

  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    So sorry to hear about your family sad news @Navydaddjtc..thanks for all you do.
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    I went to a nutritionist yesterday. Not that I haven't ever done it before, but I need a boot from someone who is going to help me every week face to face for a while. :D It will be interesting to see what changes they have me try. My guess is that caffeine is out the window (ugh). Time for a nap. :p
  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    5/7 - 9,000

    I'm going to work on getting more water in. Only drank 42 oz yesterday
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    I went to a nutritionist yesterday. Not that I haven't ever done it before, but I need a boot from someone who is going to help me every week face to face for a while. :D It will be interesting to see what changes they have me try. My guess is that caffeine is out the window (ugh). Time for a nap. :p

    Oh no! The dreaded caffeine headache! I hope you just nap right through it.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    Steps Tuesday 11,080
    💦 65 ounces
  • karenesg
    karenesg Posts: 318 Member
    UserID: karenesg
    Weigh in: Wedn Week 1
    PW: 188
    CW: 188
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,273 Member
    UserID: fourathomej
    Weigh in: Wedn Week 1
    PW: 148
    CW: 148.2 :(
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,273 Member
    Monday 5/3:
    Steps: 10877
    Water: 95oz

    Tuesday 5/4:
    Steps: 11239
    Water: 90oz

    Sunday 5/5:
    Steps: 11436

    Monday 5/6:
    Steps: 12809
    Water: 102oz

    Tuesday 5/7:
    Steps: 13099
    Water: 90oz
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,209 Member
    edited May 2019
    @fourathomej I like your surrealist days of the week!
    and .2 pounds is nothing to go all frowny face about. You know what to do! And you know how small a fluctuation this is.
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,282 Member
    Monday 5/3:
    Steps: 10877
    Water: 95oz

    Tuesday 5/4:
    Steps: 11239
    Water: 90oz

    Sunday 5/5:
    Steps: 11436

    Monday 5/6:
    Steps: 12809
    Water: 102oz

    Tuesday 5/7:
    Steps: 13099
    Water: 90oz

    What a fantastic week!! You should be proud of those stats. Way to go!!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    UserID: fourathomej
    Weigh in: Wedn Week 1
    PW: 148
    CW: 148.2 :(

    3 oz difference .... that means you maintained!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    This isn't what I am looking for ... about how to identify a true plateau and then possible ways to kick-start breaking it ... but it is just as important a read.
    marthall wrote: »
    New habits are tough, I struggle. But as MadisonMolly2017 said, small changes do add up and progress can be made. I also overeat when stressed, and I 'give up' if it all gets too much, so I'm a serial starter. I've had to gradually work on other aspects of my life because I can't succeed with weight loss and fitness unless I address the underlying cause. I'm not sure if I am there yet, but I have made slow progress over the years. Be proud that you are trying and celebrate every small success because that is the path to take.


    I agree with underlying causes, but also want to offer something that helped me even more!

    If I found/find myself worrying/stressed, I exercise (which you do), take some deep breaths (which I’ve been taught stop the fight & flight reaction & calm the parasympathetic system), and use my mantra... “the Past is passed.” I then take one more deep breath & let all that worry & stress flow out of me...

    But here’s what I wanted to share (no doubt you do all of those) ... Find something you LOVE to do. Give yourself permission to do it - as your top priority, not your last. It’s been a game changer for me. I realized food was not only my comfort, but also the way I connected to people & relaxed.

    It took a lot of rewriting my brain to realize food is not comfort (not the next morning when I weigh myself or when I hated going clothes shopping & nothing looked good or even immediately after when I realized What I’d done)

    And food is not relaxing (for all the reasons above)... doing something we LOVE is, Exercising is (afterwards lol), seeing friends and family with no food involved is, joining groups & classes who have similar interests is!

    Yoga helps a lot. Have you considered on-line yoga classes?

    I have developed my art practice from Maybe Someday to a Daily Companion, Mood Lifter, and Comfort. I’m in 2 classes & 2 art groups & Ive started my own creativity groups at my house 1-3 X a month, as well as taking on a 5th & a 9th grader to tutor in art.

    Part of our task is losing & keeping off our excess weight. Part is exercising & being as healthy as we’d like to be. And I’d argue that the 3rd part is discovering that early dream we had as a middle schooler that got put in the back burner as we pursued careers, etc. Finding & fanning the flames of what brings us Joy is Crucial ❣️

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    @jugar, I updated my steps and water myself while updated the weigh-ins.

    EVERYONE has reported in so far this week!
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    FOUND it!
    Problem: ..... I joined 2 mos ago and it has worked exactly 1.5 per wk. Now I'm stalled. Any advice would be appreciated. I use a fitbit and I do actually burn 2100 a day and eat 1350.


    First, 1.5 lbs per week average for 8 weeks is fantastic. Most NEVER achieve this level of consistency.

    Second, stalling is normal. Your body adapts to the input/output balance you have been doing and slows down your non-exercise activity to compensate. Also as you exercise, you become more efficient in how you exercise (called the training effect). You are able to do more and burn less.

    Third is recomposition. With more activity, you gain more lean muscle mass. Your size and fat% may be going down without the weight changing. You could also be retaining extra water.

    So how do you un-stall?

    Have you really stalled? How long has weight not moved? Do you weigh daily or weekly (hint it should be daily if doing by numbers and not emotion). If daily weighting and your 7 day average has not moved for 3 weeks, THEN we need to look at your numbers or alternatives.

    Are you reducing in size? Are your measurements (chest, waist, hips) moving. Size is a FAR more reliable indication of fat loss than weight. I highly encourage you to measure and take note of these over weight.

    If you truly have stalled and the size is staying the same, THEN you can look at any of the following:
    • Recalculating your numbers (particularly TDEE and based on observations, not BMR formulas - you are tracking in, out and weight, this is enough to get MUCH better numbers).
    • Reverse dieting for a week or two - You raise your intake by a little, but MUST keep up the activity - or keep the same intake and REST (substantially reduce activity).
    • Revising you macros - big changes to %protein, %fat and %carbs. Find what works for you and how you feel.
    • Fasting - A day or two with substantially reduced calories followed by a day or two with more calories. Throws the metabolism off balance so it gets out of stasis.

  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Thank you @BMcC9. That's actually very helpful. I definitely relate to you previous post, and have taken that on, just take a deep breath and stop panicking! I went for a run last night to give myself a boost and found it really lifted my mood (bonus- was time alone with hubby, no kids!)
    I will continue to log everything and try to work out more and drink more water.
    I've recalculated my thingamajigs (sorry never remember all the abrevations) and realised I will be losing weight slower now, and made peace with that.
    Have a great day!
  • sue_01
    sue_01 Posts: 2,783 Member
    5/8 steps --- 15,744
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Wednesday 5/8:
    Steps: 16681
    Water: 152.1oz

    Tuesday 5/7:
    Steps: 18663
    Water: 152.1oz

    Monday 5/6:
    Steps: 18816 (corrected amount)
    Water: 152.1oz

    Sunday 5/5:
    Steps: 7974
    Water: 118.3oz
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Due today (Thursday):

    Due tomorrow (Friday): .... just over half the total team!
    BMcC9 (Captain; cheer squad)
    Jugar (Captain)
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    As soon as I get to work, I will be posting a poster/meme. In summary, it says:

    "Most of us expect far too much of ourselves .... you are doing better than you think!"

    Thoughtful Thursday ... Forget "perfection!" It's a trap and a delusion.

    What have you been doing to keep yourself within the Acceptable => Optimum zone this past week?

    NSV reports, please! Include nutrition; activities; DIDN'T eat / do; clothing fits; measures; personal bests of any kind .....

    Choices to DO .... and Choices to NOT DO ....
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Last week we went from team of 5 (plus two part-time students) to team of 3 (no students) ... now back to team of 4 (with 1 full-time student). I was thrown head first into Surge Support of something I am 100% ZERO experience in ... at a particularly high-volume time when the people who are supposed to be reviewing dockets at various stages of the (unfamiliar to me ) process were scrambling too, and missing things I didn't know enough to watch for ...

    I survived. I have been avoiding both stress eating and "victory / survived it!!" eating of fresh baked goods in the caff.
This discussion has been closed.