Leslie Sansone May 2019 Walk Challenge



  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,074 Member
    BTW, I wasn't sore from the exercises, yesterday,... until about 10:30 or 11 this morning. My arms and shoulders have been pretty sore since then... but it's been a good sore. :smile:
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    edited May 2019
    Goal: 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

    5/1... 45 minutes of weights and some gardening
    5/2... 38 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    Ooooh, I'm late to the party this month! Sorry about that friends! Welcome to all who are joining our group this month! It's a bigger walk party! :smiley:

    Let's see...I think I'll set my goal for 160 miles. I had to rush to get in 155 last month ~ this month I will be adding time and days to my strength workouts, so it'll be doable, but still a challenge!

    May 1: 5 Boosted Miles + lower body Pilates
    May 2: 6 Miles ~ 3 Miles Walk Away the Pounds Express + Walk Slim 3 Fast Miles + lower body Pilates + 3 Circuits of Jillian Michaels Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism (holy cow, that was a sweaty workout, I forgot how tough that one is!)

    11 of 160 miles
  • CorkyLaRue
    CorkyLaRue Posts: 29 Member
    I'm so out of shape. Doing the 2 mile miracle walk with the stretchy band on Wednesday really kicked my butt - I'm sore all over. I did do a pretty decent (for me) walk on the treadmill last night. Tonight the goal is to do the treadmill, tomorrow the 2 mile walk. This is usually where I fail - Fridays and weekends make me lazy. Excuses, excuses.
  • Deeder522
    Deeder522 Posts: 1,034 Member
    edited May 2019
    I've come to report that my group walk last night was a long walk in the misty rain. :) What should have been a short fast walk ended up being fast and nearly 3 miles long! Oh jeepers! I was not properly prepared for that long of a walk and have some very large blisters on my foot now but ended up with over 13K steps.
    I'm off to search for items to better equip myself.
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    @CorkyLaRue, welcome! You definitely have an awesome plan in place. You can do this ;)

    @MzRuthy, Welcome to the walk challenge! Which DVD will you dust off first? ... knowing which one will encourage you to walk it :)

    @knjstolt, maybe I know you b/c we are sisters in sweat :sweat_smile: ! I liked how you so wisely said: we definitely NEED to listen to our bodies... great advise!

    @AnnofB, there is definitely not enough time for workouts and gardening when we finally get into spring. For me sometimes we can start having 100 degree weather even in April :noway:. So I have to "make hay (garden work) when the sun isn't shining so much" :bigsmile: . That is why I'll skip LS walks for harder/ longer gardening days. And I'll feel like I did 5 miles twice :cold_sweat::laugh: .

    @VeggieGirlforLife, glad you made it to our walk party :p . Nice goal, and it is a well thought out plan!

    @Deeder522, oh, no :sweat: ! That was certainly an unexpectedly long walk for certain, when it gives you blisters :'( . At least it earned you a lot of steps!

    My goal for May is to continue to be extra active in some way and/or workout at least 5 days a week.

    May 1st: 1 1/2 hours yard/ garden.
    May 2nd: 45 minutes Gazelle, 1 hour in the garden.
    May 3: 80 minutes: Tone Every Zone: 3 circuits, & 2 Walk Blasters (Light Walk, Flexibility Walk)

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

    5/1... 45 minutes of weights and some gardening
    5/2... 38 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    5/3... 30 minutes of weights and 35 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    @Deeder522 I've never walked 3 miles in misty rain, but it sounds kinda fun! Except for those blisters! :frown: Ouch! I hope those heal up quickly for you.

    May 3: 5 Mile Advanced Walk + lower body Pilates + abs floor work with Leslie

    16 of 160 miles

    Got a bit overzealous with that Jillian Michaels workout last night. My legs hurt too much to try that again tonight, almost like I pulled or tore a muscle! Better take it one circuit at a time I guess. A few years ago, I could do the whole DVD and I always worked up a sweat, but I don't remember being that sore!
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,074 Member
    edited May 2019
    May Goal: Cardio exercise 2 times per week. Strength exercise 2 times per week. Also, earlier bedtime (midnight or earlier).

    5/1 = Push-ups (10 reg. floor, imperfectly, 10 bent knee, imperfectly, 30 wall push-ups), Triceps Dips (1st set: 15, 2nd set 10), Back exercises including crunches & planks. Going to bed earlier: 12:40am
    5/2 = Burn 30 I'll be back to report the bedtime... -- btw, I am exhausted. This is a tough workout for me. I hope that I build up, soon. I'm wondering if I'm getting my heart beat up too high. My face was pretty red afterwards. I think the highest my fit bit showed was 137. But, I'm pretty sure that my fit bit is not accurate on me....
    Went to bed 12:20am—closer to my goal.
    5/3 = bedtime was 11:45pm. Quite sore today. No exercise.

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    May Goal: Cardio exercise 2 times per week. Strength exercise 2 times per week. Also, earlier bedtime (midnight or earlier).

    5/1 = Push-ups (10 reg. floor, imperfectly, 10 bent knee, imperfectly, 30 wall push-ups), Triceps Dips (1st set: 15, 2nd set 10), Back exercises including crunches & planks. Going to bed earlier: 12:40am
    5/2 = Burn 30 I'll be back to report the bedtime... -- btw, I am exhausted. This is a tough workout for me. I hope that I build up, soon. I'm wondering if I'm getting my heart beat up too high. My face was pretty red afterwards. I think the highest my fit bit showed was 137. But, I'm pretty sure that my fit bit is not accurate on me....
    Went to bed 12:20am—closer to my goal.
    5/3 = bedtime was 11:45pm. Quite sore today. No exercise.

    Linda, I have never done Burn 30 before, but there are plenty of Leslie's workouts that have me winded and red faced at the end. I haven't been tracking my heart beat, but if I feel it's too much, I moderate the moves. I have a FitBit too. I read a few years ago that most trackers can be off by as much as 30 %, (no one said which way they are off - that you've done more or less that it measured) so take what you see with a grain of salt. I still think that having some form of tracking is helpful and motivating, so I'm not giving mine up. I do know it's normal to feel sore the next day or even two days later after a strength workout. You're doing great. Made it to bed before midnight too. :smiley:
  • texasgardnr
    texasgardnr Posts: 2,660 Member
    My goal for May is to continue to be extra active in some way and/or workout at least 5 days a week.

    May 1st: 1 1/2 hours yard/ garden.
    May 2nd: 45 minutes Gazelle, 1 hour in the garden.
    May 3: 80 minutes: Tone Every Zone: 3 circuits, & 2 Walk Blasters (Light Walk, Flexibility Walk)
    May 4: 90 minutes: outdoor work and heavier indoor cleaning

    May 5: Free Day ;)

  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    Goal: 30 minutes of exercise 5 days a week.

    5/1... 45 minutes of weights and some gardening
    5/2... 38 minutes of the 5 Day Slim Down
    5/3... 30 minutes of weights and 35 minutes of the 4 Mile Super Challenge
    5/4... 90 minutes of gardening. So humid today, so it was not the joy it usually is this time of the year.
  • VeggieGirlforLife
    VeggieGirlforLife Posts: 777 Member
    @Elbee1 I need to work on the earlier bedtime, too. I don't plan well to retire to the bedroom, I get involved in a TV show or something and I look up and it's after midnight. I think some of it has to do with working out in the evenings after work. I get too energized! I used to read every night in bed before sleep, but now by the time I make it to my bed, it's so late I need to go to sleep immediately.

    How does everyone else do on sleep? Anyone actually clock 7-8 hours? I usually get somewhere between 5-6.
  • AnnofB
    AnnofB Posts: 3,588 Member
    @VeggieGirlforLife - 62F, that sounds wonderful. It rained the night before and every thing was soggy for me too. We have a chance of sun 2 days this week - yay!

    About sleep: I've always had a hard time clocking 7 or 8 hours. I usually wake up in the middle of the night and am unable to get back to sleep. Now that I am retired, I can sometimes make up those hours but sometimes no matter how much I want more sleep, I just can't go back to sleep. :(
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    I left for a visit with sister in law on Friday and it is really hard to track with her.... LOL so I haven't been a good tracker.... But does anyone need size 44DDD or 42 DDD bras. I will be happy to send them to you! I bought new bras and measured in at a 38
  • JoyStoltenburg
    JoyStoltenburg Posts: 327 Member
    @Elbee1 I have to get my heart rate up to 140 to 150 before I even break a sweat. But if you don't feel like you can go on then you need to slow it down. My dr told me not to go over 150 but that is my personal dr for my body.
  • PinkyPan1
    PinkyPan1 Posts: 3,018 Member

    7.71 golfing this morning
  • Elbee1
    Elbee1 Posts: 2,074 Member
    AnnofB wrote: »
    Elbee1 wrote: »
    5/2 = Burn 30 I'll be back to report the bedtime... -- btw, I am exhausted. This is a tough workout for me. I hope that I build up, soon. I'm wondering if I'm getting my heart beat up too high. My face was pretty red afterwards. I think the highest my fit bit showed was 137. But, I'm pretty sure that my fit bit is not accurate on me....
    Went to bed 12:20am—closer to my goal.
    5/3 = bedtime was 11:45pm. Quite sore today. No exercise.

    Linda, I have never done Burn 30 before, but there are plenty of Leslie's workouts that have me winded and red faced at the end. I haven't been tracking my heart beat, but if I feel it's too much, I moderate the moves. I have a FitBit too. I read a few years ago that most trackers can be off by as much as 30 %, (no one said which way they are off - that you've done more or less that it measured) so take what you see with a grain of salt. I still think that having some form of tracking is helpful and motivating, so I'm not giving mine up. I do know it's normal to feel sore the next day or even two days later after a strength workout. You're doing great. Made it to bed before midnight too. :smiley:

    @AnnofB Thanks so much! It is helpful to read your posts and responses. Thanks for the cheers, too!