

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in for Thursday
    Food logged and under
    Water over 64 oz
    Exercise 30 minute walk and 30 min bike ride
    Steps 9,666 steps

    Much better day yesterday! I was able to check off everything on my plan but Kayaking. I actually waited to go in the early evening but storms started coming in so I didn't want to chance it. I listened to quite a few podcasts yesterday and one message that I am getting over and over is that your thoughts are what drive your actions. I am ultimately responsible for what I do or don't do. Things are not just going to fall into my lap, I need to make things happen if I want it. Not sure why this clicked yesterday, I feel like I already knew that but I had a little lightbulb moment.
    I did do well with the eating until satisfied but think I can cut back a little more. I also was experimenting with IF. I did make it from 6pm to 9:15am this am. At the very least, I want to stop eating earlier than I usually do, even if I have to eat in the morning. Once I get used to that, I will work on the morning.
    My gain- Wednesday or Thursday that gain would have been a bad thing. I was not in the mental place to not spiral downward. It is almost like I throw a little toddler tantrum. Beat myself up and no good comes from that. Today I know I will get that off. I should have gained, I am not surprised. I am glad I am still under 200. I have two good days under my belt and I really feel good. I am going to do this!

    @cyndiestuff It is awesome how you were able to stop yourself in your tracks and make it a good day yesterday. It takes time, remember the ball in sand...I agree with the Phit and Phat podcasts being a game changer too. I really have learned so much. I also listen to Brooke Castillo now and she is good too though not as entertaining! Lol! Something she said yesterday clicked and she actually got me feeling better. You have been through a lot, and you didn't even list them all above. Even good things are a source of stress. I think it is natural to be anxious to some extent. It is even more important now to be taking care of yourself and the future Cyndie! Let us both have another great day today! xoxo
    @Mrsbell8well What a nice day yesterday! That book is ringing a bell, I either read it or it is on my list! That is so funny about the massage Lol! What a small world! Enjoy the weekend away. Hope the weather will be as nice as it is here!
    @lennoncpa Maintaining isn't bad at all. I know from my newsfeed that you are really consistent with your exercise and look at all those steps! Looks like you had a good week!
    @carlsoda Nice loss! Thanks for all your suggestions. Maybe I will start with the note book and trying to eat like the whole 30. I have to wean off convenience food first. Although your meals look so much better than anything I eat. I have to ask you, what is your username? Is that a character in a book? I actually thought you were a guy who liked soda. Lol! Although, every once in a while on Sole Mates I thought your comments were a little feminine and you must have had a class at some point so I thought you were in college! Lol! Now I know you aren't a soda drinking college guy named Carl.
    @pacsnc6 Nice loss! I know you were having a good week last time you checked in so the scale is moving in the right direction!!
    @ljdanny You know how much I love those Leslie Sansone tapes and I don't think I ever did more than 3 miles! Great job! Your steps must have been amazing! How horrible about the windshield wiper. You must have been soaked trying to put it back on but at least you could and didn't have to drive without one. So all that happened and look at you-you still did a kick butt workout! Wtg!!
    @Lenka01 Nice loss! Hope all is going well!
    @hope002 I will put you in for an excused weigh in this week. I love your pics! You are so pretty! And with camping, I never looked that good when I was camping Lol! What a beautiful place to do yoga! Sounds like an active vacation. Enjoy!
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily check in

    I am long over due for the past couple of days I have had a dreadful sore throat feeling giddy and and achey. I just worked ate and slept. Yesterday and today I went off the rails. So I am drawing a line and starting again. I need to reinstate my rules not eating between meals and no sugar at work. With me skipping workouts while sick Monday is not going to be pretty.

    How are @carlsoda and @sleepymom5 doing with the pact? I have had a wibble but I am getting back to it.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    I have a vision of my little addict peeking around the corner and feeling giddy that there is no scale in sight. I had my first alcoholic beverage since October. A gin n tonic and it was perfect. My dinner was at a seafood restaurant. Thai pho soup. It was terrible and so salty. After3 bites I had to send it back. So I bought some salt water taffy and ate that instead. Yes I know it is terrible but I’m at the beach and I’m a recovering sugar addict. I’m doing a 5 mile run tomorrow morning on the boardwalk. I brought salad fixings and a frozen Amy meal. I had that About 4 pm. I ate 3 pieces of taffy and made myself stop. Not sure what to do about not having dinner. I have wholesome snacks in our room. I guess I will make 1/2 a sunflower seed butter sandwich with fresh raspberries.
    I came prepared.
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    @amsandos I hope you are feeling better now. My daughter had a bad case of strept throat last week, although you are pretty far away so I can't say something is going around I guess! :D Listen to your body. You may need to modify what you are doing at the gym. As far as the pact, I am finally back on track and doing well. I still am eating past a +2 but I think I may need to cut back to less than 3/4 if I want to have the sides with things. Since I am trying and learning, I am considering it a success if that makes sense. I am very aware of what I am eating and how I feel. I also think I am at a +2 when I am done but then I am stuffed later so I am still trying to figure it out. This pact is helping me focus on this. Thanks for suggesting it! I think I could listen to you talk all day! You had a wibble Lol! You have the cutest sayings!
    @Cafelelia That stinks! I know how you were looking forward to a work free July, especially after that big project at the end of the school year. I am glad you were able to get everything together and get it out. I hope you did get to enjoy a little time with your friend. Have a great time in Paris. I did put the request in for you to move to the cheer squad this month. Check in when you can.
    @Mrsbell8well What a great pic of you and your Mom! You look fabulous! What a sin you couldn't get something when you went to dinner. Who would have thought they could mess up soup. Smart that you brought things with you to make. Good thing that you stopped with the salt water taffy. It is very hard to resist. Have a wonderful vacation! Enjoy every minute, you deserve it! xoxo
  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Well dang my phone didn’t charge. It’s getting hot out there. I may need to set my alarm and run in the morning tomorrow. Still undecided. I have my yoga mat. Might do that instead for now. Plus my nut butter raspberry sandwich was so good that’s all I can think about this week morning. Might make some hazelnut tea and enjoy my morning
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Daily check in for Friday
    Food on plan
    Water lots
    Exercise 2 - 30 minute walks
    Steps 13599

    yesterday i got out 182 letters to clients. as i put them in their envelopes, i thought about each relationship with each person and how they have enriched my life. i will miss so many of them. wish i could take them with me but i can't. got home and had burgers on the grill. i ate 3/4 of a half pound burger and gave mack the rest. he wanted cook out too. jim then went to the farm. that is usually time for me to binge. i didn't. i decided to do a little cleaning instead. i cleaned and organized our two junk drawers. i also made a cabinet for my small kitchen appliances so they are no longer on the counter. it felt good to get rid of some of the clutter. i was just finishing up when jim got home, we watched a little tv and then went to be. i feel good about how i showed up for myself yesterday. i will do it again today. food has been planned and my agenda for the day is done. i am gonna get this started!!

    @Mrsbell8well yes. i am going to fly. you have fun on your vacation and your mom looks amazing. and those white pants of yours? woooo whooo. skinny girl!! and that is an awkward situation but hey, it's nothing personal, it is just business. be fierce. do you know why the little addict showed up? it will be important for you to figure out why?

    @lennoncpa that is just a very tiny gain. you keep working your plan girl. I will send you a message with my phone number. give me a call. we can be accountablity partners!!

    @carlsoda nice loss this week chickie!! love it. you are doing fantastic. you keep making those plans and you will be at your goal before you know it. and you are right a good plan doesn't have to be time consuming. your doing great with that new skill!! i love ribs. so good. i always start a meal like you described with a salad and water. and then enjoy the heck out of it!! but just till i am satisfied not full. and maybe up your yoga game! you could find some great cardio yoga. give it a try... and my urges have to do with stress, boredom, fatigue, and pain. the first two are feelings not facts. the second two are fact for me. and i am working on being ok that i can't change that. now..... i gaining the willingness to walk a way instead of eat. yeah, the tools work.

    @pacsnc6 ohhhh yes, lady. nice loss. how are you doing? what did you do today?

    @ljdanny sweet! you did your exercise anyway. now that is a great NSV. make sure you give yourself credit for that!!

    @lenka1 thats just a small gain. this is a tough gig, but your tougher. hey girl... haven't heard from you. how are you doing? whats on the plan for tomorrow?

    @hope002 i am so glad you shared those pictures with us. you, lady, look fierce!! what a beautiful way to exercise. does it make you feel good? you look like your having a blast!!

    @sleepymom5 now we new this was coming, it's a fact. you gained. doesn't matter. choose how you want to feel about that fact. if you change the feeling you will change the outcome. you made a list. awesome work. you listened to podcasts! self care!! you also did some reflection! good job. now what happy thought do you want to think today. and you are so right, lets get busy.... we have to keep building.

    @amsandos i have to agree with @sleepymom5 . your words, the way you describe things. i love your writing. remember you said it best, it's not for me!! if you want i can come there and slap the food out of your hand. i have seen it work on facebook so it must be a proven approach!! lol. you got this, you are tenacious!! i was wondering, are you hungry when you eat the between meal snack?

    @Cafelelia i am glad to hear things are going well for you. wow, paris. that is amazing. enjoy!! and yup, @sleepymom5 got you a position in the cheer squad. we would still love to hear about your trip. let us know how you are doing.
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    edited July 2019

    lets talk about the above model for a moment. quite honestly this is how our brain works. many times without our even realizing it.

    First there is a circumstance. the circumstance is a fact. it can be proven in a court of law.

    Next, you have a thought about that circumstance. a good one or a bad one.

    Followed by a feeling. happy sad and so on

    Then that feeling moves you to action or inaction

    And finally, in turn, it gives you a result.

    lets take an example:

    The facts: my son is an addict, he may lose his housing, my mom has a fatal heart condition
    The thoughts: my son can get help, what he does is out of my control and my mom will be surrounded by love and I will be there for her till the end.
    The feelings: I am scared, I am angry, I am overwhelmed
    the action: had a long talk with Jim and cried and yelled.
    the results: I felt some relief with jims compassionate heart.

    Now it could have gone like this:

    The facts: my son is an addict, he may lose his housing, my mom has a fatal heart condition: the facts have not changed
    The thoughts: my son and my mom are going die,
    The feelings: I am scared, I am angry, I am overwhelmed
    the action: i went to the frig and ate my feelings
    the results: my son is still and addict and my mom still has a heart condition and now i feel like crap cause I lost control of my food intake

    the point of the story is that your thoughts can be true or untrue, helpful or unhelpful. we need to really look at what we say to ourselves. AGAIN... the words we say to ourselves are very powerful.

    ok everyone, team challenge! walk thru this model with a situation your in. either journal about it or come here and right it out. this is a very beneficial exercise. the two things you can't control are the facts. the only thing you can change is how you feel.
  • carlsoda
    carlsoda Posts: 3,419 Member
    @cyndiesstuff - love your post. When the scale doesn’t move for me, in the past I would have given up (oh the challenges of being young and impatient) now I think about what caused the scale to not move or jump up. Did I not drink enough water, did I eat a lot of salt yesterday? Then I make adjustments to my day. Scale really doesn’t tell us much except what we weigh at that moment and a lot can go into it. I always told my daughters, don’t worry about the scale. Go by your jeans. If they start to feel tight cut back on a dessert for a day or two. Of my 4 girls, 2 are doing a great job even having babies, 1 isn’t doing too bad and the youngest is my addictive personality girl and everything she does is to the extreme. She has more to work on than just weight unfortunately.

    @cyndiesstuff - wow that must have been hard sending those letters out. But just think of all the new clients you will get to know soon! And amazing job keeping busy last night with your Marie Kondo work. Distraction really does work!

    @amsandos - I hope you are feeling better today, what’s up with getting sick in the summer? That never used to happen. Hope your little girl doesn’t come down with it too.

    @Mrsbell8well - love the pic of you and your mom. You both look so happy!

    @Cafelelia - have fun in Paris! Post pics please!

    @sleepymom5 - couple of thoughts Pam, always leave a couple of bites with each meal. Also it takes 20 minutes for your brain to register you are full. It’s a learning game and luckily every day you get an opportunity to practice! I think learning your hunger scale is a hard one. I have noticed I am not overly hungry in the morning but I eat because it is time to eat. Next week at work I am going to bring hard boiled eggs, nuts and fruit for breakfast and just eat when I start feeling hungry, not at 7:30 because it’s time.

    Friday check in:

    Food - great!
    Water - great!
    Exercise - 12,000+ steps and yoga

    Overall great day! I downloaded C25K to my phone and I think I will give it a try. I can go as slow as I want right?!

    Today is the “cool” day of the weekend, I think it will in the high 80’s but tomorrow heat index around 100 so we are thinking of going to Red Wing MN (think Red Wing boots!) and hike the bluff as well as check out the antique stores. It’s a nice long country drive from here, but a fun town! Haven’t been there for a few years.

    Have a great Saturday!

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,451 Member
    Daily check in for Friday
    Food logged and on target
    Water 64 oz
    Exercise 45 minute bike ride
    Steps 6341

    Good day yesterday. I made good choices. I only got to ride my bike because I was so overheated when I got home that I didn't want to go back out in the sun to kayak. I didn't feel too bad because I did get a good bike ride in. My niece and family are coming today to spend the afternoon at the bay. We are going to get pizza. I planned for one slice and I am going to make a salad too. I know they will bring snacks so I am going to make dip from plain greek yogurt and cut up some veggie just incase I want to munch. I don't want to eat when I am not hungry even if it is veggies. I also may be in the bay today. I may just tread water but that will be better than just floating. I have to run, I hope everyone has a great day!

    I will do that exercise with the model Cyndie posted tomorrow.

    For those who still need to weigh in for this week-be sure to post your weight by 11:59pm EST

    @Mrsbell8well I hate when the phone doesn't charge. I think tea and yoga sounds wonderful! Enjoy!
    @cyndiesstuff That model is exactly what I am trying to work on! Was that from a website? I actually started that because my relationship with one of my brothers. Since my Mom got sick, he hasn't been very nice to me so I am trying to not let it bother me. I never realized until I started these podcasts how much we really need to work on our thoughts and our minds. It is amazing. Hope you are having as nice weather out there as we are! Have a great weekend!
    @carlsoda It is funny, I am 53 and I feel like I am just learning how to eat Lol! I am also surprised that I don't require nearly as much food as I thought I did. What a fun day you have planned! Enjoy!
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    I have been doing OK with eating this week but not moving. Hit my goal of 7,000 steps only once - came close a couple days too - and my only excuse is the heat index of 100+ I did take a couple short walks most days just not enough to get in my steps.

    I was in the mood to read instead. Finished "The Blue Period" about Picasso and a mystery/love story "Jockeys and Jewels" and started another "A boy between worlds" I have been turning off the TV and reading a couple hours each night or working on crafts.

    Have a great weekend
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,082 Member
    I went food shopping bought a ton of fruit and veggies. I left the zebra cakes at the store. I know I'm going to be looking for one of those later. But I didn't want to ruin the 2 pounds I lost. I was hungry when I went to bed last night and I thought this eating smaller portions is going to kill me. But I remember I did it before I can do it again. I have been loving all my long walks. I only did a 3 mile today, my dog had to go for a haircut. The face of my Fitbit is not working but it's still logging my steps to the app. I went to the store they told me I have to call Fitbit so that's on my list. Hopefully they will give me a new one. I have to get some cleaning done and maybe get the nursery prepped to start painting the walls. Have a great day
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    @nstephenson01 this is my 4th time going to Vegas. My husband plays pool, we are going for the pool tournament. I’ll get some time in the sun, out to dinner and a few cocktails😊😜
  • kirsten11872
    kirsten11872 Posts: 519 Member
    Weigh-in day: Saturday
    Previous weight:168.5
    Current weight:164.0
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    daily checkin

    food a bit over still in the weight loss zone
    water drank lots ( had to keep going to the loo)
    exercise went for a walk with my friend for an hour

    I did a open water lifeguard training course today. My triathlon club have started doing lake swims in a local lake and they need volunteers to be lifeguards. I wasn't sure that I could do it because I am a bit of a slow swimmer compared with my club mates. However I met the criteria. I spent a couple of hours in the water learning lots of new things. How to do CPR, recovery etc. How to save some one who has passed out in the water. How to get two tow someone to sure. It was really interesting and we had a great laugh. I should have gone for a run today but I felt so tired I went for a walk with my running buddy instead. I wanted to catch up with her so the walk was nice.

    @cyndiesstuff I am usually hungry when I eat between meals I think my problem is I start hungry but I don't stop when I should. I think it is better if I train myself not need and want to eat between meals. That way If I want a sweet treat I can eat it as part of a meal. if it is part of a meal then I have to stop. If I am cheating then I may as well continue. At least that is what I say to myself.
  • amsandos
    amsandos Posts: 273 Member
    @sleepymom5 and @carlsoda I am back on it! Finished eating for the day. Looking forward to breakfast already!
This discussion has been closed.