

  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    I've decided not to revise my green challenge, I don't think I will make it but that will challenge me to end as strong as I can. If I lower my number it will allow me to maybe hit goal but the original goal I made was possible I just didn't or might not make it. And that's all on me.
  • BMcC9
    BMcC9 Posts: 4,438 Member
    Is anyone else here doing the Workout Warriors' "Set 3 Goals for the week" thing?
  • evangsimmons170
    evangsimmons170 Posts: 1,188 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Is anyone else here doing the Workout Warriors' "Set 3 Goals for the week" thing?

    I barely have time to read the posts now that I'm back to work. I haven't looked at the set 3 goals challenge. I'm sitting in a boring meeting right now.
  • Connie7355
    Connie7355 Posts: 496 Member
    @jugar It’s fine. I don’t know how you keep everybody straight with all you have to keep track of!! Go ahead and put me down for 2 lbs. maybe it will give me a kick in the pants!! Thanks!!
  • SueSueDio
    SueSueDio Posts: 4,796 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Is anyone else here doing the Workout Warriors' "Set 3 Goals for the week" thing?

    I've kind of been doing it quietly - I set four for each day this week:

    1. Walk every day (inside or out) for at least 10-15 minutes.
    (Yesterday 45m, today 52m)
    2. Drink at least 4 cups of water per day.
    (Achieved yesterday, on track for today.)
    3. Stay under maintenance calories, try for a deficit.
    (I've been struggling with staying under maintenance. Yesterday I finished just a few calories over my deficit goal, today hopefully I'll succeed as well. I'm not adding exercise calories from my walks as that will just tempt me to eat more, but I'll have an extra snack if I really need something.)
    4. Self-care - do something fun (not "useful") every day.
    (Achieved on both days so far. :) )
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    I did not join the challenge, but here are my goals, they are the same goals every week..

    1 Make my calories goal.. Average daily deficit 500 to 1000.
    2 Move calories > 400 per day on Apple Watch
    3 No alcohol
    4 Close stand ring on Apple Watch, at least 12 hours.

    Most weeks something keeps me from making move goal every day, but I’m pretty consistent these days with others.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I have been doing the 3 goals challenge as well - it is good to post our results here and there, but I understand if that is one too many postings!

    Week 4 Goals:
    1. Lose 1 pound - that is .16 pounds per day. Do what I need to do to make that happen.
    2. Strength training 3 times this week
    3. Zero grains. None. Nada. They are the carb that gets out of control and/or makes me feel weird. Fruit or veg no

    So far, on track. I have been good with food and exercise (lots of biking), strength training I have done 1 session, 2 to go by the end of Saturday. Grains had been creeping back into my life, and they are banished for the week. I don't know why they have such a strong effect on me - increased heart rate, general icky stomach feeling, etc. So they are gone again. Too bad they are so likeable to the palate :s
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Thanks for all the steps updates, news, and weather reports from Edmonton! I get those from my daughter too, and she was feeling it today. Here in the usually humid east, we are getting some nice cool temps right now after a spate of hot misery, so I feel for you @Terytha - it is so hard to exercise when it is hot and humid. It will pass!

    I think I have everything up to date again, so onward ho! @evangsimmons170 - hang in there. I remember those days of back-to-back meetings, and all I can say is you are RIGHT to commit to doing your exercise when you get home, no matter how badly you want to just crash onto the couch and stay there. Your back and joints will thank you. I always know I have been slacking when my knees and back start to ache and twinge - it makes such a huge difference. You got this!

    @connie7355 - I put your pledge in there, and you can consider your pants kicked :p

    Everyone else - the steps are beautiful, bike intervals awesome, hiking and logging and keeping track feels really good - I think our grit and energy is coming back! We WILL have a great week and finish the month strong!
  • micki48
    micki48 Posts: 2,288 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Is anyone else here doing the Workout Warriors' "Set 3 Goals for the week" thing?

    I haven’t but I want to. Too late now. I need to go to bed, but will post tomorrow. Logging and food very good today.

    Our heatwave broke today with big storms. Tomorrow is supposed to be beautiful. So a morning walk, hopefully. My good knee is giving me some problems. I played tennis last night. Played really well. I volleyed for 40 minutes with a 19 year old who is about to head off to college on a full tennis scholarship. It was intense. Then played two matches after that. Today my weight is up and I am hurting. I’m supposed to play with a friend on Thursday. Hope I can by then. Have a good night all. See you in the morning.
  • jlbtnc
    jlbtnc Posts: 725 Member
    Steps from Tuesday 3565
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    BMcC9 wrote: »
    Is anyone else here doing the Workout Warriors' "Set 3 Goals for the week" thing?

    I am. Here are my goals for this week:

    1. Lose 2 lbs this week
    2. Hit 10K at 4 days this week
    3. Log food at least 4 days this week
  • Andreabroadley
    Andreabroadley Posts: 5,455 Member
    I did not join the challenge, but here are my goals, they are the same goals every week..

    1 Make my calories goal.. Average daily deficit 500 to 1000.
    2 Move calories > 400 per day on Apple Watch
    3 No alcohol
    4 Close stand ring on Apple Watch, at least 12 hours.

    Most weeks something keeps me from making move goal every day, but I’m pretty consistent these days with others.

    I also have 3 month Smart goals. First two are more outcome, 3rd is more process.

    1. Get to 155 pounds
    2. Lose 1 inch off waist.
    3. 120 mins per week on average HIIT.

    I’ll make the first 2. Think the third is unrealistic right now.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    I did not join the challenge, but here are my goals, they are the same goals every week..

    1 Make my calories goal.. Average daily deficit 500 to 1000.
    2 Move calories > 400 per day on Apple Watch
    3 No alcohol
    4 Close stand ring on Apple Watch, at least 12 hours.

    Most weeks something keeps me from making move goal every day, but I’m pretty consistent these days with others.

    I also have 3 month Smart goals. First two are more outcome, 3rd is more process.

    1. Get to 155 pounds
    2. Lose 1 inch off waist.
    3. 120 mins per week on average HIIT.

    I’ll make the first 2. Think the third is unrealistic right now.

    I agree that 120 minutes per week for HIIT is unrealistic - if you're really doing the high intensity, 12-15 minutes per workout is plenty to start with, 6 days a week. Even less than that can be effective, and it is doable. @BMcC9 has been doing 5 minute sessions and it seems to be helping, so you should revise that goal to make it attainable. The others are great!
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    edited July 2019

    LATE weigh-in:
    @Flawless_K - where are you? Hope all is well!

  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    Regret upping my green challenge :( looks like a gain this week but Friday will reveal all.
  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,215 Member
    Perla4686 wrote: »
    Regret upping my green challenge :( looks like a gain this week but Friday will reveal all.

    It's only Wednesday. WE CAN DO IT! I am also hovering just above where I want to be, and it is driving me crazy. About once a week I get a wild reading that is so much lower than expected, I do a big happy dance, and then it is gone the next day. Weird. But if we just keep the portions down, avoid the trigger foods, and move even a bit (and drink water and sleep enough!) it will happen! You have been doing so amazingly well lately - don't get discouraged now! FRIDAY ain't here yet.
  • offitgoes
    offitgoes Posts: 755 Member
    Weigh day Wed
    PW: 176.4
    CW: 173
  • Pearl4686
    Pearl4686 Posts: 918 Member
    offitgoes wrote: »
    Weigh day Wed
    PW: 176.4
    CW: 173

  • leni1us
    leni1us Posts: 836 Member
    Yesterday was a much better day. I hit my calorie and carb goals. I was able to get all my steps in, as well.. Just taking this one day at a time.
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