Merry Merry Month of May



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited May 2019
    Hi - a bit calmer about the hair. Thank you all for the sympathy/empathy thoughts. Brooks said it was the worst haircut he has ever seen. My two girlfriends were like, yeah you look better in longer hair. One of them actually was trying to fix it after swimming and no luck.

    So my karma must be off, besides the haircut I dropped my I phone in the wash...went through a whole cycle. Between the haircut and the I phone....I burst into tears...I am not usually a cry baby but it was the final straw. Brooks went and bought me a new phone...almost the cheapest I phone he could find which is what I wanted...right before Best Buy closed. Then today I had a great morning planned, girlfriends coming over, ride bikes 3 miles one way to the pool and then swim...they are going to do the summer triathlons with me. My mtn bike that I just took in last week for the tune up sprung a spoke that went into my derailor and bent it. I walked my bike home and jumped in car to swim. I hope that is it. I really feel like staying in bed today but need to clean house for mah jongg tonight. I texted Brooks about the bike and he actually texted back not to cry...I laughed at that but I am seriously wondering about my karma. Going to go take the big boy to dog park and for a walk. Wish me luck.

    Carla - veggie fajitas sound wonderful. I did not know about ezekiel whole ground tortillas. I will have to look for them.

    Cindy - welcome! My go to place when traveling is Subway... can always get a great salad made the way I like it and I carry around balsamic glaze, sun flower seeds & nuts to add. Love that they added avocados to the menu.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Today is my Monday...does not go with me still feeling weekend-ish.

    Taking ususal to work...

    homemade soup
    snack...rice cakes and pb
    Joe's Mean Green

    Just really wanted to wish you all a great weekend. Later, mates.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Happy Friday

    Well, Monday for you, @magic71755 ! I hope this kicks off a great week for you! And thanks for the video suggestion. I still need to listen to the Dr. Michael Klaper clip you suggested.

    @bisky - I hope that walk went well, and that the dust in the rest of life has settled a bit.

    @Carla_wfpb - Your link to CleanFoodDirtyGirl and their articles on travelling sent me exploring on that website! I made my teenager happy by trying this recipe for granola. I had some leftover coconut and chopped pecans to use up:

    I had a good ETL day yesterday:
    B - spinach & blueberry smoothie with flax seed
    L - cabbage, carrot & kale casserole (the Dr F recipe), steamed mushrooms, steamed spinach, black beans, pickled onions, apple slices
    S - apples, blueberries, walnuts
    D - huge salad (romaine, massaged kale, roma tomato, sweet baby peppers), dressing (tomatillo, cashew milk, nooch, spices), steamed red cabbage with spices, baked butternut & apple with cinnamon for dessert
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Hi Cindy, you are definitely welcome! Most of the WFPB plans align with Dr. F's life plan. His 6 week plan is more strict. I get a kick out of Jill McKeever so I'll see if I can find her IP video this weekend and work to overcome my fear!

    Austin, I am reading Dr. Barnard's book on diabetes prevention. I am not diabetic but my last bloodwork (which admittedly was quite a few years ago) showed me on the high side of normal and my doctor cautioned me because there is some history of diabetes in my family. Just trying to keep myself aware of the issues I'm likely to encounter if I don't keep moving forward.

    Carla, I have yet to try the quinoa and black bean falafel. I need to move that up the list.

    Donna, hope your hair grows out quickly! I don't blame you for having a little cry. I tend to cry when I'm extra frustrated or angry about something. I think it's almost like releasing a pressure valve.

    What soup did you make for the week, Magic?

    I am meeting a friend for lunch today and then home to work on a few files, do laundry, etc. Then to the office tomorrow. We're going to interview someone this week and she sounds like she might be the right fit for our office. I sure hope so... I need help!

    Plan for today...

    B - oats with chopped baby spinach, berries, cinnamon, turmeric and black pepper
    L - salad (restaurant so I'll just order balsamic on the side)
    D - baked tofu, sauteed greens, onions and mushrooms
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    My MIL is arriving any minute now and will be here for 10 days. Wish me luck sticking with my foods!
    I made a double batch of falafel patties, 2 lbs of baked sliced tofu, and a batch of Holiday Soup for the soul. With that and some pre-made salads, I can throw together a meal quickly whenever I need to.

    Hope you have a nice lunch with your friend, Mihani. And fingers crossed on the candidate for the office position. You so need the help!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hello all,
    I made a slightly revised version of this lentil soup and it was a huge hit, surprisingly so, with my husband and son. So I am sharing the link for the next time you are looking for a new way to eat lentil and veggies. The spicing is really nice -- cumin, curry, red pepper, black pepper and thyme.

    Revisions: no oil; to a half recipe, I added one small red potato (fine diced), one stalk celery (minced), used fire-roasted for the tomatoes; had lemon juice as on on-table option; also, I added some salt for this non-nutritarian audience
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi everyone! It rained most of the day so Hubby and I hung out at home.

    I made a vegan omelette for lunch using chickpea flour. Hubby really liked it! I stuffed it with spinach and leftover chickpea salad. Dinner was brown rice topped with a mixture of black eyed peas and lots of veggies.

    Mihani your dinner sounds delicious!

    Austin I love lentils! Thanks for the link!

    Carla best wishes sticking with your foods!

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Thanks for the lentil soup recipe, Austin. I saved it and it's in the queue for my next batch of soup.

    The vegan omelette sounds good, Cindy!

    Mihani, how was your lunch out? How suitable is the woman you guys interviewed for your office?

    MIL is here and I've done good with my food so far. She is making her own meals when we aren't eating out. Her meals don't tempt me at all luckily. White bread, sliced meats, cheese, ground beef and cheezies. I picked up some lime Perrier so I have something when everyone else is snacking.

    I'm going to suggest various walks and hikes throughout her visit and try to ramp up my activity level.

    b - 2 cups coffee, blueberry greens smoothie
    l - eating out - good veggie sandwich @ a local restaurant
    d - salad with falafel patty &/or tofu, dressing
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Recipe sounds good, Austin. I will give that one a try.

    The chickpea omelet sounds good too, Cindy. I've seen a number of recipes using chickpea flour but haven't tried any.

    Carla, we will be interviewing the gal this week, but my boss has already talked to her on the phone and it sure sounds like she's exactly what we need. I sure hope so! I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I can't help it a little bit.

    I was in the office much later than I anticipated and still have to do some prepping and cooking for the week so I better get busy!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    A quick Friday. The soup I had made and froze was from Nutrition Refined. I love her YouTubes...amazing quality...and always an endearing taste taste at the end by her DH.

    She is out of Cananda. In this recipe she does use on can of V8...totally optional. I did use it in mine...I wanted to follow her recipe to a T, with the exception of added oil and salt...I omitted both. I will say it turned out AAAAAAAAAmazing.

    Here is the link to her website and the recipe:

    Have a good Monday everyone. My weekend starts at approximately 2pm today. Yahoo!

    Later, mates.

  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Happy Friday, Magic! Thanks for the link & info.

    Mihani, I am ready to have a virtual party to celebrate if that woman gets hired on! Heck, fly out here and we'll celebrate in might even have time for a vacation once in a while. :)

    Yesterday's food went pretty much as planned except it was a big sandwich with only pseudo healthy bread, so I had half for lunch and then half for dinner. It still raised my blood sugar too much after dinner, but it was pretty much the best I could do, at least for lunch. I should have thrown it out and had something else for dinner but next time. Doing okay for vacation mode with company over. Absolutely no snacks yesterday! Woot!

    I have falafel patties, tofu, greens, and apples ready to go today, and my usual blueberry smoothie. Tomorrow we're heading out for Italian dinner in town. I know I can get something vegan, but I'm not sure how healthy it will be. I will eat half of whatever it is and someone else can have my leftovers.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Glad your soup turned out so well, Magic. Happy "Friday"!

    Carla, you're on! If we get help I'm definitely making the trip in the spring. :) Woohoo for no snacks! Have you been taking any fun excursions with your MIL?

    I didn't get time to cook over the weekend so I came home tonight and started some things. I have quinoa cooking, made a big pan full of sauteed kale with garlic and onion, going to cook some broccoli in a skillet with coconut aminos, and I have a pot of lentil soup going. It's just a very basic soup that I threw together with onion, carrot, celery and I'll add some kale to wilt in when it's done. I don't remember what all spices I threw in so we'll see how it turns out.

    B - oats with blueberries, chia seeds, a couple walnut halves, turmeric and pepper
    L - steamer bag of broccoli with mustard and balsamic, a couple wasa crackers, a clementine
    D - some of the soup when it's done, a salad, cantaloupe
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Hi all,

    Austin - I just looked at the video of the Lentil Soup. I have all the ingredients so I am going to make it this afternoon. It looks very yummy.

    Carla - great food prepping. I have questions about the baked Tofu. How do you bake it and how long does it last?

    Cindy - Chickpea flour? sounds interesting. Has anyone tried or used oatmeal milk? Friends keep suggesting it for my coffee. I am happy with my Almond milk.

    Mihani - did you hire someone to help in the office yet? How did the soup turn out.

    Magic - after my walk this morning I am going to look at Nutrition Refined.

    I had the best vegetarian black bean soup yesterday after swimming. I make a good black bean soup put this was amazing with poblano peppers. I found a vegetarian restaurant close by!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hello, all!

    @Carla_wfpb - I hope the visit from your MIL is still going well! It sure sounds like you have done the work to keep yourself moving toward health this week. Impressive!

    @Mihani - I have my fingers crossed that the woman you interviewed is a fit, and you end up with the help you need!

    @bisky - I have not experimented with oat milk. It sounds like it should be fine. Your question sent me off looking at recipes. This makes it look so easy that I think I ill at least try a little one cup batch:

    @Cindy781 - It sounds like the weather where you are has been challenging. I am glad you and your husband are staying safe!

    @magic71755 - I hope you are having a great weekend!

    I had a good ETL day yesterday:
    B - spinach, flax seed & blueberry smoothie
    L - cabbage, carrot & kale casserole (Dr F recipe); steamed mustard greens and black beans with chopped roma tomato and pickled onions; raw sweet baby peppers and apple slices
    S - apple slices and walnuts
    D - big salad (massaged kale, romaine, minced zucchini, fire roasted tomatoes, broccoli sprouts), steamed mushrooms, steamed red cabbage), dressing (cashew milk, tomatillo, nooch, vinegar, spices), baked diced apple and blueberries
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 502 Member
    Bisky - I have made oatmilk and love it, also put it in my coffee. I found the recipe on The key is to soak and rinse the oats before blending. I strain mine 3-4 times as well.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    Afternoon all...just taking a lazy afternoon coffeebreak...from a being lazy. LOL Tonight I am stressing a bit...supervisor from our department is taking me out to a dinner theatre...I have looked over the menu options, and I think I do have choices to make it WFPB. Geez I hope so. This is why I hate going out.

    Also, my sister invited me for dinner for next week. Last time she invited me, I was still eating fish, although, I did not say so. But this time, I am completely WFPB and well, I made it clear that I no longer eat meat, dairy, eggs and am WFPB*. I did offer to bring something. Actually, come to find out, we are going to Pita Jungle. Easy peasy there. Lots of Vegan options...and then I can just find something SOS free.

    I have been making homemade almond milk for awhile now. LOVE IT. But next quart will be Oatmilk. I really love the Blue Jean Chef as far as what? as far as this recipe is concerned. LOL Now that I am's hard to find recipes from her. But she is great at explaining the why and where with alls for why you take certain steps when making Oatmilk.

    Today's Menu:

    raw organic GF oatmeal, ground flax, banana, frozen wild organic blueberries...almond milk
    it's my usual.

    ezekiel corn tortillas in the air fryer, slathered with fat free refried beans, tomatoes, onions, salsa

    dinner out SCARY!

    Hope everyone has a great day.

    *Trying to make sure this point gets across before any holiday events and special occassions come up.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Donna, interview is next week. I really hope it's a good fit. I love poblano peppers! I always forget about them. Oat milk is naturally a bit sweet (to me anyway) so really good for cereal and smoothies. Soup turned out great. Lentil soup is hard to mess up so I usually just throw it together, but I do use recipes sometimes. I like to add a little liquid smoke along with whatever spices strike my fancy.

    Great day Austin! I'm glad you like that cabbage and kale casserole. It's a favorite of mine.

    Hi Cindy!

    Hello Magic, glad to hear you are going to have good options when you go out to eat. That's a good idea to air fry the corn tortillas. I don't have one though.

    Two days back totally on track after a bit of a dive into junk food on Sunday. I am so glad I nipped that in the bud. I felt gross after eating chips and salty pretzels, but admit they tasted good at the time. >:):huh:

    B - oats with blueberries, chia seeds, a few walnut halves, turmeric and black pepper (I just take to work and add hot water when I get hungry)
    L - quinoa, sauteed kale with onions and garlic, broccoli, cantaloupe
    D - big ol' salad (spring mix, beets, carrot, pickled onion, steamed mushrooms, sunflower seeds, balsamic), bowl of lentil soup, a pear

    ALL the GBOMBS!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @Mihani - Your savory oatmeal with blueberries sounds really interesting! I will have to try those spices in my morning spinach and blueberry drink!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Austin, I've used the same spices in smoothies and like it. I try to get in 1/4 tsp of turmeric every day and black pepper helps with absorption (so I've read anyway) so throwing those in my oatmeal or smoothies is an easy way to make sure I get them. If I don't have breakfast I add to my salad at night instead. I usually add a little cinnamon to the oatmeal also but forgot yesterday. A cup or so of chopped baby spinach or other greens is good in oatmeal too.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    Morning all...had a really nice time last night...totally WFPB options. How special was that!

    So smooth sailing for a long social engagements until dinner with sister and BIL. And Pita Jungle is completely WFPB friendly.

    @Cindy781 I tried locating the OatMilk recipe from I like to see the various ways everyone makes theirs. But I do know...soaking and rinsing is important, like you said.

    Today is lots of veggie day and let's work with whatever is in that fridg of mine.

    Oatmeal breakfast of course

    Joe's Mean Green

    Lunch...more Ezekiel tostadas. (BTW, corn tortillas can be heated in oven as well. I did get a tortilla press, and after this pack of Ezekiels, I will attempt to make my own.)

    Massaged kale salad

    Veggie soup --use up what ever is in the fridge.

    Have a wonderful day, everyone!