TRIMSTONES Team Chat - April 2020



  • mynacha73
    mynacha73 Posts: 120 Member
    PW 208.1
    CW 206.7
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Monday 4/20- 10408
  • kcpond
    kcpond Posts: 661 Member
    I am one that doesn't post too often, but that is the introvert in my. I have not had any chance of course, to get to the gym, so I have been trying to get out and walk as much as possible. Walking is still allowed here as long as you keep your distance which most people are doing. It is kind of funny seeing everyone cross the road when you get close. They think you are a zombie :).

    My diet has also been terrible, too much access to food around the house. That combine with loss of excercise and my normal walks to and from work has hurt me on the scale badly. That and the stress of needing to get a new roof, but can't because they are not allowed to install :( .
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Beka3695 wrote: »

    Let's all send a big CONGRATS to


    She has reached TWO-TERVILLE!!! Goodbye land of 300s!!!

    @cesse47 Way to go! Congratulations!!

  • kmfeig87
    kmfeig87 Posts: 1,990 Member
    Sorry Jess. I got behind again!

    4/15 15,494
    4/16 13,496
    4/17 14,402
    4/18 13,139
    4/19 2898
    4/20 14,399
  • schlerin
    schlerin Posts: 801 Member
    4/19 = 7,802
    4/20 = 3,428
  • Jen_967
    Jen_967 Posts: 1,923 Member
    4/21: 5,875
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,424 Member
    Wednesday Weigh-in
    PW: 320.2
    CW: 322.0
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,424 Member
    Made a horrible discovery this week when I picked up my grocery order at Kroger. They were out of the bag of chips I'd requested and they substituted the Kroger brand. It's the Lightly Salted Wavy chips (instead of Lay's brand of the same). It's not only yummy but cheaper...HORRIBLE discovery!

    But on the brighter side, I read an article that advises not to beat yourself up too bad for your nutrition faux pas during the soon as our routines allow for more activity, our better habits will return and the small gains will go away. So just try your best and that's all we can do. Try to stay as active as you can and that will help to offset.

    SPEAKING OF WHICH...if you haven't already looked into it...Saturday, May 2nd is the Virtual 5K and it's coming up soon. I already have a team set up called Fun and Fit Team and the event is sponsored by Prevention Magazine. It's free to sign up (unless you want the tshirt) and I'd love to have more company. Join me, right where you can walk outside, in place, inside, treadmill, around the block, etc. I'm looking forward to it. Runs that day from 8am ET to 8pm. If you signed up, please give me a shout out so I know who's walking with me. I posted the link earlier...let me know if you can't find it, but I'm sure a google search will produce it and you have the team name...SIGN UP!!! WALK WITH ME! :blush:
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    Made a horrible discovery this week when I picked up my grocery order at Kroger. They were out of the bag of chips I'd requested and they substituted the Kroger brand. It's the Lightly Salted Wavy chips (instead of Lay's brand of the same). It's not only yummy but cheaper...HORRIBLE

    This made me laugh 😂. If I have something unhealthy that I enjoy, I too try to find the cheaper, yuckier version. This way I don’t want to indulge as much. Sorry yours didn’t work out.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    edited April 2020
    Wednesday weigh in
    PW: 153.6
    CW: 153.4

    I have about 6 pounds to goal and they are being very stubborn, not wanting to leave. I’m going to increase my activity this week to encourage them to take a hike.
  • simbersea
    simbersea Posts: 1,248 Member
    4/20 14018
    4/21 11637
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    4/21 8,874
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    SPEAKING OF WHICH...if you haven't already looked into it...Saturday, May 2nd is the Virtual 5K and it's coming up soon. I already have a team set up called Fun and Fit Team and the event is sponsored by Prevention Magazine. It's free to sign up (unless you want the tshirt) and I'd love to have more company. Join me, right where you can walk outside, in place, inside, treadmill, around the block, etc. I'm looking forward to it. Runs that day from 8am ET to 8pm. If you signed up, please give me a shout out so I know who's walking with me. I posted the link earlier...let me know if you can't find it, but I'm sure a google search will produce it and you have the team name...SIGN UP!!! WALK WITH ME! :blush:

    Hi Jess, I joined earlier. I'm Rose on the list. I will most likely do Leslie Sansone walks to substitute for an outdoor walk.
  • Arc130
    Arc130 Posts: 1,143 Member
    Tuesday 4/21- 13135
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,424 Member
    edited April 2020
    Arc130 wrote: »

    Hi Jess, I joined earlier. I'm Rose on the list. I will most likely do Leslie Sansone walks to substitute for an outdoor walk.

    Hey Rose @Arc130 :
    I knew you were already signed up, but I'm still trying to get a few more to walk with us too!
  • ac204
    ac204 Posts: 147 Member
    Sorry, posting Sunday’s info late. It’s been a tough month. My mom health continues to decline and she was recently moved to hospice. it’s been hard to stay focused on healthy changes. I find myself stress eating more often and not making good choices but I am trying to track everything & exercise at least a few times a week. Hopefully, I don’t detour too much but weight definitely impacted this last week.

    Sunday weigh-in
    PW: 207
    CW: 209.4
  • jessicakrall8
    jessicakrall8 Posts: 5,424 Member
    ac204 wrote: »
    Sorry, posting Sunday’s info late. It’s been a tough month. My mom health continues to decline and she was recently moved to hospice. it’s been hard to stay focused on healthy changes. I find myself stress eating more often and not making good choices but I am trying to track everything & exercise at least a few times a week. Hopefully, I don’t detour too much but weight definitely impacted this last week.

    Hey @ac204 heart goes out to you for what you're going through. I was my mother's only caregiver for the last 16 years of her life when she suffered several strokes and because of that, dementia...the last four months she had to go into round-the-clock care in a rest home because it was too much for me to handle and my own health was starting to suffer. Please take care of yourself and allow others to help you if you have other family or friends to lean on. Hold tight to these last visits, as they're precious. I'll be praying that her suffering is minimal and that God gives you and your family peace and wraps His arms around you. It's so hard to handle...I remember it well, even though it was 9 years ago. I lost her in 2011. Let me know if you need someone to chat with...

    Be safe and well, especially during this difficult time.
    Jessica :heartbreak:
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