Analytical April - 2019



  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/5/19
    Today’s Plan: Weigh In - Break Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 162.6
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: Not SUPER but enough
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): normal work walking
    Hours slept: 8.5…finally caught up on some good Z’s!
    Description/Photo of Meals: At work I had some sugar free candy, a giant “Hot AF” slim jim (it was warm but not HOT AF as I had hoped LOL), these things called salami chips that were delish and I will buy again on Fridays (they’re super low carb…let’s be serious, they’re just baby slices of salami LOL) half a pack of Peanut Butter M&Ms, and a few jalepeno lime tortilla chips – I was a snackin’ FOOL! LOL
    Dinner I had 1.5 Culver’s burgers, 2 fried shrimpies, and some Ice Cream 

    Total cals – 2561
    Total surplus - 184

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: I ate ALL DAY but only ended up over by less than 200 cals



    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/6/19
    Today’s Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: I'm sure not enough considering the drinking
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Not much, just normal daily stuff (I'm counting the sexy time as Sunday "Sat Night" because my Fitbit did LOL)
    Hours slept: About 7 hours - at besties so weird sleep schedule
    Description/Photo of Meals: We got Middle Eastern food so I had a chicken shwarma wrap with extra pickles, and hummus!
    Total cals – 1560 (even WITH the liquor LOL)
    Total deficit - 812

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: When we're social and drinking I rarely want to eat - but I did throw down that sammy so my tummy wouldn't be empty - it was delish but food wasn't the first thing on my mind LOL I was having too much fun <3



    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/7/19
    Today’s Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: Spent all day pushing water to flush out the liquor from the night before LOL
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Sexy time!!! I only mention it if I feel as though I burned enough cals to count BTW...I don't just randomly announce every time I get laid :D:D:D
    Hours slept: 6 hours ish, late night
    Description/Photo of Meals: Noodlies with egg yolk around 6pm and then Culvers and ice cream around 9:30-10
    Total cals – 2368
    Total deficit - 339

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: ATE SO MUCH today and it was all in about a 4-5 hour window BUT STILL had a deficit! I'm not complaining but WOW! How nice! LOL


  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/8/19
    Today's Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: not enough
    Today’s Exercise completed: 3 sets of 15rep squats
    Hours slept: not enough
    Description/Photo of Meals: 3 rotisserie chicken leg quarters, SF raspberry jello, parmesan crisps, fried cheddar jack cheese, swig of braggs ACV grape flavor drink
    Total calories: 1488

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: HANGRY today. I was not pleasant to be around. Kids driving me a bit more crazy than usual.
    Devoured my food in record time and could've eaten a lot more, but kept it under control. Will be catching up on water intake before bed.
  • wsandy8512
    wsandy8512 Posts: 1,897 Member
    Great job in getting kicking the hangry feelings at bay! Life being funny, as usual, always seems to throw in craziness on a days like you’ve had. I hate that, but it is what it is. Lol
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Today’s Date: 9 April 2019
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 58kg
    Today’s Weight: 59kg
    Today’s Water Consumed: 5 glasses (not enough)
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 8 hours or less
    Description/Photo of Meals: Total calories - 1064. (Singapore Noodles, Grapes and 6 x Arnold's Mint Slices )
    Thoughts : I must NOT fall off the wagon!!!
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    AA Date: 4/8/19
    Today’s Plan: OMAD/LCAL
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Friday's Weight: 166

    Today’s Water Consumed: Fair
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Spinning 30 minutes
    Hours slept: 8

    Description/Photo of Meals: Dinner 1 piece wheat toast, 2 strips of bacon, 1/2 avocado, salad with honey mustard dressing, sugar free popsicle. Estimate of calories ~600.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/8/19
    Today’s Plan: Mini Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 162.6
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: a MISERABLY small amount - not even close to my 100oz min
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): normal work walking, grocery shopping
    Hours slept: 8.75 - super rested yesterday
    Description/Photo of Meals: I went grocery shopping yesterday so I made mini-fast friendly kafta with mashed cauliflower instead of the mashed taters :) Followed by 1/3 of a pint each of lemon cake, birthday cake, and black cherry Halo Top!


    Total cals – 718
    Total surplus - 1902

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: I was SO PROUD of myself for A: Grocery shopping on a weeknight (like REAL grocery shopping, not just grabbing the thing I needed LOL) and B: coming up with a mini-fast friendly kafta with cauliflower mash! NOM NOM NOM

    Also they had new flavors of Halo Top and I bought 14 of the them - I definitely spent like 50 bucks on ice cream LMAO


  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/9/19
    Today's Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: Meh
    Today’s Exercise completed: nada
    Hours slept: what is this sleep??
    Description/Photo of Meals: 80/20 hamburger patty w/ hot sauce, 3 rotisserie chicken leg quarters, 1 line of lily's salted caramel chocolate, 1.5c chicken bone broth w/ bouillon
    Total calories: 1628

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Welp.. bone broth day was a fail! I had my yummy cup and knew instantly that just bone broth wasn't going to be enough. Not sure if it's b/c I'm tired or what, but my body just needed to eat.. so I did. A lot.
    Still in a deficit but only just barely. Oh well.
    Not going to beat myself up for listening to my body.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    edited April 2019
    Definitely not! I ALWAYS listen and I'm almost ALWAYS glad I did because the scale rewards me (***as long as I'm careful to make sure it's physical hunger not mental hunger*** as we mentioned before LOL

    WHOOPS my bad, meant to put this on your thread but now it won't let me delete it sooooooooooooooo LOL
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    AA Date: 4/9/19
    Today’s Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Last Friday's Weight: 166

    Today’s Water Consumed: Fair
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Normal work walking
    Slept? 7.5 hrs
    Description/Photo of Meals: Dinner
    It was free cone day at Ben/Jerry's so around 3pm I walked with some coworkers over and had a chocolate fudge brownie cone....Dinner was seaweed salad, and Nashvegas sushi (shrimp, crab, avocado, spicy aioli and bacon crumbles on top... OMG amazing...…

  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/9/19
    Today’s Plan: Mini Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 165.4
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: SLIGHTLY better – about a Gallon
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Lots of walking at work
    Hours slept: 7ish
    Description/Photo of Meals: Chicken Salad on Romaine, garlic and black pepper asparagus, and a combo of lemon cake, black cherry, and oatmeal cookie ice cream – ended up snacking a little half asleep…it’s almost like sleepwalking I HATE IT lol


    Total cals – 1060
    Total deficit - 1316

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Pretty easy going day…had some green peps in the afternoon (brought some for today too)…nothing too fun to report, just a normal dayyyyyyyyyyyy

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/10/19
    Today's Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: Not nearly enough
    Today’s Exercise completed: nada
    Hours slept: Pfffft
    Description/Photo of Meals: 1 80/20 hamburger patty, 4 boneless skinless marinated chicken thighs, aout 2-3tbs of kroger garlic parm wing sauce, swig of braggs ACV grape drink, 2 rows of lily's dark chocolate
    Total calories: 1286

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: Eyes are heavy, but don't have that completely exhausted feeling. Thank goodness. Also dinner was very satisfying. Was afraid I'd feel like I needed to eat more again today but I'm very full and satisfied with what I ate. It was a big *kitten* hamburger patty. Like just over 9oz. Same for the chicken too.
    And just finishing it off with some chocolate. YUM.
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Today’s Date: 11 April 2019
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 58kg
    Today’s Weight: 59.4kg (gain weight :( )
    Today’s Water Consumed: 7 glasses (not enough)
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 5 hours or less (Kids were complaining it was too cold, this and that the whole night)
    Description/Photo of Meals: Total calories - 1100. (Homemade ABC Soup, White Rice, 2 cups Grapes, Cinnamon Bun & Lay's Sour Cream Chips )
    Thoughts : I must NOT fall off the wagon!!!
  • volgirl1322
    volgirl1322 Posts: 2,086 Member
    AA Date: 4/10/19
    Today’s Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 160
    Last Friday's Weight: 166

    Today’s Water Consumed: Pretty good
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Normal work walking and 30 mins spinning
    Slept? 7 ish
    Description/Photo of Meals: Dinner
    Two steak tacos with cilantro and onion, one chicken taco and hot red salsa from the food truck at the ball field.
    A small wedding cake Kona Ice (not pictured)…… Tacos were so awesome...…...


    Very good day :) water fasting today but may have some SF gummies at the game later tonight......
  • LadyBlanks
    LadyBlanks Posts: 1,070 Member
    edited April 2019

    Yesterday's meal was fried croaker and a cup of vegetable soup. I also had a cup of keto coffee earlier in the day. I will post a picture of the meal later in my thread.
  • mistymeadows2005
    mistymeadows2005 Posts: 3,737 Member
    An April 2019
    Today’s Date: 4/10/19
    Today’s Plan: Mini Fast
    Weight Goal for the Month: 158
    Today’s Weight: 164
    Height: 5’7”
    Today’s Water Consumed: Now we’re talking…probs 1.5 gals
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): Lots of walking at work
    Hours slept: Like 6….not great
    Description/Photo of Meals: HEAPS of asparagus, low cal kafta with mashed cauliflower, sugar free candy


    Total cals – 547
    Total deficit - 1767

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: MONEY day (especially for a f**king weds!)...felt that glycogen going away allllllll day! Metabolism must've been revved! 7 new loans at work (that's a good day for me...avg is 2-3) and I came home to my baby having a free evening (usually he hasta work even at home *sigh*) - all in all, a fantastic day!

  • LiLee2018
    LiLee2018 Posts: 1,389 Member
    Today’s Date: 4/11/19
    Today's Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 162lb
    Today’s Weight: N/A
    Today’s Water Consumed: meh
    Today’s Exercise completed: nada
    Hours slept: About 7-8hrs
    Description/Photo of Meals: Ribeye w/ hot sauce, heavy cream whipped w/ blackberries monk fruit sweetener & vanilla extract
    Total calories: About 1500

    Your thoughts/comments on the day: I was very close to breaking my fast early today. Coughing was making my head hurt and I have no idea what that has to do with breaking my fast, but there ya go :P lol
  • jadepearl
    jadepearl Posts: 3,113 Member
    Today’s Date: 12 April 2019
    Todays Plan: OMAD
    Weight Goal for the Month: 58kg
    Today’s Weight: 59.6kg (gain weight :( )
    Today’s Water Consumed: 5 glasses (not enough)
    Today’s Exercise completed (calories burned if desired): None
    Hours slept: 8 hours
    Description/Photo of Meals: Total calories - 1015. (Ham & Chicken Fried Rice, Cinnamon Bun & Lay's Sour Cream Chips )
    Thoughts : Hmm...managed to get down to 58.5kg and now I am back up to 59.6kg. I must not give up, I must try try again. Roughly 2 weeks or more till end of the month to reach my April GW.