TEAM: The Slimsons (May)



  • batgirl140
    batgirl140 Posts: 433 Member
    Daily check in May 1

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: No.
  • BougeeBrat
    BougeeBrat Posts: 107 Member
    Daily Check In: May 1
    Track : Yes
    Exercise : Yes
  • Gadgetgirl259
    Gadgetgirl259 Posts: 323 Member
    Daily Post: Wednesday 5/1
    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Yes--rode the Streetstrider (it is like an elliptical on wheels). A beautiful day to be outside after all the rain we have had.
  • thelandkraken
    thelandkraken Posts: 91 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    Hello all, hope everyone is well. Just wanted to apologize for last month. I was in a bad place mentally with my weight loss. I felt like such a failure. My weight seemed to either stand still or go the wrong way on the scale. I was also having a problem adjusting to the changes my body was going through. Everything was sort of soft and jiggly and I couldn't handle it. Let me explain a little about my journey. I now know that I cannot rely on the scale as I am losing fat and building muscle which is not an easy task. I work with a personal trainer 5 days a week, I attempt to achieve 20,000 steps daily and I was eating super clean. Well that is until I began to stress about the loose fat and I went back to my old ways. I am an emotional eater, food is my comfort or at least use to be, now it just make me feel horrible when I eat junk. Anyway my goal is to be fit enough to compete in a show just once. I have a long road ahead but I am determined. You guys are great and it felt good to be able to post, vent or ask for advice which I did in March. I really don't know how I let it get so out of hand in April and I am sorry if I messed up this competition.

    Wanted to give a special Thank You to Ashley for lending an ear and giving sound advice. So if you guys have room for me I would love to come back to the group.

    Week#1: May 1, 2019
    Username: genajonas
    PW: 206.8
    CW: 208

    I also failed in April and I know that it feels really bad. But it’s okay, we can pick up and keep going again, and I hope you have a brilliant month of May. Show past you who’s boss!

    Welcome back :)
  • thelandkraken
    thelandkraken Posts: 91 Member
    Daily track - May 1st
    Tracked: No
    Under calories: not sure, probably close
    Exercise: Badminton! I do love badminton
  • Thumper0104
    Thumper0104 Posts: 9 Member
    Daily track - 1st May

    Tracked - Yes
    Calories - Waaaayyyyy over, girly night out with my daughter
    Exercise - Oops, none of that either.

    It was my weigh day yesterday morning so hopefully I'll be able to recover the rest of the week. :)

    Goal for today - Drink more water!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @gjaholy33 Great job staying under today and I'm so glad your mom is home!!

    @cydneebauman Good day, and as for exercise, you'd be surprised in the beginning how much benefit you see from just a little like a 20 min walk, or even 2 10 min walks...

    @DeshotelK I've weighed everyday since July of 2017 and you'd really be surprised at some of what you learn from it and you do have to take some of it with a grain of salt, I've seen days where I was magically up 3 lbs or down 3 lbs the next day, but the constant feedback helps me. The trick is to watch it, but don't go crazy if you see fluctuations, because you will...

    @nbatch456 I love the thought today, I had it at like 3 am, willpower! I woke up hungry, and that's usually not a great sign, but I resisted and attempted to go back to bed, but that didn't really happen, now I'm just going to go to my basement gym and start my workout, because WILLPOWER :smile:

    @BEASTFIELD314 Honestly, fried foods aren't generally the greatest, mostly because of what it's fried in, although, I tend to stay away from them altogether, I do on occasion when I have a hankering for mozzarella sticks, "bread" them and fry them in coconut oil, because I generally don't give up anything, I just have it occasionally and I make it fit my goals, in my case, keto.

    @batgirl140 Great job staying under!!

    @Gadgetgirl259 Great day and I am going to have to look up what a Streetstrider is, it sounds fun.

    @thelandkraken You didn't fail in April, you just found a way that wouldn't work! And you had a great day, even if you're close to your calorie goal, it's still going to help!! And Badminton, don't think I've played that since...maybe middle school! I was terrible!!

    @Thumper0104 You have time to recover before your next weigh in, you can adjust and try to make some changes to your daily routine to adjust for your one "bad" day! You got this!

  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    Daily Post for Wednesday:

    Track: yes
    Calories: no
    Exercise: stairs at work, standing and walking around a lot at a job fair....
    Water: not enough!! I think I logged 98 oz. But it was a guess.

    I had a date and it was a first date... and we went out to dinner. I didn't intend to watch my calorie intake, just order what looked good and enjoy myself.
    I haven't gone on a date in a long time, so it was nice! And totally worth the probably 3 lb gain that will show on the scale.... hahaha I know it will come back off, and it certainly won't derail me. But I did enjoy my food and have a good time!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Today's motivational quote is from Thomas Edison and seeing some of your comments, I think it's fitting.

    Thomas Edison was often questioned about his failure in making the lightbulb and his response was always the same. I did not fail, I just found 2000 ways how not to make a light bulb. We can apply his sound logic to our weight loss and fitness journey. We may not always succeed, but we will most certainly not succeed if we don't get back into it. And we can move forward with the knowledge that what we just tried did not work so we can try something else. Let's move forward and try something else (if we need to, not all of us need something else!)!!

    We got this team! Let's make May our month!!


  • CourtneyLomonaco
    CourtneyLomonaco Posts: 562 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)
    Track: no
    Exercise: 20 minutes elliptical

    I've seen several posts about having failed in April, and I am in the same boat. Total stress eating. I am so hoping to come to my senses in May, but I got on the scale this a.m. and am up again. Hopefully tomorrow's weigh in will be a tiny bit better than today.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    genajonas wrote: »
    Hello all, hope everyone is well. Just wanted to apologize for last month. I was in a bad place mentally with my weight loss. I felt like such a failure. My weight seemed to either stand still or go the wrong way on the scale. I was also having a problem adjusting to the changes my body was going through. Everything was sort of soft and jiggly and I couldn't handle it. Let me explain a little about my journey. I now know that I cannot rely on the scale as I am losing fat and building muscle which is not an easy task. I work with a personal trainer 5 days a week, I attempt to achieve 20,000 steps daily and I was eating super clean. Well that is until I began to stress about the loose fat and I went back to my old ways. I am an emotional eater, food is my comfort or at least use to be, now it just make me feel horrible when I eat junk. Anyway my goal is to be fit enough to compete in a show just once. I have a long road ahead but I am determined. You guys are great and it felt good to be able to post, vent or ask for advice which I did in March. I really don't know how I let it get so out of hand in April and I am sorry if I messed up this competition.

    Wanted to give a special Thank You to Ashley for lending an ear and giving sound advice. So if you guys have room for me I would love to come back to the group.

    @genajonas I am glad you're finding the strength to move forward. I have been right where you are, more than once, and it's part of the process and it's still hard to move past mentally. I would honestly say the weight loss game is more mental than it is anything else. I think it's really important to realize that there is a period of transition, one that you're noticing now, where you're not going to look or feel your best, but if you push through, a few months from now even, you'll look back and see the difference (and I encourage you to take pictures, I am glad I did.

    Glad your back, and believe me, we ALL go through a lot of the same, don't hesitate to ask or share, we understand!!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    @CourtneyLomonaco We all have times like that, just remember, you did not fail, you just found a way that won't work!

    @tinak33 Glad you went out on your date, sounds fun. Well, I take that back, I never really liked "dates" and I can't tell you the last time I went out on a first date because well I've been married 9 years and well, yeah, glad you had a good time, and if you're really worried about it, you can adjust over the week and plan for it better, for next time, and the same thing applies, even if your weight is up this week, you can still adjust and help it go back down a bit faster for next time!! You're doing great and one day isn't going to kill you!
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    Daily Post (Wednesday)

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes!
    Exercise: Yes, 60 mins weight training, 15 mins elliptical, 45 mins walking.

    Comments: Somehow I managed not to post this yesterday, but it happens I suppose!
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Today's motivational quote is from Thomas Edison and seeing some of your comments, I think it's fitting.

    Thomas Edison was often questioned about his failure in making the lightbulb and his response was always the same. I did not fail, I just found 2000 ways how not to make a light bulb. We can apply his sound logic to our weight loss and fitness journey. We may not always succeed, but we will most certainly not succeed if we don't get back into it. And we can move forward with the knowledge that what we just tried did not work so we can try something else. Let's move forward and try something else (if we need to, not all of us need something else!)!!

    We got this team! Let's make May our month!!


    Love this excellent motivation for today❤👌🏾
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    SLIMn2016 wrote: »
    but artificial sweeteners has been linked to so many health issues---cancer and neurological issues as well.

    Have you tried Zevia natural sodas? I drink them--made with stevia... I really like them as an alternative to soda.... or you could make your own with seltzer water, a little lemon and swerve too!

    @SLIMn2016 So I tend to take that "Link" with a grain of salt and I will explain. If you look at the study where they used Aspartame (diet coke, etc) for example, the study used mice, as many do, and the aspartame did appear to cause cancer, but the part where I have an issue with it is, they basically gave the mice an amount of aspartame that would roughly equate to a person drinking 2000 diet sodas a day! 2000! I can imagine if you were to take in a lot of things in that proportion, you'd run into issues. And while I tend to limit my sweetener use, because I believe that it's better for you in general to limit anything artificial, I also don't worry if I drink a diet soda considering, just saying.

    And sadly, this is how a lot of research is conducted, they take it to an extreme and I think that extremes are likely to produce results like that in a lot of cases, what I think might be more useful is finding the point where they started to see issues, like is it really 10 sodas a day, or is it 20 sodas a day, etc, but studies are expensive and they just tend to push one side of things to find a "link" and I find it hard to trust something like that, also a lot of studies are funded by the companies that have something vested in them, like coca-cola funded a study that ultimately said sugar was okay......pretty sure that is skewed...just saying.

    Also Zevia isn't too bad, I just don't like them as much as like a Diet Dr Pepper for example, but I do like how they're clear....that's generally a good sign. I do tend to stick to flavored carbonated water more than I do soda instead. It's a better option I think.
  • gjaholy33
    gjaholy33 Posts: 2,626 Member
    edited May 2019
    genajonas wrote: »
    Hello all, hope everyone is well. Just wanted to apologize for last month. I was in a bad place mentally with my weight loss. I felt like such a failure. My weight seemed to either stand still or go the wrong way on the scale. I was also having a problem adjusting to the changes my body was going through. Everything was sort of soft and jiggly and I couldn't handle it. Let me explain a little about my journey. I now know that I cannot rely on the scale as I am losing fat and building muscle which is not an easy task. I work with a personal trainer 5 days a week, I attempt to achieve 20,000 steps daily and I was eating super clean. Well that is until I began to stress about the loose fat and I went back to my old ways. I am an emotional eater, food is my comfort or at least use to be, now it just make me feel horrible when I eat junk. Anyway my goal is to be fit enough to compete in a show just once. I have a long road ahead but I am determined.

    Welcome back girly,

    Many of us have been in the same mindset as you are right now. Yes, MINDSET it's very important to realize losing weight is not all about the physical work but you must change or heal your Mindset in order to be successful. It took me years and I mean years to get to where I am mentally to be successful in consistently losing. I had to do it via lots of psychotherapy. That might not be your case we each have our own emotional battles to get through when it comes to getting healthy. But REMEMBER WE ARE HERE TO HELP ONE ANOTHER. That means ROOTING you on when you're up and MOTIVATING & INSPIRING you when you're down but tje key is for YOU NOT TO GIVE UP ON YOURSELF.

    I have faith in you that you will succeed in meeting each and every one of your goals. So stay postive and celebrate the small victories; like coming back this month👌🏾👌🏾👏🏾👏🏾😍😍😍
  • 303lissy
    303lissy Posts: 427 Member
    5/1 Daily Post
    Track: yes
    Calories: over
    Exercise: none

    I'm doing a lot of mini travel and back and forth this week, so I haven't been as active as I would like. I'm hoping to change that this weekend!
  • tinak33
    tinak33 Posts: 9,883 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    @tinak33 Glad you went out on your date, sounds fun. Well, I take that back, I never really liked "dates" and I can't tell you the last time I went out on a first date because well I've been married 9 years and well, yeah, glad you had a good time, and if you're really worried about it, you can adjust over the week and plan for it better, for next time, and the same thing applies, even if your weight is up this week, you can still adjust and help it go back down a bit faster for next time!! You're doing great and one day isn't going to kill you!

    I have barely dated at all since I got divorced back in 2015...
    I was nervous and excited. I pre-planned what I was getting, and planned to only eat half. But then I ate the other half.... lol
    Mostly because we sat at the restaurant for 3 hours! I never felt over stuffed or uncomfortably full. Probably because I spaced it out.... but that's ok.
    I know my weight will be up, but I tracked it all. So I also know about how many calories I went over. I can get back on track easily enough with some adjustments. It won't deter me from my goal of being solidly in the 140s by end of May!
  • DeshotelK
    DeshotelK Posts: 183 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »
    Today's motivational quote is from Thomas Edison and seeing some of your comments, I think it's fitting.

    Thomas Edison was often questioned about his failure in making the lightbulb and his response was always the same. I did not fail, I just found 2000 ways how not to make a light bulb. We can apply his sound logic to our weight loss and fitness journey. We may not always succeed, but we will most certainly not succeed if we don't get back into it. And we can move forward with the knowledge that what we just tried did not work so we can try something else. Let's move forward and try something else (if we need to, not all of us need something else!)!!

    We got this team! Let's make May our month!!


    I needed to see this today! Thank you!
This discussion has been closed.