Leslie Sansone May 2019 Walk Challenge

texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
May (2019)

WELCOME to all walkers!

May is here! And time to start a another new monthly challenge! Surely beautiful flowers and spring are finally here! You know.... April showers bringing all of those beautiful May flowers that we looked forward to last month. Hopefully we shall have some extra sunshine to brighten our days, as well as our outdoor walks B)

Having Leslie's, or other walking DVDs, to pop in the player continues to be a great alternative to walking outdoors. Because of the warmer weather walking or hiking outdoors will be a pleasant alternative to the DVDs for those who enjoy getting their miles, minutes, or steps in outdoors. Especially after the long winter or extra rains many of us have had.

This group is open to any and all walkers. The majority of us use Leslie Sansone Walk At Home DVD workouts, as well as those great walks or hikes outside on the trails or pathways that are available to us, or a walk in our neighborhood, and on the treadmill, as well as other Walking DVDs. All of these many options count toward our miles, minutes, and steps. However you get your walk in, come on in and join us! Post your miles or minutes or steps that you have walked, however you do it... it is all good!

We are a happy, supportive group, and I promise that joining this walk challenge will motivate, challenge, as well as inspire you! o:)

Set your goal for how many miles, minutes, or steps that you want to walk, indoors or out, this month. This is your own personal goal :star:. Post your results daily, weekly, or whenever you like.

If you find this challenge in the middle of the month it doesn't matter which day of the month that you join in. Just set your goals to reflect what you want to walk for the remaining days in the month. You are always welcome :) !
So if you are new to the group please feel free to start today so that by the end of the month you will be that much closer to your health and fitness goals. It is never too late to join in.

It is always fun to read which DVD, whether Leslie or another instructor, that you used. Or whatever form your walk took, whether outdoors, on the treadmill, or anything in between. We all could use some new inspiration sometimes, or inquiring minds sometimes just want to know. So please share if you would care to :p .

Come on in and let us start walking the Monthly Walk Challenge together. I am truly grateful for each one of our precious walkers who continue to inspire and motivate mile by mile, and step by step, each month.

And now... let us lace up those walking shoes and get our water... and we will begin to walk into May of 2019!

texasgardnr :flowerforyou:


  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @VeggieGirlforLife @PinkyPan1 @AnnofB @Texasgardnr
    Great job meeting April Goals! We are SWEATY WOMEN!
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    My Goal for May will be cut a little as I will have company for a week. Not going to set how many days a week this month.
    So I want to do 100 Workout miles and 175 watch miles.
  • Yana220
    Yana220 Posts: 53 Member
    I plan to walk with Leslie 5 times a week. While I enjoy an outdoor walk, I think I'll be walking mostly with Leslie. I'll probably log my walks weekly because I don't always log into MFP.

    Happy walking!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,074 Member
    I realized that it is taking a lot out of me, right now, to do any kind of exercise due to being in such poor condition. It’s been way too long since I’ve done any exercise on a consistent basis. It is taking me a very long recovery time. So, will try, again, a little more slowly.

    The last one I did last Sunday (Burn 30) and have been completely exhausted since then. I just now feel recovered enough to do it, again. I hope that I build up, soon.

    May Goal: Cardio exercise 2 times per week. Strength exercise 2 times per week. Also, earlier bedtime (midnight or earlier).

  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Happy May everyone! I exceeded last month goal by 2 miles. It's a rainy start in my neck of the woods but it looks like we will be drying out over the weekend.

    May's milage tracked goal is 85 Miles.
    Start logging food again as I'm still stress eating.
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    My Goal for May will be cut a little as I will have company for a week. Not going to set how many days a week this month.
    So I want to do 100 Workout miles and 175 watch miles.

    5/1 Workout #99 5+ Mega Miles. Heart rate was so high I had to cool down after mile 3 didn't realize I walked a mile cooling down but I did take about 15 just walking around the house and garden.
    May Miles 6/100 2019 418/1000
    May Watch miles 6.37/175
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    I am in for 125 miles. Between golf, the Gazelle and walking Einstein this should be very doable.


    7.12 miles golfing this morning.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    What a great start to the May Walk Challenge, y'all <3 !

    @knjstolt, yep! we are all sisters in sweat :sweat_smile: Excellent goal! Enjoy your company. Knowing your track record you'll burn a bunch of cals getting ready for them too :laugh:

    @Yana220, welcome! We shall enjoy reading about your miles every week!

    Welcome, @lsrose06, I'm glad that you are back to walking with Leslie's DVDs and walking with us also. Nice goal!

    @Elbee1, Happy to see you back for this month! Perhaps you might consider starting out even slower/ gentle-er. Burn 30 would definitely be a rough re-introduction to walking /working out. Oh, my. Maybe look for some of Leslie's 5 minute walks on YouTube and see if that helps you not be so exhausted and thus be increasingly consistent. Also on the Just Walk mix & match Walk Blasters DVD there is a "Light Walk" which would be a gentle reintroduction 10 minute walk. She also has the "Flexibility Walk" which she uses for a cool down/ stretch walk that you may be able to work in somewhere at the end of your walk.

    Be gentle and compassionate with yourself as you ease back into workouts and strengthening your body. You can do this <3 !

    @Deeder522, that is cool that you exceeded your April goal!! Yay for bonus miles :bigsmile: . Great idea to restart logging again to get a handle on the stress eating. We are so blessed to have these tools available to us, especially when times are rough <3 .

    @Deeder522, your goal does sound quite doable for you! Especially with your Einstein walkin' with you ;)

    My goal for May is to continue to be extra active in some way and/or workout at least 5 days a week.

    May 1st: 1 1/2 hours yard/ garden.

  • Yana220
    Yana220 Posts: 53 Member
    Thank you, @texasgardnr, I"m happy to be walking with you all!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,074 Member
    @texasgardnr Thank you!!!

    May Goal: Cardio exercise 2 times per week. Strength exercise 2 times per week. Also, earlier bedtime (midnight or earlier).

    5/1 = Push-ups (10 reg. floor, imperfectly, 10 bent knee, imperfectly, 30 wall push-ups), Triceps Dips (1st set: 15, 2nd set 10), Back exercises including crunches & planks. Going to bed earlier: 12:40am
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member
    3.41 mile walk with Einstein this morning
  • MzRuthy
    MzRuthy Posts: 434 Member
    I have a couple of Leslie’s DVDs. I will dust them off & get started!
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    Welcome back @CorkyLaRue and a great plan to get moving again.
    Welcome @MzRuthy , dush those DVD's off and then put them in the player. :) I dust my DVD's too but tend to forget the "put them in the player part", weird. ;)

    Can anyone explain why even a homemade burger has to destroy my food intake for the day? I even had a small salad with it. :wink:
    Tonight I have a walk in a local park, not the kind I'll be leading but I'll be shadowing for some tips and it's raining :)
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    My Goal for May will be cut a little as I will have company for a week. Not going to set how many days a week this month.
    So I want to do 100 Workout miles and 175 watch miles.

    5/1 Workout #99 5+ Mega Miles. Heart rate was so high I had to cool down after mile 3 didn't realize I walked a mile cooling down but I did take about 15 just walking around the house and garden.
    5/2 WORKOUT #100 5 Mixed Miles. 2 Belly Blasting miles and 3 Walk off the lbs miles.
    May Miles 11/100 2019 Miles 423/1000
    Watch May Miles as of now 12.4/175
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    If you are on FaceBook look me up and send a friend request. https://www.facebook.com/JoyStolt
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,074 Member
    May Goal: Cardio exercise 2 times per week. Strength exercise 2 times per week. Also, earlier bedtime (midnight or earlier).

    5/1 = Push-ups (10 reg. floor, imperfectly, 10 bent knee, imperfectly, 30 wall push-ups), Triceps Dips (1st set: 15, 2nd set 10), Back exercises including crunches & planks. Going to bed earlier: 12:40am
    5/2 = Burn 30 I'll be back to report the bedtime... -- btw, I am exhausted. This is a tough workout for me. I hope that I build up, soon. I'm wondering if I'm getting my heart beat up too high. My face was pretty red afterwards. I think the highest my fit bit showed was 137. But, I'm pretty sure that my fit bit is not accurate on me....

    Thanks for the support and cheers, @kngstolt , @AnnofB , and @texasgardnr .