Absolutely August!



  • LizLovesVeggies
    LizLovesVeggies Posts: 39 Member
    Hi All - Reading all your updates. Busy work week so I'll make it brief.

    Today I passed on a bunch of donuts & cake that I would have LOVED to eat. Same bakery as did my (vegan) wedding! But I said to myself, "my health goals are more important that eating this right now" and passed. More for my office mates who can try vegan desserts for the first time!

    BTW Austin - I LOVE this Italian apple cake by Chef Chloe. (for future apple cake adventures!)

    Happy Wednesday to all,

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hi All - Reading all your updates. Busy work week so I'll make it brief.

    Today I passed on a bunch of donuts & cake that I would have LOVED to eat. Same bakery as did my (vegan) wedding! But I said to myself, "my health goals are more important that eating this right now" and passed. More for my office mates who can try vegan desserts for the first time!

    BTW Austin - I LOVE this Italian apple cake by Chef Chloe. (for future apple cake adventures!)

    Happy Wednesday to all,

    Liz -- Happy Wednesday! So lovely to see you!

    A huge CONGRATULATIONS on forgoing the vegan donuts & cake. That took willpower.

    The Italian Apple Cake looks great! I will have to try it!

    @magic71755 - I was so inspired at your making the meal at the assisted living place work. I can only imagine how slim the pickings were. And I love it that nobody said anything! You made it work!!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Zowie! I changed up the spicing on my morning smoothie, and loved the result. I got started using more spices in this because of @Mihani , I think. Anyway, I have gotten interested in north African spicings, and this was inspired by those flavors.

    In case you feel adventuresome, this is a general recipe: 2 c cashew milk, 4-5 oz frozen cauliflower florets, 4-5 oz frozen spinach, 3 oz blueberries, 1 T lemon juice, 1/2 t cinnamon, 1/4 t turmeric, 2 t dried mint

    In a similar vein, today's cooking project is a nutritarian take (no so oil, veg broth rather than chicken) on Red Lentil Soup with North African Spices. The recipe looks long, but most of what's there is the spices. The base is really a simple pot of red lentils.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    Hi All, still scrambling with work but caught up with everyone's posts. Everyone seems to be doing great!!! I did manage to get a bunch of veggies steamed last night and roasted some mushrooms so lunches will be easy peasy now through the weekend. Salad and beans for dinners. Oats for breakfasts. Some fruit here and there. This is the only way for me to stay on track when I'm this busy. Keep it simple and have it prepped.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Good job everyone!


    Black coffee
    Green Juice x 2
    Oatmeal with the usual suspects
    Stir Fry veggies no pasta nor rice
    Bare Baked Apple 🍎 Chips
    Dinner. Hmmm. Not sure
    Orange good pop
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Hello, all!

    Red Lentil Soup with North African Spices is easy (if these are spices in your cupboard) and excellent.
    Changes I made: cook the onions in water; substitute water for broth; double the amounts of ground coriander, ground cumin, ground ginger, ground cinnamon, cayenne; skip making the spiced butter. Adding fresh cilantro and lemon juice at the end is likely great, but I forgot. I'll do that tomorrow when I eat it again!

    Dinner was a zucchini, tomato and onion bowl and a large kale & romaine salad with a tomatillo and spice dressing. Steamed squash and apples for dessert.

    @Mihani - How great that you are caught up on prep! I am imagining you as a blur!

    @magic71755 - Have fun choosing dinner, and enjoy that Good Pop!

    Off to do some walking!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    August 16, 2019
    Black Coffee
    Two Green Juices, One Carrot/Orange/Ginger
    Massaged Kale salad
    BARE Baked apple chips
    Orange Good Pop

    Morning all...made up my menu last night. I had a rough sleep last night...good thing I am ready to go today, as far as prepping my food.

    Have a great Friday, everyone! Later, mates.
  • Mihani
    Mihani Posts: 3,964 Member
    The soup sounds delightful Austin. Yay for being all prepped Magic! Way to go staying the course in the face of temptation, Liz!

    Just making a quick stop lots to do yet tonight so I can spend the weekend in the office. I keep thinking this is going to come to an end, but in all reality it is likely going to be months before we catch up the backlog from the years of being way too busy and not having enough help. It's pretty discouraging.

    On the bright side, having lots of steam/sauteed veggies and roasted 'shrooms has been wonderful the last couple days at lunch. Just have to add 1/2 cup of beans and some fruit and lunch is complete. I need to make sure I do this every week.
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member

    Three juices
    Black coffee
    Ezekiel follow your heart cheese panini
    Unsweetened coconut yogurt with a touch of maple 🍁 syrup
    Baked apple chips
    Cauliflower and Bitchin dip
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited August 2019
    Beginning tomorrow (for five days) juice all day

    Steamed and air fried veggies for dinner

    Good luck 🍀 to me! 🙄
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Made a bunch of juice this morning...had some...full. Usually, I have my oatmeal. Trying this for five days to kick start something. I am going nowhere fast...and actually the wrong way.

    I will have veggies cooked tonight...not sure if they will be steamed, air fried or stir-fried. But there will be some sort of cooked veggies.

    I started today, because of only 8 hours today and 7 hours tomorrow at work. Tues- Thur should be fairly easy...being home.

    Hope everyone is doing ok.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hey @magic71755 !
    I hope your juice days go well for you!

    I am doing well, thanks!

    My Saturday:
    Water: plenty
    Exercise: platform stepping (45 min)
    Food: a smidge under my calories goal, all good ETL choices. I packed my dinner salad etc and took it to a potluck. Nobody minded or even mentioned it.
    B- green smoothie, coffee, side of goji berries and almond butter
    L- small helping of red lentil soup with a splash of lemon juice and a bit of cilantro; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl with spices; steamed turnip greens with diced turnips; steamed mushrooms with nooch; steamed butternut squash and apples, with some blueberries and cashew milk
    S- almond butter and apple slices
    D- (took to potluck!) zucchini, tomato and onion bowl with spices; large salad (kale, romaine, roma, roasted beet) with a tomatillo-based dressing; steamed butternut squash and apples, with some cashew milk

    Sunday plans:
    Similar food and water
    Exercise: platform stepping, plus I may try a workout DVD I checked out from the library yesterday
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Austin, look at you going to potluck and rocking it! Great job! Did you bring plenty for others. Wondering how that works.

    So I have 5 1/2hours to go. Not hungry but I miss eating/chewing that’s why I am eating dinner.

    Making stir fry fresh veggies tonight and roasted cauliflower!

    Here’s what I brought to work...

  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »
    Austin, look at you going to potluck and rocking it! Great job! Did you bring plenty for others. Wondering how that works.

    So I have 5 1/2hours to go. Not hungry but I miss eating/chewing that’s why I am eating dinner.

    Making stir fry fresh veggies tonight and roasted cauliflower!

    Here’s what I brought to work...

    @magic71755 - I took my dinner, and we also took a dish to share.
    Your dinner sounds great! I love roasted cauliflower!
  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    edited August 2019
    Thanks so much for the support, @AustinRuadhain ... I had to do something to "stop the bleeding"...so to speak.

    I have no idea how people go on an extended juice fast...juice only for upwards to 100 days. I only was able to juice only during the day, knowing I would be able to eat veggies at night.

    I had stir-fried (used water to stir fry) veggies. Also a few Bare apple chips for dessert. That was it.

    Bring on day two. More of the same, but I get home from work early so I will be roasting (air fry) broccoli and cauliflower to munch, along with more dinner of stir-fried veggies.

    I actually slept really well...which surprised me. Keeping fingers crossed this jump starts me into a better routine...more in line with ETL like you all.

    Later, mates. Have a great w_mondaybfly2.gif !
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    magic71755 wrote: »

    I have no idea how people go on an extended juice fast...juice only for upwards to 100 days. I only was able to juice only during the day, knowing I would be able to eat veggies at night.

    Hi y'all. I am the sloth, a completely lapsed ETL'er... who is 'back' for some motivation. I've been sick for awhile, and I have to 'assume' my horrible eating habits are largely to blame. So, I hope to get to 'Eating food. Not too much. Mostly plants.' This would be a big step in the right direction for me.

    As for juicing... I did that. Several years ago now. I did 10 days of straight juice, then I added in salads, etc. I lost quite a bit of weight. But, it certainly wasn't sustainable.


  • magic71755
    magic71755 Posts: 3,826 Member
    Welcome @sloth3toes ...we're glad you're here. Yes...eat food, not too much, mostly plants. -mark bittman

    Looking forward to seeing your health improve!

  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    sloth3toes wrote: »
    magic71755 wrote: »

    I have no idea how people go on an extended juice fast...juice only for upwards to 100 days. I only was able to juice only during the day, knowing I would be able to eat veggies at night.

    Hi y'all. I am the sloth, a completely lapsed ETL'er... who is 'back' for some motivation. I've been sick for awhile, and I have to 'assume' my horrible eating habits are largely to blame. So, I hope to get to 'Eating food. Not too much. Mostly plants.' This would be a big step in the right direction for me.

    As for juicing... I did that. Several years ago now. I did 10 days of straight juice, then I added in salads, etc. I lost quite a bit of weight. But, it certainly wasn't sustainable.


    You're on the right track!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited August 2019
    Hello @sloth3toes ! Welcome!
    I hope we can support you as you work to get healthier! I have lost all the weight I set out to lose (140+ lbs) and am much healthier after close to a year of ETL, so I can certainly say this has worked well for me. I hope it can for you as well!

    @magic71755 - If a juice fast helps you reset, that's great. I have done a couple in the distant past!

    My ETL day:
    B- green smoothie with spices inspired by (I think) Mihani (broccoli, spinach, blackberries, cinnamon, lime juice, turmeric), side of almond butter and goji berries
    L- small helping of steamed mushrooms; North African Red Lentil Soup; Red Cabbage and Mango Slaw; steamed turnip greens; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed butternut squash; apple slices
    S- apple slices, almond butter
    D- huge salad (massaged kale, romaine, roma tomato, roasted beet); avocado lime tarragon dressing; Red Cabbage and Mango Slaw; zucchini, tomato and onion bowl; steamed butternut squash with cashew milk
    Exercise: midday walk, resistance training at the gym in the evening (date night with husband!)

    Have a great Tuesday, all!