August Goals - Daily Check In



  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    l4a_p wrote: »

    SW: 66,6 kg (146,83lbs)
    GW: 65,x kg (for this month, I'll be happy to break my current plateau and see that 65 pop up).

    I'm adding in measuring as well because the scale hasn't really moved in 2-3 weeks (just the same couple 100 grams up and down) but I did notice change when measuring.


    Chest: Don't want to depress myself so refusing to track this :pensive:
    Band: 82cm (32,28in)
    Waist: 75cm (29,53in) - good progress, came from 80
    Belly: 91cm (35,83in)
    Hip: 99cm (38,98in) - hard to judge because I'm also trying to grow the glutes...
    Thigh: 56cm (22,05in) - specifically happy with these, was 58 last month and 60 the month before

    Goal #1: Shave of some centimeters of the measurements
    Goal #2: Work up to regular pushups (instead of on the knee, pathetic I know)
    Goal #3: Do my fav core routine in 1 go. I can do it pretty well because my core is well trained but there is usual these tiny extra few pauses I take.

    Goodluck everyone! Work hard & feel good!

    7 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs
    12 August: 67.1kg - 147,93lbs
    15 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs
    19 August: 66.1kg - 145,73lbs

    26 August: 66.2kg - 145,95lbs //Didn't move much but reasonably happy that it's maintaining. I couldn't really expect much anyway: ate 14.683kcal the past 7 days which is 683 over maintenance! So all in all happy with it :) I do really need to get a grip though! I've been eating bad and can't seem to get back on track; it's all the dinners and drinks-in-the-sun and picknicks and events! Downside of the summer ;)

  • Anabirgite
    Anabirgite Posts: 507 Member

    Goal #1: Pass my Body Flow instructor test- thus practice everyday- very nervous about this!
    Goal #2: Track and record my food intake, focusing on calories and protein.
    Goal #3: Prepare and plan better meals for me and my family.

    1/8 -1/7 Visiting parents, definitely not a vacation
    7/8 - 123.6- shocked I did not gain weight while away...nice to get home to normalcy.
    8/8 -
    9/8 -Filmed my video for submission to pass Body Flow instructor test- What a relief that is done, now I have to wait and see. Seem to have caught cold on flight back from visiting parents. Feel awful today
    10/8 - Feel worse...Must miss my girlfriend weekend, staying home in bed.
    11/8 -123.4 Feel Better but can not breathe thru nose. My son visiting, made his favorite, homemade Spicy tuna rolls sushi and Spicy Ponzu sauce.
    12/8 -123.6 Still not feeling great but going to body pump. Did make a wonderful dinner last night. January, Bon Appetit cover recipe - Spicy Pork and Kale soup ( recipe actually Spicy Pork and Mustard Greens but we like Kale better), even my daughter who hate all healthy food said it was delicious. I used leftover roasted veggies instead of rice noodles.
    13/8 -123 Finally cold is subsiding but TOM and whopper migraine...took my medication hope to be better shortly - taking my daughter and friends to spin class today. Both girls are anti-exercise so can not pass up opportunity. Seem to have reached a plateau at 123 and can not get below.
    14/8 -123.6
    15/8 -
    16/8 -123.2 Made Ratatouille last night, delicious, I love high volume low calorie foods...Having for breakfast with 2 fried eggs, 1/2 a chicken sausage...great meal before body pump.
    17/8 -122.4 Wow thought I would never see below 123...So much wonderful advice in these forums but patience has never been a virtue for me. Been really suffering with migraines the past week, hard to believe it could bewares then normal as normal is now everyday with a headache. Hoping for menopause soon. At the rate I am going I doubt I meet my goal of anywhere 121...but 122 is pretty exciting for me. I guess I am losing less than .5 a week now.
    18/8 -123.4 Chineese take out lucky not higher number considering the sodium and how I love retaining water
    19/8 -123.4 Seem to love 123 but good news for a Monday - is a great number. Still suffering this migraine, becoming exhausted fighting the pain. I am feeling a little better this evening, the first time I have had break, hope to have finally broke this cycle.
    21/8 0 122.4 Happy to drop below 123 again but feel the 122's will be like the 123's several weeks of bebopping around testing my perseverance. Headache finally starting to abate, they are hormonal and this whole approaching menopause is just ending in a bang for me. Off to body pump this morning, then busy day with my daughter before I take her back to school next week.
    22/8 121.8 Wow did not see this coming...been struggling with insomnia these past 3 weeks along with the migraine, last night fell a sleep on the couch at 8, in bed by 9 slept all night, hard time getting up at 6 still so tired. But I have seen written in these forums how important sleep is...maybe that was my ticket. Headache has finally abated. Cycling between no headache to small headache - totally awesome for me.. Funny I also had to grab takeout last night for dinner and so frustrated with my day had a glass of wine with dinner...Ate all my exercise calories and then some- was prepared for an ugly number this morning but I dropped.
    23/8 122
    24/8 122.4
    25/8 122.6
    26/8 121.4 - I have learned so much from these boards, understanding water weight caused by certain exercises and eating out. So much easier to handle the ups and downs of the scale especially on down days. Ate all my exercise calories this weekend and rested yesterday. Busy week ahead, packing my daughter and dropping her off at school Thursday- not sure if it will qualify as cardio or strength training but this will definitely be a lot of work :#

  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @l4a_p Enjoy the summer while you can!!! I live in Cleveland where winter lasts good 5 months of the year. I try to stay outside as long as possible!!!

    @jacau Welcome! I am sure there will be a September thread!

    As for me, I had a super fun/yummy weekend. I haven't checked the scale so I will tomorrow morning. But I can say I went Orange theory on Sat & Sun and did super! I should be more sore but I am not? I readjusted my macros again. I am upping my protein and less fat. :)
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    DONE! - Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 - Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch - NO alcohol - staring down a 6.5 hour drive so the reality is that I'll likely go over a bit on calories. Next 2 days I'll be on my feet working. Everyone have a fabulous wknd & I'll be back on Monday!
    8/3-4 - DNW - Spent the wknd on my feet helping at a barrel race. So sore by Sunday finish and drove 6.5 hours home. Ate more junk/concession food than I should've, events are tough. Exhausted on the drive home - weakened and had big fat Whataburger bacon cheeseburger with onion rings - it was ridiculously good. On the upside - other than a breakfast burrito - that's about all I had. No alcohol Sat - 1 White Claw on Sunday.
    8/5 - 149.2 - Ouch! I think the junk food, lack of water over the wknd hit me pretty hard. Trying to hit it pretty hard this morning - drug my butt out of bed early and rode my colt. Yoga Burn Week 4 & 5 at lunch - Week 1, Day 1 Push Up challenge. Did really well on food - helped that I wasn't hungry - finished at 630 cals.
    8/6 - 147 - Whew!! Had a FABULOUS ride on my good horse that's been on vacation to kick off the morning. Yoga Burn week 4 & 5 at lunch.
    8/13 - 149.4 not really surprised, but getting back at it this morning. We had an absolutely fabulous time in FL and I think I ate my weight in seafood (not a bit sorry). Rode one colt before work this morning & brought my workout clothes. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - day 1 of pushup challenge. Today was a struggle working out. UGH!
    8/14 - 146.6 Step in the right direction. Kept my cals under goal yesterday. No riding this morning, but cleaned 3 stalls and started working on some basic leash training with my puppy... I need the mosquitos to die so I can start walking the little heathen. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - Day 2 of pushup challenge at lunch. Hit goal on cals for the day.
    8/15 - 146.0 - At least I'm about back to where I started the month and I can now do a rep of 6 pushups. Slept in a bit - my colt is sore - REALLY missed my morning ride. UGH of a day - went with my bosses to lunch and inhaled a massive enchilada plate, chips & salsa, and a big ol' sopapilla. Dinner was 2 White Claws so didn't go too far over cals.
    8/16 - 146.2 - Much better morning - started with riding a colt I've had turned out for a couple weeks. Wound up being a long day - work/life got in the way of my workouts. We took the kids to the local fiesta all evening, no workout and carnival food.
    8/19 - 145.8 - Rode this morning, ready to get back on track. Yoga Burn Week 6 at lunch and Push Up Challenge Week 3 (I had to modify it a bit) Did decent with food, went a bit over :neutral: NSV for me - 7,5,6,5,7 - I met my goal of being able to do 7 pushups in a rep! Knocked out total of 30 today!
    8/20 - 146.8 - I think it's water weight from last night's pasta. Exhausted so I took the morning off from riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Cleaned 11 stalls last night but food was rather off the rails. Stayed within cal bounds - but 2 cake daylight doughnuts & white claws - ugh!
    8/21 - 10 days left in august. 145.6 - Rode a colt before work - Yoga Burn week 6 & Push Up Challenge wk 3 at lunch 7,5,6,5,7 - I'm pretty happy with this considering I couldn't do more than 3 pushups on my toes a few weeks ago. Hauled hay & stayed under calories. I only had to move about 30 bales from the field - but they're heavy.
    8/22 - 146.4 - Ugh! Pretty body sore & exhausted. No riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Did well with cals - but I suck at no alcohol. Shot of Titos in soda water with lemon = such a satisfying way to wind down. Got in LOTS of walking this evening.
    8/23 - 146.2 - Happy Friyay! Up and at it early - my colt was freakin fabulous!! He might wind up better than I predicted. One of my Mom's friends gave her a really nice mountain bike & she's letting me have it! I'll have it by Labor day at the latest - I think adding some cardio will really help my results. Yoga Burn 6 at lunch and Push up Challenge - 9,5,7,5,8!!
    8/26 - 144.0 - I finally GOT A BIKE - rode for 30 min Sat and managed not to die - haven't riden one for literally 20 years. LOL! Really busy wknd - lots of riding, gardening, just stuff.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    8/26 - 144.0 - I finally GOT A BIKE - rode for 30 min Sat and managed not to die - haven't riden one for literally 20 years. LOL! Really busy wknd - lots of riding, gardening, just stuff.

    Yay for the BIKE!! I know you been wanting one! I haven't ridden a bike other than to go down the street. I kinda suck at it :p Working on strengthening my Rectus femoris with Rowing. Not my favorite but it works my back and thighs at the same time.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    8/26 - 144.0 - I finally GOT A BIKE - rode for 30 min Sat and managed not to die - haven't riden one for literally 20 years. LOL! Really busy wknd - lots of riding, gardening, just stuff.

    Yay for the BIKE!! I know you been wanting one! I haven't ridden a bike other than to go down the street. I kinda suck at it :p Working on strengthening my Rectus femoris with Rowing. Not my favorite but it works my back and thighs at the same time.

    The joys of living in the middle of no where - there's no one around to laugh at all my near mishaps going down the farm roads. Rowing would be great exercise!
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    SW: 109.4
    BF: 21.6%
    GW by end of August: 107
    GW final: 105
    GBF final: 20%

    Goal #1: OTF 3x week
    Goal #2: Lower body fat to 20%
    Goal #3: Reduce/eliminate alcohol consumption for month of August (me too!!!)

    8/1 109.4/21.6%
    8/2 110 / 21.4%
    8/5 111 didn't even check the BF
    8/6 110 / 21.6%
    8/7 107.8 / 20.6%
    8/8 107.8 / 20.6%
    8/13 108 / 20.8%
    8/20 109 / 20.6%
    8/21 107 / 20.3%
    8/27 109 / 21%😵

    This is every month. I did the double take this morning. But then I realized, it's that time of month. I wear Nuvaring so I skip that actual "flow" but I do get the bloat and lower back pain... So no panic here. This should be temporary. I have OTF and I plan of killin it💪
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    DONE! - Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 - Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch - NO alcohol - staring down a 6.5 hour drive so the reality is that I'll likely go over a bit on calories. Next 2 days I'll be on my feet working. Everyone have a fabulous wknd & I'll be back on Monday!
    8/3-4 - DNW - Spent the wknd on my feet helping at a barrel race. So sore by Sunday finish and drove 6.5 hours home. Ate more junk/concession food than I should've, events are tough. Exhausted on the drive home - weakened and had big fat Whataburger bacon cheeseburger with onion rings - it was ridiculously good. On the upside - other than a breakfast burrito - that's about all I had. No alcohol Sat - 1 White Claw on Sunday.
    8/5 - 149.2 - Ouch! I think the junk food, lack of water over the wknd hit me pretty hard. Trying to hit it pretty hard this morning - drug my butt out of bed early and rode my colt. Yoga Burn Week 4 & 5 at lunch - Week 1, Day 1 Push Up challenge. Did really well on food - helped that I wasn't hungry - finished at 630 cals.
    8/6 - 147 - Whew!! Had a FABULOUS ride on my good horse that's been on vacation to kick off the morning. Yoga Burn week 4 & 5 at lunch.
    8/13 - 149.4 not really surprised, but getting back at it this morning. We had an absolutely fabulous time in FL and I think I ate my weight in seafood (not a bit sorry). Rode one colt before work this morning & brought my workout clothes. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - day 1 of pushup challenge. Today was a struggle working out. UGH!
    8/14 - 146.6 Step in the right direction. Kept my cals under goal yesterday. No riding this morning, but cleaned 3 stalls and started working on some basic leash training with my puppy... I need the mosquitos to die so I can start walking the little heathen. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - Day 2 of pushup challenge at lunch. Hit goal on cals for the day.
    8/15 - 146.0 - At least I'm about back to where I started the month and I can now do a rep of 6 pushups. Slept in a bit - my colt is sore - REALLY missed my morning ride. UGH of a day - went with my bosses to lunch and inhaled a massive enchilada plate, chips & salsa, and a big ol' sopapilla. Dinner was 2 White Claws so didn't go too far over cals.
    8/16 - 146.2 - Much better morning - started with riding a colt I've had turned out for a couple weeks. Wound up being a long day - work/life got in the way of my workouts. We took the kids to the local fiesta all evening, no workout and carnival food.
    8/19 - 145.8 - Rode this morning, ready to get back on track. Yoga Burn Week 6 at lunch and Push Up Challenge Week 3 (I had to modify it a bit) Did decent with food, went a bit over :neutral: NSV for me - 7,5,6,5,7 - I met my goal of being able to do 7 pushups in a rep! Knocked out total of 30 today!
    8/20 - 146.8 - I think it's water weight from last night's pasta. Exhausted so I took the morning off from riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Cleaned 11 stalls last night but food was rather off the rails. Stayed within cal bounds - but 2 cake daylight doughnuts & white claws - ugh!
    8/21 - 10 days left in august. 145.6 - Rode a colt before work - Yoga Burn week 6 & Push Up Challenge wk 3 at lunch 7,5,6,5,7 - I'm pretty happy with this considering I couldn't do more than 3 pushups on my toes a few weeks ago. Hauled hay & stayed under calories. I only had to move about 30 bales from the field - but they're heavy.
    8/22 - 146.4 - Ugh! Pretty body sore & exhausted. No riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Did well with cals - but I suck at no alcohol. Shot of Titos in soda water with lemon = such a satisfying way to wind down. Got in LOTS of walking this evening.
    8/23 - 146.2 - Happy Friyay! Up and at it early - my colt was freakin fabulous!! He might wind up better than I predicted. One of my Mom's friends gave her a really nice mountain bike & she's letting me have it! I'll have it by Labor day at the latest - I think adding some cardio will really help my results. Yoga Burn 6 at lunch and Push up Challenge - 9,5,7,5,8!!
    8/26 - 144.0 - I finally GOT A BIKE - rode for 30 min Sat and managed not to die - haven't riden one for literally 20 years. LOL! Really busy wknd - lots of riding, gardening, just stuff. Yoga Burn Week 7 and Push Up Challenge Week 4 - 10,12,6,6,7 (I'm repeating week 3 till I can nail it, still a bit short). Rode bike for 30 min. Stayed way under on intake for the day.
    8/27 - 144.0 (perhaps yesterday wasn't a fluke)!! Rode this morning before work.
  • tvm1970
    tvm1970 Posts: 163 Member
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
    3/8 - 50.8kg/112lbs An hour on the bike, ate within calories but over on carbs 😣
    4/8 - 50.6kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike but over on calories and carbs 😕
    5/8 - 50.5kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike, a 40min run/walk within calories and macros
    6/8 - 50.3kg/111lb A 90min walk with a friend, over on calories but within macros
    7/8 - 50.3kg/111lb An hour on the bike and a killer leg session,within calories and macros
    8/8 - 50.1kg/110.5lb Rest day, within calories but over on fat (damn you PB) 🙄
    9/8 - 50.0kg/110lbs 90min walk, over in calories and over on fat 😬
    10/8 50.3kg/111lbs 60min walk, hard HIIT session, over on calories and over on fat 😳*20hr fast started
    11/8 49.9kg/110lbs 90min bike, within calories within macros and meal prep done. I’ve been given another low exercise week by my physiotherapist so trying to balance that with my food intake is a fine balancing act
    12/8 49.8kg/110lbs 90min bike, heavy HIIT session, over on calories and macros
    13/8 49.8kg/110lbs 90mins bike within calories but over on fat (PB 😬)
    14/8 50.0kg/110lbs Rest day, over on calories and all macros
    15/8 50.1kg/110.5kb 90min bike, 30min run within calories and macros
    16/8 50.0kg/110llbs 30min walk/run, within calories over on carbs
    17/8 49.8kg/110lbs 90min bike, within calories and macros
    18/8 49.6kg/109lbs 60min bike, 60min walk/run, within calories over on carbs
    19/8 49.5kg/109lbs 60min bike, 60min walk/run, within calories over on carbs
    20/8 49.4kg/109lbs rest day over on calories and macros
    21/8 49.6kg/108lbs hard gym session, 30min bike, within calories and macros
    22/8 49.3kg/ 108.5lbs 60mins bike within calories and macros
    23/8 - 28/8 49.1kg/108lbs
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    tvm1970 wrote: »
    SW: 50.9kg/112lb
    August GW: 49kg/108lb
    Ultimate GW: 47kg/103lb

    Goal #1: Lights out and electronics off by 10pm on work nights
    Goal #2: Weekly meal planning and prep Saturdays
    Goal #3: Run x 4 Strength train x 5 per week

    1/8 - 50.9kg/112lb
    2/8 - 50.8kg/112lb I saw my physio today and she vetoed running and gym for another week (I’ve hurt my lower back) 😕 So for the next week my goal #3 is Run/Walk x 4 and Steady stationary cycle 1hr x 5 🙃
    3/8 - 50.8kg/112lbs An hour on the bike, ate within calories but over on carbs 😣
    4/8 - 50.6kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike but over on calories and carbs 😕
    5/8 - 50.5kg/111.5lbs An hour on the bike, a 40min run/walk within calories and macros
    6/8 - 50.3kg/111lb A 90min walk with a friend, over on calories but within macros
    7/8 - 50.3kg/111lb An hour on the bike and a killer leg session,within calories and macros
    8/8 - 50.1kg/110.5lb Rest day, within calories but over on fat (damn you PB) 🙄
    9/8 - 50.0kg/110lbs 90min walk, over in calories and over on fat 😬
    10/8 50.3kg/111lbs 60min walk, hard HIIT session, over on calories and over on fat 😳*20hr fast started
    11/8 49.9kg/110lbs 90min bike, within calories within macros and meal prep done. I’ve been given another low exercise week by my physiotherapist so trying to balance that with my food intake is a fine balancing act
    12/8 49.8kg/110lbs 90min bike, heavy HIIT session, over on calories and macros
    13/8 49.8kg/110lbs 90mins bike within calories but over on fat (PB 😬)
    14/8 50.0kg/110lbs Rest day, over on calories and all macros
    15/8 50.1kg/110.5kb 90min bike, 30min run within calories and macros
    16/8 50.0kg/110llbs 30min walk/run, within calories over on carbs
    17/8 49.8kg/110lbs 90min bike, within calories and macros
    18/8 49.6kg/109lbs 60min bike, 60min walk/run, within calories over on carbs
    19/8 49.5kg/109lbs 60min bike, 60min walk/run, within calories over on carbs
    20/8 49.4kg/109lbs rest day over on calories and macros
    21/8 49.6kg/108lbs hard gym session, 30min bike, within calories and macros
    22/8 49.3kg/ 108.5lbs 60mins bike within calories and macros
    23/8 - 28/8 49.1kg/108lbs

    Wow what a great loss progress you've had this month! And so consistent! Good job!
  • booksnbrains
    booksnbrains Posts: 119 Member

    SW: 157 lbs
    GW: 152 lbs

    Goal #1: Stick with my new strength training plan (3x a week for abs, arms, legs for a total of 9 strength training sessions a week).
    Goal #2: Run 3x a week.
    Goal #3: Stick to my 18/6 intermittent fasting

    8/27 - Finally broke out my bike for commuting again. It’s 16 miles, but I managed to get it done despite the heat! I also got in the first run of the week. I just adjusted my carbs down to 20g a day max, and the scale is finally moving in the right direction!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member
    Height: 5'4"
    Ultimate goal: 125-130
    Current Weight: 143.4
    August Goal: 137

    August 1: 143.4
    August 14: 140.2
    August 28: 139.6
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 157 lbs
    GW: 152 lbs

    Goal #1: Stick with my new strength training plan (3x a week for abs, arms, legs for a total of 9 strength training sessions a week).
    Goal #2: Run 3x a week.
    Goal #3: Stick to my 18/6 intermittent fasting

    8/27 - Finally broke out my bike for commuting again. It’s 16 miles, but I managed to get it done despite the heat! I also got in the first run of the week. I just adjusted my carbs down to 20g a day max, and the scale is finally moving in the right direction!

    Wow!!! I'm impressed!
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    DONE! - Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 - Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch - NO alcohol - staring down a 6.5 hour drive so the reality is that I'll likely go over a bit on calories. Next 2 days I'll be on my feet working. Everyone have a fabulous wknd & I'll be back on Monday!
    8/3-4 - DNW - Spent the wknd on my feet helping at a barrel race. So sore by Sunday finish and drove 6.5 hours home. Ate more junk/concession food than I should've, events are tough. Exhausted on the drive home - weakened and had big fat Whataburger bacon cheeseburger with onion rings - it was ridiculously good. On the upside - other than a breakfast burrito - that's about all I had. No alcohol Sat - 1 White Claw on Sunday.
    8/5 - 149.2 - Ouch! I think the junk food, lack of water over the wknd hit me pretty hard. Trying to hit it pretty hard this morning - drug my butt out of bed early and rode my colt. Yoga Burn Week 4 & 5 at lunch - Week 1, Day 1 Push Up challenge. Did really well on food - helped that I wasn't hungry - finished at 630 cals.
    8/6 - 147 - Whew!! Had a FABULOUS ride on my good horse that's been on vacation to kick off the morning. Yoga Burn week 4 & 5 at lunch.
    8/13 - 149.4 not really surprised, but getting back at it this morning. We had an absolutely fabulous time in FL and I think I ate my weight in seafood (not a bit sorry). Rode one colt before work this morning & brought my workout clothes. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - day 1 of pushup challenge. Today was a struggle working out. UGH!
    8/14 - 146.6 Step in the right direction. Kept my cals under goal yesterday. No riding this morning, but cleaned 3 stalls and started working on some basic leash training with my puppy... I need the mosquitos to die so I can start walking the little heathen. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - Day 2 of pushup challenge at lunch. Hit goal on cals for the day.
    8/15 - 146.0 - At least I'm about back to where I started the month and I can now do a rep of 6 pushups. Slept in a bit - my colt is sore - REALLY missed my morning ride. UGH of a day - went with my bosses to lunch and inhaled a massive enchilada plate, chips & salsa, and a big ol' sopapilla. Dinner was 2 White Claws so didn't go too far over cals.
    8/16 - 146.2 - Much better morning - started with riding a colt I've had turned out for a couple weeks. Wound up being a long day - work/life got in the way of my workouts. We took the kids to the local fiesta all evening, no workout and carnival food.
    8/19 - 145.8 - Rode this morning, ready to get back on track. Yoga Burn Week 6 at lunch and Push Up Challenge Week 3 (I had to modify it a bit) Did decent with food, went a bit over :neutral: NSV for me - 7,5,6,5,7 - I met my goal of being able to do 7 pushups in a rep! Knocked out total of 30 today!
    8/20 - 146.8 - I think it's water weight from last night's pasta. Exhausted so I took the morning off from riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Cleaned 11 stalls last night but food was rather off the rails. Stayed within cal bounds - but 2 cake daylight doughnuts & white claws - ugh!
    8/21 - 10 days left in august. 145.6 - Rode a colt before work - Yoga Burn week 6 & Push Up Challenge wk 3 at lunch 7,5,6,5,7 - I'm pretty happy with this considering I couldn't do more than 3 pushups on my toes a few weeks ago. Hauled hay & stayed under calories. I only had to move about 30 bales from the field - but they're heavy.
    8/22 - 146.4 - Ugh! Pretty body sore & exhausted. No riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Did well with cals - but I suck at no alcohol. Shot of Titos in soda water with lemon = such a satisfying way to wind down. Got in LOTS of walking this evening.
    8/23 - 146.2 - Happy Friyay! Up and at it early - my colt was freakin fabulous!! He might wind up better than I predicted. One of my Mom's friends gave her a really nice mountain bike & she's letting me have it! I'll have it by Labor day at the latest - I think adding some cardio will really help my results. Yoga Burn 6 at lunch and Push up Challenge - 9,5,7,5,8!!
    8/26 - 144.0 - I finally GOT A BIKE - rode for 30 min Sat and managed not to die - haven't riden one for literally 20 years. LOL! Really busy wknd - lots of riding, gardening, just stuff. Yoga Burn Week 7 and Push Up Challenge Week 4 - 10,12,6,6,7 (I'm repeating week 3 till I can nail it, still a bit short). Rode bike for 30 min. Stayed way under on intake for the day.
    8/27 - 144.0 (perhaps yesterday wasn't a fluke)!! Rode this morning before work. No other workouts - Dr appt at lunch for annual women's exam & more stuff after work. The difference in health care in NM & Texas is truly depressing - came home and consoled myself with 2 big ol glasses of wine & nachos. I miss Texas.
    8/28 - 144.6 - could've been worse after last night's binge
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    SW: 157 lbs
    GW: 152 lbs

    Goal #1: Stick with my new strength training plan (3x a week for abs, arms, legs for a total of 9 strength training sessions a week).
    Goal #2: Run 3x a week.
    Goal #3: Stick to my 18/6 intermittent fasting

    8/27 - Finally broke out my bike for commuting again. It’s 16 miles, but I managed to get it done despite the heat! I also got in the first run of the week. I just adjusted my carbs down to 20g a day max, and the scale is finally moving in the right direction!

    Impressed! Both with the cycling distance as with the low carbs :o I could never manage that!
  • HoneyBadger302
    HoneyBadger302 Posts: 1,995 Member
    I had a heavy weigh in this morning (have the last couple days) but I know why - I caught a nasty cold (I think my boss shared) and have been sick all week. Carb/bread cravings and no workouts. I've kept the calorie intake reasonable, but some slightly heavier weigh ins are to be expected. Not worried about it, as I'm sure it will disappear once I've over this grossness. My weekly averages have still been dropping...

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 151
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging a min of 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    7/31/19: 151.0
    8/7/19: 150.4
    8/14/19: 149.2
    8/21/19: 147.4
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    I had a heavy weigh in this morning (have the last couple days) but I know why - I caught a nasty cold (I think my boss shared) and have been sick all week. Carb/bread cravings and no workouts. I've kept the calorie intake reasonable, but some slightly heavier weigh ins are to be expected. Not worried about it, as I'm sure it will disappear once I've over this grossness. My weekly averages have still been dropping...

    41, 5'7"
    GW: 128-132
    HW: 163
    CW: 151
    Goal #1 - Steady loss, averaging a min of 1/2 lb/week
    Goal #2 - Daily workout routine min 5x/week (race weekend allows a 1 day exception)
    Goal #3 - Track my food min 3/days/week.

    7/31/19: 151.0
    8/7/19: 150.4
    8/14/19: 149.2
    8/21/19: 147.4

    I really like your steady progress! And kudos to you for sticking to it through being ill.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    Last weigh-in for this month for me so here's the result:

    SW: 66,6 kg (146,83lbs)
    GW: 65,x kg (for this month, I'll be happy to break my current plateau and see that 65 pop up).
    Ending the month on 65.6kg (144,62 lbs). I feel like I dropped below 66 very early in the month and then swung back up to 67 and had to work my way down again. But all in all, I did see 65.x a lot of times on the scale so happy camper =)

    I'm adding in measuring as well because the scale hasn't really moved in 2-3 weeks (just the same couple 100 grams up and down) but I did notice change when measuring. So:

    Chest: Don't want to depress myself so refusing to track this :pensive:
    Band: 82cm (32,28in)
    Waist: 75cm (29,53in) - good progress, came from 80
    Belly: 91cm (35,83in)
    Hip: 99cm (38,98in) - hard to judge because I'm also trying to grow the glutes...
    Thigh: 56cm (22,05in) - specifically happy with these, was 58 last month and 60 the month before

    The measurements didn't seem to move a lot. Might be a cm off the waist and the hips, tops.

    Goal #1: Shave of some centimeters of the measurements
    Hm, didn't really happen
    Goal #2: Work up to regular pushups (instead of on the knee, pathetic I know)
    Can do 10 knee-pushups, and 4-5 regular ones.
    Goal #3: Do my fav core routine in 1 go. I can do it pretty well because my core is well trained but there is usual these tiny extra few pauses I take.
    Can do it in 1 go but with a couple of cheats tho

    7 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs
    12 August: 67.1kg - 147,93lbs
    15 August: 65.5kg - 144,4lbs
    19 August: 66.1kg - 145,73lbs
    26 August: 66.2kg - 145,95lbs
    29 August: 66.5kg - 144,62lbs

    VERDICT: Not a bad month considering the many heavy-food days I've had. Onwards and... well, downwards! See you all in September

  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    SW: 145.8
    August GW: 140
    GW: 133

    I'm going to add in one thing to force myself to measure at the end of the month......
    Bust: 39
    Band: 34
    Waist: 29
    Hips 38.5

    Beach vacation from the 7th-12th - won't weigh in or check in much during that time, but I do plan to be very active with exercise and keep food within reason.

    Goal #1: Workout 5 days a week - Yoga Burn/Bike/Walk
    DONE! - Goal #2: Build Upper Body Strength - 90 Second Planks - Forearm & Extended Do 7 real push ups
    Goal #3: Limit alcohol to 3 days a week
    Goal #4:(I had to add 1 more). Stay consistent on Push Up Challenge group. First Day will be August 5th.

    8/1 - 145.8 - rode my colt before work. Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch. Stayed under cal allowance & NO alcohol (or chips & salsa)
    8/2 - 146.4 - Did Week 3 & 4 Yoga Burn at lunch - NO alcohol - staring down a 6.5 hour drive so the reality is that I'll likely go over a bit on calories. Next 2 days I'll be on my feet working. Everyone have a fabulous wknd & I'll be back on Monday!
    8/3-4 - DNW - Spent the wknd on my feet helping at a barrel race. So sore by Sunday finish and drove 6.5 hours home. Ate more junk/concession food than I should've, events are tough. Exhausted on the drive home - weakened and had big fat Whataburger bacon cheeseburger with onion rings - it was ridiculously good. On the upside - other than a breakfast burrito - that's about all I had. No alcohol Sat - 1 White Claw on Sunday.
    8/5 - 149.2 - Ouch! I think the junk food, lack of water over the wknd hit me pretty hard. Trying to hit it pretty hard this morning - drug my butt out of bed early and rode my colt. Yoga Burn Week 4 & 5 at lunch - Week 1, Day 1 Push Up challenge. Did really well on food - helped that I wasn't hungry - finished at 630 cals.
    8/6 - 147 - Whew!! Had a FABULOUS ride on my good horse that's been on vacation to kick off the morning. Yoga Burn week 4 & 5 at lunch.
    8/13 - 149.4 not really surprised, but getting back at it this morning. We had an absolutely fabulous time in FL and I think I ate my weight in seafood (not a bit sorry). Rode one colt before work this morning & brought my workout clothes. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - day 1 of pushup challenge. Today was a struggle working out. UGH!
    8/14 - 146.6 Step in the right direction. Kept my cals under goal yesterday. No riding this morning, but cleaned 3 stalls and started working on some basic leash training with my puppy... I need the mosquitos to die so I can start walking the little heathen. Yoga Burn week 5 and Week 2 - Day 2 of pushup challenge at lunch. Hit goal on cals for the day.
    8/15 - 146.0 - At least I'm about back to where I started the month and I can now do a rep of 6 pushups. Slept in a bit - my colt is sore - REALLY missed my morning ride. UGH of a day - went with my bosses to lunch and inhaled a massive enchilada plate, chips & salsa, and a big ol' sopapilla. Dinner was 2 White Claws so didn't go too far over cals.
    8/16 - 146.2 - Much better morning - started with riding a colt I've had turned out for a couple weeks. Wound up being a long day - work/life got in the way of my workouts. We took the kids to the local fiesta all evening, no workout and carnival food.
    8/19 - 145.8 - Rode this morning, ready to get back on track. Yoga Burn Week 6 at lunch and Push Up Challenge Week 3 (I had to modify it a bit) Did decent with food, went a bit over :neutral: NSV for me - 7,5,6,5,7 - I met my goal of being able to do 7 pushups in a rep! Knocked out total of 30 today!
    8/20 - 146.8 - I think it's water weight from last night's pasta. Exhausted so I took the morning off from riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Cleaned 11 stalls last night but food was rather off the rails. Stayed within cal bounds - but 2 cake daylight doughnuts & white claws - ugh!
    8/21 - 10 days left in august. 145.6 - Rode a colt before work - Yoga Burn week 6 & Push Up Challenge wk 3 at lunch 7,5,6,5,7 - I'm pretty happy with this considering I couldn't do more than 3 pushups on my toes a few weeks ago. Hauled hay & stayed under calories. I only had to move about 30 bales from the field - but they're heavy.
    8/22 - 146.4 - Ugh! Pretty body sore & exhausted. No riding. Yoga Burn Week 5 & 6 at lunch. Did well with cals - but I suck at no alcohol. Shot of Titos in soda water with lemon = such a satisfying way to wind down. Got in LOTS of walking this evening.
    8/23 - 146.2 - Happy Friyay! Up and at it early - my colt was freakin fabulous!! He might wind up better than I predicted. One of my Mom's friends gave her a really nice mountain bike & she's letting me have it! I'll have it by Labor day at the latest - I think adding some cardio will really help my results. Yoga Burn 6 at lunch and Push up Challenge - 9,5,7,5,8!!
    8/26 - 144.0 - I finally GOT A BIKE - rode for 30 min Sat and managed not to die - haven't riden one for literally 20 years. LOL! Really busy wknd - lots of riding, gardening, just stuff. Yoga Burn Week 7 and Push Up Challenge Week 4 - 10,12,6,6,7 (I'm repeating week 3 till I can nail it, still a bit short). Rode bike for 30 min. Stayed way under on intake for the day.
    8/27 - 144.0 (perhaps yesterday wasn't a fluke)!! Rode this morning before work. No other workouts - Dr appt at lunch for annual women's exam & more stuff after work. The difference in health care in NM & Texas is truly depressing - came home and consoled myself with 2 big ol glasses of wine & nachos. I miss Texas.
    8/28 - 144.6 - could've been worse after last night's binge - Push Up Challenge - 10,12,6,7,8 & Yoga Burn week 7 at lunch. Rode a colt for a bit & unexpected company showed up and sabotaged my bike riding plans. Stayed well under on cals for the day.
    8/29 - 146.4 - well damn!