Merry Merry Month of May



  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    @bisky Donna, this is the recipe I use
    I now double it whenever i make it. I use it up within a week probably. I add 5 to 10 minutes baking time for each side to get a firmer, dryer texture. I eat it cold from the fridge as a snack sometimes!

    Magic, glad you had a good time last night and got to stay WFPB!

    Mihani, we've gone on 2 walks with my MIL so far, but not the kind of walking I like to do, much slower with lots of meandering. I'm determined to get us all to the ocean boardwalk to get in a longer walk. I'm hoping that once we get to the end of the path, the town ahead will be enticing and we'll get in a bunch of extra steps.

    Yesterday we went into town and had Italian food. I had spinach ravioli with marinara sauce. Tasty but not ideal from a health standpoint. We met with others for drinks at their place, and I brought my own bottle of sparkling water to have instead of the sugary alcoholic drinks they were serving (Win!)

    I've still got soup, tofu & falafel, so I'll mix that up with some greens and other random vegetables and cobble together a lunch and dinner. breakfast is the usual smoothie.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Magic, I have done the tortillas in the oven but I hate turning the oven on in the summer. How did your veggie soup turn out?

    Carla, I drink so much sparkling water. I think it helped me not miss my beer so much cracking open the can when I get home from work lol. It has been 5 months since I've had a beer now though, and I don't even want one at this point. Still like my wine now and again.

    Today was a repeat of yesterday. Enough for one more lunch in what I cooked the other night and I will have to do some more cooking this weekend. Still a good amount of soup left so that and salads will get me through, plus I have some collards to cook maybe tomorrow night.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 502 Member
    Magic, I gave you the wrong website for the oat milk. Here it is:

    Hope everyone has had a wonderful day!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Cindy781 wrote: »
    Magic, I gave you the wrong website for the oat milk. Here it is:

    Hope everyone has had a wonderful day!

    Thanks Cindy! I did check it out...looks very similar to Blue Jean Chef's directions. They both talk about how to avoid the slime. LOL

    I love finding new blogger/youtubers...I am always looking for new and fun ways to make everything. Funny thing is...I pretty much stick to what I know so far. But today, I did buy some kimchi. Not bad. Also, ordered a sushi mat for making sushi. Something that would be great to take to work...if I can figure out the directions...the peeps on YouTube make it look so easy.

    Later, mates. Have a great evening.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Morning all...did not make my soup yesterday. It turned out to be not the greatest day. Not sure what is troubling me...but not myself.

    Still a bit off this morning. Will definitely work on righting this ship.

    I think I am just in need of a hot steamy bowl of vegan pho from my favorite Vietnamese restaurant.

    Anyway, will be back later to check in.

    Later, mates.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Hope you are feeling better Magic.

    Today was another repeat day and I will be having the same tomorrow. This actually worked out really well to have a batch of soup, plenty of salad goodies, a huge batch of cooked greens with onions and mushrooms, and a cooked grain. With the berries and chia seeds in my morning oatmeal, I have hit all the GBOMBS every day this week. Woohoo! Think I'll plan something very similar for next week too. I will change things up on the weekends, but it sure made it easier to stay on track during the work week. I don't mind eating the same things every day for a period of time but it wouldn't work for people who want more variety.
  • Carla_wfpb
    Carla_wfpb Posts: 1,336 Member
    Sounds similar to what has been working for me, Mihani. I do need to get back on board with the mushrooms though. I've noticed that when you have a bunch of stuff ready to go and you can mix it up, it doesn't feel like the same thing every day.

    Magic, I hope you get off to a good start to your week!

    For some reason, I've been living my life with dumb wired ear buds that attach to my phone and get in the way when I'm working out. I finally caught on and bought some wireless ones. Wow. So much better. And if I'm watching a youtube vid or listening to music I can just pause it my touching the ear piece. I know y'all, not the most earth shattering news to anyone else on the planet, but a good upgrade for me :)

    I'm still doing really good with my food while my MIL is over. She and Joe have been eating cheesecake & ice cream, and snacking on cheetos, but I've been strong. I think it has been so long since I've had something like that, that it doesn't have that same pull. It appeals, but I have the control to say no and not obsess on it (much).

    b - smoothie, 1 coffee
    l - salad, green goddess dressing, tofu, falafel
    d - taco salad bowl, cashews & dried apricots

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Agreed, Carla. That was one of the things that stuck with me after reading the Engine 2 Seven Day Rescue. Big into bowls and flats! Also having greens at every meal, even breakfast. They classified greens as leafies plus cruciferous and a couple others that I can't recall. I've been looking at wireless ear buds... which ones did you get?

    Today I used up the last of the things I cooked on Monday. Worked out perfectly. I have some chard and collards in the fridge that I will cook tonight or tomorrow, and then I'll have to make a grocery run.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    poppysmileyf.gifMorning is my Tuesday...happy bout that. Should be a nice weekend at work...we were busy yesterday...that 's a good thing...(receptionist at car dealership)...meals are ready to go.

    Green smoothie...lots of spinach, pineapple, banana, almond milk


    potatoes and salsa

    oatmeal with the usual suspects

    rice cakes and pb after work, with tea

    My oat milk did not work. It would not go through the milk bag. I am going to try a sieve next time. I am thinking because it is only blending for thirty seconds, maybe the particles are too big. I don't know. I have a vitamix, so it shouldn't have been a problem.

    Made a quart of almond milk this morning, no problems.

    I do know making ones own milk is the way to go. NOTHING in there you do not want. And so much cheaper.

    Ok, to the showers with me. Hope y'all have a good holiday weekend.

    memorialdaysm.gif Lest we forget.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @Carla_wfpb - Thanks for the baked tofu recipe! I just bookmarked that to try this weekend.
    The wireless earbuds sound great! Please do share which ones you got.
    Good for you for staying strong in the face of cheesecake and Cheetos. It's nice how those things become easier to resist, over time. I think as long as I related to them as just "not food," it's easier.

    @magic71755 - Are you feeling better? I hope so!

    I got in meal planning, a grocery run, and food prep yesterday, so feeling ready for the weekend. Also had a good ETL day, though I got in less exercise than I planned. This morning I got up early, got exercise, and now I am about to go to martial arts class, so better today.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Reporting in from work...

    Yes, thanks you guys, feeling better. My knee all of a sudden started really hurting again. Excruciating pain in my osteo arthritic knees...but left one give me fits. But since adding lots of Turmeric (800 mg in the am and 400 in the evening), the pain totally subsided. Still have to watch how much I stand and walk...but finally was able to sleep without ice packs.

    Then, out of the blue, the pain started up again. Very frustrating. Today, feeling a bit better. Not sure what I did ... or didn't do. But today is better!

    I have to tell you, my smoothie turned out great. I had put the bag of Trader Joe's baby spinach in the freezer...and I used that with my very ripe frozen banana and pineapple. LOTS of spinach. OMG. Delish. I did use water AND homemade almond milk.

    I never get good results with my smoothies. EXCEPT for today. It made two 20 ouncers...blender bottles. Left one at home. Wish I would have brought it. I finished the first one already.

    My point to all this is...if you do make smoothies and your greens need to be used up but you are not using them, put in freezer. OR just put a few bags in the freezer and then you will always have the fixings for smoothies. I never thought it would turn out so good. Frozen spinach. Who knew. B)<3

    Back to work, lovelies!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Got my first really good watermelon of the year this past week. Finally got around to cutting it up last night and ate a bunch, and that's all I'm having for lunch I think. Last summer I never did have any really good watermelon, so I'm hopeful this is a sign that watermelon will be good this year.

    I decided to take two days of the long weekend off. I'll go in Monday, but I have a friend coming tomorrow to help with the yard and some house projects so I really want to get my house cleaned up today before he gets here. I've been to the grocery and the hardware and spent way too much money this morning.

    Sorry to hear about your knee, Magic.

    Austin, excellent job getting the prepping done and the exercise.

    Guess I better get busy... getting this house into some semblance of order is going to be a full workout for me.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    My Thursday 8 hours...

    Green Smoothie with Power to the Greens from Trader Joe's, banana, pineapple, almond milk and water

    Oatmeal with the usual

    Potatoes and salsa

    Taco Salad after work

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Home projects continue unabated today. Planning to tackle the basement now. Ugh. I think I'll be happy to go back to the office tomorrow lol.

    I realized I neglected to eat any raw veggies yesterday. I was busy and didn't eat a real lunch. Just had watermelon and a rice cake with PB. Dinner was good though. Sauteed a bunch of collard greens with onion and garlic and no-salt seasoning and wrapped up in corn tortillas with pinto beans.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    What a great day @magic71755 !

    @Mihani - Even with no raw veggies, it sounds like you had a good day!

    I had a good day, too!

    Something I have been eating a lot of lately is a mixed raw/cooked salad that my husband has named my "vegan ceviche:" steamed (tender but not soft) diced zucchini mixed with diced grape tomatoes, pickled raw onions and dried basil. It's super easy and quick.

    B - blueberry, spinach and flax smoothie, coffee
    L - steamed mustard greens with black beans raw pickled onions, nooch and spices; vegan ceviche, apple slices
    S - apple slices & walnuts
    D - salad (massaged kale, red bell pepper, pickled raw onions), quick green dressing (cashew milk, cilantro, tomatillo, vinegar, spices), steamed mushrooms with spices, vegan ceviche, corn on the cob, apple slices
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 502 Member
    Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying your weekend!

    Magic- The sieve works better for the oat milk. Don’t blend it too long. I also strain it 2-3 times using the back of spoon to press it through the sieve.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    This has been a very busy couple days! Glad I got a few projects out of the way around the house and I tackled the worst ones first so maybe I'll be more motivated to do the easier things now. It has been so long since I've taken a weekend off to do things around here. I didn't even turn on my desktop computer or check emails this weekend!

    Made time for some prepping this afternoon. Baked tofu (very simple recipe just dip slices in coconut aminos then sprinkle with no-salt seasoning and bake for 40 minutes), un-honey mustard dressing (Hello Nutritarian recipe), split pea soup (FOK recipe), saute/steamed broccoli, pickled onions, big batch of sauteed kale with onions, balsamic roasted mushrooms. Was going to make hummus but I think I have more than enough to get me through the week as is. I have to chop up stuff for salads too because my salad prepper is out of town. I'll do that tomorrow.

    I was having two servings of grains all last week, because I started eating breakfast again and wanted oatmeal, and then having quinoa with my lunch veggies. I still lost 1.5 pounds, but going to rein that in this week and only have one serving of starches a day.

    Your salad sounds really tasty, Austin.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I am going to try the tofu tonight...thanks for telling us it is easy, @Mihani !

    Will also give the oatmilk another go, @Cindy781

    Morning is my to go in an hour later because service is closed. Really short day...6 hours.

    Today's Menu:

    black coffee

    Green Smoothie (I froze the other half yesterday morning...took it out last night and put in fridge...this morning, it's slushy. Kinda good...texture may turn off some.)

    potatoes and hatch green chili

    oatmeal and the regulars

    romaine salad with tofu tonight side of broccoli

    Hope everyone has a good day...remembering the holiday ...

    MEMORIAL DAY! I never take living in this country for granted. Color me a very grateful heart. <3
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Magic, do you have a Vitamix or similar high-powered blender? When I make smoothies they always seem more like chunky slushy. I just have a regular blender, but it works for me. I actually like the chunkiness and occasional whole frozen berry lol. You might want to use parchment paper for your tofu. I think I baked it at 375.

    Had a good day at the office. Got through quite a bit, but still have two more files to work on tonight. I feel refreshed after the two days off. Go figure!

    B - rolled oats with mixed frozen berries, a banana, chia seeds, turmeric/black pepper/cinnamon... I usually just add hot water and let it soak for a few minutes but I added a splash of almond milk because I opened a carton for the salad dressing recipe and want to use it up
    L - some of the stuff I cooked last night... broccoli, kale, tofu, mushrooms, and an apple
    D - split pea soup, big ol' salad (spring mix, love beets, red cabbage, carrot, cucumber, pickled onion, un-honey mustard dressing), a clementine
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited May 2019
    @Mihani oh gosh, what I had done was make way too much in a 28 ounce blender bottle and then the left over in the 20 ouncer. So I froze the 20 ouncer. Took it out last night...and it was just right this morning...cold and kind of slushy...not really. But good. Better than if I had just left it in the fridge to begin with. And yes, I do have a Vitamix.

    Making my tofu now. Used a press to get all the water out. then cut into cubes and then a bit of low sod tamari and GF bread crumbs. My first attempt. In the airfryer ...310 degrees...will shake it at 5 minutes. Kinda excited.

    Also bought lots of greens to get more in me this weekend.

    Anyway, hope y'all had a good to check on my experiment.

    ETA: Making almond milk and oat milk tonight. Very exciting. Cleaning tomorrow...well, continuing with the decluttering. Having handy man/cleaning guy come over on Wednesday. We are working on the kitchen, guest bath, living room/dining room. Next week...those rooms and then my bedroom. Following week all those rooms and guest bedroom. Then the garage. I'm excited.