

  • sleepymom5
    sleepymom5 Posts: 2,450 Member
    Week 4
    PW: 198
    CW: 199

    Ugh! I have no time to comment. I have to leave in an hour to go to Long Island for an event in honor of my friend's son who passed away at age 17 in a sledding accident 4 years ago. I love Long Island but it is a pain in the butt to get to. I am sorry I have been MIA lately. I just have been having so many visitors and haven't been doing well with time management. The next 3 weeks are going to be crazy. Especially sorry to you @cyndiesstuff . I know you are very busy too.

  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Username: lennoncpa
    Weigh in Week: week 4
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous weight: 141.2
    Today's weight: 141.0
    Weekly Steps: 60796
  • pacsnc6
    pacsnc6 Posts: 978 Member
    Friday check in
    pw 163.5
    cw 164.5

    could be water retention? I'm working on that
  • hope002
    hope002 Posts: 1,066 Member
    check in for Thursday
    food: logged, under
    water: great
    exercise: 2 walks, 15 mins exercises, plank challenge
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @hope002 amazing loss and lots a lot of steps girl. Looks like your back in the groove!
    @Moarrein Look at you in the teens! Your consistency is so admirable.
    @lennoncpa a loss is a loss not a gain!
    @pacsnc6 yeah that happens. You have been doing really well.
    @sleepymom5 now if you can figure out a way to be really bz and have lots of fun and still lose weight. Maybe this week???
    @cyndiesstuff Hurrah congrats on surviving till your last day. I recommend you pack up and leave. I think you have paid your dues. Good look on your new journey. And glad the piggy wiggly is back in the cage. Trust me most of us understand. I got a little piggy myself the other night but these days it is soooo mild compared to the old me. I catch it pretty quickly and readjust. I am so well aware that one night can turn into 2 nights and there we go off and running into piggy heaven/hell since it really is no fun to eat pig slop.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @carlsoda glad your feeling back in control regarding those cravings. We don't always have to understand the why of it...but it sure feels good when some days are easier than others.
    @phoebe112476 oh my goodness you sound like me. I struggled so much with pants fitting. Just as soon as I found some nice ones that I loved at the goodwill...I would barely blink and they were baggy again. I went from a size 3x in shorts/pants to a size 6 in a 1 year time. It seems like every month I dropped a size. I would say that is one of my favorite perks about maintenance. My pants fit great and I expect them to stay fitting great. I still have a few size 8 pants that run small but most of them are 6's. I have never worn smaller than a 10 since I was a teenager. It's quite the exciting experience. I feel like I am wearing Barbie doll clothes 1/2 the time. Finding my bra size was a different challenge. I have probably ordered 40 bras on line and kept 3. I keep trying them on and returning what doesn't work. This morning I tried on my new Bali bra in a size 36D. I had ordered the 36DD but it didn't feel right. This is my 2nd bra in size 36D that fits perfectly so I may have found my size. Although I know the sizing can change with different companies. The size chart for Wacoal had me at a 36D.
    And I am now wearing mostly size smalls. Again...another completely foreign concept for me. The thrift stores really made it much easier to drop sizes without to much heartache. But it was a definite constant to keep having to repurchase clothes, especially pants. I can't deal with droop butt...drives me crazy.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Molly and I went for a 15 minute bike ride this morning. That was up and down our hill 4 times vs the 2 1/2 times we were doing previously. And I was able to change up on gears so I am getting stronger. Sunday we are headed out for a 20 minute bike ride. Molly just bought a bike rack so she gets the fun of assembly then we will take it for a test ride on Sunday.

  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    BTW...by pretty new bra is wireless. I have never worn wireless in my life. Very nice.
  • nstephenson01
    nstephenson01 Posts: 854 Member
    Daily Check In: Thursday
    Food: Pre-logged, ate as planned, under on calories
    Water: plenty
    Exercise & steps: 8 mile hike; 25,570 steps

    Was back to my pre-trip weight this morning so feeling good about what I'm doing. Hike was a bit tough but I finished it. My hips and knees were achy... I'm assuming from all the time spent sitting in airplane seats or possibly a bit of inflammation from my crappy eating while away.

    I'm meeting my cousin and her family for lunch in Missoula tomorrow as they're vacationing in Montana. I'm really excited as I haven't seen her in years. I caught myself thinking how I wouldn't need to plan dinner as I will have had a big lunch. Nope, nope nope... if I eat to satisfied I will need dinner so I have a delicious healthy dinner planned which will hopefully keep me from over eating at lunch. I'll peruse the menu today to come up with a couple options.

    Happy Friday All! I had a morning yoga class then nothing scheduled for the afternoon... yahoo!! Free time for me! :smiley:

    @cydiesstuff I recently read the chapter in the Beck Diet Solution about not eating while standing. Seemed like a no-brainer but much tougher than I thought.
    @cyndiesstuff Hurrah congrats on surviving till your last day. I recommend you pack up and leave. I think you have paid your dues. Good look on your new journey. And glad the piggy wiggly is back in the cage. Trust me most of us understand. I got a little piggy myself the other night but these days it is soooo mild compared to the old me. I catch it pretty quickly and readjust. I am so well aware that one night can turn into 2 nights and there we go off and running into piggy heaven/hell since it really is no fun to eat pig slop.
    Its so true @Mrsbell8well I was reflecting just yesterday about my eating badly last weekend but its not nearly as bad as I used to eat!!

    Whoa @hope002 Big loss and nice steppin'!

    Awe @sleepymom5 I feel for ya! My house guests start arriving in September. Its so hard to not fall into constant vacation mode while they're here.
  • lenka1
    lenka1 Posts: 295 Member
    Pw: 133.6

    Cw: 135.8


    Oops too much homemade icecream and sorbet. I better stop asap :)
  • Moarrein
    Moarrein Posts: 3,128 Member
    Check in for Thursday:
    Food: logged and slightly under
    Water: enough
    Exercise: 25 min walk + 30 min elliptical + 8 min arms strength
    Steps: 13000

    Check in for Friday:
    Food: logged and under
    Water: didn't track it properly
    Exercise: 60 min walk
    Steps: 10700

    Weren't my best days, but I'm planning a very busy weekend. For the first time I have 2 races on consecutive days. On Saturday I have a lighter trail run that is 12 km. And on Sunday I have a much tougher one that is 18 km climbing a mountain peak. I have no idea if I'll manage to finish both. But I've managed to do a bigger distance in a single day before... I did both races last year (in different weeks) and I'm very eager to beat my own results.
    As for maintenance I still don't have a plan. What I've learned from my previous fail is that I shouldn't stop tracking my food. And I guess I'll stick to no sugar and late night snacking policy. So no change, except readjusting my calorie intake a little.

    Have a fabulous weekend everyone ❣️
  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    Check in for Friday
    Food: yes! on plan
    Water: 30 oz
    Exercise: 30 minute walk
    Steps: 12818

    yeah! i ate on plan yesterday. credit worthy acts, i drank my water, i got in my steps and exercise, i took my medicine and supplements, i did not snack after dinner and i packed up my office and said goodbye. i cried yesterday on my way to work. it would be the last time. i sat in my car when i got there and listened to my radio. i didn't really want to participate in the day yesterday. but it was my day. on the walk in, i thought about that sweet little town. and it's array of people. this is will miss. it was an excruciatingly long day. i had nothing to do and the boss showed up to say good bye and then left. when it was 4 oclock and i locked that door for the last time, i didn't feel sad. i felt relief and excitement. my last day was exactly the way it needed to be to remind me of why i had to go. jim took me out to dinner. i had maybe a quarter of my burger and a couple steak fries and for drink i celebrated with 2 craft beers. i am excited and nervous about the journey ahead. but it is my journey and i will wait for no one.

    @carlsoda you got this. you can take 2 pounds off relatively quickly. don't let it get away from you. and i would say that the old you was throwing a temper tantrum and trying to change your mind about healthy eating. the brain is an amazing muscle. never underestimate its need for routine. it is the way we are designed. don't go back to your old routines. start right back with the new ones. soon they will be routine and this will be easier.

    @sleepymom5 please remember how far you have come. this going to the shore is a struggle for you to stay on track. you know this. you can't live on vacation all summer long. well i guess you can... but then you will suffer the consequences. it is hard to change how you have always been but that is how you got where you are today. and if i remember correctly, you want to lose this weight BAD. so get up early and make your 24 hour plan. this is the new you. think about the pam you want to be. what would she do today?

    @hope002 ohhh yea! now your moving in the right direction!! great job girl. you keep that up. what are you doing differently?

    @lennoncpa hey girl!! look at you, had a camping trip and lost weight! there you go. making me proud. have you made a plan for today?

    @pacsnc6 thats just a small gain. lets stop it now before it becomes a problem. look back at you journals from last week. what could you tweek? are you keeping a journal? this is why you should.

    @Mrsbell8well ahhh yes. i no longer eat pig slop, i get to decide. i am not waiting any more. i start my new job monday!!! thanks for the congrats. this move is going to help me so much. it is an amazing positive step in the right direction. ohhh yea and i love my bra's that don't have an underwire. they feel sooooo much nicer.

    @nstephenson01 i knew you would be right back to it. the new nancy is on track and in charge!! how is your garden? my garden looks amazing. i need to get out there today and check for tomato worms. ohhhh and what a wonderful nsv. you threw that old faulty thinking right out the window. kicked it to the curb. the new nancy is in charge! LOVE it!! and you need to do the exercise about hunger in the beck diet solution. it really is an eye opener.

    @lenka1 reel it in girl. make slushies instead. i make mine with what ever fruit if fresh, right now the blueberries are amazing. i freeze them. then, put them in a blender with some 1% milk and some no cal crystal light (i use tropical fruit) and some honey. mmmmmmmm..... delish. so i don't think that you really need to stop, i think you need the fine art of substitution. you can do this lady!! now, what are you going to do today?

    @Moarrein your maintenance plan sounds right on. if you are happy with what you are doing and you can see yourself doing it for the rest of your life, its perfect. after all this is a life style, not a diet. good luck on your races. be sure to hydrate and stretch!!

  • cyndiesstuff
    cyndiesstuff Posts: 1,562 Member
    meme above really has nothing to do with weighing in but i just love this cat!! lol

    Late Weigh In's


    Saturday Weigh In

    Sunday Weigh In's


    ok peps, this month have 5 weeks in it. so let's make this bonus week count. i want everyone to have a plan in place by sunday night. let's share what we are going to do to make this week the best week of July!! come on... whose with me? i know it's summer and the livin is easy. but this is our lives people. lets not waist a single day. lets not wait for anything.
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    Good morning everyone! Happy weekend!
    Last night Molly and I went out for Indian food. It was so delicious but oilier and saltier than I’m used to. Up 2 1/2 pounds this morning. But it’s Saturday and I’m reigning it in today. Not waiting till Monday. So sad since I have a fridge of leftovers. I rarely went out to eat when I was dieting. This is why. But I loved every bite. It was a special treat.
    I know I can go out to eat and not gain but it’s still a learning game.
    Getting ready to run. Looking forward to a lovely weekend.
  • ljdanny
    ljdanny Posts: 2,085 Member
    @phoebe112476 I almost told her to write her own letter and I would sign it. I hate writing letters and I hate having to give recommendations when they call.

    @cyndiesstuff congrats on the next new chapter of your life. You get to leave your crappy boss behind.

    I got up early and went for a walk, first workout since Sunday. Felt good. Getting my hair done now. I am on vacation countdown. Friday can't come soon enough. Might go to the movies today not sure yet but have to go shopping to get a few things for vacation. Happy Saturday
  • Mrsbell8well
    Mrsbell8well Posts: 1,652 Member
    @ljdanny what movie?
    @Moarrein good luck w the events.

    Just ran 45 minutes in the heat. I could feel all the fat melting away. 10K steps nailed!
  • lennoncpa
    lennoncpa Posts: 777 Member
    Happy Saturday everyone. I went line dancing this morning so it’s starting out to be a great day. This week I danced on Tuesday Thursday Friday and today. In addition, it was my instructors birthday yesterday and his girlfriend brought one or two birthday cakes to every class!! Kind of crazy! I’m still off of sweets since November and it’s gotten easier to say no. After having a piece of cake shoved in my face I just say that I don’t like cake and that I have other sweets that are my downfall. It usually ends their attempt to force cake on me. Did you ever encounter someone trying to force food on you?!?! It’s so insane. Is it that misery loves Company?
  • twyla77
    twyla77 Posts: 445 Member
    Good Morning!
    Finally i am making time to check in and catch up on what is going on over here! Sounds like it’s been a busy month for everyone, I can’t believe we’re almost done July!
    I’m still dog/house sitting for my boss, so i’ve been scrambling around between her house and my apartment (the rabbit is here at my place as the dog would definitely eat him if he saw him!) The good thing is I’m racking up lots of steps - yesterday I got 32,878 steps!

    @cyndiesstuff - congratulations on your last day of work! Feeling relief & excitement as you walked away is a sure sign that whatever is coming next is meant to be! And i’m 100% with you on making the last few days of July the best ones yet!

    @sleepymom5 - i’m in the same boat as you when it comes to being MIA lately - too many things on the go this month has really thrown my schedule off - only one more week of commitments for me, then I’m getting right back to my normal schedule!

    @mrsbell8well - wireless bras are so much more comfortable! enjoy, lol! I remember after my breast reduction surgery when i got to wear a wireless for the first time - wow!

    I’m not looking forward to my weigh in tomorrow, i’ve been eating terribly all week - staying in someone else’s house is so weird, plus she has 2 young sons which means fully stocked cupboards of treats! So...i guess we’ll see what tomorrow brings!

  • Julie8468
    Julie8468 Posts: 151 Member
    Pw: 139.8
    Cw: 140.8
This discussion has been closed.