Absolutely August!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Congrats on a successful event Austin, in more ways than one! That's great you were able to be prepared and stick with your ETL plan while so busy. I haven't got to the treadmill yet, but it is in my near future. Hoping work starts to settle down after next week.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Great to see you again, Austin. Happy your event was so successful...(what was that exactly?)...and wow, losing during all that stress. I tend to go the other way.

    Today should be really easy. Everything is prepped, even my brekky. I make up baggies (I reuse them) for a week, filled with raw organic GF oatmeal, flax meal, cinnamon, raisins. Then I keep them in the fridge and grab a baggie for breakfast (take to work on workdays)...add my homemade almond or oat milk, frozen wild organic blueberries (so good...get them at TraderJoes)...and I am good to go.

    My meatless meat mixture is still good for tonight's dinner...tacos again. Juices are made. I stir-fried a bunch of veggies yesterday for work lunches for Fri and Sat. Made the rice. All needs to just be reheated.

    Did not have kale salad yesterday...but will pick up two bunches today for four days' worth...take to work...easy to eat in a big sistema cup.

    NO exciting recipes...just standard stuff that is made ahead to keep me focused.


    carrot/apple/cuke juice
    lettuce tomato onion avocado sand on toasted sesame Ezekiel
    TJ meatless tacos
    NICE cream. Yesterday I just made straight banana (added a bit of almond milk to get it going...made in the food processor)...added a dollop of PB...will add mini choco chips (Enjoy brand I think they are called...also Lilly's has vegan chips sweetened with stevia). Frozen in mini cups.

    the end. Have a great day everyone! HAGDE! B)
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hi there! The event was a literature conference that I helped put on.

    @magic71755 - Yeah, I was totally surprised. I have gained weight when stressed for years. I just have to keep being with the fact that it's a whole different body now that I eat so differently. I did also make sure to exercise each day, at least 45 minutes, which is a new thing.

    I did a lot of post-event work yesterday, and am still catching up on food prep. Phew!

    Oh, and we are having friends over for a move night Saturday and my son's birthday on Sunday. I may bake something (cookies for the party maybe; apple cake for sure on Sunday). I love baking even when not eating it. It's a crafts thing for me.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    That is wonderful...volunteering for such a good program, @AustinRuadhain

    Is Apple Cake his favorite? How nice. How old will he be?

    Today ended up going like this ... actually a pretty good day.

    black coffee

    carrot/apple/cuke juice
    *green juice (cukes, celery, apples, lemon, ginger)
    taco mixture heated the leftover on the stove and added about 1/2 package of Trader Joe's baby spinach...made two tacos and then ate the rest as is. So good. Will make that again. But this time will use Gardein make-believe beef crumbles...no gluten.
    dessert: good pop (I must have dessert...I just must!) >:)

    So I ended up here by way of juicing...it started years and years ago...but stopped. Started up again with Joe Cross and Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. Will make this short. Had mid-level centrifugal juicer. It was fine, but then I thought I needed a masticating one. Better quality.

    Bought a Kuvings C7000. Love it. Great quality. ONLY problem...lots and lots of prep work...especially celery. Must be chopped into 1/8th-inch pieces...or the strings get wrapped around the auger and you have a mess. Or you can't open the machine, once juicing is completed. (Gave my mid-level Breville away).

    MISS MY JUICES. Standing that much is just not possible for me. Maybe if I were to lose 20 pounds I could. Sooooooooooooooooo

    Bought a brand new Breville...high end. Arrived today. Beautiful...FAST, QUIET, EASY TO CLEAN. Virtually no prep cept to wash veggies. 3 1/2 inch chute. LOVE IT. Happy to have lots of juice back in my life. Lots less snacking, I HOPE!


    Happy Juicy Me. Later, mates.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    All ready for back to workweek...even have a freshly ironed pink blouse. Speaking of ironing, where are you @00markw ... you definitely have been mia lately.

    Today's Plan (did great prep work Wed and Thur)

    black coffee
    green juice
    rice and veggies
    carrot apple cuke juice
    massaged kale salad
    orange good pop for dessert

    I kept my kitchen pretty clean the last two days...just a couple dishes and pans to wash this morning...easy ...I am so proud of my progress.

    Have a good one everybuddy.

    ETA. Did the dishes! o:)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Well, poop! I forgot my oatmeal. I remembered the almond milk and the frozen blueberries...and left my oatmeal in its nicely prepped baggy in the fridge. -sigh- :(
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hey there!

    @magic71755 - I am so sorry about your oatmeal! How frustrating!
    Yay to doing the dishes. I was up early this morning and baked a lot of tofu. I was sorta pleased to get the dishwasher emptied and then fill it up with all 8 of our plates! (I had been using them to press 4 blocks of tofu -- each between two plates.)

    Your new Breville juicer looks amazing!

    I have an old Champion juicer I bought years ago (an old version of this). It's good enough I have never gotten anything else.

    My son will turn 14 on Sunday. Time flies! His birthday growing up was a Kitchen Sink Carrot Cake (carrots, raisins, coconut, pineapple). The Apple Cake was something I made for a dinner party earlier this year. He wanted to have that again. One of my secret vices is that I bake things I do not eat! Oh, and on the plus side -- he likes my homemade vegan frozen desserts, so will likely do some version of nice cream to go with the cake!

    I love dessert, too. My current dessert is steamed butternut squash, steamed apple, topped with cinnamon and cashew milk. It's sweet and pudding-y.

    Yesterday was a good ETL day:
    B - blended green drink (cauli, spinach, blueberries, cashew milk) with spices (turmeric, pepper, cinnamon), side of almond butter & goji berries
    L - cooked lentils & mushrooms; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed turnip greens with diced turnips; steamed butternut squash and apples with a little cashew milk
    S - almond butter & apple slices
    D - kale, romaine & roasted beet salad with a green goddess dressing (avocado, lemon, tarragon, green onion, cilantro, spices); steamed butternut squash and apples with a little cashew milk
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Happy birthday to your son, Austin! I will try your butternut/apple thing soon. I have been buying frozen butternut lately if I'm not roasting it because it's such a pain to peel and dice, although I've become pretty proficient at it over the past few years. Have you ever thought about a tofu xpress? I have two of them and they make quick mess-free work of pressing tofu.

    Sorry about your oatmeal, Magic. Well done on your awesome preps and cleaning and yay for new juicer!

    Today wasn't perfect but not bad...
    B - oats with the usual
    L - veggie tacos (we ordered in for lunch and I am thinking probably had a small amount of oil)
    D - big ol' salad with beans, watermelon

    I have one more week of crazy at work then I think things will settle down a bit. Sure hope so. I'm going to be spending the entire weekend in there.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Morning all...just having my cuppa black joe...thinking about my menu. Mostly made.

    @Mihani when did new girl start. Wasn't it July and u were supposed to get some relief. Wow, you have been waiting for so long to get your life back. Hope it is soon.

    I have a tofu press...it's this one...https://www.amazon.com/EZ-Tofu-Press-Removes-Texture/dp/B007LLGMG2/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1GB8CI3RPIJCG&keywords=tofu+press&qid=1565439144&s=gateway&sprefix=tofu,aps,195&sr=8-3 it works ok...there are better ones. But this works just fine.

    @AustinRuadhain how thoughtful to be baking for folks, and you just pass on all of it. Wow. Good for you. I am sure the party will be so much fun. Happy Birthday to your son!

    Today's Menu:

    black coffee
    two green juices, one carrot/apple
    massaged kale salad
    OATMEAL...took three little baggies out of the big bag (for the next three days) and put on shelf with all my other containers to take along.
    stir fry veggies (last of it), no rice
    orange good pop for dessert

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Didn't stay at the office too long today so I'll have to put in a long day tomorrow. I stopped at the store on the way home and got kale, chard, asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower. I'll do those in batches in the double-decker electric steamer so they are ready to go into bowls or as a side dish. Going to make quinoa for my bowls, and probably lemon tahini sauce or I'll just use BBQ sauce or salsa. Also got some spring mix and veggies for salad, peaches, pluots, avocados. Planning for a very healthy week ahead. Tonight I'm making corn on the cob, a veggie burger, and some baked beans. Like a picnic dinner.

    Magic, the new gal started in July but we've been so behind for so long that it is going to take months to really get back on top of things I think. It's getting better little by little, and she has taken some major projects off my shoulders already. Glad you remembered your oatmeal today!

    As to the MamaSezz meals, I am not terribly impressed with them. They are good, but they are pretty simple dishes and I can't justify spending that much money for things I could throw together myself in 20 minutes and they would be spiced to my liking. I just have to be more disciplined and make the time to cook a couple times a week. I think for someone new to plant based cooking they would be a really great idea, and I'm not ruling out trying it again now and then, but not on a regular basis.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Rushing out the door...

    spaghetti with mushrooms, onions, garlic, red bell peppers, trader joe's #99 recipe, tinkyada* pasta (I think that's how you spell it)
    3 16 ounce green juices
    stir fry veggie no starch

    good pop for dessert

    later mates, HAGDE

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hey there! The party went well. I had fun making a cake and then got to give it all away, and I stuck with my ETL menu. They boy feels like he got enough sweets, and has asked to wait until later in the week for apple cake.

    B - blended green drink (cauli, spinach, blueberries, cashew milk) with spices (turmeric, pepper, cinnamon), side of almond butter & goji berries
    L - savory baked tofu; cooked lentils & mushrooms; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed turnip greens with diced turnips (got in my pound of green leafys!); steamed butternut squash and apples with a little cashew milk and cinnamon
    S - walnuts & apple slices
    D - kale, romaine & roasted beet salad with a green goddess dressing (avocado, lemon, tarragon, green onion, cilantro, spices); steamed butternut squash and apples with a little cashew milk and cinnamon

    @Mihani - Your picnic dinner sounded so fun! I hope it was tasty!
    I am so glad you are starting to have less of a load, with the new gal being there!

    @magic71755 - You sound super busy with the start of your week. Hurray to your awesome eating plan!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Yay for a great birthday celebration. And look at your son, realizing he has had enough sweets and asks for a delay on his cake...wow...that is a first for me. Nice work, @AustinRuadhain (mom).

    Well, @Mihani at least there is not that much longer (relatively speaking of course) to deal with all this catching up to do. Sounds like you're halfway there...or more, really. Phew. You sure were buried in overtime.

    This is going to sound really crazy, but the weekend Sat/Sun (and you can even include Friday in there) goes really fast, still...even with me working it. And MY weekend Mon 2PM to Fri 7AM kinda takes its time. Just the it always has been for regular working folks. I mean, it sure makes me happy...cuz you guys...IT'S MY WEEKEND AGAIN!

    Not taking too much with me since it is my short day:

    Black Coffee
    Green Juice
    Lara Bar
    Carrot Apple Ginger Juice

    Dinner: Stir Fry veggies with noodles

    Dessert: Good pop.

    Have a great day everyone.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Yay for a great birthday celebration. And look at your son, realizing he has had enough sweets and asks for a delay on his cake...wow...that is a first for me. Nice work, @AustinRuadhain (mom).

    Well, @Mihani at least there is not that much longer (relatively speaking of course) to deal with all this catching up to do. Sounds like you're halfway there...or more, really. Phew. You sure were buried in overtime.

    This is going to sound really crazy, but the weekend Sat/Sun (and you can even include Friday in there) goes really fast, still...even with me working it. And MY weekend Mon 2PM to Fri 7AM kinda takes its time. Just the it always has been for regular working folks. I mean, it sure makes me happy...cuz you guys...IT'S MY WEEKEND AGAIN!

    Not taking too much with me since it is my short day:

    Black Coffee
    Green Juice
    Lara Bar
    Carrot Apple Ginger Juice

    Dinner: Stir Fry veggies with noodles

    Dessert: Good pop.

    Have a great day everyone.

    @magic71755 - Thank you! He's an amazing young man. I have been careful not to tell him or my husband that they need to eat the way I do, but both are choosing to eat more carefully as time goes on. He genuinely just paid attention to his body, noticed he had plenty of sweets (Scouts lock in Friday night, movie night Saturday) and decided he would like to wait!

    Enjoy your short day!

    I got up today and did a Classical Stretch session. It's a show that our local PBS station airs, and the workouts are a little like yoga. I feel looser and lighter afterwards, and am taking that feeling into my Monday!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    This is going to be a topsy turvy week and I may be a bit scarce around here until the weekend but I did my best today... I really didn't have time or inclination to eat much.

    B - nothing
    L - small salad
    D - Dr. McDougall soup, a peach

    Sweet dreams all!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hey @Mihani -- thanks for checking in during the midst of your busy week!

    I found a recipe I want to try. I'll be skipping the butter and using veg broth.

    It has been a good ETL day -- good food choices and more exercise in the evening.

    B - blended green drink (cauli, spinach, blueberries, cashew milk), side of almond butter & goji berries
    L - savoray baked tofu; steamed mushrooms; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed turnip greens with diced turnips; steamed butternut squash and apples with a little cashew milk
    S - almond butter & apple slices
    D - kale, romaine, tomato, red bell pepper & roasted beet salad with a green goddess dressing (avocado, lemon, tarragon, green onion, cilantro, spices); zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed butternut squash and apples with a little cashew milk
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Now why doesn't this ever happen to me: "I really didn't have time or inclination to eat much." @Mihani


    I seem to be able to eat no matter what...and too much usually. Just saying this morning...I have a birthday in two months and need to be down ten pounds.

    Today we are going to visit a relative of my brother in law...it's a morning/early afternoon thing. I am sure I will have to learn how to be polite but pass on the snacks...good practice.

    Having coffee right now...but thinking:

    carrot/apple/ginger juice
    out, visiting a relative
    more juice
    massaged kale salad
    spaghetti with pretty healthy meatless meat sauce, veggies and Trader Joe's #99 sauce Pasta: Tinkyada
    Nice cream for dessert.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Oh no ...old person place.. we are eating in their dining room. Not sure how this is going to work. Shoot! :(
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    It was an assisted living place and she had just moved in six days ago...so we ate there. I ordered a chef salad...pushed the meat and cheese and egg away and ate the lettuce and dressing...Italian on the side. Also, some fruit dish and a side of small baked potato plain. NO one said a word. Yay, me!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member

    black coffee
    carrot/apple/ginger juice
    oatmeal with the usual suspects
    last of my spaghet sauce and tinkyada
    massaged kale salad
    stir fry veggies
    more juice
    nice cream

    the end. HAGDE!