Analytical April - 2019

LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
edited March 2019 in Social Groups
Please just use this thread to post your Analytical April posts. I highly recommend also copying your Analytical April post in your individual thread where comments can be made. To keep this thread as clean as possible please make comments, congratulations, and encouragements on the individual posters personal thread.

Analytical April will continue in the spirit of Microscope March and take a detailed look into our weight loss/maintenance/eating way of life plan. Even if you are not exclusively OMAD, you are welcome to participate. Analytical April will allow you to focus on other things as well as food. Some of the things you may want to look at include sleep, exercise, water intake, heart rate, stress levels, etc.

Whatever plan you are on, this is the time to really dig deep and examine all the things that go into you successfully reaching your goals. Below is a sample outline that you can use for your Analytical April Posts. You can choose which items to include or add additional items in your post. This month is for YOU, so include as little or as much in your post as you would like to help you meet your goal.

Today’s Date:

Todays Plan: OMAD, 16:8, 20:4, 5:2, bear (whatever plan you are following and if you are in weight loss or maintenance) Plan may change depending on the day (ex. OMAD on weekdays/Fast Day/16:8 on weekends).

Weight Goal for the Month:

Today’s Weight:

Today’s Water Consumed:

Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired):

Hours slept:

Description/Photo of Meals consumed along with times and calorie count (if desired, not necessary)

Your thoughts/comments on the day:

Other things to consider are various measurements if taken, and the day’s NSVs.

I recommend writing your post up in a separate document and add to it throughout the day as you have your meals and exercise, etc. so that you have accurate information and times and are not forced to have to remember at the end of the day. When you are ready, you can copy from your document into your daily Analytical April post.

Best Wishes for a successful Month!


  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    edited April 2019

    Day 1 of 3-day fast completed. No food, only 16 ounces of water. Need to work on more water tomorrow but I do better on my fasts when I don't drink that much.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    4-1 April
    Today’s Date:

    Todays Plan: Mini Fast

    Weight Goal for the Month: 160 Reach

    Today’s Weight: Friday

    Today’s Water Consumed: 100 oz

    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired):spinning 25 mins

    Hours slept: 8ish

    Description/Photo of Meals consumed along with times and calorie count (if desired, not necessary)Kinda a mini fast day, some salad, greek yogurt, and an apple less than 500 cals.

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Not really a planned mini fast day but wasn't feeling that great thanks to all the pollen crap we have now so just wasn't hungry......
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An. April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/1/19
    Today’s Plan: Mini Fast (FAIL LOL)
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 168
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: Meh middle of the road
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): normal work walking
    Hours slept: Maybe 7.5
    Description/Photo of Meals: Had cravings mid-day and true to last time, I listened and munched through like 500 cals at work…had my OMAD anyway later of “chicken salad” on romaine and WAY too much SF candy (my tummy paid for that all night)

    Total cals – 1335
    Total deficit - 1002

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Monday and the first day of the month, so typical work day – as stated above, had some cravings so munched away and still had my OMAD
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member

    Day 2 of 3-day fast. No food, only water. I was able to drink 67 ounces today.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    edited April 2019
    Today’s Date: 3 April 2019
    Todays Plan: 2 Meals (Lunch & Dinner)
    Height: 159cm (5 feet 2)
    Weight Goal for the Month: 58kg (roughly 127lbs)
    Today’s Weight: 59.9kg
    Today’s Water Consumed: 5 glasses
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 6 hours or less
    Description/Photo of Meals: 1/2 -1 cup of rice (241 calories) with bone broth (100 calories) & pan-fried fish fillet (160 calories) for lunch and Milo Drink for dinner (100 calories)
    Total calories = 601 calories
    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Am eating so that I don't get any more gastric. Going to get well first and then OMAD.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today’s Date: April 2
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Today’s Water Consumed: a LOT
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 7ISH

    Description/Photo of Meals: Greek triple zero cupcake yogurt (80 cals), subway grilled chicken on wheat 6inch 1/2 bag of baked lays chips ~700 cals. Deficit 500

    Thoughts: Today was a good day --late night with baseball so dinner was super later than normal but I held out and had a sugar free red bull during the game to try to ignore the smell from the concession stand of funnel fries.....OMG drool.....I will have them, just not this week :)…….
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/2/19
    Today’s Plan: Mini Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 166
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: Sucked – a LOT – MUST fix this seriously!
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): normal work walking
    Hours slept: ICK possibly 6?
    Description/Photo of Meals: Had more cravings today and indulged them a little (only around 170 cals) but realized quickly that was a bad idea – had cravings the rest of the work day, felt bloaty, and just generally didn’t have a good time until I got home food-wise (otherwise it was fine LOL) – had a beautiful OMAD when I got home of fake fajitas and Breyer’s low cal ice cream and a few SF jollies

    Total cals – 757
    Total deficit – FITBIT says 1143 b/c I didn’t wear it all day so it didn’t count my normal cal burn…if I average my normal it’d be around 1500 


    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Yeah definitely not breaking from OMAD 2 days in a row again…the moment it started it was bad…not like the day before where I was satiated and it got me through…nope. This just left me wanting more and counting down the time until OMAD which I NEVER do. SO note to self: proceed with caution on breaking OMAD even if you’re tempted…make sure your BODY needs the cals, not your mind LOL
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Today’s Date: 4 April 2019
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 58kg (roughly 127lbs)
    Today’s Weight: 59.7kg
    Today’s Water Consumed: 6 glasses
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 7 hours or less
    Description/Photo of Meals: Total calories - 850. (Carbonara Pasta, Ice Milo, Grapes & Lay's Sour Cream Chips)
    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Stay strong!
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    edited April 2019

    Day 3 of 3 day fast was a success. No food. About 36 ounces of water.

    My fitbit let me down and somehow during the syncing process managed to reset all of my numbers except my steps. My miles and my active minutes were just gone and set back to zero so it appear as I am lacking in some areas but trust me I was all green yesterday.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today’s Date: April 4
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Today’s Water Consumed: a LOT
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 8 ish

    Description/Photo of Meals: *Confession* I love food trucks...….We had one close to home last night and it was AMAZING...…

    The true grits were heaven in a bowl......Stone ground cheese grits topped with andouille sausage, caramelized onions, steamed spinach, fresh tomatoes, gouda cheese and over easy egg...….I had that and a 100 calorie fudge bar Photo on my page.....*your mouth will water if you like grits*

  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/3/19
    Today’s Plan: Mini Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 165.8
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: SLIGHTLY better
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): normal work walking
    Hours slept: 6.5
    Description/Photo of Meals: Had the fajita thingies again – still overate – OMADed but realistically calorie-wish it was a meal :expressionless:

    Total cals – 716
    Total deficit – 1452

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Just blech – ate too many cals again…Ced didn’t want the leftover fajitas and they looked so good so I ate the same thing BUT got rid of the ice cream in favor of SF candy cause it’s lower carb

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/4/2019
    Today's Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: not enough
    Today’s Exercise completed: not much. Practicing some booty exercise ball moves
    Hours slept: 7.5hrs
    Description/Photo of Meals: 2 coffee cups of chicken bone broth w/ chicken bouillon, 10.55oz ribeye fat eaten, cheddar crisps.
    Total calories: 1053

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Tired today suddenly. Really wanted to finish my meal with something sweet, but had nothing quick and low carb. Fixed some SF orange jello for tomorrow though! May have to find some other kind of fruit to make ice cream out of b/c I'm missing that treat lol.
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    edited April 2019

    Today was a big eating day for me. Had a smoothie, chicken wings and salad, and steak and eggs with cheese. I kept to a total of 32 net carbs. I did a lot of walking again today and burned enough calories to still be below my calorie limit. Hoping for a loss in the morning. I also drank 71 ounces of water today. I think I need to rethink my 3-day fast break-fast meal because, after my smoothie, I was running to the bathroom more than I cared to.
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today’s Date: April 5
    Todays Plan: Water Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Last FRIDAY WEIGHT: 168
    Today’s Water Consumed: a LOT
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Walking at ball field
    Hours slept: 7 ish

    Description/Photo of Meals:Had a couple of diet Dr. peppers, coffee, and water.....Had 1/2 bag of sf gummies.....Holy crap (more on that on my thread)

    Loss of 2 for the week *so happy*
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    edited April 2019
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/4/19
    Today’s Plan: Full Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 164.6
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: MUCH better – over 100oz
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): normal work walking
    Hours slept: 8 (but 8 crappy hours *sigh*)
    Description/Photo of Meals: I was so goooood – not a single cheat bite 

    Total cals – 5 (I mean crystal light *shrug*)
    Total deficit – 2171

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Super easy fast day because I was straight up exhausted! I’d been sleeping like crap!


  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/5/2019
    Today's Plan: Was OMAD, but ended up intermittent fasting for 19hrs and eating 2 meals and snacks
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: not enough
    Today’s Exercise completed: nada
    Hours slept: 8hrs
    Description/Photo of Meals: wing/leg/thigh of Sam's rotisserie chicken w/ hot sauce, cheddar crisps, SF orange jello w/ added citric acid, pork belly strips marinated in soy sauce/sesame oil/ 5 spice/ garlic powder/ onion powder/ red pepper flakes/ salt/ black pepper and air fried
    Total calories: 1735

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: I felt the need to eat earlier, so I did. I probably would've eaten more chicken then, but the breast was SO incredibly dry. Inedible. Sucks when you finally eat and it's not good. BOO.
    Back to OMAD tomorrow. Definitely buying more jello b/c it was GOOD. Could've eaten it all, but I guess I need to save some for the husband. Booooo sharing! BOOO ;)
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Today’s Date: 6April 2019
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 58kg (roughly 127lbs)
    Today’s Weight: 58.5kg
    Today’s Water Consumed: 6 glasses
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 8 hours or less
    Description/Photo of Meals: Total calories - 1203. (Hor Fun, Ice Milo, small bag of chips & hedgehog slice)
    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Got to stay strong and not fall off the wagon!
  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/7/19
    Today's Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: 1/2 liter
    Today’s Exercise completed: nada
    Hours slept: 9
    Description/Photo of Meals: 4 cups (about 2 coffee cups worth) of chicken bone broth w/ about a tsp of chicken bouillon added. 2 swigs of braggs ACV concord grape drink
    Total calories: About 200 or so
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    Today’s Date: April 6
    Todays Plan: OMAD/Snack
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Last FRIDAY WEIGHT: 166
    Today’s Water Consumed: a LOT
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Walking at ball field and spinning 30 minutes
    Hours slept: 8 ish

    Description/Photo of Meals: Had an international meal at an event and had some perogies, salad, and a brownie. Earlier in the day had a kind bar

    Today’s Date: April 7
    Todays Plan: OMAD/SNACK
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Last FRIDAY WEIGHT: 166
    Today’s Water Consumed: a LOT
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Spinning 30 minutes
    Hours slept: 8 ish

    Description/Photo of Meals: Kind bar early in the day with a halo orange, for dinner made home made spaghetti and meatballs, salad with homemade greek dressing, and a piece of pecan pie.....