

  • TeresaW1020
    TeresaW1020 Posts: 3,231 Member
    Wednesday Check-in:
    Calories; Under, net carbs 19
    Water: over
    Exercise: Day 2 of 80 Day Obsession, 60 minutes of working the booty! :D

    I had today off and spent most of it cleaning the house and doing laundry. I'm really liking 80 Day Obsession so far. The trainer in the video is amazing!! I really like her a lot and that will certainly help. There were some moves today that were seriously difficult but I did them! :)

    Steps for 11/12-9064
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Katmary71 wrote: »
    @TeresaW1020 Let us know how your workout goes, I'm sure you'll do great! It's fun having a new challenge!

    @digger61 I hope today was a better day for you and hope your health problems improve, you got this!

    @nbbaby no worries, you got this!

    @Kres567 If you have a thermos and like tea I highly recommend it! I drink iced tea then save the better stuff for bedtime. I'd never hit my water without tea!

    @bethanie0825 oh no, your Fitbit died around the time of your hike, I hope it logged the steps! Congratulations on surviving it, what a huge accomplishment!

    @hinemoa2088 great steps! I've been hesitant to get a tracker because I don't walk much, you're killin it!

    Thanks for the tip! Is it cold or hot tea in your thermos?
  • Kres567
    Kres567 Posts: 1,158 Member
    Happy Hump Day everyone!

    Week is going okay. Not as much exercise and steps as I would like but my food, measuring and logging is going well.

    Goals for tomorrow:

    1. Drink 3 of my Starbucks cups of water at work
    2. Get 7000 steps in
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    @Kres567 Iced tea if you're able to, whichever you prefer.

    Wednesday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- weights, elliptical, bike
    Water- over

    5 for 90
    1. Gym 3xs a week- went today
    2. Exercise at least 30 minutes a day- done
    3. Decluttering- filled both cans, at curb
    4. Social media- almost forgot to check in! So-so on computer time.
    5. Trigger foods- survived another day!
  • hinemoa2088
    hinemoa2088 Posts: 60 Member
    11/13 steps: 14,578
  • Wishusdonna
    Wishusdonna Posts: 241 Member
    Alas and alack, my Wednesday check-in

    Calories - red over. :( Not by a huge amount, but I was having a horrible day, shivering with cold in the freezing office, and then when they finally fixed the boiler it went up to 27 degrees Celsius, which is British for unbearable. So, there was cake left round from birthdays/vendors and I had a few millionaire shortbread bites too many just out of frustration and the short-term feel good hit that sugar brings.
    Water 11/14 :( - and I was suffering last night. So, at least I have a head start now because I had to have a drink in the middle of the night.
    Exercise: 8873 steps :( So I didn't hit target. Made up for it today by walking into town instead of catching the bus. and it is raining so hard!!! Universe, I have paid.

    Tomorrow, we have a major charity fundraising event organised by our main TV channel - BBC's Children in Need, and most places of work do something for it. I'm wearing pyjamas all day for £1, and I am going to make up today and the weekend for the fact that there will be cake from a cake competition and bake sale. >:)o:)
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member
    Check In
    Username: mrmcgrath
    Weigh in week: Week 2
    Weigh in day: Friday
    Previous Weight: 202.3
    Todays Weight:

    Calories: over/under? Under
    Water: over/under? Right at
    Macros: Fat high protein lower
    Steps : 4865

    5 for 90:
    Meet step goal
    Stay hydrated
    Make self care a priority
    Meditate and or journal daily
    Encourage someone
  • mrmcgrath
    mrmcgrath Posts: 956 Member

    @mrmcgrath - Looks like you had a good day! How are you doing? Staying warm? ☕

    Hi! I am doing alright but I am FREEZING! Thankfully today temperatures will be rising to the mid 50’s. That is so much better than low 30’s and below!

  • digger61
    digger61 Posts: 3,823 Member
    Tuesday check-in
    Calories under
    Exercise- walking and weights
    Water over
    Steps 17395
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 687 Member
    raleighgirl09 - MIA weighin
    Weigh in week: 1 (07Nov2019 - a week late)
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 196.9
    Current Weight 196.9 (no change)

    Hi team, my sincere apologies for being gone for a week. Between being pretty sick and then company and then a work trip, I have been sorely neglectful. I will do my current week weigh in this evening along with a long list of steps days. Spoiler alert - lots of water weight to lose this week... =>
  • sunshineplace
    sunshineplace Posts: 252 Member
    Week 2??
    PW 158.8
    CW 158.6
  • leonadixon
    leonadixon Posts: 479 Member
    edited November 2019
    Steps 11/13-6415
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    edited November 2019
    @sunshineplace - Hey, there! Congratulations on a great weigh-in! 😊

    @cmac987sw - Zowie! You had a really great weigh-in! 🎈😊

    @raleighgirl09 - Hey there! We are just glad to see you back in the conversation! Congratulations on holding steady that first week. And if you have a bounce after illness, company and a work trip -- no worries! You are so consistent overall I am sure that number will head back down soon! 👐

    @digger61 - Great calories, exercise, water, steps -- another home run day for you! ⚾

    @mrmcgrath - I feel you on the being cold. I walked around a lot of yesterday in a hat and fleecy jacket. I need to buy some warmer pants, though. Brr! 🥶
    Looks like you had a good day yesterday! 😊

    @Wishusdonna - Speaking to you from Texas, 27F being "British for unbearable" is hilarious! When it got down to around 27F here last month, we all got excited about the arrival of fall! (I do actually get that 27F is way too hot for inside in a colder place. Jut thought the contrast was funny!)
    💷 💶💲 "Millionaire shortbread" - I have seen this described on the Great British Baking Show, and can only say that I am glad it is not a temptation every thrown my way. Closest thing here might be Laura Bush's Cowboy Cookies. Good for you for making plans to allow for that Bake Sale! Smart planning!

    @hinemoa2088 - Wow! You quietly keep posting these amazing step counts. 👣👣👣

    @Katmary71 - 🎈 Great work on your 5 for 90 challenges! Two cans filled is excellent! 👍🏽

    @Kres567 - Sounds like you are having a great week, really! Prioritizing food, measuring and logging is super smart. At least for me, those are the things that make the biggest different in weight loss. 👍🏽 👍🏽 👍🏽

    @TeresaW1020 - Yay to your exercise challenge rolling along! That and a great day for food -- excellent! 😊👍🏽

    @its_cleo - What an excellent day! 😊
  • AustinRuadhain
    AustinRuadhain Posts: 2,592 Member
    Wednesday Check-in
    Calories: under, all good, on-plan choices
    Water: on target
    Exercise: 115 min platform stepping

    Wednesday 11/12 - 19,117

    5 for 90 for Wednesday
    1. Meditate ✔️
    2. Exercise 30 minutes a day ✔️
    3. Hydrate ✔️
    4. Martial Arts Practice ✔️
    5. Thankful ✔️ for the patience and love of my spouse

    Thursday/Today - Goals and Improvements!
    - Stick with food plan
    - Work on home office decluttering/organization
    - Progress on school work
    - Get in steps
    - Do some Martial Arts Practice
  • nbbaby
    nbbaby Posts: 202 Member

    @nbbaby - I hope the the colonoscopy goes well. I loved that you found a "cup half full" to appreciate! Hang in there! I know your Monday weigh-in wasn't what you wanted, but keep at it. You can do this! Are you starting to get back into your regular food groove? 😀

    Thank you,
    The Colonoscopy is done thank god Lol. I had a hard time getting back into ketosis. So I figured I'd use the not eating for 2 days (colon prep) to help me out. So hopefully by today I'll be back on track. Although I ate so much last night lol I was so hungry. But it was all the right food.
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    Check in

    Username: Renaegry
    Week: 2
    Weigh in day: Wednesday
    PW: 154.2
    CW: 155

  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member

    Nov 8. 5569
    Nov 9. 15293
    Nov 10. 3657
    Nov 11. 8921
    Nov 12. 6518
    Nov 13. 7013
  • raleighgirl09
    raleighgirl09 Posts: 687 Member
    Weigh in week: 2 (14Nov2019)
    Weigh in day: Thursday
    Previous Weight: 196.9
    Current Weight 202.2
    Steps: 11/1 1,431 - 11/2 9,375 - 11/3 9,021 - 11/4 9,363 - 11/5 10,774 - 11/6 19,047 - 11/7 13,295 - 11/8 8,023 - 11/9 12,376 - 11/10 11,992 - 11/11 7,283 - 11/12 7,213 - 11/13 7,143

    5 for 90
    Make time for yourself: I took time to enjoy my time away in NYC this week, it was great as a first time there but too short and no sightseeing
    Exercise 30 minutes a day: this has been lacking focus and intentional action the last week
    Hydrate: slipping
    Give up a trigger food / behavior: seriously - I just gave myself permission to eat things I normally wouldn't but I wish I had had more fortitude than that; not really regret but more like knowing I need to work on that because it doesn't align with my goals
    Thankful for: my hubby who was wonderful while I was sick and now that I'm well - thank goodness for THAT!!!

    Remember the good, be the good, encourage others on their journey - poignant this week. I work in clinical research and attended a conference that had several patient advocates with a lean to those patients who enter trials for their illnesses. Each person who agrees to be in a trial truly does humanity good, and we who work in the industry, in any one of a million capacities, must do everything we can to make the process the best it can be for them....for us.

    So, I learned something really, really important about my eating. When I *think* I am eating less due to illness or time or whatever - I overcompensate because I think I have more disposable calories to my name than I do in reality....and then I ate them thinking I was under which caused me to not be under. What a stupid hamster wheel _that_ is! But I saw it happen after the fact at first and then a couple of times, caught myself in the act and once - I avoided doing it because I heard myself tell myself about hardly eating and then turning toward a more calorific choice. So, before my trip, I used this revelation to the good and I'm going to keep this at the top of the brain. However, on the trip Mon-Wed, well, that was just eating too much and poor choices. And today just tagged along for the ride.

    I was mindful to also pay attention to my hunger before and during eating. I naturally don't overeat now (too full tummy), having conquered that many years ago, but I do tend to just eat what is on my plate and unless I am keeping calories low on purpose, I eat more than I need to, to maintain a lower weight so I need to start taking body cues and begin the process for a new normal (when the new normal called maintenance arrives) and getting to a natural process of eating what is needed which happens to be less. Woo - I know - not new news for me or anyone but I need to learn to stop a little sooner, even if I have a few bites left. I can see how it is that I just slowly gain the weight back when I stop logging and carefully minding myself.

    Welp. Tomorrow is a new day, troops. => Let's welcome it with open arms and minds.
  • Katmary71
    Katmary71 Posts: 6,716 Member
    Hi friends!

    Thursday check-in
    Calories- under
    Exercise- recumbent bike
    Water- over

    5 for 90
    1. Gym 3xs a week- going tomorrow
    2. Exercise 30 minutes a day- done
    3. Decluttering- nothing today
    4. Social media- checked in, did a lot of recipe searches
    5. Food triggers- good on sugar front, kept going to fridge for more butternut squash!
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