

  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Last two weeks have been sooo busy. Trying restraint on food mode right now with some hope of getting back into the gym, work and home life has been overwhelmingly disruptive to setting plans and very stressful for me. Lost my gym buddy, my 13 year old is too tired this summer to go to the gym in the evenings after the activities we have going on for them during the day. Funny enough I’m on vacation now in Orlando, but still have work to finish. Need about 3-4 hours minimum by Monday... worked until 3 am Thursday, late again last night. All excuses I know Pnp would challenge.. maybe I should listen on vacation..
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member

    @hope002 ohhh yea! now your moving in the right direction!! great job girl. you keep that up. what are you doing differently?

    I started logging food and walking. I haven't been doing much activity for the past few weeks, but ate a lot... That's why I gained a lot. Now that I am back on track, it's going in the right direction 🙂
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Week 4 or something
    Pw: 141
    Cw: 143
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Saturday
    Food: yes! on plan
    Water: 66 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk, house cleaning and watered garden
    Steps: 12743

    what a day yesterday. got up early and went and picked up my son for a visit. he had to do laundry and the community washer at his apartment is broken. i went over some mail he didn't understand and cut his hair. then me jim and josh went to my folks house. mowed grass, did moms medicine, and helped her with her bed sores. took josh home and came home and started laundry. cleaned house and watered the garden. oh yea, and when i brought my plants home from work, i realized they needed some plant maintenance. so i spend a lot of time cleaning, pruning, and caring for my plants. they are all very happy now for the time spent. phew. what a day. busy busy. today is meal plan and food prep for the week.

    @Mrsbell8well we need to have joy food in our lives. it is important. but we need to remember that joy food is a treat and doesn't happen every day. once a week, maybe. and i don't think you gained weight. i think the sodium got all overreactive! no way you gained 2.5 pounds of fat. what you more than likely did was gain 2.5 pounds of water!! a good run and a lot of water, and some of your herbal tea will do the trick!

    @ljdanny thanks, now i have said bye bye to that crappy boss! what an exciting time! yayayay it is vacation time for you. that is exciting too. are you getting your hair done the same as you always do? or are you trying something different?

    @lennoncpa omgosh, girl. birthday cake at every dance class. the new you is doing great. what an amazing nsv. you have remained sugar free. and i have had people do that. at my going away party at work, everyone wants you to eat, why aren't you eating? ughhh. stick to it girl!!

    @twyla77 wow. that is an amazing amount of steps, the highest i have ever gotten is 25000. and that doggy your sitting for is a cutie pie! and thanks for the congrats, i can't wait for tomorrow. i am all nerved up.... in a good way. and what ever the scale says today. there is no time like now to reel it in!!

    @Julie8468 that is just a small gain. how are you doing? haven't heard from you. i am hoping your ok. and you are right. life happens every day. how are you going to show up? remember to imagine the future you, what would she be doing today? now act as if...... as if you are already her and it will come true. it is all up to you, you choose. now.... what do you choose today?

    @DananaNanas ok, thats ok. what will you do today? make a plan, what is the next best choice? come on. lets make this last week in July count.

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member

    my plan for the week.

    no snacks after dinner
    get 10k steps every day, even with the new job
    drink my water, at least 60 oz
    eat on plan
    take my supplements and medicine daily
    and hoping that i take off that gain from last week

    thats my plan. looks simple enough but i now it is not going to be easy. but most things in life that are worthy are usually hard. i have done hard things before. this is my plan and i am going to do it. for me. i will not wait any longer. this week i will like like the new Cyndie. this is what she does to be at the weight she needs to be at. i have promise her that i will look out for her. after all, she is the only me i will ever have.



    wheres your plan team? time to share. what are you going to do this week? what does the new you act like? act like her (or him if @eyesopennow is listening, i havent given up on you) now. act as if....

  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    @Mrsbell8well we saw the Lion King. I wasn't that impressed. I liked the cartoon better.
    @cyndiesstuff I usually get my hair colored purple. She went a little darker purple than I'm used to. I think it looks black. My husband said he can't find me in the store now, I look like everyone else. She told me if I didn't like it to pop back in this week and she would add highlights but I don't know if I have the time with getting ready to go away for 2 weeks. It will lighten up eventually. And 5 weeks comes quick for my next color, I'm not to worried. Change is ok for now.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member


    TEAM % Shrinking Assets 0.53%
    INDIVIDUAL % Ahanaz 4.36%
    TEAM LBS LOST Shrinking Assets 22.7

    AS A WHOLE WE LOST 47.6 POUND, OR 0.53% !!

    1st Shrinking Assets 0.53%
    2nd Mission Slimpossibles 0.29%
    3rd WaistAways 0.27%

    1st Shrinking Assets 22.7
    2nd WaistAways 13.5
    3rd Workout Warriors 11.4

    1st Ahanaz 4.36%
    2nd luciicul 3.13%
    3rd kateberard 2.66%

    1st Ahanaz 7.2
    2nd kateberard 5.1
    3rd. Jactop 5.0

  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Saturday
    Food: Didn't log, assuming over
    Water: Pretty good
    Exercise & steps: 30 minute dog walk; 10,163 steps

    Lunch with my cousin's family was great fun. I ordered the Bison burger with a Huckleberry barbecue sauce. Delish! Removed the top bun, ate 2/3 and boxed the rest. Ate the rest upon returning home... oh well, I'm a work in progress. Dinner was a delightful experiment... grilled swordfish topped with a chimichurri sauce made from herbs in my garden. Felt good about how I ended the day despite eating out.

    My weight seems to have settled at a sticking point yet again. Ugh. So meals and exercise are planned for the week. How often have I said that?!?! LOL

    Goals for the week:
    Pre-log food and eat as planned
    3-4 vegetarian dinners/week
    90,000 steps
    2 yoga classes

    Need to get some chores done in the garden before it heats up. Will check in later. Wishing everyone a great Sunday!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    I do things at pain levels others wouldn't even consider moving at because if I don't I won't have a life. This doesn't mean I'm having a "good day". It only means that I was able to be stronger than my pain today. I thank God for that!
  • DananaNanas
    DananaNanas Posts: 665 Member
    Blah. Yes i put up a nice gain this week... my hubby and I were on staycation mode the end of this week and Thursday we went to kelleys island and did some eating and boozing. Eating the rest of the week was ok and I made it to the gym a couple of times. We went kayaking and didn’t eat out or drink or anything on Friday and I still had that massive gain. And my TOM appeared out of nowhere (3 weeks early...) so that probably didn’t help. I think I forgot to take my meds on Friday and that kinda screwed me up.

    Onward and upward.. my husband left 12 hours ago for a work trip to Santa Monica and doesn’t get home until Saturday! Ugh. I like having the space to myself but that’s a long trip and it’s hard for me to take care of the dogs alone (dogs... did I mention getting a 2nd last month?)

  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Saturday and Sunday

    Food: logged and under (a little sugar)
    Water: more than 3 l a day
    Exercise: 12 km trail run + 26 km climbing a mountain + 7 km walk
    Steps: 31268 + 43215

    I did both races!!! On the first one I managed to beat my last year time with 3 min. But on the second I was 7 min slower. Yet that is my first time to do 2 races in a single weekend I was a little surprised I had no problems. For some reason I was thinking the second race was 18 km and it was actually 26. Maybe if it wasn't for this mistake I wouldn't dare to do them both :D
    I also think I made some smart food choices. After a tough race I usually tend to "reward" myself with lots of unhealthy food and sweet. This time my "reward" were just 5 jelly bonbons.
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Week 4
    Weigh in day: Sunday July 8
    Previous Weight: 128
    Todays Weight: 131.8

    ugh. Too much beer & bbq over the last month! Well, July was fun, but it’s time to get back on track. This time i mean it.😔
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Sunday everyone. Just checking in to say hello.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Had a spectacular weekend. More tomorrow
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @Moarrein oooohhhh what’s a jelly bonbon? Sounds delicious!
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    @twyla77 I was wondering how your bunny and your boss's dog would get along. Taking care of two homes is a challenge. See... even I'm worried about your bunny! He has a fan from MT! It is definitely beer & bbq season. Same going on here. I keep trying to remind myself winter bodies are made in summer... there's so much temptation!

    @moarrein sounds like an incredibly challenging but rewarding weekend. And you finished what you set out to do! That's amazing! You have much to be proud of!!

    @DananaNanas Enjoy your time alone and hopefully you can do some things just for you... at least the two dogs keep each other company!

    Happy to see you check in @CassieGetsFit2013. Hugs to you girl!

    @cyndiesstuff you are indeed tuff!!

    Hi @lennoncpa!! :smiley:

    I am not a runner at all... ever... so you people who do are stunning!!

    Ok, today was busier then planned but that's OK. I keep failing at the whole trying to get a better night's sleep thing so off the computer I go.

    Sweet dreams all! Make it a great week!!
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Sunday
    Food: yes! on plan
    Water: 48 oz
    Exercise: 40 minute walk
    Steps: 11037

    yesterday, i completed all my goals for the day. i made the weekly meal plan, grocery shopped and then came home and prepped. made zucchini zuppa toscana. ohhh boy, yummm. i made jimmys with sausage and mine without. i am a bit nervous this morning. didn't sleep well last night. but i am ready to start my new adventure. nerves are normal. i will not eat my feelings.

    @ljdanny ohhh purple. i love it. i do red low lights a lot.

    @nstephenson01 mmmm huckleberry bbq sauce. this weekend i had apricot bbq sauce. wow. grilled swordfish. how did that turn out. i have never had swordfish. and i don't think you weight is stuck anywhere. if you want to continue to lose weight you need to do more than you did before. the off plan holiday's don't help. but it is all balance. you can do this. set your plan for august. and lets make this last week in july a success!! yeah, i am not a runner at all either. if you see me running you better run too because something is chasing me.

    @CassieGetsFit2013 hey a half pound is great. it is positive movement in the right direction. good job girl! now lets do it again next week.

    @DananaNanas so you have the whole week to get a great start at removing the wieght you gained from your splurge. you got this. make a plan. what will you do this week?

    @Moarrein ohhh myyy gosh! you did it. look at you go wonder woman!! that is an amazing accomplishment. and what are jelly bonbons?

    @twyla77 ohhh nooo beer and bbq got you. ok, play time is over. lets make august our month. this time i mean it too! seriously! lol ohhh my what a cute little bunny! soo precious!

    @lennoncpa happy monday to you too! Hello!!

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