Absolutely August!



  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Sounds like you had a great first day of your new plan, Magic. I think planning it as a short-term thing should make it easier for you to stick with it. Sometimes we need something to shake things up and get us back on track.

    I don't think I've tried goji berries yet Austin... I keep meaning to give them a try. What a fun and healthy date night, going to the gym!

    Welcome back Sloth... been a while since we've seen you around here.

    Sabine, long time no see! Hope you have been well.

    Still super busy with work. Keeping things very simple because I don't have time to worry about cooking. Salads (easy because I contracted out my salad prep), steamed veggies, Dr. McDougall soups, oats, beans, fruit. I hope in another few weeks things will settle at work enough that I can start getting back into cooking. I still want to try the Hello Nutritarian food prep plan, but I just haven't had the time yet. I have tried quite a few of the recipes and they have been good.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Morning all...grouphugg.gif Thanks so much for the support, ladies. Means a lot. Never went off the rails as far as foods other than WFPB...that is set in stone. Just too much of it. Needed a hard reset.

    Today, making a big salad to have for the day, along with my juices. Also, will roast cauliflower @AustinRuadhain YUMMO and broccoli to add to the salad.

    Good to see you Sabine...(it was Sabine who turned me onto this group, knowing I was so into veggies...came here via the south beach group) Big thanks Sabine for that suggestion...super group here!

    Ay ya ya, @Mihani ... still dealing with a crazy work load. Soon, soon you hopefully will be back to a good routine.

    Today looks like this:

    black coffee
    carrot/apple juices
    green juices

    Big salad...working on finding a suitable homemade WFPB dressing

    fresh fruit for dessert tonight

    Lots of water throughout the day

    Have a good one, peeps!

    Highly suggest Kathy Hester YouTube channel. Lots of recipes with every appliance. She has quite a few books on Amazon. Chef A J loves her.

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Family time coming up in September 9/7 - 9/21. Niece had her first baby girl June 29th. The three of them (mommy, daddy, baby) will be visiting from Houston for two weeks, staying at my sister's. I will have one week off during that time... a good thing...will get to visit a lot. Food is going to be an issue.

    I see me bringing over lots of salads (and juices) and hopefully by then, I will have mastered vegan spring rolls to share with everyone. Maybe taking over my favorite vegan pho from my local Vietnamese restaurant would be a good idea. Also, vegan sushi would be something I should try and practice and get good at. All easy things to take along.

    Those of you who go to family homes and you have to tote your own goodies...your tips and tricks will be appreciated.


    Making a fresh batch of Joe's Mean Green, while watching Fat, Sick and Nearly dead on Amazon Prime for the 100th time.

    Interesting to note that it was Dr. Joel Fuhrman who supervised Joe's fast...and was quite on board with what he was doing. My illness is osteoarthritis...severe! And it is because of this, that I embarked on a WFPB way of eating...and juicing for that matter. Going full out juice is not something I have been able to master, but Juice with eating fruits and veggies has made it so I can manage my days without much pain (still have to take it easy and ice when I overdo) but really the difference is I can NOW sleep without pain.

    Gotta love Joe Cross giving me quite a bit of life back.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019

    Beginning Day 4

    2003 weight was 240. Not too bad keeping it off. Lowest was 135. Now, I am shooting for 130 as a goal weight. B)

    SW 147.4

    CW 143.6

    GW 130


  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    Hey @magic71755 -
    Hurray for you, for working on diet and getting yourself to a place where you can sleep comfortable. That's huge!

    I love your idea of taking food that works for you, and enough to share at the family visit. That seems simple and like it allows for the kind of sharing that won't have people left out. I think if you explain you are eating this way to manage your severe osteoarthritis, and that eating off plan makes you hurt, that people could be very understanding. And go ahead and say whatever else is there -- that you want to stay healthy and comfortable, and that you don't want food to be in the way.

    And then -- plan, prep and pack! That's what I have done, anyway!

    If you are tackling spring rolls in the soft rice paper wrappers, I have found those pretty simple!
    Basically, you prep the veggies you want to stuff them with (slices of tempeh or baked tofu would be a nice add) (other ideas, if you pat things dry -- cooked drained beans, cooked mushrooms, pickled onions), and have your rice wrappers ready. You soak a wrapper for 5-10 seconds (it starts to soften), move it to a dry cloth, put in your veggies, and then wrap. The things that take a little attention and practice are how long to soak, and then the pattern for wrapping. Here's a recipe and a demo video

    Joel Fuhrman has a 1995 book about using fasting (Fasting and Eating for Health: A Medical Doctor's Program For Conquering Disease), and I know he occasionally offers an online-supervised intermittent fasting class. It's clearly a tool he sees using. If it's helping you with your severe osteoarthritis, that is great!

    I checked out Kathy Hester. Thanks for the rec!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Such an amazing, complete response @AustinRuadhain ... appreciate the time you took. I will check out the links you provided.

    Today, eye exam (once a year)...at 70, eyes are pretty healthy...doc says just a very slight sign of cataracts. Lulu managed to get hold of my glasses last year...so time to get a new pair regardless of how much my eyesight has changed. Also, misplaced my sunglasses...expensive not having an organized home. Grrr. So will order a new pair.

    All juices are made for today. LOVED my salad yesterday. Used a very simple dressing of lemons, Medjool dates, and tahini AND water to thin it out...tasty and keeping it completely WFPB. TASTY is important, eh? Gotta love what we are eating.

    Have a super day everyone.

    ETA: Printed out the recipes (spring roll and peanut sauce)...love the one you linked. And posted the youtube HOW TO on my facebook page so I would not lose it. PERFECT!
    Thanks again @AustinRuadhain !

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Had a totally healthy eye exam! Yay me. A few years back, she spotted a dot on the back of my eye. Doc labelled it a freckle...but let's watch it. She called me back in 6 months...still the same. And still the same after three years. So, yep, it is a freckle.

    Pressure in my eyes is good. THAT is huge. Very little cataracts...nothing to be concerned about now...too early to do anything.

    Healthy eyes. Must be all that carrots juice. LOL

    Hope y'all are having a great day. Later, mates.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Hello all, been a busy week and not much time to check in but have been reading your updates. I got up extra early this morning so I'm going to head on to the office and try to get some things done before the chaos starts. Maybe I can cut out a bit early so I can run errands and get home to finish my bedroom project. The closet is done but still have to go through dressers and clean. It is really making me feel better to clear out things I don't need or want.

    Plan for today:
    B - oats with the usual additions
    L - salad, cheezy chickpeas, grapes
    D - BBQ tofu, salad, steamed cauliflower
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    weathermanf2.gif Summertime and the living is...well, thank God I do not work outside.

    Hope your day goes well, @Mihani ... I keep hoping to see that things have slowed down for you.

    My juices are ready for today...just have to make TWO batches to carry me through my work week.

    Also, need to clean the kitchen thoroughly, with a steam mop to the floor. I have enough salad stuff for today and I think tomorrow...will see once I clean out the fridge.

    Really feeling better on the FIFTH DAY of my reboot. I did not think it would go this well, truthfully. Yesterday, I picked up cherry toms at Trader Joe's ...oh gosh, so sweet. That is a really good sign that my taste buds are getting a fresh start. I look forward to my salad.

    Today: Lots of juice...big salad with

    Trader Joe's Organic Herb lettuces
    cherry toms
    red, yellow, orange bell peppers
    cannellini beans

    Plant-based dressing featuring lemon, tahini, dates, fresh lemon, water

    watermelon for dessert

    Wishing everyone a great day! watermelonsmileyf.gif

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Made five quarts juice for my work week...four days. And chopped a bunch of veggies to take along with a bit of my dressing. Thinking a chopped salad will work better than a bunch of lettuce.

    Also, taking a small baked potato cold.

    Today, I sauteed onions and mushrooms...so good. Ate it all, along with a small baked potato.

    Hope everyone is having a good evening. later, mates.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    @magic71755 - It sounds like you are set for a great day today. Yum!

    @Mihani - I am looking forward to hearing more about your closet project, when you have time for it!
    I am doing some decluttering and rearranging because the school year is starting. More of that to do today and this weekend!

    @sloth3toes - How are you doing?

    I had a good ETL day yesterday!
    My ETL Thursday:
    B- green smoothie with spices (broccoli, spinach, blackberries, cinnamon, lemon juice, turmeric), side of almond butter and goji berries
    L- small helping of steamed mushrooms; last half helping of the North African Red Lentil Soup; half helping of Mexican Pinto Beans; steamed turnip greens; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed diced butternut squash and apples with cashew milk and cinnamon
    S- apple slices, almond butter
    D- huge salad (massaged kale, romaine, roma tomato, radish, roasted beet); avocado lemon tarragon dressing; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed butternut squash and diced apples with cashew milk and cinnamon
    Exercise: platform stepping (found the Bollywood Workout channel on Pandora!); evening walk (date walk with husband!)

    Have a great Friday, all!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    yayasisters.gif Happy Friday!

    Back to work for me today. It feels like all I did this weekend was shop and prep. But I did stick with my reboot program. Going to keep as is as much as possible for now, even with my two very long workdays.

    Four juices
    Plain baked potato
    Baked apple chips

    @AustinRuadhain your menu is so delicious. Lots of high volume/low density in there. I love that.. Yum. Sweet that you and your DH took a date walk late in the day.

    Wishing everyone a healthy day with smart choices. Later, mates.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    edited August 2019
    @magic71755 If I am reading correctly, you are 70-ish... and still working? I'm not quite 59, and I'm already trying to figure out how to get out of work.

    @AustinRuadhain I am doing pretty well. I think. :| I was exhausted for about 3 months, and it's finally been determined that I have some kind of inflammatory disease which I am taking Prednisone for. It's making me feel substantially better. And I've been off work for a couple of weeks, and I am loving that. It just seems like the right time to try to get my eating habits in order. Again. <sigh>

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    Yup...70, 71 in October.

    I totally stuck to my program today and I’m so proud of myself because 13 hours at work sometimes it’s so difficult because I get bored and all I wanna do is eat but I didn’t except my program ...really proud of myself! have a good evening everybody!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,581 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Yup...70, 71 in October.

    I totally stuck to my program today and I’m so proud of myself because 13 hours at work sometimes it’s so difficult because I get bored and all I wanna do is eat but I didn’t except my program ...really proud of myself! have a good evening everybody!

    Hey @magic71755 - Congratulations on sticking with your program! And so cool that you noticed that your impulse to eat was boredom! I don;t know about you, but when I can see that I an wanting to eat to entertain myself, it makes it easier to not eat and do something else!
    And 70 -- go, you! I love all your energy and enthusiasm and interest in learning and improving, all your engagement with life!

    @sloth3toes - Since you are working on putting your eating habits in order, you might find the work of James Clear interesting! I have been working on my habits, and find that a really helpful place to focus. If you feel like it:
    Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day - James Clear - Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated
    His book, Atomic Habits, has been super helpful to me.

    @Mihani - Thinking of you today, and hoping things slow down soon!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Yup...70, 71 in October.

    @sloth3toes - Since you are working on putting your eating habits in order, you might find the work of James Clear interesting! I have been working on my habits, and find that a really helpful place to focus. If you feel like it:
    Atomic Habits: How to Get 1% Better Every Day - James Clear - Motivation: The Scientific Guide on How to Get and Stay Motivated
    His book, Atomic Habits, has been super helpful to me.

    As far as eating habits go... I have tried so many 'plans...' and nothing has ever stuck. I really feel at this point that striving to eat food, not too much and mostly plants is my best bet.
    I tried to be an ETL'er in my own way... but I couldn't hack it. I hate cooking, and preparing food, which certainly doesn't help.
    I put a hold on Atomic Habits at the library. There are 22 holds on 15 copies so it might be awhile. :|
    But, I have time. :)
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    edited August 2019
    My plan today...

    very much like yesterday!

    black coffee
    four juices
    chopped salad (carrots, red bell peppers, celery, cauliflower, broccoli) with homemade tahini-based dressing
    plain baked potato
    watermelon (I just have to cut it up)

    Wishing everyone a great day, staying on track! trainsmileyf.gif

    (Thank you for the nice words @AustinRuadhain)
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    I am on a short mental health break here. I left the office early yesterday, ran some errands and came home to work on the bedroom some more. Got up early and going to spend the day doing laundry, more cleaning and sorting through things to keep/sell/toss. It's a long and exhausting process! My anxiety level is through the roof with work stress and I needed to get away from it all and have some time to myself, get my mind focused on other things for a bit.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,806 Member
    Sending you hugs Mihani!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,929 Member
    Got a lot done today. It is emotional at times, getting rid of stuff (tossing in the trash or putting into a box to sell) but it feels good too. It is making me feel free in a way, to let go of the things that are cluttering up my home and life. A lot of furniture is going, mostly antiques and nice stuff, but I don't use or need them anymore.

    I'm exhausted though, and my allergies are all kinds of triggered. Going to take a shower, eat dinner, read for a while then bed.

    I had a decently ETL day. Oatmeal for breakfast, a slice of sprouted grain toast loaded with hummus, cucumber and tomato for lunch. Dinner will be something with pasta I think, although I haven't decided what I'm making yet. A little starch heavy, but with all the physical exertion I'm not fussed.

    Hope y'all are having a great weekend!