Absolutely August!



  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    Magic - That oat milk recipe looks delicious. I love Pho too, esp. when I am sick or it is cold.

    Sloth, did you get your tests results?

    Mihani - your work sounds exhausting. I hope the new employee can relieve a bit of the burden and stress.

    Austin - what grade do you teach? It is the busy time for you.

    Well I look like Darth Vader when he took his helmut/mask off. My swim goggles gave me a contact dermatitis. I look like I was beat up with upper and lower eyelids puffy, red and scaly rash. I came home and Brooks had me take a Benadryl and now I am sleepy.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited August 2019
    Just made the best sauce...was inspired by Cheap Lazy Vegan, Rose Lee...she has a youtube channel...I LOVE HER. Fun, informative, creative...and inspiring.

    Sauteed: 1 large onion chopped
    Pint crimini mushrooms chopped
    small eggplant chopped
    1/2 pack Gardein ground meat whatever
    1 T minced garlic (trader joe's jarred)

    Once all nice and browned ... added one pack of Trader Joe's baby spinach...

    Added two jars Trader Joes #99 marinara sauce

    Added one more package trader Joe's baby spinach...

    Putting it over potato. Pretty darn good.

    Huge batch...good for the workweek. Yay.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    @bisky sorry bout your eyes...hoping you are resting now and you are good to go tomorrow.

    Everyone have a good night.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,590 Member
    edited August 2019
    I had a good ETL day yesterday. We went over to visit some friends and watch some pre-season football 🏈 stuff together (Hard Knocks, plus a bit of our team's preseason game; our team looks to be terrible this year, oh well). Anyway, I took my food, including my huge salad and lived through my husband holding it up in all its bigness to show it off. Totally a 3rd grade, don't-look-at-me-being-different moment! Funny afterwards but a moment of complete horror. My husband is bone deep fearless about looking different. Me, not so much! 😱 😆

    On a foodie note, salad dressing had to be different yesterday and will be today because we broke our immersion blender. New part is on the way, but I had to do something a little different. Last time I made a dressing with apple cider vinegar, white miso and some very fresh and fragrant dried oregano (picked up at my local east Asian and middle Eastern market). It was delicious! So that dressing is on the menu again today.

    So SO much work to do to be prepped for classes next week. I am looking to get a bunch of that done today and over the long weekend.

    The big treat on today's agenda is a coffee-and-writing meeting with a friend. I have gotten in a couple of writing sessions this week, and am working my way up to a daily practice.

    B- blueberry-broccoli-spinach smoothie; side of almond butter and goji berries; coffee
    L- turnip greens with diced turnips topped with homemade fermented hot sauce (time to make more this weekend!); savory baked tofu; steamed mushrooms; zucchini, tomato & onion bowl with spices (including a new one aleppo/Turkish pepper!); steamed butternut and apples with cinnamon
    S- apple slices and almond butter
    D- huge salad with ETL-friendly dressing; zucchini, tomato & onion bowl with spices; steamed butternut and apples with cinnamon
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    7am to 8 pm work day

    Black coffee
    3 16 ounce juices
    Chopped salad
    Pasta and sauce
    Good pop at home 🏡

  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Only @mihani could put the labor back into Labor Day.

    @magic71755 Cheap Lazy Vegan sounds right up my alley. Except, I am SO lazy... combing 2 ingredients, is just about my limit.

    @bisky The tests did not go my way. In a nutshell, I've been fatigued beyond belief for months. Not that any Dr's really 'doubted' me... but until certain blood tests came back SO far out of whack... I don't think they really understood how much it sucked to be me. My 'CRP' was 15X beyond normal. The hematologist started me on Prednisone, but the latest tests don't show improvement, so he reckons that's not the course of action. Now, I'm being weened off the Prednisone, and going for more tests.

    High CRP apparently indicates inflammation, infection, or cancer. I have been amazed, how every Dr I've seen, flings the word 'cancer' around.... 'it could be cancer...' I'm like... ya but it's probably inflammation or infection. When did Dr's stop sugarcoating everything for the patient.? :|

    Anyhow, I'm off work, so there's that. :)

  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    Sloth = I am sorry about the tests but good to know there really is something causing your fatigue and not your imagination. Keep at your Dr. to figure this out.

  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,940 Member
    Sloth, I agree with Bisky. Need to stay on the docs and get some answers.

    Austin, the Asian salad dressing sounds delish. I like "theme" salads but usually just throw all the veggies in a bowl and go. Hope you're getting through all your projects!

    Magic, are you working the holiday weekend?

    Donna, are your eyes cleared up yet?

    I'm off to work shortly. It was nice to sleep in until 7:30 (I'm usually at the office by that time) and I imagine I will only stay at the office 6 hours or so today and tomorrow, then bring work home to do on Monday. I am seriously considering a one day water fast for Monday. Just for fun.

    Plan today:
    B - sprouted grain muffin with PB, a banana
    L - big ol' salad with all the stuff
    D - boca burger, corn on the cob, baked beans
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    edited August 2019
    Inflammation is the culprit to many diseases, from what I understand listening to all the plant-based doctors. If you have not watched Forks over Knives...do so. And be vigilant on what you are eating...you probably are already. :)

    Honestly, I was in so much pain before I actually cut out all NON-plant-based foods. And added turmeric. I get mine from Andrew Lessman, Pro Caps Labs. He has a website. Very pure stuff...but more expensive than others. Also, I have cut out gluten...ezekiel sesame bread gets a pass...otherwise i try to be GF!

    Sloth, I used to go to sleep with ice bags wrapped around my knees to numb them so I could sleep. I don't do that anymore. I sleep without pain. The only time I have pain now is when I overdo...and am standing too long. I am bone on bone on both knees...and the pain can be excruciating if I eat poorly or do too much.

    There is a website of Plant-Based Doctors...and some you can write or call and get a consultation.

    Link: https://www.plantbaseddoctors.org/

    Forks Over Knives is on Netflix.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member

    1 1/2 juices
    Rice spaghetti Tinkyada and my sauce
    Cukes and dip
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    Sauce: Yum! I bought a large of Chipotle at Costco. So good. http://bitchinsauce.com/#product
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,590 Member
    Happy weekend, all!
    I started my weekend off by waking up really early (before 5), and doing a bunch of work, then headed out for a long martial arts class. I came home and had to have lunch and a short nap. Now I am about to head to the grocery store, as I am running low on supplies!

    @sloth3toes - Wow. I am so sorry you are dealing with so much, and glad that they at least have a test result that has them taking how you feel seriously. As Bisky and Mihani say, keep bugging them to work with you on this. And of course keep taking care of yourself, to try to help your body fight that probable inflammation or infection.

    @magic71755 - Your new Chipotle sauce sounds yummy!
    Your testimonial to the results of all you have done to improve your health is so inspiring!

    @Mihani - I hope you are home by now, and getting in some relaxation!

    @Bisky - How is your case of contact dermatitis? Clearing up yet?

    Thank you all for being part of this ETL community. I am so glad to know other people on this journey. I really appreciate hearing about your food ideas, resources, and your lives in general!
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    I didn't mean to take up so much 'room' in this thread, with my medical issues. :|
    I do appreciate all the well-wishes, and advice.
    I am on the Dr's as much as I can be. I was given requisitions for 2 tests, and told come back and see the hematologist. When I found out one of the tests was scheduled for after the hematologist would have left for 3 weeks of vacation... I was able to bump up the date, so I'd have them done and see him again before he leaves.
    I am trying to eat, 'better.' 'Cleaner,' as it were... But, currently, I feel like eating full on ETL, is beyond me. So far, my only hard and fast rules are, no meat, and no dessert. I am eating a LOT more salad. I have lost 5 lbs. The weight loss is welcome, but I will need to keep this up, and ramp it up, to really expect any results.

    I've seen Forks over Knives... I've probably seen most of the popular documentaries. I tend to agree with the messages... But, I've tried going full fart into a few different eating lifestyles, and I can't stick with any of them. So, I am hoping, Eating food, Not too much, mostly plants will be a good way to get back into the game.


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,813 Member
    "Eating food, Not too much, mostly plants will be a good way to get back into the game". It's a super duper way to get back in the game. Hugs, kiddo!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,940 Member
    I got home yesterday and tackled my office. It took a lot longer than I thought. I cleaned it up a few months ago and thought I did a pretty good job, but it's very different going in with the mindset of clearing out rather than cleaning up. That was the last project other than the garage and I can't get to the garage until I get the haulers in here and get rid of all the junk that is now bagged and piled in the garage and various spots in the house.
  • bisky
    bisky Posts: 1,009 Member
    Awesome Mihani! I frequently cycle through rooms after I thought I had cleared out and happily find more things to get rid of. I think it makes it easier to live. Remember, some of the sentimental stuff or papers you are not sure of take a picture and then toss!

    Sloth - I think we all care and don't mind discussing medical issues or offering encouragement, support and advice. Sometimes it is easier to talk here than with family. You are on the right track. I wish I could be full on Eat to Live but I like wine, chocolate and carbs (cookies, chips and bread - the bad kind) ...I think we all are just trying to find balance in our lives. That is what I love about this forum...it is very non judgemental but offers information, support and place safe to share.

    Fruit vegan smoothie this morning! Walk dogs and then bike ride. We have a bunch of toads in our back yard and Brooks made toad houses for them with rocks but they still like to hide in our planters.

    Happy Weekend!
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,940 Member
    That cracked me up thinking of Brooks making toad houses. I picture him giving the toads a realtor spiel... lovely starter home in a great neighborhood.