June is for Joining



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Pretty bird, Austin.

    I am heading to the office bright and early today. Get-together this evening and still need to figure out what I'm taking to share so I can go to the store on the way home.

    Plan for today...
    B - oats with the usual additions
    L - salad, an apple
    D - not sure yet, I'll see what I can eat at the gathering besides whatever I take, will have a glass or two of wine
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    Oat Clusters:
    Chiquita. - Banana, 110 cal
    Walnuts, 0.25 cup, ground 131 cal
    flaxmeal - ground flax, 1 tbsp 37 cal
    Dates, medjool, 2 date, pitted 133 cal 
    Thrive Market - Organic Rolled Oats, 0.5 cups 200 cal 
    Add Food Quick Tools

    Calories: 611 Protein: 14 Fiber: 14 Trans Fat: 0 Fat: 20 Carbs: 106

    Totals for SIX COOKIES. So divide by six.

    I did not include 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon & vanilla

    The walnuts are optional...so you can drop the cal by eliminating them.

    I am going to make a double batch tomorrow and freeze them. I now trust myself enough to not eat an entire batch.

    I am very new to being totally WFPB/Vegan...but each day my conviction about why I am doing what I am doing strengthens. Thus, making it so easy to pass up food that no longer fits our lifestyle.

    I think going forward, I am going to try and just not talk about it...and just do. No one I know in real life eats like this...and only will upset me by challenging me if it is brought up. I am just going to go quietly about my business.

    Later, mates.

    PS I forgot my oat milk at home today to go with my cereal. Just used water. Not as good, but ok.

    Love your bird, Austin. I love watching the antics of all the birds on facebook. So fun. I had a parakeet growing up. I got him, Max, when I was five. Had him for 13 years. Wow. We grew up together. RIP sweet Max.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Austin - The yogurt came out perfect! Just love it, so easy too. I use shelf stable soy milk and one probiotic capsule. I was using Cultures of Health yogurt starter but the probiotic capsule works just as well and is cheaper.

    I enjoy reading everyone’s menus each day and am learning a lot about my new way of eating. Thank you all for sharing!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Cindy781 wrote: »
    Hi everyone!

    Austin - The yogurt came out perfect! Just love it, so easy too. I use shelf stable soy milk and one probiotic capsule. I was using Cultures of Health yogurt starter but the probiotic capsule works just as well and is cheaper.

    I enjoy reading everyone’s menus each day and am learning a lot about my new way of eating. Thank you all for sharing!

    Have a great Saturday everyone!

    Cindy, I would love to make yogurt in my insta pot...it's brand new...and I haven't a clue. Can you point me in the right direction...or if you can, give me step by step directions. Thanks so much.

  • Cindy781
    Cindy781 Posts: 472 Member
    Hi Magic! I buy Westsoy Soy Milk, it only has soybeans and water for ingredients. My pot holds 3 pint jars. I pour the milk into my blender and turn on the lowest setting. As it mixes I add the yogurt starter, 1 packet. Cultures of Health is a great one. I then pour the milk in the jars and put them in my Instant Pot.

    Press the yogurt button, it defaults to 8 hours which is fine for me. If you like tart yogurt you can leave it to ferment longer.

    Here is a link to Jill McKeever’s video which helped me a lot.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Thanks so much @Cindy781 I will check out the link.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,016 Member
    Wonders never cease. My 76 y/o sister is making homemade hummus! Not only that she likes it oil free! Plus she cooks her chickpeas in a rice cooker I bought her for xmas!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    Hi Everyone... I stuck to the plan last night. The grilled veggies looked SO good, but they had oil so I just had a bunch of the raw veggies and cashew dressing dip that I took, and I also made baked tofu fingers and had BBQ sauce for dipping which everyone really liked. Had two glasses of wine. I was up half a pound this morning, but I'm down 15 overall. I am finding that eating tofu (or too many starches) tends to stall my weight loss or make me bounce up, which is unfortunate because I love tofu and starchy carbs! But since my focus has become more about health and less about weight loss (although I still have 25 or so pounds to lose) it doesn't discourage me when the scale isn't responding. I always try to remember Dr. F's wise words from the ETL book... focus on your efforts, the results will follow.

    That's very cool your sister is making her own no oil hummus, Donna.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    I think the whole losing weight thing will happen...the deeper one gets into this WOE it will happen. For me, I can see where certain things might make me go up slightly, go down slightly and stay the same. So being consistent with what helps me lose will be the key.

    The most important thing is that I have completely given up all animal products and keep processed and or fake foods to a minimum. Speaking of the Daiya mozza here.

    I made a double batch of oatmeal clusters...got 17 out of the double batch, about 71 cal each. Freezing them. Two-three a day with tea or coffee of ice cold oatmilk. Great treat to look forward to.

    Today's Plan:

    black coffee
    oatmeal with the usual stuff homemade oatmilk
    spaghetti with carrot/celery/mushrooms/onions marinara sauce
    grapes and plums
    Joe's Mean Green
    Three Oat Clusters
    Romaine salad when I get home from work.

    Have a great Father's Day everyone. To my dear dad, who I miss terribly, thank you so very much for the best childhood ever. What a super dad you were, never ever too busy to help me out whenever. I love you!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    On the Menu:

    Breakfast: oatmeal
    Lunch: Grilled cheese (Follow your Heart slice) in air fryer, massaged kale salad
    Dinner: Tu NO by Kathy Fisher...recipe on her website: Straight Up Food

    Joe's Mean Green
    Air Fried sweet potato
    Fresh Fruit
    Air Fried corn tortillas and salsa

    3-700ml bottles water. This is where I need to step up my game. I do not drink enough water.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    edited June 2019
    Happy Tuesday!

    @magic71755 - Your remembrance of your dad was so sweet. I am reminded to be grateful my dad is still here.

    Your plan for today looks delish!

    @bisky - I am so delighted for you, as regards your sister and hummus! I think you may be more influential than you thought!

    @Mihani - " I always try to remember Dr. F's wise words from the ETL book... focus on your efforts, the results will follow." A big YES to this!

    @Cindy781 - Thanks for the yogurt recipe. I'll be trying this!

    My day so far:
    B - smoothie (spinach, broccoli, flax seed, blueberries; I was thinking about Dr F and his advice to blend cruciferous veggies); cup of coffee; golden berries and goji berries on the side
    L - steamed mustard greens topped with the last of the chickpeas and a few black-eyed peas, fire roasted tomatoes, Dr Greger Savory Spice mix; my vegan 'ceviche' (diced cooked zucchini; diced raw grape tomatoes; vinegar pickled onions -- I threw some black pepper seeds, cumin seeds and peppercorns into this batch, and they are quite flavorful); apple slices
    D (planned) - massaged kale salad
    S (planned; workout break during long exercise session this evening) - walnuts and apple slices

    I started a couple of vegan ferment recipes on Sunday:
    - I am trying out this recipe for Curtido, a fermented slaw/kraut. If you are able to misbehave and have salt, this may interest you. I left out the oil and am going to play, next time, with less salt. I mostly stay salt-free, but left it in for this recipe. It should be ready to try for the first time tonight or tomorrow.
    - Hmm. Sometime soon I'll try a small batch of simple cabbage kraut with water and no salt, to see how it works.
    - I am also trying out this Fermented Hot Sauce. My husband is excited. It won't be ready to try until this coming Sunday.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Decided to make spaghetti sauce...had mushrooms and zucchini ...used Trader Joe's Recipe #99 and the base... added onions and garlic...used TJs organic brown rice spaghetti. Made a lot.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    Menu turned out like this:

    black coffee

    71 ounces water today

    sweet potato thin slices in the air fryer
    romaine salad
    spaghetti (organic brown rice and quinoa spaghetti from Trader Joes) ... #99 recipe sauces with mushrooms, onions, garlic and a huge chopped zucchini.

    Dessert Orange Good Pop Vegan from Costco

    Night all.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    If anyone is making oat clusters...the flax is a ratio of 1 to 3. 1T flax meal 3 T water.
    The recipe is:
    1 mashed very ripe banana
    1/2 tsp cinnamon
    1 /2 tsp vanilla
    1 cup oats (I used GF rolled organic oats)
    3 dates chopped
    Flax egg 1 T flax meal with 2 T water 1Tablespoon flax meal 3 Tablespoon water Let sit to absorb for about 15 minutes
    1/4 c chopped walnuts optional

    Mash banana really well ...add wet ingredients (egg and vanilla) and then add all the stuff. Bake at 350 for 20 min and then flip.
    I baked in air fryer...they started to burn at 350 so I turned down to 300 and did not have to flip. Really good. I like em cold...and stored in the freezer so not so easy to get to. I have been very good about not eating too many. (There is a video a page or so back that shows how to, step by step).

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    Hello, all!
    My ETL day went according to plan for the rest of the day yesterday!

    I had been unsure about how to handle dinner on a night when I leave for a long evening workout at 5:15 (this is a new thing), and am not home until about 9, as I try not eat that late (I aim for a 13-14 hour fasting window, and for sure feel better if I don't go to bed with a full stomach). So I went ahead and had my big salad just before I left. Class kicked off at 6 with about 45 minutes of strenuous, continuous exercise. I had been worried about it not working to have eaten before class, but it was just fine. As perspective, timing eating used to be a problem for me when I was running and eating meals that were mostly a chicken breast or egg whites; I had to allow a lot more time after eating (2+ hours) or I felt awful when working out. My usual gigantic massaged kale salad sat just fine. I felt great and had the energy I wanted.

    TL;DR Woohoo! More evidence that this is a great way of eating for me!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    edited June 2019
    Love the review, @AustinRuadhain ...you gave me the push I needed to go to Sprouts and get more fresh kale. My body loves it when I feed it a massaged kale salad daily. Just not always easy to pick it up. Some days I go late, and the kale is all soft ...not fresh. Best time is early...but sometimes, I am too early and it isn't out yet. Timing, timing, timing!

    Off to Sprouts to get two bunches...one to make salad today...one goes in the Debbie Meyers green bag.

    Glad your workout and eating is working so well for you!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,591 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Love the review, @AustinRuadhain ...you gave me the push I needed to go to Sprouts and get more fresh kale. My body loves it when I feed it a massaged kale salad daily. Just not always easy to pick it up. Some days I go late, and the kale is all soft ...not fresh. Best time is early...but sometimes, I am too early and it isn't out yet. Timing, timing, timing!

    Off to Sprouts to get two bunches...one to make salad today...one goes in the Debbie Meyers green bag.

    Glad your workout and eating is working so well for you!

    Interesting! I get my kale at my local grocery store (organic friendly, but not their specialty), and it is always pretty perky. They have misters to keep the some of the produce humid/watered, and the kale is in that section. Maybe your kale is just dehydrated? You could try misting it a bit and see if it perks back up.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    Just got back...all fresh out...the market is a Farm Fresh Market...Sprouts...I actually do not recall misters, now that I think of it. Anyway, I bought three bunches...all perfect. Made up one bunch for today and tomorrow. Bagged the other two with Debbie Meyer green bag and paper towel.

    Today looks like this menu wise:

    black coffee
    Joe's Mean Green
    oat and the usuals
    Dr. Praeger veggie burger with LTO on Ezekiel...maybe lettuce wrap.
    marinara and pasta
    good pop
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,953 Member
    edited June 2019
    Hi y'all... work is super busy plus trying to catch up on a few things around the house. Pretty much sticking to oats with the usual goodies for breakfast, some raw veggies and fruit for lunch, and a big ol' salad with beans for dinner. Weight loss stalled again. Once I get through next week and can start making exercise a priority I think things will go better.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,825 Member
    It's almost July and you get some relief, @Mihani ... hang in there.

    Making today a lighter day...emphasis on fruit and veggies.

    Will report back at end of day. Later, mates. Have a good one.