Merry Merry Month of May



  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hey @magic71755 ! How is the Guest Bathroom project going?

    @Mihani - I have eaten that bagged broccoli slow on salads. It's super handy!
    I can't remember if I mentioned I had made the cabbage and kale casserole. It's quite nice. I am working on leftovers!

    I had a good ETL day!
    B - smoothie made with spinach, blueberries, cold brew, flax seed
    L - steamed spinach, garbanzo beans, pickled red onion, apple slices
    S - apple slices, walnuts (10 g)
    D - huge salad (massaged kale, romaine, roma tomato, pickled white onion, red cabbage, red bell pepper); dressing (red bell pepper, tomatillo, nooch, Kirkland No-Salt Seasoning, cilantro); steamed mushrooms; apple slices and blackberries for dessert
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    Good Morning my fellow ETLrs!

    @Mihani I have not had bagged broccoli, but I will check it out.

    @AustinRuadhain not a great day at work. Started out perfect...great mood, ready for my weekend. Then a salesman decided he was going to give me grief...actually, interferring with my job. And I fluster kind of easily and do not do well when things are not going he picked up on that and decided to continue to push my buttons. I had to have someone come cover my desk, while I took a break to breathe and go talk to my supervisor. I have a tendency to start to bubble up inside...and just lose it. But I didn't. I talked to my supervisor and I calmed down. The idiot salesman, however, had another dig in store for me when I got back.

    Anyway, I just stayed with my ETL program and did not resort to eating my feelings. And got into bed really really early with Lulu and a few CDB drops to calm me.

    I like my job. I like going to work happy. I do not do a very good job at not letting others behavior affect my mood. Something I really need to figure out how to fix.

    Bottom line, no cleaning yesterday and a very restless sleep . -sigh-

    Today will be better day.

    I do love these burrito bowls...I use ezekiel corn tortillas made into strips and browned in the air fryer. Just that little bit of yum adds to the salad. Since I am using the strips, I am not using rice. And loads of veggies and salsa for condiment. TASTY.

    Alrightyl then, thanks for letting me vent a bit. Talk to y'all later.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Glad to hear you liked that casserole Austin. I have made it quite a few times now. Easy and tasty. The broccoli slaw is handy isn't it? I use it on sandwiches, in salads, even stir-fry it for a quick dinner sometimes.

    Sorry to hear you had a rough day Magic. Sounds like you did what you needed to do with puppy snuggles and sleep. I don't cope well when people get aggressive with me either.

    L - last of the cabbage and kale casserole, cantaloupe and blueberries, rice cake
    D - big ol' salad (green and red leaf, radish, carrot, tomato, yellow squash, green onion, pickled red onion, red pepper, chickpeas, beet, steamed mushrooms, balsamic, spicy mustard, nooch), cantaloupe and chia seeds

    The salad was so big and good that I am not hungry for my soup. I am going to portion out the rest of the soup and freeze before it goes bad on me.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Hi, the bike ride ended with a surprise. It went well, I was looking forward to it being over at but at mile 21 (we did 25 miles) a young large lab started following us. He ran with us for 2 miles and was obviously getting over heated...we stopped, discussed what to do...he jumped into a stream and laid down so we tried to go but he howled and started after us but now he is limping and breathing hard. There was a police station close by, they gave me a rope for him because we are now back by busy highways....I waited at police station and another rider picked me up with dog & bike...drove home with a very tired dog that got a bath and micro chip, tag or collar. Listed him on paw boost, craigs list and next door neighbor. I think we have a 4 th dog. He has horrible separation anxiety but has latched onto my yorkie. My 3 dogs are so calm when I leave and come home, I think that will help him. I checked all shelter listings, etc. plqah31ma7ty.jpg

    Had a tough swim lesson today rewarded by Korean veggie bowl with Tofu!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Awww... pretty dog Donna. So glad you kept him safe and hopefully the owners will find him.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hey ETLers!

    @magic71755 - I am so sorry you had a rough day. Hurray for not losing it or eating your feelings, and getting in puppy snuggles. I hope sleep went better last night.

    @Mihani - Your salad sounds delicious!

    @bisky - You are so generous and kind to rescue the dog! I hope his owners show up. Somebody surely misses him. He has a very sweet face!

    My ETL day went well yesterday:
    B - green smoothie (spinach, blueberries, cold brew, flax seed)
    L - mustard greens, garbanzo beans, pickled red onion, diced roma tomato, apple slices
    S - apple slices, walnuts
    D - Big Salad (massaged kale, romaine, roma tomato, pickled red onion, red bell pepper, baby tomatoes); dressing (tomatillo, jalapeno, fresh turmeric, cilantro, nooch, Kirkland No-Salt Seasoning, cilantro); steamed mushrooms; apple slices for dessert
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Options the story how you rescued this beautiful dog. I think you should keep him...his owners are not nothing. I hope you can keep him. What a good soul you are.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    @AustinRuadhain your smoothie...Cold Brew? I know that is coffee...but how does that smoothie actually work?

    I am hooked on Taco bowl/burritor bowl whatever salads...just lots of romaine, onion, tomato, roasted corn from TJ's, beans, cilantro, salsa and Ezekiel corn tortillas cut into strips and thrown into the air fryer...yum.

    Breakfast ... I just love the cold oatmeal with flaxmeal, banana and frozen makes the milk so cold, which I love.

    Broccoli, spinach, cauliflower, pasta and this "cheese" sauce (yesterday I had it with a baked potato)...pretty good. Kinda expensive but worth it for me now, since I could never have made this stuff. It is actually dried...and you add boiling water and whirl in the Vitamix. Ingredients: russet potatoes, fortified nutritional yeast, onion, garlic, crushed red pepper, mustard seed, paprika, turmeric, cumin. It is from Well Your World. Found this great youtuber ... and he happens to live near me...have not met him...he is fun to follow. A good guy.

    My kitchen is completely stocked with everything wonderful...lots of options for me. I just need you all to come over and eat with me. I think I have bought too much...hope it does not go bad.

    Working in the kitchen today...all the dishes are done...just everything else needs to find a home...I rearranged everything to make it more user friendly for this way of eating.

    I had a great day yesterday, after the goof tried to derail my happy mood on Monday. Sleep last night was not that great...but I am so focused on eating the right foods for health, longevity which not only benefits me, but the dear animals and our planet. Each day, I seem to get stronger and more resolute in my conviction about this way of eating. My only wish is that I had made this change years and years ago.

    Have a great day everyone. Thank you all for your nice words about my crummy day.

    @Mihani ...I noticed your cantaloupe…man, that sounds so good. I bought a mini watermelon...not so great. I just want that juicy yummy. But will wait. Pineapple will have to do for now.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited May 2019
    Magic - I kinda agree. I have a hard time with who ever not neutering him, no collar with tags, no chip...nothing and heart worm is a huge problem here. Then again, someone spent some time house training, playing with him and not too bad on the leash. He is so sweet. My husband arrives home today. I am going to see if he wants to keep him or not before I spend a lot of money getting him chipped, neutered, heart guard test etc. and rabies. We just did that last month on a 3 dogs.

    Any ways, 10 days of no wine, cheese or sweets except small amounts of dark chocolate and I lost 5 lbs while he was gone. I took a knitting class just so I would have something to do than nibble while watching TV. I am not really knitting is just calming before bedtime rather than too much internet.

    Yesterday I went to a neighborhood Korean grill. They have my order down, vegetarian bowl with sprinkle of rice, extra broccoli, tofu with avocado and sauce on the side.

    I have my short triathlon this weekend. I feel ready. I am so excited for this summer because Fort Sam Houston is having 4 triathlons and only $20.00 each. Most triathlons are over $100.00. They probably won't have all the bells and whistles with timers and stuff but I don't care or need it. I am walking the run part. I have been seeing PT..the good news is my hip pain is not due to arthritis...bad news it is lower back and more bad news is he does not want me walking long distances (probably dog walking/hiking in Italy started it again)...good news biking is fine because it stretches my lower back and swimming is the excellent news: I have a reason to not attempt running in these events without feeling guilty and I can focus on swimming and biking and gentle walks with dogs.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I want a neighborhood Korean grill that has my order down! LOL

    Good luck with your triathlon, this weekend, @bisky !

    Is your husband in the military?

    I am working in the kitchen...making progress...more progress than in the last month. Kinda exciting. o:):o
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    edited May 2019
    Way to go on the 5 pounds Donna! I completely gave up beer the first of the year and after this amount of time I don't even miss it. I have only had wine maybe 4 or 5 times so far this year. I really think it's making a difference in my energy which has been my main issue for a while. Hope your back gets feeling better. The doctors all told me to work on core strength to help my lower back problems and it does help when I keep it up consistently.

    Austin, I haven't seen mustard greens in the store lately. I never tried them until maybe 2 years ago and really like them.

    Well done on the kitchen project, Magic! That's what I need to do, just tackle this place a room at a time and keep moving.

    Yesterday was a good ETL day until I decided to eat a few Mary's Gone Crackers after my dinner salad and I probably ate 15 or so of them. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, they are ETL friendly, but it put my starches and seeds over for the day. I could have had more fruit or some more beans instead. I guess I still have to be on guard against the snack monster. I thought it was sleeping. :)

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    Morning TEAM ETL! Having coffee...thinking, just thinking about the's my Sunday. Most everything is in the house for me to make great work meals...last night I steamed easy...just plain. They were the little ones from Trader Joes...globe artichokes...think I might have to make more tonight.

    When my kitchen is somewhat organized, it is so much fun to come in here and whip up something WFPB. I just really feel I am doing so many wonderful things for my health.

    I must make another taco/burrito bowl salad for lunch. Way good. And I think for lunch tomorrow...I might make a veggie sandwich, either Ezekiel bread for Lavash wrap. Thinking the sandwich might be easier to eat at my desk. Can't make it too big or I will cause a scene. LOL

    Crackers...I think I would not be able to stop, either, @Mihani. But you really did not go way overboard.

    I hope you all have a great day. I am going to make a quick Trader Joe's run...a quick stop at Walmart and then play around the house all day. Later, mates.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @magic71755 - I think I am the one oddball who likes coffee in their morning smoothie. 🤣🤣🤣
    I should say in advance that I am happy to have bitter be part of the flavor of a food, if it's not too much,
    Way it works: 1 cup cold brew coffee (homemade in our fridge, not overly strong), 1 cup unsweetened cashew milk, small helping of frozen blueberries (~1/4 c), about twice that much frozen spinach (~1/2 c), 2 T flax seed meal. Blend.

    Your work in the kitchen sounds great! I just yesterday spent time working on my pantry. Over time, I tend to end up with forgotten items pushed to the back and partially used bags of things (like I have part of a bag of jasmine rice, part of a bag of brown jasmine rice, etc.). So I was cleaning out, inventorying, sorting, combining. It feels cleaner and more alive and ready to cook now!

    Enjoy today's burrito bowl and playing around the house!

    Good luck with your triathlon, this weekend, @bisky ! A $20 small triathlon sounds great!
    A big congratulations in losing 5 pounds over the last couple of weeks. That's great! Are you feeling a difference?
    And oooh, that neighborhood Korean grill where they know your order -- awesome!

    The beautiful dog is lucky to have been found by someone being more responsible and kind!

    @Mihani - As to the greens, I am lucky. Our local grocery chain stocks their own house brand of frozen chopped greens -- spinach, collards, mustard and turnip. I buy in such quantity that I have had the checkers ask what I do with all those greens! (Doesn't seem like THAT much, really. I get 5-6 pounds at a time. Our freezer is not large.)

    I am off to get ready for the next part of the day. I just spent an hour and a half baking something for an end-of-season academic team celebration. I must confess, it is fun to have a reason to bake occasionally. My kiddo eats really well most of the time, so this batch of bar cookies is a treat, and pretty and tasty to share.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I will have to look for the globe artichokes Magic. I tried steaming a couple artichokes some time back and it was a lot of work for not a whole lot of reward. I decided I'd go back to opening a can of artichoke hearts lol. How's your kitchen project coming along?

    Donna, how's your houseguest doing? You all ready for your tri?

    Austin, I miss baking too. I have been looking at Dr. F's chia seed cookie recipe and may give that a try when the 6 weeks strict is up.

    I have been eating salad for both lunch and dinner the past two days because I've been too busy with work to make a soup or stew for lunches. I am going to run out of lettuce and veggies before the next batch is delivered on Tuesday at this rate, but I can get by with a box of spring mix and a few veggies. It's just so nice having a big variety. Really makes the salads feel like a meal.

    L - salad, cantaloupe, rice cake
    D - salad, cantaloupe and blueberries with chia seeds

    Got all the GBOMBS woohoo!
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Hi everyone! Looks like lots of good eating and exercising going on.

    I miss baking too! I tried doing some vegan baking a while back and was getting good results dessert-wise, but unfortunately it was Joe and I eating most of it, and it for sure wasn't at all healthy. Something about putting those ingredients together and seeing all of the fat and sugar makes it easier to not be tempted by sweets. It no longer feels natural or normal to add all of that crap in a bowl with the plan to eat it!

    Speaking of health, I had a follow up at the doctor's this week and brought in all of my blood testing results, etc. I lost 11 lbs for the month, and had a nice drop in my glucose numbers (according to my home testing...a1c fasting results from the lab won't be for another 2 months). She (doc) was really happy for me and left it up to me to go on meds short term or not. I agreed to that and will only be taking half the normal lowest dose to protect my kidneys as I continue to improve.

    Mihani, I've made 2 batches of Holiday Soup for the Soul based on your recommendation. It is so good!!! It's in the permanent rotation.

    I need to try the microwaving mushrooms trick. I get my g-bobs, but I want to be the boMb ;)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    Mr Grumpy salesman quit! Yahoo!

    I want to make Holiday Soup! Where do I find that recipe?

    😮 WOW. Congratulations on those a1c numbers and 11 pounds gone.

    That is seriously some kind of effort!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    13 hour work day

    Oatmeal like dr Esselstyn
    Ezekiel Sammy with engine 2 hummus sprouts red onions cukes
    Baked potato
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited May 2019
    @Mihani - Hurray for all those salads and GBOMBS!

    @Carla_wfpb - Congratulations on all the great news from your doctor visit! 11 pounds lost is impressive! It's great to hear you are doing the work with the glucose monitor and seeing great results.
    Let us know what you think if you try microwaving your mushrooms. I buy them sliced, microwave them and sprinkle a spice on top (Mrs Dash, Spike, etc.). You can do them ahead if you are worried about them going bad over the week.

    I had a victory a little like that today. I went in for my annual physical. "Morbidly Obese" was marked as a resolved issue on my chart. My BMI was marked as 22.4, and that was with my jeans and shoes on! Woohoo!

    Thanks for the reminder about Holiday Soup for the Soul. That's still on my to-try list.

    @magic71755 - Great menu! Sounds delicious!

    The link I have bookmarked for Holiday Soup for the Soul is:

    @bisky - Good luck on the triathlon!

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Great news on the doc visit Carla. I know you'll be able to get off the meds in no time. I'm glad you liked that Holiday Soup. It seemed so simple I wasn't expecting much from it honestly, but wow is it good.

    Glad to hear your grumpy co-worker left, Magic. Life is too short to have to deal with people who go out of their way to ruin your day.

    That's awesome Austin... "resolved issue" sounds very final too.

    It was a really stressful day today and I'm glad to be home, but I will be back in the office this weekend.

    S - 2 rice cakes
    L - big ol' salad and cantaloupe
    D - baked tostada spread with fat-free refried beans mixed with salsa and topped with a big pile of veggies that I sauteed with fajita seasonings... it was kind of a clean out the fridge mix of onion, broccoli, red pepper, swiss chard (this actually tasted far better than I would have guessed and I ate two of them)

    Will have some watermelon and blueberries with chia seeds to round out my day.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Mihani wrote: »
    Great news on the doc visit Carla. I know you'll be able to get off the meds in no time. I'm glad you liked that Holiday Soup. It seemed so simple I wasn't expecting much from it honestly, but wow is it good.

    Glad to hear your grumpy co-worker left, Magic. Life is too short to have to deal with people who go out of their way to ruin your day.

    That's awesome Austin... "resolved issue" sounds very final too.

    It was a really stressful day today and I'm glad to be home, but I will be back in the office this weekend.

    S - 2 rice cakes
    L - big ol' salad and cantaloupe
    D - baked tostada spread with fat-free refried beans mixed with salsa and topped with a big pile of veggies that I sauteed with fajita seasonings... it was kind of a clean out the fridge mix of onion, broccoli, red pepper, swiss chard (this actually tasted far better than I would have guessed and I ate two of them)

    Will have some watermelon and blueberries with chia seeds to round out my day.

    @Mihani - You are so right about "resolved issue" sounding final. Yes!

    SO sorry about your stressful day. I hope things improve!