March Mindfulness Challenge 2020



  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    March 26 check in:
    Well the month is almost over and I’ve maintained like a champ when I really wanted to lose a few vanity pounds. I guess that mindfulness is tougher than I expected and will be a continued focus in the days ahead. I was super active yesterday and came in under calories so I hope to continue that trend. Stay healthy and stay focused!
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Check in March 26

    1. Mindful exercise daily. Able to walk on my lunch and then body weight exercises in the evening
    2. Low carb, < 35 daily. Did good, 10 net. Lots of bacon!
    3. Calorie deficit, <1,500 daily. Well under.
    4. Get rid of 5 lbs by 3/31. I'm winning!

    @taylok23 For me staying focused is key, especially with all the added stressors in our country right now. Looking forward to April!
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Still pretty mindful: walked outside for exercise, kept calories in check; a little too high on carbs but not outrageous!

    Talked on phone to a friend who managed to lose 2lbs during this quarantine. Cheered her on! Maintaining some sort of home schedule seems to work. Glad to see the sun out today, it brightens my spirit! Keep calm and quarantine on.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Been getting some decent NEAT in the past couple days thanks to sunshine. Another sunny day on tap which is perfect for cardio day. A nice long walk-hike on my property (we're on the side of a mtn) while listening to downloaded podcasts. It would have been a perfect park day, but considering the circumstances...we are staying home even though others aren't. So they can picnic on the deck and play outside when it cools off this evening.

    Continually being mindful of what I put in my mouth. And of how blessed I am with my circumstances and healthy family.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    @baconslave I'm all for Active April too!! I love reading everyone's posts. It keeps me motivated.
    I have been "mindful" however, I managed to gain 3lbs.
    If anything, I should have lost a bit because I am working out more and eating less snacks but the scale tells me otherwise. Perhaps there's something I am missing...😶
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    @baconslave I'm all for Active April too!! I love reading everyone's posts. It keeps me motivated.
    I have been "mindful" however, I managed to gain 3lbs.
    If anything, I should have lost a bit because I am working out more and eating less snacks but the scale tells me otherwise. Perhaps there's something I am missing...😶

    For a lot of people an increase in working out can cause an increase in cortisol (exercise though it is good for us is a stress) which in turn can cause a temporary increase in water weight. Any stress does this too, including a recent increase in your calorie deficit. Hang in there and see if it doesn't resolve soon. I'd wait for that to suss out before worrying too much. Though I do hope the scale stops being an imbecile sooner rather than later as I well know how much it sucks to see it going in the wrong direction. :disappointed:
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Made it to the weekend and didn't do my reg Saturday weigh-in b/c I just didn't think it was good to disrupt the good headspace I'm in right now. Hubby is off to the store. Wish him luck that there's meat and milk finally.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Thank you. Very excited and appreciative.

    Hope everyone's family was able to get what is needed at the store. My sister was able to score me a 6 pack of toilet paper. Strange that bare shelves are a topic of conversation. Everyone take care.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    vkrenz wrote: »
    Thank you. Very excited and appreciative.

    Hope everyone's family was able to get what is needed at the store. My sister was able to score me a 6 pack of toilet paper. Strange that bare shelves are a topic of conversation. Everyone take care.

    We got enough to maybe make it another week. One store had some things. The other had meat but jacked the price up so high we weren't willing to pay it. That was uncool. But we have enough fresh things to last us another week added to our pantry so we're good.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    I completely fell apart the past 4-5 days. I feel like I let the group down as much as myself. My guess is I'm up 3-5 lbs during my mandated work at home and that gave my anxiety brain permission to pig out on junk. I have to do better, stop making excuses.

    Active April is exactly what I need.

    I did have a successful grocery run Friday morning, got enough for 2 weeks of meals. Made chocolate keto muffins which turned out quite good. I WILL do more food prep today. I WILL work out on lunch today.

    Hope you all are staying healthy.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    I completely fell apart the past 4-5 days. I feel like I let the group down as much as myself. My guess is I'm up 3-5 lbs during my mandated work at home and that gave my anxiety brain permission to pig out on junk. I have to do better, stop making excuses.

    Active April is exactly what I need.

    I did have a successful grocery run Friday morning, got enough for 2 weeks of meals. Made chocolate keto muffins which turned out quite good. I WILL do more food prep today. I WILL work out on lunch today.

    Hope you all are staying healthy.

    This is so hard on all of us. Congrats on the successful groc run.
    You will do more food prep and you will work out. :smile: We all mess up here and there. But we just dust ourselves off, learn the lessons to be learned, and set back off on our journey. You've got this! :+1:
  • Cadori
    Cadori Posts: 4,810 Member
    Today we finally start getting springish weather (still had snow/highs of 30 last week). Our highs are around 50 and sunny this week, so I'm hoping to get out for a few short walks a day. It should break up the work from home thing and give me a little mental health boost.
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    March 28-29 check in:
    @tishsmith101 I can commiserate. Over the weekend my saboteur and I had sweet cravings and we gave in. While it tasted delicious in the moment, I felt awful for a few hours afterwards and had a pounding heart, which was weird for me. I got back on track the next day but wanted more sweets. I refrained but did some extra snacking which I could have done without. I am completely aware I eat out of boredom and just need to recognize the signs and get my butt busy to avoid unwanted calories. It’s back to the basics for me in April!
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    @baconslave and @taylok23 thanks for the support! I really just can't have the junk around when I'm not 100% in the mental game. I did 30 min cardio/strength at lunch to get back to a routine.
  • vkrenz
    vkrenz Posts: 183 Member
    Hello to everyone.

    Check in for March 27, 28, and 29. These days went from okay to not the best to gosh did I ever overdo it. Saturday, it was my son's girlfriends birthday party with a little family get together (her side of family) and my son proposed and gave her an absolutely beautiful engagement ring. So I overdid the carbs a little bit.

    Then Sunday, I had a little get together engagement party for my side of family and had Pizza Hut deliver. I went full out on Pizza, wings and even cheese bread. Yep, had an upset stomach and took a nap in the afternoon. Weather was extremely windy and cold so no exercise outside either.

    Well, Monday is another day and I'm back at it. Looking forward to having a complete physical with fasting labs later this week and see if my numbers (cholesterol, blood sugar, and blood pressure) are good.

    Stay safe out there. COVID has now hit our area and the number infected is increasing.
  • tishsmith101
    tishsmith101 Posts: 1,644 Member
    @vkrenz congrats on your son's engagement. Your splurge sounds much like mine.
  • supergal3
    supergal3 Posts: 523 Member
    Ending month of Mindful March with a 2lb loss. Looking forward to Active April Challenge. I live in an area with very little flat walking surfaces so I must get creative with my outdoor walking. Other than hubby, haven't seen anyone other than a weekly run through the local grocery store. Thank goodness for texting and phone calls! I would urge everyone involved in the April challenge to think of it not as a "new" challenge but one added on top of the Mindful Challenge, i.e. stay mindful and add a bit more activity if possible.

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    supergal3 wrote: »
    Ending month of Mindful March with a 2lb loss. Looking forward to Active April Challenge. I live in an area with very little flat walking surfaces so I must get creative with my outdoor walking. Other than hubby, haven't seen anyone other than a weekly run through the local grocery store. Thank goodness for texting and phone calls! I would urge everyone involved in the April challenge to think of it not as a "new" challenge but one added on top of the Mindful Challenge, i.e. stay mindful and add a bit more activity if possible.

    Fantastic idea!
  • taylok23
    taylok23 Posts: 828 Member
    On this last day of March I’ll reflect a bit on the month. I wasn’t expecting stay at home orders but that is where we’ve found ourselves. I’ve incorporated more exercise and movement so feel pretty good about this aspect of my day to day. I’ve gone nearly full carnivore and have been surprised that while I haven’t really lost weight, my stomach issues are resolving. While I really enjoy fruits and vegetables my body apparently doesn’t take as much joy from them as my mouth does. This was surprising but I’m okay with that. No real scale movement for the month but all in all a satisfactory one.
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