Like Minded Lushes - Spring 2019



  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Syd- It was the same with us. The house looked tiny and the yard we used to play in, small.

    The weather has been great here, and I have been spending an hour or two outside doing yard work. The scales are promising a good weigh-in Friday!

    Now if I can moderate, it would be even better!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Tuesday, all. I had a great visit with my friend but over-indulged in every way (food, wine... ) It's been a stressful year with our daughter so we decided to take a break from everyone this coming weekend and head to Boulder, SO... the over-indulging will probably continue. Going to behave today and tomorrow to gear up for the breweries! Hope you are all doing well.
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Sounds like a great break, Gwen. Enjoy!

    The son closed escrow on his condo so that's pretty exciting. His 25th bday is Monday so we're celebrating that and Mother's day this weekend. Heading to a winery tomorrow and brunch Sunday. Hopefully the scale won't punish me too much.

    Off to the beach next week for a getaway we paid for before the husband was laid off. Looking forward to it. We need it. The weather here has been very gloomy but any time next to the ocean is good.

    Hope you lushes are doing well. Have a great weekend! :drinker:
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Happy Mother's Day to some of my favorite women! <3

    Syd- Grats on the son's first home!
    Heading out to the beach tomorrow. May be offline until Friday. With that being said- Have a great week!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Thanks and enjoy, Gary! I think your beach weather is better than ours. But I'm still looking forward to waking up and falling asleep to the sound of the waves. There's nothing better!
    Drank way too much wine this weekend. Probably not much changing this week. I'll hit the reset button next Monday.
    Have a great week lushes!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Syd, congratulations on your son's home. You must be so proud! That's an awesome accomplishment for a young man. :) I hope you are enjoying your beach time! And you, too Gary! Back to work here, but we really enjoyed Boulder, CO. Hiked a snowy trail around the lake at 9500+ elevation! Crazy! Ate and drank too much and will probably be having a bourbon tonight as it's chilly. Back to calorie counting I go. Not checking in with the weight until the end of the month... Happy day to all!
  • amcanzo
    amcanzo Posts: 418 Member
    Happy belated Mother's day to all! Had a good day here although the weather was completely poopy! Today it's nice finally - sunny & 68 WooHoo! Going for a walk after work!
    The youngest daughter is getting engaged this seems so scary and adult-like! She is my husband's daughter, she is 24 and we adore her young man. He actually came over to ask permission from Ron, my husband. Makes my heart melt a bit... :) the only sucky part is the ex-wife is a horrible so&so...not looking forward to that part of the festivities :#

    Syd - Congrats to your boy! Another very grown-up thing to do! :)
    Gwen - smart move, waiting till month-end! Boulder sounds amazing and is on my list of places to go!
    Gary - enjoy the beach!

    We just scheduled a trip to Florida for our anniversary in September, going to see some of Ron's family that lives in the Cutler Bay/Weston area and then spend a day or two in the Keys for our actual anniversary <3 I'm excited! Enjoy the rest of your week! B)
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Ann, congrats! I think it's awesome that you adore her young man. My son also asked permission to marry his fiance. Chivalry lives!

    Having a bit of a crap day today and am trying not to open the wine. May not happen. Anyone else ever deal with a family member (or friend) who you just can't do enough for? That's my day. My mother, who is on a fixed income, needed dental work and I offered to pay for part of it -- and just forked out $2500 yesterday. And I'm done. And I call her (she lives in a different country than me so I never really see her... maybe it was that guilt that made me do it? ) and ask her how they are healing up and she says "So I guess you're considering this a Mother's Day gift? " Umm.. yah, for the next 10 years? And she said "Well I need more work done." And I told her I was tapped out. And she got all pissed with me ...and laid on the guilt trip. Sorry... didn't mean this to be a negative rant but there it is... hence the desire to open a bottle of wine and try to remember that my gesture was a good one and I don't regret it and I can't control selfish, narcissistic people.

  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Oh Gwen, I'm very sorry. That's especially hurtful coming from mom. Our inner child never really leaves us and will always want love and acceptance. Sometimes it's just best to do the work that allows ourselves to realize this is mom's issue, not ours. And then break the cycle with our own kids. It's quite possible your mom had a similar relationship with her mom. I definitely would have reached for the wine!
    At the beach. Woke up to rain but we should see sun by noon and for the rest of our stay. Cheers everyone! I'm drinking and eating way too much. Hopefully the walks on the beach are helping :drinker:
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Oh, and Ann congrats on your daughter's engagement!! And that Keys trip sounds great. I've always thought the vibe there looks up my alley B)
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Gosh, so much has been going on while I was at the beach. The beach was a bust, rained most of the time and only got in 20 miles on the recumbent trikes.

    Ann- Yay for the engagement! He sounds like a nice young man. Hard to find these days!

    Gwen- My wife has the same challenges with her dad. He is in a care facility and lets her know she is "just not doing enough" for him. He even has wanted her to come in and feed him. He is perfectly capable of feeding himself, I think its just a control thing. Bottom line- the ( s--tty) attitude of your mom and my wife's dad is THEIR burden not ours and we should separate that from us. Be happy, you are a good person.

    Our son and daughter in law (Japanese woman) just signed on their first house. Should close the 11 of June.

    Have a great day!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Happy Friday! It was not a successful week as far as zeros go... not a one. Last night was a 4! Been that kind of week, but back on track Monday. THank you for the thoughtful notes Gary and Syd. I've been dealing with this my whole life, so not sure why I set myself up to expect something different. It's definitely her issue and I need to set realistic expectations so as not to feel the way I did this week. Onward.

    Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. We are going to a wine and art festival tomorrow and then to a brewery on Sunday. So... yes, no zeros this weekend!

    Thanks again for letting me *kitten*. :) You guys rock!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    View from our room!
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Syd- Wowsa, what a view! The sunsets must be magnificent! Enjoy your well earned vacation!

    Gwen- re: Thanks for letting me "kitten". Stupid prof filters. Hey that's what we do- support each other! Enjoy your weekend!
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Syd! I didn't even see that it turned that word into "kitten" -- too funny! Well maybe I coined a new phrase?
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    Back from the beach and it's for the best, because it's cold and raining! We even lit a fire last night. Very odd weather this year. We still haven't had a proper spring. It will be interesting to see if we just go straight into summer.
    I'm trying not to complain since it's likely we will end up in Palm Desert to retire and will battle over 100 degree temps. It's a dry heat (I keep telling myself that)

    Avoiding the scale for now. I have an open bottle of red wine I will likely finish off tonight. Gave my baseball ticket to my son to go with his dad. It's too cold for me to be sitting in a wet stadium. The Padres just aren't good enough to suffer through that :D
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Syd, I'm avoiding the scale as well - even though I am back on track. I figured May 31 might be a good time to revisit it. :) Not that I trust scales anyway! Every time I go to the doctor, it's always off (and not for the better.) Enjoy your quiet evening. Sounds lovely. We are just back from a game or bocce ball and cooking dinner. Today is a zero for me. Planning on another zero tomorrow and then it's "let the weekend begin!"
  • ryzeman
    ryzeman Posts: 870 Member
    Enjoy the long weekend guys! We just bought a lot at a camping club down as Ocean Shores. We will be going down with our son and gradson tomorrow to hang out, swim, walk on the beach, drink, eat, and be merry!
  • SoCalWoman
    SoCalWoman Posts: 2,384 Member
    That sounds perfect, Gary!
    Hope everyone else is enjoying the holiday weekend.
    Son got his wisdom teeth pulled so I've been in caretaking mode. Actually got in 3 days of 0s! :o

    We missed our annual family getaway to Laguna beach for the 1st time in 20 we're headed up for the night tomorrow to see my cousin. Her husband recently passed away so it's been a bit of a solemn trip for everyone. We'll tell stories and toast to him.

    Did Robin say screw it and decide to stay in Maui permanently? B)
  • gwenm4
    gwenm4 Posts: 127 Member
    Hope everyone's week is off to a good start! It's nice to have a short week. Been way too hot here so am looking forward to 82-degrees at the end of the week! My husband sprained his ankle yesterday so the weekend was 50/50 ...hoping it heals fast so we can get the kayaks out this weekend.