

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @sleepymom5 good luck! Just for today you can do it.
    @nstephen01 excellent loss!!!
    @barb1157 great job avoiding food when your depression was tempting you to eat. It does get better. Hang in there.
    @cyndiesstuff those brownies are vegan and GF but not something I would eat on a regular basis. You can join us anytime. Half of the fun for me is planning gourmet picnics.

    I have a vision of a “weight no more” charm bracelet. I see a star “charm” with 61 pounds and my name written on it.
    @Twyla77 what will your charm look like? @cyndiesstuff? @kirsten11872??? I’m hearing all 3 of you saying you will definitely hit your goals in the very near future.
    Let’s collect a beautiful team bracelet heavy on charms and light on pounds!
    What charm would you pick to represent you?
    And who else is committing to hitting their goal this year?
    @twyla77 what’s your target date?
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    The scale moved in the right direction. I have waited to log this all morning. I couldn't log into the community page, there was a problem. Hopefully the scale keeps moving down. I brought my workout clothes to work today so hopefully I can go walk a rail trail close by after. That's my goal, we are short staffed this afternoon though so it might be tough, hopefully we figure it out and I don't have to stay. Fingers crossed.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Hello my missing friends! I'm finally back into the community again! I couldn't get in last night nor this morning then I got busy at work and decided to check on my lunch break.

    Yesterday was a really good day.


    Above was my plan I wrote out and I did it all. Didn't need the pistachios!

    I am really finding having this written down is so motivating. It's like I have to complete it!

    July 11th plan is in my head right now, but I'll transfer it to paper after my 1:30 conference call.

    @sleepymom5 - I am so sorry you are struggling a little bit. Remember just take it day by day!

    @cyndiesstuff - I bet you can't wait until July 29th!!! You're almost done with the boring job!!

    @Mrsbell8well - glad to see you were using hiking poles. I love them, they really help withe the ups and downs whilst hiking

    OK..back to work...but have a great day everyone!

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily check in: Wednesday
    Food: On plan YES!
    Water: Good
    Exercise & Steps: dog walk; 11,209 steps

    Checking in a little late as I rushed out of the house first thing for a hike but shortened it to 6 miles as its too hot. Don't think the dogs even minded turning back early. Then had to run to town for a Chiropractor appt. I have what he calls whiplash neck due to a car accident in my early 20's that I never had proper treatment for and am now dealing with the repercussions 30 years later. He did recheck x-rays and my neck is actually somewhat improved which totally surprised me cuz does anything really improve with age?!?! LOL

    Really pleased with this loss as the scale was all over the place this week. Planning 2 -3 vegetarian dinners/week is working out really well. Last night I made stuffed portobellos.

    @Mrsbell8well I've always thought of my weight-loss journey in terms of measurements and clothing sizes but I think I'm ready to set a goal weight. I'm actually pretty happy where I'm at however 164 puts me in the range of a healthy BMI. I think I'm going to set my goal weight at 158. Less than 10 to go! Those brownies look delicious... I keep scrolling back to them... need to stop it. Great job on the hike! I like using a hiking pole also. Makes me feel more stable.

    Welcome back @carlsoda LOL. I've been having trouble with the site as well. Great job hitting those goals and I like the idea of putting them to paper. Back before smart phones and tablets, I always carried a day planner around with me at work. I just ordered refills for it the other day and am planning to use it to track goals, etc.

    Very nice loss @ljdanny. All your hard work is paying off. Sometimes the scale takes a long time to catch up.

    @kirsten11872 Have you been to Vegas before? There is tons of walking involved. You'll get plenty of exercise while on vacation.

    C'mon @sleepymom5 Let's get you out of that slump. Winter bodies are made in the summer! You can do this!! You seem to have the most success when you plan. Some of us just can't do the hunger thing. I know I can't... I get the slightest bit hungry and I panic. When I began this journey I snacked a lot... fruit, nuts, hard boiled eggs, cheese, whole wheat crackers, etc. Maybe build in some healthy snacks throughout the day...

    @Moarrein Your vacation sounds lovely.

    @cyndiesstuff Congrats on your start date. This is your year lady!! Good job using your tools... they will take you far. As far as the junk food challenge, I don't really eat any of that anymore. They're all trigger foods for me and I feel like crap after I do eat them. Now I do have a square or two of 85% dark chocolate on occasion but I don't consider that junk food. :smile:
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @nstephen01 less than 10!!! Awesome. What date do you project you will hit that goal? I just feel giddy to think about a group of us here all on maintenance at the same time. I know we can help support each other at the next stage of our journeys. I was thinking your charm can be a “doggie” charm lol.
    @carlsoda glad to have you back!!!
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @ljdanny You really have been doing great lately! Hope you were able to get out on the trail.
    @Mrsbell8well The star would have to be the same as the ones on your countdown paper! I think you should get one made! You worked for it!
    @carlsoda I love how you have your plan written and then you review. That doesn't look too time consuming...maybe I make things harder than they need to be. I also think the Whole 30 sounds so hard but that is a normal menu...Hmm...You gave me a lot to think about.
    @nstepehson "Shortened" it to 6 miles Lol! You are amazing! I do think I need to plan to have healthy snacks like you suggested. As I go along I can always take them out.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for Thursday
    Food nope
    Water lots
    Exercise 2 - 30 minute walks and watered the gardens and plants
    Steps 17159

    i had 3 days in a row that i followed plan. this time i will get 4 days in a row or maybe more!! i need to work on my consistency. i wasn't hungry last night when i started to compulsively overeat. i couldn't get my mind off food. i gave in to the urge and then said f it. i am going to make it 4 days in a row this time. my plan is when i get that urge, to do something else instead of sitting there thinking about it. i will journal. i will put my journal on the table by the couch so it is easy to grab. gonna break this cycle. because the weight is not my problem, the food is not my problem, it is my faulty thinking. i am a person who can follow her plan for 4 days in a row. i will show you!!

    @kirsten11872 good job doing your workout even tho you didn't want to. there are many things in life we have to do even tho we don't want to. making a workout a priority whether we want to or not is a way of giving ourselves beautiful self care.

    @sleepymom5 and there is nothing like having that daily plan in front of you while you check things off your list that you have accomplished. i feel so proud seeing all those check marks. and carry a little note pad with you. write in it while you eat. how do you feel before you start? 5 minutes in? 10? 15? and write it down. the act of writing it down will help cement it in you brain.

    @ljdanny woooo whooo. great job with the loss this week. you are doing great lady. and try to change the words you say to yourself. the scale will keep moving down. i am doing what it takes. use your positive words

    @Mrsbell8well what charm? hmmmmmm...... i am thinking a butterfly. that is what i want to be when i am at my goal. strong and beautiful. love your idea!!

    @carlsoda love love love your list. isn't it amazing the momentum you can build from checking things off your list.

    @nstephenson01 on plan! there you go!! look at the new nancy go!! mmmm and i love stuffed portabella mushrooms. they are soooo good. what do you stuff them with?

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    as i sit here this morning, i feel anxious. so many things are changing for me. it is like a whirlwind. in the last two years, i have lost a little over 40 pounds, have an eating disorder flare up, had a hysterectomy, got married, and got a new job. i am becoming that butterfly. my thinking has changed so much. i have learned so much. i want to thank @phoebe112476 for telling us about phit n phat. it was part of my missing piece. because like i have said before, a large part of losing weight is a mental problem not a physical one. i am loving my new life i am creating. this is my time. my time. i will wait no longer to be happy. i choose to be happy now. my struggles have made me who i am. they have taught me strength and courage. and above all they have taught me that i can do it. if i want it, it is mine. it all works out so i just go for it. for years i had tied a knot at the end of my rope and hung on waiting. not no more. i am not waiting, i let go of that rope and now i am learning how to fly. it hasnt always been pretty but it has made me who i am today and that is pretty amazing.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @cyndiesstuff there you go 4 days! It’s going to be ok. You’ve got this great job!!! I totally love the butterfly 🦋. I picture your cozy fat cocoon so comforting but confining. And here you are transforming into a butterfly. Beautiful and strong! And free!

    Lazy day yesterday. Started a new library book “Firefly Lane” about best friends. Did our bike ride, yoga, had a massage and packed my bags.
    So there I was naked on the massage table chatting with Glen. After I told him where I work he said “oh, you have been calling me”. This was my free massage from my past race. I made no connection to him being the business owner I have been trying to meet with. Awkward...lol

    We’re leaving as soon as mom is done with dialysis. Praying it goes well. Thanks for your prayers too Pam.

    As a side note I want to mention that I have checked in with this team each and every single day that I have been on this journey. It’s something that holds me accountable and I look forward to.

    Weekend is upon us team. Let’s have a plan and execute it. I love the old saying “those who fail to plan, plan to fail”.
    Good luck everyone!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 139.8
    Today's weight: 140.0
    Weekly Steps: 73247
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    @cyndiesstuff we are definitely cuties and we should get together sometime 😀
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Week 2
    PW: 146.4
    CW: 145.6
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    sleepymom5 wrote: »
    @carlsoda I love how you have your plan written and then you review. That doesn't look too time consuming...maybe I make things harder than they need to be. I also think the Whole 30 sounds so hard but that is a normal menu...Hmm...You gave me a lot to think about.

    @sleepymom5 - Whole30 really isn't hard at all. You can't have processed foods, legumes, sugar, grains, dairy, and a couple of other little things. But, you can have meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds (no peanuts), healthy oils. It's how our great grandparents used to eat. At least a version of it would be beneficial. I feel SO MUCH BETTER being off sugar!!

    As to the journalling, I have a pretty simple routine. I quickly review yesterday's plan and make notes in a different colored pen, then take a couple of minutes to make out today's plan and I do it first thing in the morning. 5 minutes tops. Voila done and I feel so grounded now. Where has this been all my life??
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    as i sit here this morning, i feel anxious. so many things are changing for me. it is like a whirlwind. in the last two years, i have lost a little over 40 pounds, have an eating disorder flare up, had a hysterectomy, got married, and got a new job. i am becoming that butterfly. my thinking has changed so much. i have learned so much. i want to thank @phoebe112476 for telling us about phit n phat. it was part of my missing piece. because like i have said before, a large part of losing weight is a mental problem not a physical one. i am loving my new life i am creating. this is my time. my time. i will wait no longer to be happy. i choose to be happy now. my struggles have made me who i am. they have taught me strength and courage. and above all they have taught me that i can do it. if i want it, it is mine. it all works out so i just go for it. for years i had tied a knot at the end of my rope and hung on waiting. not no more. i am not waiting, i let go of that rope and now i am learning how to fly. it hasnt always been pretty but it has made me who i am today and that is pretty amazing.

    Thank you also @phoebe112476! I am still binge listening and I have noticed when I listen to a podcast a 2nd or 3rd time, I catch stuff I have missed. Corinne knows her stuff and tells it straight. It took awhile to get used to her abruptness and cursing, but worth it to ignore it and just know she has very good intentions.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    Yesterday Check In

    Food - great we have boneless country style ribs with Primal Kitchen bbq sauce with fried potatoes and green beans - OMG it was delicious and so filling!!
    Water - another great day
    Steps - 10,000+ steps + Yoga!

    Another great Whole30 day. Steps were lower as I had a chiropractor appt over lunch instead of my normal walk.

    I am feeling a little more energetic and (touch wood) no sugar cravings at all. I'm actually contemplating starting C25K. We used to run a couple of miles a few years ago but my body has felt too achy, heavy and tired to start up again. Maybe it's in my mind and I should just try? We'll see!

    @cyndiesstuff - great job last night. Those days when you can't get the food out of your mind really scare me. I'm sure it's just stress. I think mine is either stress or boredom or both. I think the best thing to do is to just get out the situation and do something different. So if you're sitting on the couch and thinking of food in the kitchen, maybe go outside for a walk. Or put on some positive music and start running around the house. Do something different. Corinne's advice :)

    Have a great Friday everyone - make today count!!!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday week 2
    pw: 164.9
    cw: 164
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    I did not get to go walking yesterday as it started downpouring as I got ready to leave work. My windshield wiper flew off on my way home. I had to pull over and try to put it back on, I was soaked. I did go home and do a 5 mile Leslie Sansone video though so it worked out. I much rather be outside but at least I worked out. I get out of work early today but have a ton of errands to run, it's still raining today so maybe another video. I need the scale to keep moving in the right direction. A few more pounds off before my vacation.
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