

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited September 2019
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @AustinRuadhain I like your veggie and fruit ideas! I don't eat a lot of fruit in general but love vegetables as you probably noticed. I grew up on frozen peas, canned green beans, potatoes, corn or corn on the cob, etc. I've challenged myself to trying a new vegetable every week or so. Last week was turnips which I love, this week is frozen okra. I'm making a lentil vegetable soup from Forks Over Knives and am thinking of adding it but don't want to ruin the soup if I don't like it!

    Saturday check-in
    Calories under
    Exercise bike, weights, elliptical
    Water over

    I doubt there's an entry for cardio on MFP for it but I spent the morning chasing the kittens around the house to take in for shots. Ridiculous how hard one of them was to catch, I had to take them in separately as he wouldn't come from under the bed. Ran a bunch of errands then started soup (it's still in the 90s though). I have my workout to do then studying.

    This so delightful! I can imagine it was a GREAT workout! Kittens, running, cardio -- I am so giggling at this!
    (Would this be a candidate for sharing in this week's Fat2Fit Moderator's challenge? )

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    @Apple852hk - Congratulations on fitting in the family's birthday treats without going crazy! You are only up a smidge, and you will totally knock that back off soon!

    @bethanie0825 - What a GREAT weekend you had (under calories and over steps)! 👍🏽👍🏽

    @buniphuphu - Wow! Brilliant weigh-in! 😮 Not surprising, but congratulations on being on this week's ☝️ leaderboard for the entire Fat2Fit group!

    @Digger61 - Great job holding steady! 😀

    @hinemoa2088 - Woohoo! ✨ Brilliant weigh-in! ✨

    @Jamidi - It sounds like you will be having a super busy day today. Bringing consciousness to evening sounds like it could help you make better choices! (Mindfulness! 🧘)

    @ka97 - Great job holding steady! 😀 Aren't you in the midst of the back-to-school crunch? Hopefully things will settle down soon!

    @Katmary71 - I am crossing my fingers 🤞 that some of that whoosh stays for you today. And either way -- you are doing SUCH a great job of staying focused on the actions that have you getting healthier. ( More than 90 pounds down now -- wow! ) Whatever today's number is, you are headed the right direction! 👍🏽👍🏽

    @Kres567 - It sounds like you had a busy day yesterday! Great job making water and good food choices happen! 🌊 🍎

    @mrmcgrath - I love your goals-- meal planning! 🍳 fitting in exercise at lunch! 😅 It all sounds great! 😀
    🏡 And I had to smile at "Exercise: house remodel.." I hope that work is going well!

    @raleighgirl09 - How lovely that you got to have a day centered around Hazel! It sounds like you did a super great job eating reasonably!
    Oh, and "I have to be ok with this rhythm of my eating will fluctuate - and my weight will fluctuate. ... I must learn how to do this part in the same way I approach weight loss because I think that's how I'll avoid an on-again, off-again approach that is just gaining and being sad about it. Been there and done that a few times and am ready to just lose and then be in the maintenance rhythm and let life be life." This is such a smart thing to be thinking about. And, hey, to reference this week's challenge -- all those thoughts and feelings about the number on the scale bouncing around from sodium are... just thoughts and feelings. (And, yes, I loved your mindfulness post wioth the James Baraz quotation!) Anyway, hang in there! 🤗🤗🤗
    Aaaand... Congratulations on being on this week's ☝️ leaderboard for the entire Fat2Fit group! Great reminder for you of how great you are doing, when those thoughts and feelings about numbers show up.

  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    Sunday Check In
    Calories: on target, all healthy choices/on plan
    Water: on target
    Exercise: walked including some steps while son was in class - yay! and then some platform stepping with some arm work while watching Sunday night football (Bonus - made it easier not to eat "football snacks!")
    Steps: over
    Martial Arts: Yes! Yay!
    Other: Did a little work on my office. It's not done yet, but reminding myself here that progress is progress, and a win! (I am having the thought that "it wasn't enough." Thank you, thoughts and feelings. Moving on!)

    Monday Plans/Goals/Improvements
    Calories: on target, all healthy choices/on plan
    Water: on plan or over
    Exercise: martial arts class
    Steps: at least 7500
    Martial Arts: at least 2 minutes
    Other: More work on my home office today!
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    Jactop wrote: »
    Thank you @AustinRuadhain and @TeresaW1020 . Your mindfulness challenge and info couldn't have come at a better time. My father passed away yesterday, I have a couple of rough and busy weeks ahead and I'm hoping mindfulness meditation will help me get through it.

    I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope meditation brings you some comfort.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    Monday check-in and weigh day
    Calories under, too far under, need to improve this
    Exercise recumbent bike
    Water over
    Previous weight: 134
    Current weight: 131.4
  • angielove88
    angielove88 Posts: 85 Member
    Username: angielove88
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 172.8
    Current Weight: 171.2

    This week has been a bit busy at work.
    Eating more fruit and veggies.
    Small change but at least it's going down.
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited September 2019
    Username: angielove88
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 172.8
    Current Weight: 171.2

    This week has been a bit busy at work.
    Eating more fruit and veggies.
    Small change but at least it's going down.

    🥳 Brilliant weigh-in! Really! 🎉 1.6 is great!

    And congratulations on eating more fruit and veggies! Such a healthy choice! 🍒🥬👍
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Monday check-in and weigh day
    Calories under, too far under, need to improve this
    Exercise recumbent bike
    Water over
    Previous weight: 134
    Current weight: 131.4

    🥳 Woohoo! Excellent weigh-in!
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,587 Member
    edited September 2019
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Monday 9/2 checkin
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 196.8
    Weigh in Week 1 (9/2): 198.2
    Weigh in Week 2 (9/9): 198.4

    I am struggling with mindset. I am up to the mindfulness challenge. I am frustrated at myself for not staying in calories by the end of each day. I need to change something, just don't know what! I appreciate everyone here. It is helpful to hear from you all...

    Great Discussion Question! What to Do About Evening Cravings?

    Okay, Slimpossibles, this is a great discussion question. What do you do?

    Leona, something I have done is declare I don't eat after a certain time (intermittent fasting). And if I was feeling super maddeningly crave-y, offer myself something healthy and filling but boring -- 3 ounces of plain chicken breast (yours might be something different). If I didn't want to eat 3 ounces of plain old chicken breast, I could then laugh and note that I wasn't actually hungry, and then do something else fun/distracting since it was a habit or an emotional thing.
  • angielove88
    angielove88 Posts: 85 Member
    Username: angielove88
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 172.8
    Current Weight: 171.2

    This week has been a bit busy at work.
    Eating more fruit and veggies.
    Small change but at least it's going down.

    🥳 Brilliant weigh-in! Really! 🎉 1.6 is great!

    And congratulations on eating more fruit and veggies! Such a healthy choice! 🍒🥬👍
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Monday check-in and weigh day
    Calories under, too far under, need to improve this
    Exercise recumbent bike
    Water over
    Previous weight: 134
    Current weight: 131.4

    🥳 Woohoo! Excellent weigh-in!

    Thank you!! @AustinRuadhain 😁😁
  • angielove88
    angielove88 Posts: 85 Member
    Monday check in:
    So far so good for a day off.
    Just came back home from an hour hike to my local beach. I'm lucky enough to have it as a backyard 😉
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    leonadixon wrote: »
    Monday 9/2 checkin
    Username: leonadixon
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 196.8
    Weigh in Week 1 (9/2): 198.2
    Weigh in Week 2 (9/9): 198.4

    I am struggling with mindset. I am up to the mindfulness challenge. I am frustrated at myself for not staying in calories by the end of each day. I need to change something, just don't know what! I appreciate everyone here. It is helpful to hear from you all...

    Great Discussion Question! What to Do About Evening Cravings?

    Okay, Slimpossibles, this is a great discussion question. What do you do?

    Leona, something I have done is declare I don't eat after a certain time (intermittent fasting). And if I was feeling super maddeningly crave-y, offer myself something healthy and filling but boring -- 3 ounces of plain chicken breast (yours might be something different). If I didn't want to eat 3 ounces of plain old chicken breast, I could then laugh and note that I wasn't actually hungry, and then do something else fun/distracting since it was a habit or an emotional thing.

    Thank you for the suggestion! I have implemented that pretty well as far as late snacking. I guess my bigger issue is dinner. I do well most of the day, but when dinner rolls around, I blow my allotted, leftover calories. I just blow it. I just don't adhere to what I know I need to do. And I don't know what to do about my attitude. :(
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Check in for Monday:

    Goals for Monday:
    1. Workout in the morning✅ worked out at night instead. It rained all day here
    2. High protein meals with lots of veggies for snacks✅
    3. If it doesn’t rain tomorrow night go for a walk while my daughter is at gymnastics❌
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    @Jactop I'm sorry for your loss.

    Yay team for being #1 for Week 1!

    Saturday and Sunday Check-In
    Under calories both days.
    Steps on Saturday - 15893
    Sunday - 12782

    Your steps are still consistently amazing!
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Username: angielove88
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Monday
    Previous Weight: 172.8
    Current Weight: 171.2

    This week has been a bit busy at work.
    Eating more fruit and veggies.
    Small change but at least it's going down.

  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    Monday check-in and weigh day
    Calories under, too far under, need to improve this
    Exercise recumbent bike
    Water over
    Previous weight: 134
    Current weight: 131.4

    It’s tough trying to find the right balance of calories in and out. I hope you have a great week and find what works! Nice loss in the meantime! 😊
  • SarahGilfach
    SarahGilfach Posts: 33 Member
    Weigh in:

    Username: SarahGilfach
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Weight: 142
    Week 1 weight: 139.8
    Current weight: 140.4

    Yes, it's a gain, but it's a little one, and it's been a rough week so I'm not too disappointed. Far bigger is my disappointment that I can't go for my run today due to a painful knee and foot. Technically I could run but I'd only be making them worse and risking actual injury so I'm going to be sensible and do an upper body workout instead for my exercise today. :(
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,689 Member
    Weigh in:

    Username: SarahGilfach
    Weigh in week: 2
    Weigh in day: Tuesday
    Previous Weight: 142
    Week 1 weight: 139.8
    Current weight: 140.4

    Yes, it's a gain, but it's a little one, and it's been a rough week so I'm not too disappointed. Far bigger is my disappointment that I can't go for my run today due to a painful knee and foot. Technically I could run but I'd only be making them worse and risking actual injury so I'm going to be sensible and do an upper body workout instead for my exercise today. :(

    Oh no, sorry to hear about your knee and foot, I hope they'll be better tomorrow! Smart thinking with the workout.
  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Good morning! I’m writing from my new home where everything is a huge mess but at least we are here. I worked so hard yesterday that I managed to really hurt my back so today I am under strict husband orders to lift NO boxes!! At least I have most of my kitchen unpacked and my computer up and running. :)

    @Jactop, so very sorry to read about the loss of your father. ((((Hugs)))) You had a great loss this week!

    @raleighgirl09, learning to be OK with the rhythm of our lives and being OK that weight will fluctuate is so important to living a life where we aren’t constantly beating ourselves up. Glad to read that you had a wonderful time at the birthday party for Hazel!

    Great Discussion Question! What to Do About Evening Cravings?

    When I started intermittent fasting it really helped with my evening cravings. I had gotten into a habit of after-dinner snacking even if I wasn’t hungry at all. Now I eat dinner and turn on my fasting app and drink plain sparkling water. It took a few weeks to get over the desire for a snack but now I’m totally used to it.

  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Tuesday 9/10 checkin
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 205.2
    Todays Weight:

    Calories: over/under? Under
    Water: over/under? Over
    Exercise: stationary bike and scrubbing kitchen floors

    Goals or Improvements for today:
    Gym after work

  • jugar
    jugar Posts: 10,202 Member
    @TeresaW1020 - congratulations on your move! Now rest that back, take your time unpacking, and all will be well.
    I like your info on IF and evening eating. Even someone who is NOT doing IF can benefit from deciding to fast from the end of supper to the beginning of breakfast. As you say, once you get used to it, it is easy!
This discussion has been closed.