June is for Joining



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member

    Kale salad
    Asian soup
    Cauliflower Gnocchi
    Trader Joe’s dried mango
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Soup looks great, Magic. Cauliflower gnocchi sounds interesting... will have to look for that next trip to TJ's.

    Another good day!
    B - usual oats with good stuff
    L - raw veggies, a pear
    D - veggie and lettuce stuffed sprouted grain pita, watermelon, a few walnut halves

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    7:12 dinner at work:

    Ok, this soup is really good. I did not make any noodles...but man, the broth is delish. I wish I had some noodles. Oh well. The flavors really develop the longer this sits. Only thing is the spinach is no longer vibrant green and the cabbage, well, no longer bright purple. But the broth is purple. LOL It's good. I think the 5 spice kicked it up...and a bit of the miso, too.

    Have a good evening, mates. Later.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Morning all...just chugging along here!

    black coffee
    kale salad
    Cathy Fisher Asian Veggie Soup
    cauliflower gnocchi

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day. Be good to yourselves and eat good food.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Hiya ETL'ers! I took the day away from the office to get some things done around here. Can't wait until the new girl starts and maybe in a few months I won't be in the office weekends much at all anymore.

    Plan for today...
    B - oats with chia seeds, a couple walnut halves, blueberries, a sliced peach, turmeric, pepper, cinnamon, almond milk (I usually just use water for my oats but it was a day out of the office treat)
    L - probably skip it, I'm still full from breakfast
    D - Going to make Dr. G's mac and cheese from the How Not to Die cookbook. Got some chickpea elbow macaroni so we'll see how that turns out. I like bean pasta generally so I'm sure it will be fine. And salad.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Hello ETL'ers...I just have to rave about my kale salad. So, y'all know I have to eat at my desk...and I can't have huge salads...so this kale salad is perfect!

    I did not use avocado. I used lemon mostly...but it just did not have enough flavor. So I took some dressing (The WFPB Cooking Show--Orange Tahini)...I gave it a few squirts and then massaged some more. Add a few raisins and sunflower seeds...OH MY GOSH...so good.

    I squished it all into a Sistema mug...and honestly, it was delish. I had half a bunch of kale Friday and the other half today. It's great, cuz the lemon and dressing help to break down the kale somewhat and easier on our digestion. Highly recommend for a make ahead to take to work.

    -the end
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    @Mihani I have never used my chia seeds...I have both black and white...and I even bought little wide mouth 8 oz jars to make pudding. I must try using them. Let us know how your mac and cheese turns out!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    Magic, I like using chia seeds better than flax, not sure why. I put a tablespoon in my oatmeal every day or I sprinkle some on fruit in the evening. I didn't end up making the mac & cheese. I got busy with the house so I just had broccoli slaw, clover sprouts, red cabbage, E2 hummus in an ezekiel tortilla. I was pretty hungry since I hadn't eaten since breakfast so I ate two of them!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    The stuffed Ezekiel sounds amazing...yum for sure. Thanks for the info on chia. I am going to work on it this weekend.

    I am out of kale...did not want to go a market run this morning...but I gotta tell you, I really look forward to that bright kale salad ... so Lulu and I are going to run to Sprouts and do a Kale run. Temps have risen...and soon will not be coming down during the night so my partner in crime will no longer be able to go to market with me. Too hot in the car even with the windows down.

    Today this is what I am thinking:

    black coffee
    last of the Asian veg soup...mostly broth ...making rice to go with
    kale salad
    romaine salad when I get home from work...with lots of stuff in it.

    HAGDE! Later, mates.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    Back from the market...kale salad is made...bought two bunches...made enough for today and tomorrow. Tuesday, I will eat an entire bunch. My weekend...it will be great for snacking.

    Today when I was getting everything ready for lunch and making my salad, I was grabbing stuff like Rachel Ray used to do on the Food Network (she might even still do it...no longer watch). But it was funny. I knew exactly what I needed and kept grabbing to make one trip over to my work station. I thought it was funny.

    I guess my point is my kitchen is set up for WFPB...and I know what to eat. It's so frickin easy. Shopping is easy. I no longer think about what I can't have...I am totally focused on what I can have. So much freedom when you put it in that perspective.

    Hope y'all have a great day...be good to yourselves...fuel yourselves with the good stuff.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited June 2019
    Halfway through my weekend, and doing well. We hosted a game night -- all kinds of not-ETL fare for guests, but I stuck with my vegan salad. Nobody minded, as far as I could tell.

    B - spinach, blueberry & flax smoothie; golden berries; coffee
    L - steamed mustard greens with garbanzos & fire-roasted tomatoes; steamed mushrooms; steamed zucchini with cherry tomatoes and spices
    S - apple slices, walnuts
    D - huge salad (massaged kale, romaine, tomato); quick blended veggie dressing (tomatillo, raw garlic,raw onion, cashew milk, spices); ; steamed mushrooms; steamed zucchini with cherry tomatoes and spices; steamed butternut squash and apple

    @magic71755 -
    Focusing on what I CAN eat works really well for me, too!

    I love chia seeds, and occasionally make a blueberry chia pudding, which my non-vegan husband also loves. (It's not sweet enough for my son.) I stir 1/4 c chia seeds and 1/2 c frozen blueberries into 1 c unsweetened cashew milk, and leave it in the fridge overnight. Some people add maple syrup or agave, but I like it with just the subtler sweetness form the blueberries.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    edited June 2019
    I went to the office for a while and now going to work from home the rest of the day well into the evening. I really can't wait for the new gal to start. I'm so tired of this. I did take some time to cook up a huge skillet full of kale so I have enough for a few days. I think I'll take some to work each day and I have steamer bags at work (broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus) so I'll nuke one of those to go with the kale for lunches this week.

    B - galia melon (first time I've had this hybrid of cantaloupe and honeydew, it's good)
    L - hummus and veggie wrap, grape tomatoes, grapes

    I got some Mary's crackers and ate too many of them at the office. I think I am going to have to classify them as a trigger food and not buy any more. I left the rest in the snack cabinet for others to finish off. I had a very late lunch (not to mention the crackers) so I doubt I'll have dinner, maybe just some raw veggies and more melon if I do get hungry later.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Since you only have to soak cashews for a short time...I will make some cashew milk tonight and make overnight flax pudding for tomorrow. Have everything to make blueberry...thanks @AustinRuadhain .

    I have five hours to go and have blown through one peach, oatmeal, soup and rice. Still have a peach left and kale salad.

    I LOVE this food. I do not miss anything, really. I never got so excited about eating as I do now. I mean, I would eat stuff, feel crappy and that was it. It's so different now. Everything is so tasty.

    My cereal this morning was delish. I use the organic wild blueberries from TJs and keep them frozen. They make the milk really cold. The cinnamon and raisins make it sweet. I mean, I so look forward to that breakfast everyday.

    I am going to make a batch of green juice this weekend. I do love my Joe's Mean Green.

    Later, mates. Hope you're all having a good day.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Since you only have to soak cashews for a short time...I will make some cashew milk tonight and make overnight flax pudding for tomorrow. Have everything to make blueberry...thanks @AustinRuadhain .

    I have five hours to go and have blown through one peach, oatmeal, soup and rice. Still have a peach left and kale salad.

    I LOVE this food. I do not miss anything, really. I never got so excited about eating as I do now. I mean, I would eat stuff, feel crappy and that was it. It's so different now. Everything is so tasty.

    My cereal this morning was delish. I use the organic wild blueberries from TJs and keep them frozen. They make the milk really cold. The cinnamon and raisins make it sweet. I mean, I so look forward to that breakfast everyday.

    I am going to make a batch of green juice this weekend. I do love my Joe's Mean Green.

    Later, mates. Hope you're all having a good day.

    Hey, Magic, I am so with you on the delight of this way of eating! I am currently all about the "ceviche" I make with hot zucchini, cold grape tomatoes, pickled onions, and spices. I look forward to it every day!

    Oh, and I hope you like the blueberry chia pudding as much as we do! And if not, I hope the experiment is fun. I love to cook, so I am always happy to try things, and don't expect all of them to work out.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    Morning all...just about to hit the showers and get ready for my Friday.

    Preparing the cashew milk now by soaking one cup raw cashews...looked at a few youtubes...most say to soak the nuts. So I will make the milk tonight and then make the pudding.

    Today is pretty much like yesterday:
    black coffee

    oatmeal (I never get tired of this breakfast...especially now with the cinnamon and raisins)

    kale salad

    baked potato with tahini orange dressing

    Dinner ...I am going to throw something together, using my last zucchini, mushrooms, onions and pasta sauce. Also, a romaine salad with lots of stuff.

    dessert Good Pop

    Have a great day everyone

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    Magic - that Asian soup looks delicious, colorful and healthy!

    Mihani - I love to get inspired by WF. I wish I could have their salad bar in my house. I enjoy looking at all those fresh cut up vegetables with all their goodness and health. I can remember going to Whole Foods in Boulder, CO 20 years ago with my husband and we would go crazy. I still am not cooking much.

    The Triathlon was fun, very well organized. It was the most relaxed swim I have ever had while maintaining my pace. The bike ride I pushed hard and then by the time I did the run...I was a bit out of energy. I walked/jogged it. It was mainly very young adults and only 3 in my age group and I came in 2. Next month the distances are doubled so I will have to train a bit harder.

    Off to a spin class and then recovery swim.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited June 2019
    OMG! I forgot how good tofu smoothies can be. At the Asian store last week, I bought a brand of tofu I had never heard of that was listed at the creamiest tofu...same ingredients. I made a blueberry, tofu, flax seed with a couple of dates smoothie for lunch. I have avoided tofu for years due to endometriosis and I feel safe now eating it.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,956 Member
    I am not cooking much either Donna... I am still keeping things simple but maybe after the new employee starts and I'm not in the office every weekend I'll get back into it. I think it's better for my weight loss not to do too much cooking lol. Great job on the tri! You rock!

    Magic, I agree that the longer you keep eating the good stuff the more it tastes so much better than the junky foods. I still tend to go overboard with the starchy carbs though. I realized that I was actually eating a bigger variety of food once I went full vegan, because I wasn't falling back on the frozen entrees and cheesy things that I had eaten so much of when I was vegetarian.

    Austin, I think you said how you made your zucchini dish but could you remind me? I have a couple zucchini in the fridge and always have pickled onions on hand.

    Good day!
    B - apple with a little sunflower seed butter
    L - big ol' salad with 2 wasa crackers
    D - hummus and veggies on sprouted grain tortilla, melon, a few walnuts

    I did take a few minutes when I got home to make a batch of un-honey mustard dressing and a double batch of hummus. I don't even measure for hummus anymore. Just throw 2 cans chickpeas in the food processor with about half the aquafaba from one of the cans, juice of one large lemon, dijon or spicy brown mustard, lots of pepper, garlic. Sometimes I add other spices, or roasted red pepper or other veggies, or a tablespoon of tahini. It's always good.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    @bisky urocksmileys.gif


    You're a Triathlete! congratulationss.gif
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    @Mihani you're 1/3 way through this month...soon you will have help in the office. Yay!

    I made the cashew milk. I soaked them about 12 hours...rinsed them and then blended in vitamix with four cups water. No straining.

    Will make chia pudding tonight.

    So the easiest to make, by far, is oat milk. And the cheapest.

    Second easiest is cashew milk.

    Then Almond Milk.

    I love not having to buy it.