

  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    shbarbor wrote: Β»

  • SallyLuvsFitness
    SallyLuvsFitness Posts: 13,724 Member
    11/24 Daily Results:
    1. Gratitude journal/Bible Devotional/Insight Timer/Daily positive Affirmations βœ…
    2. Watch sodium πŸ§‚ and sugar intake! Stay within my macros. Yes
    3. Nothing after 8 PM Yes
    4. Barre 4 times and 10,000 steps πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ Yes
    5. 96 oz πŸ’¦ πŸ’§ πŸ’¦ Yes
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    11/24 Daily Results:
    1. Gratitude journal/Bible Devotional/Insight Timer/Daily positive Affirmations βœ…
    2. Watch sodium πŸ§‚ and sugar intake! Stay within my macros. Yes
    3. Nothing after 8 PM Yes
    4. Barre 4 times and 10,000 steps πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒ Yes
    5. 96 oz πŸ’¦ πŸ’§ πŸ’¦ Yes

    Great job on the goals Sally - and on a weekend no less!!!
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member

    Sorry guys. I was out for a meeting and my FitBit died. I just got a new one on Friday. I did a 5k Turkey Trot on Saturday. Most of the steps from last week were from my phone which I forget and lay down. No excuses. I have to recommit. This is the most I have weighed in 2 years. Fortunately, once you go through the Ideal Protein Protocol, you can always go back for a "refresher". I will call them this week.

    Way to go on the turkey trot!! Good on refresher :smile:
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    Goals met for 11/24

    Exercise βœ”
    Water βœ”
    Logged under βœ”
    Bible/journal βœ”
    NLNS βœ”
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    Day 2 of no excuse November would be yes why bother ? what's the difference? what's the point? but again my NSV answers all those questions and if it weren't for you all I'm sure I would have put it all back on by now so all those days counted is 2430 have a lot of meaning to me and I came here 4 years after I had already lost the weight to keep moving so excuses are getting less and less thanks to each and everyone of you!
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    IDK someone tell me how to post these on the other page as well please and thank you
  • holmesp603
    holmesp603 Posts: 350 Member
    BTW did I mention that for the last two weekends I have logged my food which I never wanted to before because I wanted to cheat but in Sally's challenge I've made the I got on the scale this morning and I'm still at 180.8? Normally I'm up 2 pounds on Monday I feel confident I can lose at least one or two or three more and weigh in Thursday instead of Friday LOL

    I've got tears in my eyes right now I should be tired of thanking you but I'm not I'm very grateful my heart is heavy and I've got a new family as my birth family slowly disappears thank you thank you thank you
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    @holmesp603 I’ve heard it can be heard to view ourselves as smaller. How amazing that you’ve kept off 100 pounds for the last 10 years! You should scream that from the rooftops! I’m glad that you’ve found a way to keep the why bother’s at bay. I’ve had a few of those myself this and I agree that this group is one of the things that helps get past that thought.

    @Fitness327wk Awesome job on those goals! We share the same excuse with sometimes just feeling too tired to cook. I love the idea of making meals ahead of time that are easily warmed.

    @shbarbor There never does seem to be enough hours in the day. I love the idea of multitasking to get things done. I have no doubt that you’ll easily continue to beat that excuse.

    @Navydaddjtc It’s so easy to forgo activity when pain is involved. I have no doubt though that your excuse train has reached its final destination.

  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    So many awesome NSVs! Even if you're a day behind keep them coming!!

    My excuse for eating out has been I'm too tired, too hungry, etc. It most often has happened on Thursday night when the husband and I go grocery shopping. Since we were out already it was so easy to give in to temptation. This month we started doing the shopping after dinner so we're not tempted to grab something out. Doing this has also cut down on purchases of random high calorie, low nutrition foods.
  • ConfidentRaven
    ConfidentRaven Posts: 1,428 Member
    Check in for 11/24

    Stay under my calorie goal (currently 1740) βœ”1737

    Get 5,000 steps a dayβœ” 11,228

    No eating out βœ”

    Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. βœ” 35 minute walk and 20 minutes on the exercise bike

    No caffeine after 1pm (my dr's suggestion for sleep issues) βœ”
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    I guess my NSV from yesterday would be that this past summer I went to an affair that I hadn't seen people at least 15 years and I've kept it off for the last 10 years and they did not recognize me at all! it bothered me at first but I guess it is a sort of victory in that I don't take into account that I lost this weight ever so slowly and ever so painfully and I still see myself as that same big person so when I see people haven't seen me in over 10 years they're so amazed and I'm like what are you talking about but yeah hundred pounds kept off in 10 years that's an NSV that I need to relish a little more in!

    WOW!!! Another rockstar among us! I didn't realize you had lost so much too! Feeling grateful to be among you all.
  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    @ConfidentRaven WTG on goals. Another great exercise day for you! I notice you always stay under on calories EVEN on the weekends. Impressive.
  • Shortgirlrunning
    Shortgirlrunning Posts: 1,020 Member
    Username: Shortgirlrunning
    Weigh-In Day: Monday (11/18)
    Previous Weight: 148.5
    Today’s Weight: 148.4

    Yay, time of the month πŸ™„ I’m sure that bloat weight will come off just in time for Thanksgiving for me to gain it back again lol
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
    Check in for 11/24
    Stay under my calorie goal (currently 1740) βœ”1737
    Get 5,000 steps a dayβœ” 11,228
    No eating out βœ”
    Exercise for at least 20 minutes a day. βœ” 35 minute walk and 20 minutes on the exercise bike
    No caffeine after 1pm (my dr's suggestion for sleep issues) βœ”
    @ConfidentRaven Steps have been posted...wtg

  • shbarbor
    shbarbor Posts: 3,340 Member
    @Shortgirlrunning Good job! WI posted.
  • Navydaddjtc
    Navydaddjtc Posts: 4,166 Member
  • jcgator2016
    jcgator2016 Posts: 539 Member
    WOW!!!! ^^^ @jcgator2016 what an amazing change he made!!! Wonderful Jim!

    Wow @jcgator2016 - that's amazing!!! Kudos to him for keeping it off! I have 3 daughters and one son. One of my daughters is easily 100+ overweight and I can't say anything to her. She's 25. She has to do it on her own :( I feel bad. My other two are under weight.

    Thank you, Carolyn.

    Like I said, it took a scare at the doctor's office to get him motivated. He was borderline type 2 diabetes, and his blood pressure was high. But, he put his mind to it, hired a dietitian/nutritionist and went to work. He is 6'2", yesterday he told me he wanted to keep it at 184. My wife swears he's too thin.

    As for your daughter, I understand why you can't say anything to her. She's going to have to do it when she is ready.
  • MadisonMolly2017
    MadisonMolly2017 Posts: 11,112 Member
    Nov 25 Monday Weigh in 155.6
    Nov 18 155.4

    Very happy given disrupted eating due to house guests/travel.

    Walking lots - seems to help:)

    I am working to be more assertive (not passive) about my eating in social situations.
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