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  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited March 6
    Well I'm somewhat curious myself if it might have been my inserting metal objects in wall sockets at age 6ish for some zapping fun, the multi-years of being obese, a discrete event before (or after) I started to lose weight, or even something in the process of losing 🤷‍♂️

    Beyond that I'm doing most but not all I can to improve the situation: sleep and stress probably need some extra work.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited March 6
    "most" = weight management, moderate activity/exercise, blood-work/other metrics reporting OK, that kind of stuff.

    On the weight thingy. Like whatevs! :lol:

    So every "metric" claims scale should be up! Three days of increased night-time temp per "watch companion", "resting" HR at maintenance level (65) for three days with jump up to "gaining" levels (+2) today.

    So, what does the scale do? Yup. Twelve month "low" number. Only 0.2 from readings within recent memory; but a full lb down from anything during the past week. Sure. Happy times. But ugh! I'm sure the other shoe will drop tomorrow! :worried:
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    The scale is a mystery's ways are an enigma to me!

    I've been eating well, despite some significant stress. At least no more visits to the ER this week. Hubby is on massive doses of clotbusters for bloodclots in his jugular, axillary, brachial and subclavian veins. All the main veins in the entire upper right quadrant of his body are completely blocked by clots so the blood is having to force its way through smaller vessels. His right hand is purple and as puffy as a surgical glove filled with water. He's having heart palpitations too, so it's a scary time...

    But...overeating ain't gonna solve it, so I'm trying to stick to the plan....
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Oh Bella. This sounds terrifying. Hope the drugs do their job and hubby has clear(er) veins very soon. Just can't imagine..

    Freakin' scales :( Finally remembered to weigh myself this morning before consuming anything. And bingo - up 4 pounds. No reason on the eating front. Hoping it is just because I'm on the tail end of a nasty virus. From my recollection of daily weigh in numbers - being sick always caused a bump in weight.

    PAV - Zap!???

    Keep us updated, Bella.

    Hugs to you, Yooly.
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,199 Member
    Bella - I’m hoping the meds are helping your husband. Sounds very serious and frustrating. I’m amazed you’re managing to control stress eating under these circumstances.

    Don’t look for the other shoe 👞 PAV!

    And Laurie- those aren’t real pounds. As I’ve discovered from my various injuries and ailments, there’s an uptick in weight. Mostly inflammation water weight. I’m sure you’ll be peeing it all out soon.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    Laurie? I *WAS* like around six is all I have to say. And yes it was 230V because Greece. Mini zaps were "fun". Then there was the one that made me stop playing the game ;-)

    Yooly? I'm not going to LOOK for the shoe. But I am sure it is on its way to hit me on the head!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    Oh Bella. I am sending healing wishes over the pond. Hat's off to you. Maybe go for an mini Alps ride or something on the Zwifter. I know I would just be chewing on anything and everything.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,764 Member
    I'm off the Buffalo today. My daughter who plays college hockey up there and I are doing a hockey weekend. Her season is over, but we're going to attend a professional women's hockey game tomorrow night in Toronto, and then the NHL we cheer for (Edmonton Oilers) is in Buffalo for an afternoon game on Saturday. Then I fly home Sunday morning.

    My big NSV here is that I can easily fly without a seat belt extender now, and with far less self consciousness over intruding into my neighbor's space.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    You'll be flying directly over me this weekend, Nic!
    I hope your daughter and you have a great hockey weekend. GO Connor McDavid!!!!!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,199 Member
    edited March 7
    Not needing a seat belt extension- big win! I had to do a lot of travel when I was working and much heavier. I can’t tell you how many times I’d tuck the belt end under my belly and covered up with my shirt. Stupid and dangerous! Or the time I crossed the Atlantic with a seat belt so tight that I had bruises for a week.
    Not needing an extension and seeing a good 6-8 inches of extra belt is amazing to me. And using the tray table. Before it kind of sat on my gut at an angle at best. Completely unusable for beverages or resting a book. I’d juggle my coffee in my hand pretending I liked holding a hot scorching cup.

    Thank you Nic for the reminder of how much more comfortable it is to travel now. Enjoy your trip to Buffalo with your daughter!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    Happy tripping to the Nic-Baby Nic Combo!

    And who the *kittens* would have thought that economy seats could have enough room! or that the in-arm tray can actually sit straight and level--without being on a sideways incline!
  • Yoolypr
    Yoolypr Posts: 3,199 Member
    Hope Bella is okay. I know she’s going through a lot right now.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    Thanks Yooly I’m fine…trying to be patient about seeing improvements in Kim’s health, and for once not trying to eat away my anxiety. Baby steps…

    Wishing everyone a good day, with moments of genuine joy and pleasure!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,300 Member
    Bella, I am so sorry to hear about hubby's health problems. I know that has to be scary. Please keep us updated and we are here for you.

    I have been doing okay. Super anxious about my appointments next week and still freaking out about having the wisdom teeth taken out. I think a lot of it is because I live alone and have no one to help me if I need it. No family close by and very few "friends". So I am worried about that.
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    Hugs to you, Bella.

    Hugs to you, Athijade.

    May the world of medicine exceed their potential for EVERYONE.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    I'm ready to sign up on that plan Laurie! Yup, yup! 👍
  • lauriekallis
    lauriekallis Posts: 4,761 Member
    HUGS HUGS HUGS to you, too, Dear PAV
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited March 10
    The good? Well Barcelo's chicken (think something like Nando's) was actually quite good. And even though I didn't bring the scale with me, the half chicken (no sauce) and corn on the cob (no butter), (plus sauce added on the side by me) were actually a great caloric bargain by every estimate I could come up with. Of course the proof will when/if I go there with a scale!!! :wink:

    The second semi good? Well hot chocolate satchels might be 90 or 100 Cal and a large mug may require two... but that's nothing compared to not devolving to multiple candy bars.

    The third semi good? Well... if you're active enough you can survive candy bars--more in quantity than one might think!

    The not so good? Well... the hint would be the surviving candy bars bit and not figuring out as of yet a better way of dealing with things after spending time with special people who are not taking their medication in full and it shows.
  • Bella_Figura
    Bella_Figura Posts: 4,318 Member
    That's more goods than not-so-goods so hopefully at worst it all balanced out...of course it depends on just how much frustration you had to defuse after the time spent with the special person who isn't taking his meds....

    Today is mothering sunday here in the UK, so we're taking MIL for lunch. It will be frustrating - that is the one sure and certain thing. Luckily there's no chocolate in the house, and by the time we drop her at home after lunch all the shops will be shut until 6am Monday so I won't be able to buy chocolate even if I have a craving for if I can manage to stay away from the (unopened) jar of Nutella I'll hopefully be fine...

    It's a Sunday-roast-and-all-the-trimmings menu (set menu not a-la-carte) so my plan is to eat the roast beef and veggies (with an extra side order of more veggies), maybe eat a roast potato or two, give the Yorkshire pud and cauliflower cheese to my husband....and either skip dessert or have a scoop of lemon sorbet. Oh, and one G&T with slimline tonic.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,139 Member
    edited March 10
    Well according to complicated math... just 16,492 steps (above minimum for sure but a bit of a bust on "soft" goal of 20). Calories out (Fitbit) 2938 (just shy of the 3K soft goal). Of course there is a 5% estimated discrepancy based on past results to account for there, so really that's about 2790 for the out. And calories in were 2760. So a wash. If not a tiny overage since most candy bars are larger than advertised and the advertised calories for the ones consumed were... 1121. Not counting the nice fig ones which were a mere drop at 191 Cal.

    Thankfully protein (don't forget the half chicken!) and fiber were good (the chocolate fig truffles, corn on the cob, some of the italian veggies blend).

    Anyway. enough of this. With the time change it is already 1:30 and the dog is bugging so I won't be back before 3:00 at best (new time) And I was supposed to get to bed early!!!!!!!!

    Best of luck with MIL. And take it easy on Kim AND BELLA--I am sure you will anyway!! ;-)