

  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    Hi all!
    Weigh in day: Monday
    SW: 134.2
    PW: 134.4 (last Tuesday 6/11 -- I was traveling on Monday)
    CW: 133.0

    It helped me that I was weighing in today -- I wanted to make sure I had a loss this week! Trying to get back to the 120's by the end of this month...even 129 will make me happy -- so that's my short term goal.

  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Had a little run-in with some cake on Father's Day. Mainly in response to getting my ultrasound test result back onlline, which was negative. Interesting that one can get good news, and still be emotionally eating!

    Back on it today. Sorry to my co-challengers, I blew some points!

    But was the cake good?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    WHY is such a great question. Thanks, @evangsimmons170 for starting that ball rolling! Your exploration is interesting and well explained. Changing a great deal as a person can make it hard to let go of all of the old person, though. Making the change all the way is a good why, but be sure to know what you are keeping of that wonderful former person (even if you don't thinks she was so wonderful!).

    So let's look at some whys. For me, I'm not doing this for anyone but myself - not for family or friends, or to be a good example - just for me. I needed to earn some self-respect, and remember that I am the only one in control of what I eat, drink, and do. I do this to be strong. What are your whys? Does knowing them give you what you need to go for those goals? To stick to it?
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member
    Had a little run-in with some cake on Father's Day. Mainly in response to getting my ultrasound test result back onlline, which was negative. Interesting that one can get good news, and still be emotionally eating!

    Back on it today. Sorry to my co-challengers, I blew some points!

    But was the cake good?

    Yeah - was it? Sounds like you had some stuff to celebrate, and you'll be racking up points tomorrow, right?
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    jugar wrote: »
    WHY is such a great question. Thanks, @evangsimmons170 for starting that ball rolling! Your exploration is interesting and well explained. Changing a great deal as a person can make it hard to let go of all of the old person, though. Making the change all the way is a good why, but be sure to know what you are keeping of that wonderful former person (even if you don't thinks she was so wonderful!).

    So let's look at some whys. For me, I'm not doing this for anyone but myself - not for family or friends, or to be a good example - just for me. I needed to earn some self-respect, and remember that I am the only one in control of what I eat, drink, and do. I do this to be strong. What are your whys? Does knowing them give you what you need to go for those goals? To stick to it?

    @jugar What's interesting is that I don't think I was a bad person before. I generally love myself. It's just that my life is SO different now in ways that I doubt it would be had I not moved 2,000 miles from home. How I think about myself and the world around me is different; so are my goals and aspirations. Add to that that I'm 50, and midlife brings with it its own changes. LOL So I love the new me just because she's different and has so much more to offer.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,216 Member

    I am working on the steps report to show you how far things have gone, but there are a lot of numbers missing from week 2! Week 1 report, however tardy, is just about ready to roll, but I want to do them together. So, please get those numbers in for June 9-15 - thanks!

    @mari_moulin (only missing one day...)
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    My WHY is my high blood pressure. My doctor was ready to put me on a third BP med because it was so high and I convinced her to wait and see if I could lose some weight and hopefully that would help. Since then I’ve lost around 30 lbs (actually since last year at this time) and my BP has come down to acceptable levels. I’ve still got another 20 lbs to go to get to where the doctor wants me to be but I’m getting there. All together I’ve lost 45lbs since I started losing several years ago. I’ve gained and lost several times. It’s a journey that I hope to be taking for the last time!!
  • fourathomej
    fourathomej Posts: 4,284 Member
    6/10 - 12945
    6/11 - 15721
    6/12 - 14910
    6/13 - 17829
    6/14 - 17677
    6/15 - 14852
    6/16 - 16911
  • bfitb440n2022
    bfitb440n2022 Posts: 53 Member

    Don't give up on me. I'm going to get it together eventually!

    Weigh in was 280.9
    I'm still going up but eventually I gotta snap out of the funk right 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Connie7355 wrote: »
    My WHY is my high blood pressure. My doctor was ready to put me on a third BP med because it was so high and I convinced her to wait and see if I could lose some weight and hopefully that would help. Since then I’ve lost around 30 lbs (actually since last year at this time) and my BP has come down to acceptable levels. I’ve still got another 20 lbs to go to get to where the doctor wants me to be but I’m getting there. All together I’ve lost 45lbs since I started losing several years ago. I’ve gained and lost several times. It’s a journey that I hope to be taking for the last time!!

    Congrats @Connie7355 :smiley: That's great that you've lost 45 lbs and even greater that you were able to avoid that 3rd BP med. I'm on 3 as well. My goal is to walk my way into not needing any of them again. I know it's a process that takes time, consistency and patience. But I know I'll get there. You're an inspiration to me. Thanks for sharing your why!
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    For the Beat Your Best Challenge:

    Username @evangsimmons170
    Exercise minutes = 0
    Steps = 9,498
    Water (in oz) = 25

    Exercise minutes = 60
    Steps = 10,532
    Water (in oz) = 64
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    @jugar...I was inputting my stats on the beat your best spreadsheet and noticed that we have a newcomer this week whose totals are not included in the "total" formula for either team. I don't know which team he or she is on, but their username is @shockvalue07.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    jugar wrote: »

    I am working on the steps report to show you how far things have gone, but there are a lot of numbers missing from week 2! Week 1 report, however tardy, is just about ready to roll, but I want to do them together. So, please get those numbers in for June 9-15 - thanks!

    @mari_moulin (only missing one day...)


    Saturday - 7,251
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    I've recently switched back to eating more carbs (never cut them out, just had less bread, pasta, etc) as I was suffering from mild hypoglycemia. My doctor checked me over and said it's all normal but suggested I found a better balance. So I've started including more carbs again (Weetabix in the morning, more fruit and a little bread) and feel much better but now I'm so hungry all the time (and overeat most days). I'm wondering if the hunger could have anything to do with changes to my diet? Or is it unrelated? Any insight?
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    jugar wrote: »

    I am working on the steps report to show you how far things have gone, but there are a lot of numbers missing from week 2! Week 1 report, however tardy, is just about ready to roll, but I want to do them together. So, please get those numbers in for June 9-15 - thanks!

    @mari_moulin (only missing one day...)

    From BMcC0

    June 09 14203
    June 10 11784
    June 11 10289
    June 12 7793
    June 13 12889
    June 14 8994
    June 15 3781 (spent the day strolling with 85 yr old mom - didn't exergame)
    June 16 1722 (Father's Day; misleading low reading because I didn't clip it to my belt)
    June 17 9275 (good long walk in the sunshine after supper with hubby - WARMTH!!)

  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    I've recently switched back to eating more carbs (never cut them out, just had less bread, pasta, etc) as I was suffering from mild hypoglycemia. My doctor checked me over and said it's all normal but suggested I found a better balance. So I've started including more carbs again (Weetabix in the morning, more fruit and a little bread) and feel much better but now I'm so hungry all the time (and overeat most days). I'm wondering if the hunger could have anything to do with changes to my diet? Or is it unrelated? Any insight?

    For some individuals, some types of carbs act as a trigger-food. Could you try only adding one type of carb at a time and see if you can narrow down the trigger? Does it mostly happen with the bread/ startch types, or the fruit? Or your brain may have been "missing them" depending on how long they were short-rationed ... and if you cut back on other items that HAVE been giving you a sense of "being full" to make room in your calorie count for this, maybe add some of that back in.

    Carbs are at the route of the body's insulin reaction, so maybe explore the chemistry behind that.

    @Andreabroadley mentioned a book a day or so ago (might still be the top of this page, or only one page back) about nutrition for people not-yet-pre-diabetic that may have some info if that's the case. I need to see about reading that myself ...
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    The question of your personal WHY is a very powerful one. And yes, it is amazing how much we don't want to admit (even to ourselves) a WHY that doesn't fit "social expectations" or "political correctness".

    I will have to save more the more personal aspects of my answer for later - but I think that we have to honestly admit that whatever the actual root - it will be some form of "selfish" doing-this-for-me if it is going to stick. If it doesn't somehow tie back to that, you will eventually rebel or drift away, or something else with a higher personal priority will subtly take over your efforts.

    A seemingly surface "social expectation" sticker might still LOOK like it applies ... like "I am doing this to be a role-model for my children" .... but that actually ties back to "selfishly getting a positive-reinforcement rush from actively teaching them to naturally and automatically turn to health-living choices in all areas of their lives - and seeing the payoff"

    Maslov's Hierarchy of Needs. The highest level, self-actualization. But to GET to that level, your own more direct basic needs have to be met (or mostly met).

    Thoughts on my take on the theoretical side? More on the personal "as applies to BMcC9" practical application side later.

    It DOES include the "selfishness" of clothing aesthetics .... and also the practicality of no longer being afraid that I will have changed pattern sizes between the time the I cut out a sewing project, and the time I finish hemming it ....
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    I've recently switched back to eating more carbs (never cut them out, just had less bread, pasta, etc) as I was suffering from mild hypoglycemia. My doctor checked me over and said it's all normal but suggested I found a better balance. So I've started including more carbs again (Weetabix in the morning, more fruit and a little bread) and feel much better but now I'm so hungry all the time (and overeat most days). I'm wondering if the hunger could have anything to do with changes to my diet? Or is it unrelated? Any insight?

    @Perla4686 are you diabetic? Just wondered based upon your post. I hope you find the right balance for you.
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