TEAM: The Slimsons (November)



  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise 2.5 mile run

    Better day today. Emotional day with the funeral but I made it a point to run in the morning and not feed my emotions.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    edited November 2019
    Daily Post: Saturday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 30 minute outdoor run

    Comments: I have to say, it started out as a pretty challenging week, but has ended up turning out pretty well. Once thing I'm discovering is that I am becoming better and better at fasting. NOT eating once caused me stress and panic (can you say HANGRY :D ), it now gives me a sense of calm and balance. In the past I absolutely could not go to bed without eating something. Two eggs before bed had been my go-to. Although it wasn't unhealthy, I felt like I was a slave to my hunger pangs. I've been experimenting with closing my eating window earlier and earlier and to my surprise, I really like going to bed and waking up with a fully empty stomach and it actually makes my morning fasting easier. Granted, I have not been working out to the extent that I had been previously, so maybe that's why the fasting has been such a positive experience for me, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. Also realizing that I may need to eat my OMAD meal in a two hour window instead of the traditional one hour window. I ate my meal in a two hour window today and it really helped keep me from gorging myself to the point of over-fullness although I consumed the same amount of calories as I had the day before. I think I will play it by ear day to day and see what works. Maybe some days will be one hour, some two. One thing I have never liked are strict rules, so I enjoy staying flexible when it comes to my WOE. I'm more of a guidelines kinda girl ;)
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    143tobe wrote: »
    Daily Post: Saturday

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Yes
    Exercise: Yes, 30 minute outdoor run

    Comments: I have to say, it started out as a pretty challenging week, but has ended up turning out pretty well. Once thing I'm discovering is that I am becoming better and better at fasting. NOT eating once caused me stress and panic (can you say HANGRY :D ), it now gives me a sense of calm and balance. In the past I absolutely could not go to bed without eating something. Two eggs before bed had been my go-to. Although it wasn't unhealthy, I felt like I was a slave to my hunger pangs. I've been experimenting with closing my eating window earlier and earlier and to my surprise, I really like going to bed and waking up with a fully empty stomach and it actually makes my morning fasting easier. Granted, I have not been working out to the extent that I had been previously, so maybe that's why the fasting has been such a positive experience for me, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts. Also realizing that I may need to eat my OMAD meal in a two hour window instead of the traditional one hour window. I ate my meal in a two hour window today and it really helped keep me from gorging myself to the point of over-fullness although I consumed the same amount of calories as I had the day before. I think I will play it by ear day to day and see what works. Maybe some days will be one hour, some two. One thing I have never liked are strict rules, so I enjoy staying flexible when it comes to my WOE. I'm more of a guidelines kinda girl ;)

    @143tobe I actually find it soooo much easier to fast than eat. If I eat, I tend to go overboard, and you'd think that after nearly 3 years of weight loss I'd have learned self control...but nope. Old habits die hard I suppose. I think this is why the ADF is working so well for me. It wasn't even a hard adjustment for me, the first day I did rely on chicken broth a bit more than I do now. Now I'm relying on the warmth of coffee... :smile:

    And I told you, that you'd surprise yourself if you started moving your eating window, not that you believed me or anything, but we as humans can get used to just about anything....and eventually it can become normal...Personally I love waking up fasted and working out fasted, I like the energy I have from using my own stored fat actually better than the energy I get from food and I've been doing this all so long I can tell the difference...and there is a lot of power in knowing your own body.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    LadyRN76 wrote: »
    Track: yes
    Calories: under
    Exercise 2.5 mile run

    Better day today. Emotional day with the funeral but I made it a point to run in the morning and not feed my emotions.

    @LadyRN76 Glad you found a way to make it all work. Emotions are hard. Funerals are hard, and harder still to not eat your feelings, because that really isn't going to help either.
  • AB0215
    AB0215 Posts: 7,141 Member
    143tobe wrote: » are so hardcore. That weight looks impossibly heavy. And Lita Ford and Ozzy! I love that song! Amazing job on the weight loss. Looks like your new diet adjustments are working out well for you. yay!

    @143tobe Having goals is what keeps me going. Olympic Weightlifting is why I started losing weight and what kept me going and ironically I wanted to get to the 64 kg weight class, well I am now out of that weight class altogether (didn't even get to compete in it lol) and into the 59 kg weight class. And the weight isn't super heavy, the Snatches are about 90-95% of my current max and the Clean and Jerk is 85% of my max, and neither felt hard for the sets, so that's encouraging too, means I am in a strong position to push past my maxes this month. Again. And if I do, it will be the 3rd time this year I've hit new PRs and these working sets I hit yesterday were all heavier than the lifts I managed a year ago at my meet.

    And for the record, you're the one who gave me the strength to push past when I was struggling a few weeks ago, proving my point, we all need help sometimes and why this group is great, we don't always have strength and we all need reminders that we're capable every now and again, and I am no exception.
  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,839 Member
    Nov week 1
    PW 220
    CW 219
  • o0kody0o
    o0kody0o Posts: 642 Member
    🌟Daily Post: Saturday, 9 November

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Under
    Exercise: Just under 3 miles walking
  • LadyRN76
    LadyRN76 Posts: 4,275 Member
    Track: yes
    Calories: Under
    Workout: 4 mile walk

    It's been a busy day because it was so beautiful!! 70 degrees so lots of cleaning up outside. Enjoying these days while I can!!
  • tdrjustus3
    tdrjustus3 Posts: 542 Member
    Week 1
    CW: 291.0
  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    Daily post Friday/Saturday
    On track
    Carbs: on track
    Comments: pretty much slept all day long my hours got a little weird there. Also trying to figure out how to balance this keto diet a little better. It's like one min I think I have it down but then I confuse myself, also seems like when I look anything up as to if it's good or bad there is so much controversy over it some say yes some say no then I'm just confused again. So just gonna do what I think is best and trail and error it out.
  • satchel2008
    satchel2008 Posts: 136 Member
    Well regarding the question of the week that question has haunted me the last week or so. I seem to have hit yet another plateau. So I'll most likely just enjoy myself. I'm also kind of hoping that maybe it will be like hitting the restart button. I talked to my mom and my sister who did keto a couple years ago and they said a maybe what I need to kind of restart the process again. Either that or they just want me to eat their food LOL. Either way I'm probably just going to enjoy myself. I'm not making that much progress as it is with this plateau so I'm not sure I see the harm as long as I jump right back on the horse.
  • walk4today
    walk4today Posts: 1,195 Member
    Username walk4today
    November week 1
    PW 247.4
    CW 247.2

  • southgirl94
    southgirl94 Posts: 778 Member
    Nov Wk 1 - Sat, Nov 11/9

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise/Comments: My great-aunt fractured her shoulder and had carpal tunnel surgery, so I guess my exercise has been helping her and with household chores. I’ve spent alllll day watching Hallmark Christmas movies and yesterday with Food Network shows. I haven’t watched this much Hallmark in years.
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Nov Wk 1 - Sat, Nov 11/9

    Track: Yes
    Calories: Over
    Exercise/Comments: My great-aunt fractured her shoulder and had carpal tunnel surgery, so I guess my exercise has been helping her and with household chores. I’ve spent alllll day watching Hallmark Christmas movies and yesterday with Food Network shows. I haven’t watched this much Hallmark in years.

    Sorry to hear about your aunt. How nice of you to help out. Hallmark movies are so cheesy. I love it. My husband and I watched our first Christmas movie on Netflix the day after Halloween. But our Netflix expired today so I think I'll settle in on the Hallmark channel for a while. Any particular movies that were cuter than the others? :)
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    Daily post Friday/Saturday
    On track
    Carbs: on track
    Comments: pretty much slept all day long my hours got a little weird there. Also trying to figure out how to balance this keto diet a little better. It's like one min I think I have it down but then I confuse myself, also seems like when I look anything up as to if it's good or bad there is so much controversy over it some say yes some say no then I'm just confused again. So just gonna do what I think is best and trail and error it out.
    Well regarding the question of the week that question has haunted me the last week or so. I seem to have hit yet another plateau. So I'll most likely just enjoy myself. I'm also kind of hoping that maybe it will be like hitting the restart button. I talked to my mom and my sister who did keto a couple years ago and they said a maybe what I need to kind of restart the process again. Either that or they just want me to eat their food LOL. Either way I'm probably just going to enjoy myself. I'm not making that much progress as it is with this plateau so I'm not sure I see the harm as long as I jump right back on the horse.

    It is a lot of trial and error. You need to find out what works for you and your needs. I eat a lot of foods that are not on the "keto list" If I post about it in general keto forums I get jumped on by the keto police. For example: I LOVE peanuts. So many people will say that peanuts are not keto but they are pretty much one of my favorite foods. Also, I LOVE bananas. I used to eat 40 grams of bananas with almond butter as a treat but then I found out that green bananas are less sweet and have what is called resistant starch which your body does not digest but instead uses as a prebiotic that feeds your gut bacteria (which is a good thing!) So now I eat a small (65-85g) greenish banana 4 or 5 times a week. Keto people freak, but it works for me, lol.

    I also do personally feel like resets do work. For me anyway. Which is why I do have the occasional refeed, or "feast" day (or weekend). I will ALWAYS gain several pounds when I do this, so be ready, but I always lose it within a few days (or a week if I took 3 days off). As long as you go into it with the mindset of, "This refeed is just a part of my plan, and my plan is also to get right back on the horse the next day." I think you'll be ok. your case it had sounded like you had some real problems with your metabolism, possibly your adrenals or your thyroid. It is not uncommon for people who have had similar problems losing weight as you have to start keto and go weeks or months without losing but people always tell them to stick with it because although the scale isn't going down, the body is busy trying to repair the damage to these areas. The people who stuck with the diet did end up having success and losing eventually. I am so sorry you are having these plateaus but stick with it. I think it's going to take a little longer for you than others, but just whatever you decide, don't give up. <3
  • 143tobe
    143tobe Posts: 620 Member
    AB0215 wrote: »

    @143tobe I actually find it soooo much easier to fast than eat. If I eat, I tend to go overboard, and you'd think that after nearly 3 years of weight loss I'd have learned self control...but nope. Old habits die hard I suppose. I think this is why the ADF is working so well for me. It wasn't even a hard adjustment for me, the first day I did rely on chicken broth a bit more than I do now. Now I'm relying on the warmth of coffee... :smile:

    And I told you, that you'd surprise yourself if you started moving your eating window, not that you believed me or anything, but we as humans can get used to just about anything....and eventually it can become normal...Personally I love waking up fasted and working out fasted, I like the energy I have from using my own stored fat actually better than the energy I get from food and I've been doing this all so long I can tell the difference...and there is a lot of power in knowing your own body.

    Yes! You did say that! And I thought, "Who does this girl think she is? She doesn't know me or my growling nighttime belly." :D So I gritted my teeth but I knew you were right. I had to try. Sometimes we have to be uncomfortable for a while in order to meet our goals, and although the thought of not eating before bed terrified me, I knew you were speaking from experience and encouragement and it didn't fall on deaf ears. Stubborn yes, but deaf, no, lol. So thank you, thank you, thank you, a million times over because I do listen to everything you say, and I have used a lot of your advice to help guide me. I feel like this was the team I was meant to be on because you're here. Not many people are supportive or understanding of fasting and low carb diets, but you totally get both. But I do have to admit, I am totally jealous of your physical strength. I want to be a badAsh too!! :DB)
  • dustyspal
    dustyspal Posts: 835 Member
    Daily Post - Saturday
    Track ✔
    Calories ✔
    Exercise ✔

  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    gjaholy33 wrote: »
    Kin59vara wrote: »
    Daily Post: Friday, November 8,

    Track: Yes
    Calories: yes
    Exercise: Yes Daily Burn, steps 15726
    Goals/Day/Comments: upset stomach last night

    Hope you're feeling better

    You are so very sweet! Thanks for caring it is appreciated.
  • Kin59vara
    Kin59vara Posts: 608 Member
    Weekly weigh-in
    Weigh in day Sunday
    PW= 163.5
    CW= 165.6

    I am out of control. I need to refocus and get myself together.
  • lucysaunders1691
    Username lucysaunders1691
    Weigh in day Sunday
    Week November 2
    PW 244.8lb
    CW 237.4 lb
    Loss of 7.4lb this week I'm really happy with that.
    I can't workout how I have managed that
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