July 2019 B210k group



  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Hip is getting a little better every day. Still just doing light walking to allow rest time
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    edited July 2019
    Since the weather cooled off a bit, I thought that I would try a trail run for my run today. I used to hike this trail regularly 15 years ago, and I remembered it as a nice little trail.

    It. Spanked. My. Butt.

    Between the hills, the tree roots, the steps, the humidity, my pacing, and the literal called tree that I climbed over, it was rough. I had to remind myself that I was doing this for fun.

    Sadly, I did end the run early—one loop was 2.5 miles, and that took me 40 minutes. I thought about pushing on, but today is full of chores, so I’m off to run all the errands.

    Pic for fun.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I haven’t tried trail running yet. Maybe I’ll work up the courage soon to step outside my box.
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    I think there must be different types of trails. The trail I did is more for walking/hiking—it was a rough run. I’m going to check out some of the other local trails to see if any of them are more amenable to my level.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Hip is feeling much better but I am traveling for wedding. I used the hotel treadmill for a walk. After 30 minutes of warmup I decided to ease back into running with a slow half mile jog. Still not 100% yet but it felt good to move around a bit more. I will continue the walks and strength training until I am confident to get back into the training schedule.
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    @msielbeck that trail sounds insane, well done for one lap!

    @emmamcgarity glad to read your hip is feeling better, I hope the wedding was lovely.

    I did the final run of week three yesterday having not run since Tuesday and found it tough! Walked a couple of times in the first 25 min interval which I haven't felt the need to do for ages..... going to work on my strength and fitness generally in August..... see if I can control my heart rate better on longer intervals!

  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I arrived home from the wedding an hour ago. It was lovely and I had an amazing time visiting with my sisters. The unpacking and laundry has begub. We have a little rain shower moving through right now. I’m considering running tonight after the rain passes.
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    I completed week 5 today and ran a total of 5 miles. I’m very happy with that, although I’m not particularly looking forward to week 6, which is running 60 min straight. But, I can always modify if I need to.

    Have you all heard of ultramarathons? A friend participated in one of Saturday and completed 73 miles. I know that his achievement doesn’t diminish my running progress, but it does keep me humble, lol.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I finished week 3 run 3. All went well and my running distance was 3.83 miles for tonight. I’ll admit I was tempted to run faster to complete 4 miles but decided to take the conservative approach so that I won’t aggravate my hip. After being sidelined a week I don’t know if I should repeat this run again before moving on to week 4. I guess I’ll see how I feel in the next few days. I did use a foam roller tonight afterward and I can see where it’s going to be very helpful.

    I have heard of ultras. I can’t imagine runniing that far!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    Up early and trying to head out of the door to run!

    Sounds like you're both making great progress! Hoping to manage the 30 min interval without walking today, but, let's see!
  • kilobykilo
    kilobykilo Posts: 800 Member
    I went out but did warm up and 15 minutes and then gave up.....

    Reason 1: I wore my least worn pair if running pants as I've put my fav pair to pack for my trip. I knew they were a bit big, so also wore pouch round my waist for keys etc to act as a belt..... fail! Belt went up, pants went down.... running holding pants up isn't fun!

    Reason 2: tightness in my right calf started turning painful and then twinges on my groin probably because i was running with a strange gait trying to compensate....

    So, today is about stretching out my calf which has been tight for a week now and wont be trying another run until Friday or Saturday due to travel etc. And, the pants are going to the charity shop!
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Parkrun was fun this morning. I haven’t seen my results yet but I didn’t push for time. I just ran at a comfortable pace and walked when I felt like it. Pretty sure I ended around 36 minutes.

    I haven’t done any more training runs this week since my hip has still been slightly annoyed. I realized that my running shoes were over 6 months old this week and decided to go to Fleet Feet for a fitting. Ended up with 2 new pairs of shoes (Saucony ISO Ride and Brooks Ghost 11). I wore the Saucony this morning at Parkrun and can already feel the difference in my hip and my legs. I plan to rotate the shoes periodically. I’ve heard great things about Brooks but the Saucony has a bit more cushion and a slightly better fit for my foot. I usually wear ASICS but my narrow heel definitely fits better in the new shoes.
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    I love Fleet Feet! That’s where I got my running shoes, too.

    I completed the 60 min run—challenging for sure, but I made it. I ended right at 5 miles, so I’ll need to eventually increase my distance or my pace to complete a 10K.

    I also took my daughter running this week. It did not go as planned. Her idea of running was sprinting for 30 seconds and then complaining that she was hot/tired/the path was too steep. She’s six, but she may become a runner.

  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    msielbeck wrote: »
    I love Fleet Feet! That’s where I got my running shoes, too.

    I completed the 60 min run—challenging for sure, but I made it. I ended right at 5 miles, so I’ll need to eventually increase my distance or my pace to complete a 10K.

    I also took my daughter running this week. It did not go as planned. Her idea of running was sprinting for 30 seconds and then complaining that she was hot/tired/the path was too steep. She’s six, but she may become a runner.

    My grandson ran about 10 seconds, then complained. He's 10. His 5 year old sister didn't run at all and complained the whole time. :D
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I redid week 3 run 3 tonight just to be safe with my hip and see how it went. All was well. I had a little tightness but no pain. I think the new shoes made a big difference.

    I tried to keep my pace slow enough to focus on maintaining good form. I’m realizing I need to work on my core strength. Tonight’s run ended up short of 4 miles. I’ll tentatively plan to move to week 4 runs Thursday night.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Did week 4 run 1 tonight. All went well but the heat and humidity was rough. I kept my pace slow to avoid wearing out.
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    Did week 4 run 1 tonight. All went well but the heat and humidity was rough. I kept my pace slow to avoid wearing out.
    Even at 7 am this morning, the heat and humidity was tough here. I imagine it is worse where you are!

  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Just_Ceci wrote: »
    Did week 4 run 1 tonight. All went well but the heat and humidity was rough. I kept my pace slow to avoid wearing out.
    Even at 7 am this morning, the heat and humidity was tough here. I imagine it is worse where you are!
    The weather forecast has us under extreme heat warnings. I went into the run well hydrated and mentally ready to stop or take walk breaks if it seemed like a bad idea. I also carried a Gatorade with me that I sipped in during the two walk breaks. I waited until after the sun went down but we were still in the 90s. I’m glad I pushed through to keep my training going. If I hadn’t already been running in the heat the past few months I wouldn’t have been run through.
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    That’s awesome @emmamcgarity! I tried running outside on Sunday, and either the heat or poor pacing got to me about halfway through. It was pretty discouraging.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    msielbeck wrote: »
    That’s awesome @emmamcgarity! I tried running outside on Sunday, and either the heat or poor pacing got to me about halfway through. It was pretty discouraging.
    Do you wear a fitness watch? I wear a Fitbit and have it set to alert me to my pace every half mile. It helps me keep my pace on target. I used to have it set to alert me at the one mile mark but I am finding it more useful to adjust with more frequent alerts.
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    Yes, I have a Fitbit, but I haven’t had much success using it for pacing yet. I have it to alert every 10 minutes, but mileage may be more helpful. It also seems to unsync with my phone periodically, so there are lots of random alerts that confuse me. It also is very temperamental when there is high heat and humidity—it can be hard to navigate, especially while running.

    Wow, I’m not sure I realized how many complaints I had about it until I wrote all that out. Clearly I had more frustration about it that I realized. 😂
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I have the Fitbit Inspire HR. I really like it. I keep the Fitbit app opened in the background of my phone to connect my gps and haven’t had any issues with it disconnecting. But I don’t use an app for b210k. I use downloaded podcasts. I’ve heard great things about Garmin but I have social connections on Fitbit that I find more motivating.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I did week 4 run 2 last night. I waited until dark and kept it slow due to the heat/humidity. I clocked in at 4 miles. No issues with my hip. Yay!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I did week 4 run 2 last night. I waited until dark and kept it slow due to the heat/humidity. I clocked in at 4 miles. No issues with my hip. Yay!

  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    @emmamcgarity That’s fantastic!
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Week 4 complete. Hot and humid again. I’m looking forward to starting the week 5 runs.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Week 5 run 1 complete - linger segments but shorter overall time. Other than the oppressive heat outside all went well. My pace was good, zero hip pain, and I felt I easily could have run longer.
  • mirthegeologist
    mirthegeologist Posts: 143 Member
    Training complete! Well, the scheduled app runs are complete, lol. I’ve yet to run a full 10K, but I did sign up for a 10K race on Labor Day. After reviewing the results from last year, I fully anticipate finishing last, which is totally fine.

    So for the next couple of weeks, I’ll be working on pacing and running outside.
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    I’ll be running tonight week 5 run 3. Next week will be the 60 minute segments. I’ve deliberately paced myself pretty slow around 14 minutes per mile which won’t put me at 10k. I’m considering trying to pace just barely faster to see how it goes
  • emmamcgarity
    emmamcgarity Posts: 1,594 Member
    Week 5 run 3 complete. My pace ended up at 12:36 per mile and my overall distance at 4.84 miles. I was tempted to keep running an extra minute to have an even 5 miles but I stopped when the bell chimed.