway and decided to finally paint it.
    We've lived in this house for 12 years. My daughter is 8yo and she started drawing on the walls when she was around 2-3. So yeah.. that should tell you how much we're procrastinators. We have paint and all the other supplies to paint too. Just laziness too lol.
    Anyway... I got tired of looking at a hallway filled with scribbles so took it upon myself to paint it. Grabbed one of the fuller cans of paint we have (a nice sky blue color) and went to work. Took my like 3 hours and now the hallway looks nice and fresh :D YAY ME! lol /pats self on back

    And that's the tale of why I OMAD'd today. Wanted to get a hallway painted and was too distracted to eat.

    I weighed myself before I ate though and it was at 183.something so woot! I doubt it will be that tomorrow but I SEENT IT! Before the 183, this morning it was 185.4 so still good IMO :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Welp, this morning's official weigh in weight was 183.8! WOO! It was 186.something just a few days ago so yay :)
    Definitely not OMADing today though. IFing still, but dinner last night didn't sit well in my stomach. Not sure if it was the chipotle mayo or the lettuce that caused issues but well.. it didn't sit IN me for very long if you catch my drift, so I am EXTREMELY hungry this morning. But waiting on solar panels dude to get here and will probably eat something after he leaves.
    No exercise today, but will start back up tomorrow. Going to start aiming for a mile on the elliptical now (not sure if I mentioned that here). From the thing I saw to figure it out, doing 840 strides= a mile on my machine, but I'm going to round up to 1000. I think having a set goal will help. I already do around 700 on a regular decent elliptical workout so it shouldn't be too difficult to get to 1k.

    Anywho... kittens!!

    My older boy giving the kittens some love :)

  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    That is awesome on the hallway.......I get in those moods, like with organization, this weekend i opened this multi purpose drawer (AKA a drawer full of mostly crap) and two hours later, I had re-organized half the kitchen drawers and pantry area :) LOVE LOVE LOVE that happy feeling when you finish a project or do something that has been needed for a long time. So YAY YOU :) and yeah---you totally forget about food if you stay busy :)......

    The babies are super cute. and look like they are really growing too :)

    Super cool on your weigh in :) you will be in the 170s in no time girl :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    184 on the dot this morning, but I forgot to weigh again before I ate. I also haven't pooped yet today either. Took digestive enzymes w/ my dinner last night and well, they're definitely helping. Mushrooms usually go right through my system but it's staying put and getting digested like it should hopefully /nodnod

    OOO DH and I have also been trying out some Quest products. THeir chips are ok. Have a weird dryness to them, but has that chip crunch so it's satisfying for a keto friendly junk food.
    He also bought some Quest chocolate chip cookies too. We got those yesterday and I had one after dinner and holy smokes it's good. Big soft delicious cookie!

    Total calories yesterday was in the range of 1200-1300. Maybe a little more or less b/c I didn't actually measure anything. Guessed on how much I ate lol.

    This morning, I did my first 1k on the elliptical though! WOO!
    Took 20mins and yeah. Wasn't too bad. I did bursts where I'd go faster than I'm used to so got in some good cardio I think. I only had resistance slighly more than nothing and incline was at the lowest setting. Just keeping it at that for now until I get used to doing it. Hopefully I'll have longer bursts of faster strides and will get that 20mins shaved down quite a bit :) Then I'll start increasing resistance, going up on incline, etc.

    Already wasted half the day away though. Now I need to finish setting up the kids school stuff and making sure all of that works and getting the kids used to using their laptops. Joy.... :\
    Trying to get my daughter to do some extra math and reading right now since we slacked off on that this summer and I swear... I might as well be trying to get our kittens to do it with how resistant she is. So frustrating.

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    DH is outside finishing up the kids' desks so have a little time.
    Food today was pretty good. Had 2 cheese quesadilla's for lunch along w/ a couple of nacho cheese quest chips.
    Had like 2 baby pickles for a quick snack, then dinner was about 5oz ribeye and stir fried veggies. Also had a quest chocolate chip cookie.

    Calories are at around 1300-1400.

    Pretty darn happy with that.

    An according to MFP, if I keep this up then I'll be 176.something in 5 weeks. We'll see MFP. We'll see! lol
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Sounds like you are doing awesome!!!! You will be in the 170's in no time!1! Super cool on the working out.......

    Hope school goes good. We found out last night that our district will stay virtual until at least after Fall break in October, and perhaps the entire semester. When they phase in it will be K-2 first........We are in a groove so that is cool for us :)
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    2nd day of 100 strides on the elliptical was A LOT harder. I bumped up the resistance by 2 (from 3 to 5) and that made it A LOT more difficult. By the 500 stride mark, my legs were done. Time on it today was 23mins which still isn't too much more than it was yesterday, but more bc I couldn't do like I had done yesterday... doing about 100 give or take strides at a faster pace then resting and doing a slower pace, wash repeat. After that mid point, I had to go slower or at a medium pace b/c my legs weren't having any more of the faster pace lol
    Weak. SO weak! lol
    I got it done though so yay! :)

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I am having some mood issues today. Might be stress related again (seriously... I think trying to get my daughter to do the little bit of school work is causing my stress to go up more).
    Was feeling good and happy earlier after I worked out, but the bad sleep I've been getting has caught up with me and now I'm just having lots of doubt and feeling frustrated.
    Am I doing enough? Why do I need to stay so low calories to get my weight to move at all. Hell, even staying low calories and it's going UP (but I haven't pooped so I know why but the doubt is still creeping in to my head).
    Just... BLEH!
    I hate stress. I really do. Had a dream last night that my hair was falling out in fist fulls. Really good indicator that I'm stressed right now.
    Grrrr.... I just wish I could figure out something to stop this. Deep breathing helps, but I need some other way.
  • Brendalea69
    Brendalea69 Posts: 3,863 Member
    I'm sorry you are so stressed and its probably why you are having a hard time losing. I hope you're stress free soon 🙏❤

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited August 2020
    Can't get to sleep. Mind is racing on how I can get a small jump on teaching my daughter multiplication.
    I mean some of it is pretty easy though so hopefully she'll pick up on the easy parts quick and it won't be so stressful tomorrow. FX!

    Thankfully my mood got a bit better earlier. I'm still having doubts, but I'll work through them somehow. Just have to keep going though, no matter what.

    And while the digestive enzymes help... b/c the food is sitting in my system for longer.. I am having some horrible gas. I mean, I'll get bad gas when I cheat, but normally on keto, any gas I get doesn't smell at all.
    BUT I have been eating a lot more veggies now. Ate some cooked broccoli tonight and well... my gas would clear the room if anyone was up with me right now lol. Holy smokes it's bad. SO BAD.
    I know you all want to hear about what's coming out of my behind :wink: rofl
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    edited August 2020
    Unplanned rest day today. Stress is messing with my sleep really bad. Normal bed time is 10 and even with melatonin, I didn't get to bed until after midnight last night and slept horribly.
    I'm SO tired and worn out and that's even after having caffeine.
    Just taking today to rest... physically and hopefully mentally too.

    Not sure what lunch will be. Was debating between fried cabbage or sauted zucchini. Think I'll go with the zucchini w/ mushrooms. Sounds yummy, especially if I sprinkle with some of my ramen soup mix powder.

    Think I'm gonna have a cup of coffee too. Don't want to drink another Monster (b/c they're expensive AF), but I really need more caffeine right now.
  • katjustkat
    katjustkat Posts: 754 Member
    I used to help out in my kids elementary school class. Teacher asked me to help out a lil girl with math. She absolutely had no interest in it. She was pretty chubby...and I knew she loved cookies...so lol...I related all the math to cookies. That really made it fun and relatable to her. We would add, substract, multiply, divide fictional cookies. She caught on pretty quickly. I did the same using money as examples for other kids...how many pennies would you have if so and so scenario happened. Maybe try with money with her...might make it more tangible for her and fun. First use like 100 real pennies and show her how many pennies she would have if she had 10 and then times it by 4 so she can see the mechanics of it.