June is for Joining



  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Today went like this
    Black coffee
    Green juice
    Massaged kale salad
    Romaine salad with quesadilla
    Cauliflower steaks with zero sos bbq sauce

    I’m trying something different by having my oatmeal as my late night dessert snack I’m hoping this helps me with my snacking late at night.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Today's Plan

    black coffee
    green juice
    massaged kale salad
    Lotus Brand organic ramen with marinara
    peaches and cuties
    oatmeal and the usual stuff ... at about 8:30 tonight, after work.

    Have a great 1st day of Summer!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hey there! Happy First Day of Summer!

    I had a good ETL day yesterday:
    B - black coffee; spinach & blueberry smoothie; small side of dried goldenberries & goji berries
    L - black-eyed peas; turnip greens with diced turnips, topped with some fire-roasted tomatoes; small helping of Salvadoran Cabbage Relish (Curtido); salad of cooked summer squash and raw grape tomatoes; Pink Lady apple slices
    S - Kanzi apple slices and walnuts
    D - massaged kale salad; more squash and tomato salad; dessert of steamed butternut squash and apple

    Today's big cooking project is an ETL-friendly berry crisp that I am taking to our quarterly martial arts celebration tomorrow. I need to decide on what berries. Topping will be chopped pecans and almonds, I think. Or maybe walnuts and almonds? Not sure what would go best. I'll go do some recipe surfing to see if other peopel have opinions.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Long day and long week... hanging in there. I may not be 100% 6 week plan strict (caffeine and too many starches for that) but I've been 100% WFPB and I think I'm going on over a month with NO oil, NO refined grains. The longer I go the less "tempted" (for lack of a better word). I have had fleeting thoughts, but I ask myself whether I want to blow this streak for "this" or "that" and the answer is always no.

    I will likely be a bit scarce here for another week, but I am SO looking forward to my life after the new employee starts. Right now work is extra crazy and I'm struggling to get through it all.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Menu today:

    black coffee
    Ezekiel quesadilla
    green juice
    kale salad
    ramen with marinara

    The oatmeal after work last night seemed to work...much more enjoyable at home than at my desk. I love the blueberries frozen so they chill the milk nicely.

    HAGDE! (have a great day everyone)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    I had a small ETL victory today! I took an "on my ETL plan" dish to after-class potluck at my martial arts school, and was told it was tasty by one of the kids! It was baked chopped apples (Kanzi & Fuji) tossed with lemon juice and cinnamon, topped by a small amount of chopped pecans, chopped dates and cinnamon.

    Menu today:
    B - black coffee, green smoothie (spinach, flax seed), goldenberries, goji berries
    S - walnuts, pecans and apples
    L - Mustard greens, savory baked tofu, steamed zucchini and raw grape tomato salad, curtido, steamed mushrooms
    D - huge massaged kale and romaine salad with lots of other veggies, plant-based dressing, steamed butternut squash & apples with cinnamon
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Good morning, I'm off to the office today. I ended up staying home yesterday and caught up laundry and tackled a few other projects around here. I am hoping maybe by August with the new help I'll be taking most weekends off. I don't mind going in on weekends now and then, but this is getting really old.

    Yesterday I ate a sandwich for every meal. Toasted ezekiel bread, pickled onions, lots and lots of lettuce, and a cashew caesar dressing for sandwich spread. They were so good I wanted to eat them all day!

    That's very cool that your apple dish was a hit Austin. Sometimes people turn their noses up at my food, but if they try it they are like oh, this is good!

    I too like oats any time of day, Magic. I have been adding my daily turmeric and black pepper to my oats with frozen berries and chia seeds. Love the savory/sweet flavor. I don't often use plant milk just add hot water and let them sit for a few so they stay firmer.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019
    I can hear a bit of enthusiastic anticipation in your post, @Mihani 😉. Yay!

    Getting ready for my Thursday.

    I watched a really good YouTube about how we eat and dementia/Alzheimer.

    While I am not losing like I could be (a few too many higher calorie dense foods)...the WFPB vegan lifestyle got a definite booster shot after watching this.


    Good to play in the background as you do your prep work...at least for me it most certainly helped. Also, at 70, I feel that working is truly contributing to my mental health care. So, I now have a refreshed positive attitude about working long after retirement age.

    Have a great day, everyone!

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    @Mihani - Good for you for taking care of yourself as you work all these weekends. I know you are looking forward to the extra help and having things settle down. I am so glad that's now in the foreseeable future! Your cashew Caesar dressing sounds delightful. Is that a specific recipe?

    Hey @magic71755 and @Mihani , I saw this recipe for Vanilla Oatmeal Ice Cream, and thought of you. It sounds fun. I may try it on the 13 year old when he gets home from camp this week. I could add leftover cinnamon apples, and make it especially festive:

    My culinary adventure this morning was finishing up a batch of fermented hot sauce that I started last Sunday. I used a mix of serrano, poblano, anaheim, jalapeno and habanero pepper (just one habanero). I discard the brine, so this does not end up salty, but I know this still might not work for some, as some will have gotten on the veggies. My next ferment, sauerkraut, I am going to make @Cindy781 's yogurt first, and use that, having found an article on no-salt fermentation. Anyway, I had a spinach and cauliflower smoothie this morning with some of my new hot sauce, and was super excited. It came out very flavorful and not super hot (I am actually a wimp about hot sauces).

    Laundry is going, and my husband is going to take me to the garden center after he gets done with the next step in his woodworking project. It's going to be a lovely ETL day!

    B - black coffee with a splash of cashew milk, savory green smoothie (cauli, spinach, flax, plus 2 T my new hot sauce!), plus some blueberries, golden berries and goji berries
    L (planned) - mustard greens, savory baked tofu, zucchini & tomato salad
    S (planned) - walnuts and apple slices
    D (planned) - massaged kale salad, veggie-based dressing
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019
    @AustinRuadhain the ice cream looks great...she does say we need an ice cream maker...think that is something that would be perfect for non dairy treats...I did have one, but gave it away. Cuisinart has not too expensive one. Maybe later this summer.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019

    Ezekiel mozza quesadilla with hatch green chili in the panini press

    Joe's Mean Green

    Massaged Kale Salad (very excited...the bunch of kale I bought last Wednesday was perfect this morning...I had put a paper towel around it...and put the entire bunch in a Debbie Meyer Green Bag.)

    Lotus Organic Rice Ramen with veggie marinara


    oatmeal with berries, oat milk, cinnamon, flaxmeal and raisins.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Cashew Caesar Dressing: https://itdoesnttastelikechicken.com/creamy-cashew-caesar-salad-dressing/

    I love this dressing. I don't know if it tastes like an authentic caesar but it is a favorite.

    Your menus sound yummy today! I had a super busy day and forgot my lunch so it was an odd one for me...

    No breakfast
    L - some baby carrots, a lara bar and a Lundberg rice cake
    D - Dr. McDougall miso ramen soup, lettuce and pickled onion sammich with cashew caesar
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019

    Black coffee
    Ezekiel quesadilla
    32 oz Joes mean green
    Dinner at Pita Jungle grilling veggies salad

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019
    Had a great dinner last night at Pita Jungle. Finally, my sister and Brother In Law got it that I am WFPB. They seemed to be very supportive, actually. I was very surprised.

    I told them I initially did it for health reasons...looking for a way to combat the inflammation that caused increased pain in my horribly oseto arthritic knees. And while it still is about my health, I also am now painfully aware of the treatment to animals as our food source.

    They got it.

    My sister did think ahead and something about Thanksgiving...she said you can still have the mashed potatoes. I told her about the butter. But I would bring my own. She said they make vegan butter? :) No judgement at all. Glad that's over with.
  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 457 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Austin, I’m going to try that ice cream recipe. I have the Cuisenart Ice cream Maker and it’s great. I have found lots of ways to use The soy yogurt such as in salad dressings and sauces. I also mix it into my breakfast bowls.

    I have two dinners with friends soon, already thinking about my menu choices. One dinner is at Red Lobster, plain potato, salad, and a side of veggies appear to be the best choices...I think they have salsa I can have on the potato.

    Have a wonderful day!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,947 Member
    Glad you had a nice dinner with your sister, Magic.

    I often look ahead to see what I think I can order too, Cindy.

    Decent ETL day, but I have been so busy and tired that I've been a little lackadaisical lately.

    B - oats with the usual additions, which I got around to so late it was really lunch
    S - two Lundberg rice cakes
    D - big ol' salad
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    Going back to oatmeal in the morning...it just starts my day on such a positive note...so very Dr. Esselstyn!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hey @Mihani - I hope you rest up and feel better tomorrow!

    @magic71755 - I am so impressed at your working things out with your sister. I think starting from getting rid of pain was such a smart place to go in the conversation!
    Enjoy your morning oatmeal tomorrow!

    @Cindy781 - My son does want to try the oatmeal ice cream, so that's on tomorrow's play-in-the-kitchen plan, assuming the cooler has cooled enough. I put it in the freezer this morning, so should be good for tomorrow afternoon.
    Thank you for the pointer to yogurt info. I am off to get some starter, hopefully tomorrow.

    Good ETL day today:
    B - black coffee; blueberry, spinach and cauliflower smoothie with flax seed; side of golden berries and goji berries
    L - turnip greens with diced turnips; zucchini & tomato salad with pickled red onions, turmeric, pepper and other spices; steamed mushrooms with a couple cloves of roasted garlic
    S - apple slices and walnuts
    D - massaged kale and romaine salad with diced broccoli, red bell pepper, pickled red onion; dressing made with nooch, spicy brown mustard, cilantro and spices; steamed apple and butternut squash for dessert

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi all,

    Magic this looks delicious:
    The recipe is:
    1 mashed very ripe banana
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1 /2 tsp vanilla
    1 cup oats (I used GF rolled organic oats)
    3 dates chopped
    Flax egg 1 T flax meal with 2 T water
    1/4 c chopped walnuts optional

    Mash banana really well and then add all the stuff. Bake at 350 for 20 min and then flip.
    I baked in air fryer...they started to burn at 350 so I turned down to 300 and did not have to flip. Really good. Better cold from the fridge or some peeps freeze them. It made six. I ate them all. UGH.

    We went to Corpus Christie for a week. It was nice to be by the ocean but not one of my favorite places.

    I pulled a back muscle last week and was a bit laid up. Plus I finally had an upper GI. I have a stomach ulcer....probably due to all the NSAIDS I took last few years. Started on meds and feel much better. Cabbage and fermented foods are suppose to be good for ulcers plus Tofu. I am adding nonfat greek yogurt on my non vegan days

    Big dog is loving his new home and my 3 dogs are loving not sharing attention with a big young dog. We (3dogs and I) went to visit last week.

    This weekend I am accompanying a friend to MD Anderson Cancer Hospital in Houston for more testing and treatment plan. She has a very rare cancer.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,821 Member
    edited June 2019
    @bisky the flax egg ratio is 3 to 1 Three tablespoons water to ONE tablespoon flax meal.


    Hope your remedies for dealing with the stomach uler works fast and does the trick.


    I just had my cancer diagosis anniversary June 19...21 years! I was dx June 19, 1998. Ewings Sarcoma in my left clavicle. Really rare for a 49 year old woman. Sending love, good thoughts and a super duper positive vibe to your friend. KEY...stay positive. All those thoughts manifest in our body. Make sure to attack those cancer cells with really good Ju Ju. Then I let the docs do their thing. Together we were the A Team.