Crush your fitness goals: Active April💪🙌👍



  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    @RobinAlex666 : I hate shopping, so I'm just glad that this whole crisis has helped all sorts of shops to refine their home deliveries. I think I'll almost never have to set a foot in a shop again :smiley:

    I'm so not a shopper.... I loathe it. I REALLY miss date nights with my hubby in nice restaurants. Anyone else craving sitting down to eat something you didn't cook in a kitchen you don't clean?

    I do !!! Diving and eating out are the two things I miss the most. Sitting down in a cozy garden, sipping a cocktail while musing what to eat next and discussing our day at work, I really miss this <sigh>.

    But every time I get sad about missing things, I remember what someone said on this forum in the beginning of the Covid crisis: "our grandparents were asked to go fight in the trenches to save the world, we are asked to sit in the sofa - we can do this" This really resonated with me as my grandfather and both my parents still had vivid memories of scary experiences during the second WW, and they told me what they had to do to survive.
    So yes, we can do this ! :wink:
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    laurapal00 wrote: »

    You do motivate me! I’m at 70.3kg, looking to get below 70 as well.

    We can do it! 💪🏼

    Yes we can girl !! :wink:

  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    Antiopelle wrote: »
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3
    16/04: 71.6
    17/04: 72.2
    18/04: 70.9
    19/04: 71.5
    20/04: 71.9
    21/04: 71.6
    21/04: 71.6
    22/04: 71.6
    23/04: 71.4
    24/04: 70.9
    25/04: 70.7
    26/04: 70.6
    27/04: 70.7
    28/04: 70.9
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    5'2" 27yo
    SW: 160
    GW: 125
    April SW: 137.7
    April GW: 135

    1. Move for 30 minutes every single day – go for a run, yoga, etc.
    2. Log all calories, and stay at or under goal most days
    3. Wake up at 7:30 on weekdays and log my progress for the day before
    4. Complete ab workout challenge.

    4/15 – I met absolutely none of my goals – this day was my inspiration to start logging daily. I am hoping it will keep me accountable.
    4/16 – I met all of my goals this day! Waking up is going to be the hardest part.
    4/17 – 137.4
    4/19 – I was pretty good all weekend. I logged all calories, and did the ab challenge.
    4/20 – 137.2 I met all of my goals this day. Ran 1 mile.
    4/21 – I did not get up on time this morning, and I also did not work out for 30 minutes. Dealing with emotional stresses. I did do my ab challenge.
    4/22 – I am drained emotionally and physically. I didn’t make my 7:30 wake-up time, but I am okay with missing that today because I needed that extra sleep. I also did not work out today because rainy weather cancelled my run. I did do my ab workout though.
    4/23 – 135! Down two lbs!!  Feeling better today mentally and physically. I met all goals except for that darned 7:30 wake up.
    4/24 – 135.2 Official weigh-in for this week! I am feeling really good about that weight. My stressors are slowly reducing. Hoping to continue to feel as inspired as I have the last few weeks.
    4/27 – It was a rough weekend. I am embarrassed of how badly I blew my calorie goals. Today was good though! The only goal I missed was my wake-up time.
    4/28 – Missed my wake-up goal, but I am feeling good about meeting my other goals today!
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    @guitargirl55 , If you want to vent your emotional stress, we have a chit chat section. It might help to get it out- lot's of supportive listeners on this group.

    Thanks! It is good to know I have a place to turn. :) I am feeling a bit better the past few days. Being so isolated from my friends and family has been really rough on me. I never realized how social I am!

    Antiopelle wrote: »
    @RobinAlex666 : I hate shopping, so I'm just glad that this whole crisis has helped all sorts of shops to refine their home deliveries. I think I'll almost never have to set a foot in a shop again :smiley:

    I'm so not a shopper.... I loathe it. I REALLY miss date nights with my hubby in nice restaurants. Anyone else craving sitting down to eat something you didn't cook in a kitchen you don't clean?

    I miss date nights with my bf too! It's harder to keep the romance alive when we are around each other 24/7. I can't wait until we can go to our favorite restaurants again! ...but like you pointed out, it could be so much worse, and I am honestly just happy we are healthy!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3
    16/04: 71.6
    17/04: 72.2
    18/04: 70.9
    19/04: 71.5
    20/04: 71.9
    21/04: 71.6
    21/04: 71.6
    22/04: 71.6
    23/04: 71.4
    24/04: 70.9
    25/04: 70.7
    26/04: 70.6
    27/04: 70.7
    28/04: 70.9
    29/04: 71.1 :tired_face:
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    47, 5’2”
    GW: Maintenance
    CBF: 19.5 %
    Goal BF%: 19%

    Goal #1:Stick to light dinner diet
    Goal #2:Drinks on weekends only
    Goal #3: Burst workouts 5x day
    Goal #4: Lunch run 5x week

    09/30 109.6, 19.6%
    10/30 108, 19.1%
    11/27 108.4, 19.4%
    12/31 112, 20.6%
    01/31 110.2, 20.1%
    02/28 107.6, 18.9%
    03/30 110 19%

    04/01 109.2, 19.5%
    04/03 108.8, 19.4%
    04/07 110, 19.8%
    04/09 109.6, 19.8%
    04/14 108.8, 19.4%
    04/20 109.8, 19.8%
    04/23 110, 19.9%
    04/24 I didn't. I will next week.

    But cheering myself seeing the 3 year progress.

    This is truly brilliant! I can only imagine how rewarding it must be to see the progress like this :) Well done!
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    I'm glad you are back @jacau !
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    Thanks @jacau!! Welcome back!!!
    Now you need to start the May thread :D That way you will be logging for sure!!!
  • jacau
    jacau Posts: 139 Member
    Hahahaha, I'm already thinking of a title for that one. ;)
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.1
    April GW: get back to 70

    07/04: 71.1
    08/04: 70.9
    09/04: 71.0
    10/04: 71.1
    11/04: 70.7
    12/04: 70.0
    13/04: 70.0
    14/04: 72.0
    15/04: 72.3
    16/04: 71.6
    17/04: 72.2
    18/04: 70.9
    19/04: 71.5
    20/04: 71.9
    21/04: 71.6
    21/04: 71.6
    22/04: 71.6
    23/04: 71.4
    24/04: 70.9
    25/04: 70.7
    26/04: 70.6
    27/04: 70.7
    28/04: 70.9
    29/04: 71.1
    30/04: 71.0
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    47, 5’2”
    GW: Maintenance
    CBF: 19.5 %
    Goal BF%: 19%

    Goal #1:Stick to light dinner diet
    Goal #2:Drinks on weekends only
    Goal #3: Burst workouts 5x day
    Goal #4: Lunch run 5x week

    09/30 109.6, 19.6%
    10/30 108, 19.1%
    11/27 108.4, 19.4%
    12/31 112, 20.6%
    01/31 110.2, 20.1%
    02/28 107.6, 18.9%
    03/30 110 19%

    04/01 109.2, 19.5%
    04/03 108.8, 19.4%
    04/07 110, 19.8%
    04/09 109.6, 19.8%
    04/14 108.8, 19.4%
    04/20 109.8, 19.8%
    04/23 110, 19.9%
    04/30 110, 19.9% No change in a week. I guess I will work on it in May!
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    5'2" 27yo
    SW: 160
    GW: 125
    April SW: 137.7
    April GW: 135

    1. Move for 30 minutes every single day – go for a run, yoga, etc.
    2. Log all calories, and stay at or under goal most days
    3. Wake up at 7:30 on weekdays and log my progress for the day before
    4. Complete ab workout challenge.

    4/15 – I met absolutely none of my goals – this day was my inspiration to start logging daily. I am hoping it will keep me accountable.
    4/16 – I met all of my goals this day! Waking up is going to be the hardest part.
    4/17 – 137.4
    4/19 – I was pretty good all weekend. I logged all calories, and did the ab challenge.
    4/20 – 137.2 I met all of my goals this day. Ran 1 mile.
    4/21 – I did not get up on time this morning, and I also did not work out for 30 minutes. Dealing with emotional stresses. I did do my ab challenge.
    4/22 – I am drained emotionally and physically. I didn’t make my 7:30 wake-up time, but I am okay with missing that today because I needed that extra sleep. I also did not work out today because rainy weather cancelled my run. I did do my ab workout though.
    4/23 – 135! Down two lbs!!  Feeling better today mentally and physically. I met all goals except for that darned 7:30 wake up.
    4/24 – 135.2 Official weigh-in for this week! I am feeling really good about that weight. My stressors are slowly reducing. Hoping to continue to feel as inspired as I have the last few weeks.
    4/27 – It was a rough weekend. I am embarrassed of how badly I blew my calorie goals. Today was good though! The only goal I missed was my wake-up time.
    4/28 – Missed my wake-up goal, but I am feeling good about meeting my other goals today!
    4/29 – Again missed that pesky wake-up goal, but did my exercise and feel good about myself.
    3/30 -134.5- unofficially PASSED my April goal! Hope that I get that weight tomorrow when I weigh in!
  • laurapal00
    laurapal00 Posts: 15 Member

    38 yo 167 cm (6 m pospartum)
    W pre-baby: 74kg
    SW (January): 76,5kg
    CW: 70,8kg
    GW: 65kg
    GW April: <70kg

    1. Log food everyday
    2. Walk 1h 5x week
    3. Do 2-3 workouts
    4. Work goal: “work” 2hours everyday

    17/04: 71,7kg
    24/04: 70,3kg
    01/05: 69,7kg

    24/04: I didn’t post last week because I gained 1kg and I was so mad: I had been good logging food, walking everyday and doing my 2 workouts/week. I just had my period so I guess that was hormonal water retention.
    I’m down 1,4kg this week: I’ve met the 3 first goals (still hard to work with the baby)
    01/05 I did not post yesterday because I only weight myself once a week, on Fridays. I reachef my goal weight for April!!! I haven’t been <70kg in 10years. I’m so happy. I ended doing most of my goals: I logged everyday, went walking 1h 4-5 times/week, strenght workout twice/week and I “worked” everyday for the last week.

    I’m quite happy, being at 69kg was my 2nd minigoal. My first was getting to 72kg and I celebratedgoing away for a weekend with friends (back in February when we still could do that). I hoped to get to 69kg back in Easter but with the lockdown it’s not bad to get here 3 weeks later. My final goal is getting to 65kg, I would like to get there before my vacation in August: I won’t be able to leave the country, but I hope we can go somewhere with a nice beach: getting in a bikini it’s a good motivation.
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    I met my goal weight for April! Hoping to do the same for May. :)

    May – Stats
    May SW: 134.6
    May GW: 132.5

    1. Complete the scheduled Chloe Ting Hourglass Challenge workout videos every day (attempt every day-if I cannot complete everything, that’s okay)
    2. Log all calories, and stay at or under goal most days (within 200 calories of my goal, and all calories logged will be considered a success)

    $50 spending – When I have completed 10 consecutive days of meeting all of my goals, I will earn this reward.
    $50 spending – When I have completed 25 total days of meeting all of my goals, I will earn this reward.

    Daily Report:
    5/1 – 134.6 - I am ready to start this month off and get it rocking and rolling!
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    May – Stats
    May SW: 134.6
    May GW: 132.5
    1. Complete the scheduled Chloe Ting Hourglass Challenge workout videos every day (attempt every day-if I cannot complete everything, that’s okay)
    2. Log all calories, and stay at or under goal most days (within 200 calories of my goal, and all calories logged will be considered a success)

    $50 spending – When I have completed 10 consecutive days of meeting all of my goals, I will earn this reward.
    $50 spending – When I have completed 25 total days of meeting all of my goals, I will earn this reward.
    Daily Report:
    :) 5/1 – 134.6 - I am ready to start this month off and get it rocking and rolling! Worked out AND tracked all calories. Let’s go!
    5/2 - Nothing
    5/3 – Nada - Weekends are rough. I need to figure out a method to stay focused through my varying schedule.
    5/4 -137.6 – Crazy how two bad days can make me feel horrible. Ready to get back on it today! Finished my work-out this morning, and already tracking calories!