Like Minded Lushes - Spring 2019



  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, wow, health insurance is definitely our biggest concern, but I am thinking we're going to do the catastrophic after Cobra runs out. I'll still be working so I think I'm his pension (or so he says!)

    I've been pretty good on the booze (as I'm sick) -- one on Monday- zero yesterday - planning on zeros today and tomorrow for sure. Trying to figure out what to replace it with as I'm bored with tea and water. Tried the fizzy water but it's not jiving. I'm sure I've asked this before but what's the trick for 5 o'clock? i drink so much tea during the day that I need something different at night.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Gwen- the trick is edibles. Or I use a dry herb vaporizer. Not sure if you live in a state where its legal though. :smoker:
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, I wish! Gummies would be great.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gwen, the soda water with lemon works for me pretty well. Then tea at night. And of course, a gummy also helps B) Good luck!

    Well I can honestly say April is hitting me over the head and testing my new found meditation skills! Besides the husband being laid off, I lost my cousin's husband suddenly this week. Both my parents died at a pretty young age, so my mom's cousin and her husband sort of stepped in and were always so good to me. Losing one of them is almost like losing a parent again. It's made me very sad. I'm actively doing my best not to spiral! Trying to keep it to 1-2 glasses of wine max.

    Good news (but still very stressful) is that my son is in escrow on a place. It's very exciting but of course there's a zillion things to do/manage and he's leaning on me pretty heavily. Husband is leaning as well, so this ol gal is trying to save room for myself and my sanity!!

    No need to worry about the lbs slipping on at least. With all my stress, I actually have to remind myself to eat.

    Hope everyone else is hanging in there. I do get to see my grandniece on Saturday, so that'll be a wonderful mood booster!! :)
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Syd- hang in there my friend. It looks like you are going through a great deal, and all at once. Very good news about the son's place now in escrow. Enjoy your niece on Saturday!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Sorry to hear things have been rough this month, Syd! I'm also trying to get into meditation so would love to hear how that works for you. Keep at it!

    Was happy to see the numbers drop on the scale this morning though I have zero trust in the machine, to be honest. Up one day down the next.. frustrating. Last night had wine, cosmo, wine... in that order. Tonight will not be a zero but hoping to have just one glass tomorrow and then zeros till Friday again. I think it really did help with the dip in numbers -- that and being sick. :) I've been back at my art full steam so I'm hoping to dedicate more evening time to that so that I'm not wondering what to do at 5 o'clock!

    Happy weekend all! We are going to see our son's new apartment and cocktails on the beltline in Atlanta. Going to be a fun family day (which are the best!)

    Thanks for the warm welcome backs from all of you.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Gwen, what type of art do you do?
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, mostly abstract art with acrylic and alcohol ink. Just created a studio space so hope to do more of it this year.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Gwen, very cool! I hope you get a chance to use your new studio space this year. Maybe post a pic!

    My brother, who divorced his wife last year, and his new girlfriend will be staying with us later this month. His Ex was very well liked by the family and the whole situation is a little tense. I am nervous about putting them up for four nights. We haven't met her and really don't know how things will go. Life never gets dull!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    edited April 2019
    Instant mood booster <3

  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Gwen, I'm very envious of artistic people! I've got zip in the way of any talent.

    Gary, sounds like an interesting situation. 4 nights is way too long, even for family members that I like :D There's a good possibility we will be retiring in Palm Springs and we're already anticipating lots of visitors. Finding a place with just the right amount of room to welcome them, but not make them *too* comfortable is essential. You know what they say: guests and fish both start to smell after 3 days
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Wonderful pic of you and your niece(?) Syd.

    Fish and company- great comparison!

  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Gary, I'll definitely post some pics this week now that it's all organized! Good luck with your visit - and I'm with Syd, 4 nights is a LOOOONNG time for family. Hope you have those gummies stocked up!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    So last night was supposed to be a zero but it was a nice evening and we were sitting out on the front porch rockers, my husband with his bourbon.. so it was a 2. Sometimes it just makes sense.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Sounds perfect, Gwen :drinker:
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Sounds like a nice relaxing way to end the day.
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Sorry I've been MIA, things have been crazy. Seems like it took me forever to get caught back up at work after our trip. Now I just have to get myself back together and get back to healthy eating and working out!

    Syd- sorry for your loss ❤
    Gary- good luck with the visit-sounds like it could be awkward!
    Gwen- enjoy the family time!!
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    One more work week until sun and fun in Maui. Some nights have been zeros and some nights not so much. I also booked my 3 trips to vegas. Quick weekend in June for the baby shower, Long week in September to meet my newest granddaughter and for Andelane's 6th birthday and finally a long weekend in November for the wedding. The really awesome part of these trips is that I am flying out of the new airport in Everett (right where I work) so no more hassle with traffic and the 40 mile jaunt to SeaTac. This makes me so happy.
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Ann, thank you! I hope you have an awesome weekend, as well!

    Robin, that sounds heavenly! I've never been to Hawaii and it's on the list! Sounds like you have some awesome trips coming up. Isn't it nice when we have some fun things to look forward to? Even just a weekend away from the everyday. I'm so glad you're doing all this for yourself!

    Happy Easter to all of you wonderful Lushes! Thanks for your support.
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Ann- Great to see you back!
    Robin- Its always good to have something fun to look forward to. It keeps us going.
    Gwen- Happy Easter to you too! I was wondering why there are so many Facebook bunny memes.
    Syd- Enjoy your weekend- you deserve some "me" time.

    As for me, same old routine. However, next week:

    -Company is coming-

    (vague GoT reference)