Mighty (not munchy) May - accountability thread



  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    Daily Report:
    *5/1 – 134.6 - I am ready to start this month off and get it rocking and rolling! Worked out AND tracked all calories. Let’s go!
    5/2 - Nothing
    5/3 – Nada - Weekends are rough. I need to figure out a method to stay focused through my varying schedule.
    *5/4 -137.6 – Crazy how two bad days can make me feel horrible. Ready to get back on it today! Finished my work-out this morning, and already tracking calories!
    *5/5 – Another good day, calories and workout complete!
    *5/6 – Off to a slow start this morning, but doing well on calories and hoping to complete my work-out this afternoon. – Work out completed and all calories tracked.
    *5/7 – 135.6 – a very depressing weigh-in. Other than last weekend, I am doing really well. Hoping to see that number go down tomorrow since I officially track the number on Fridays. SO sore from working out. I really, really don’t want to do it today, but here we go! Success.
    *5/8 – 134.6 – I didn’t gain but I didn’t lose either. Today is a much needed scheduled rest-day in my workout program, so excited to have a break. 
    *5/9 One of my first Saturdays ever where I actually stayed on track.
    *5/10 - 133.6 - The workout killed but I finished it.SO happy with this weight!
    *5/11 – Today Is a scheduled rest-day in my workout program, but I am taking the dog on an hour walk to keep moving.
    *5/12 – The workout challenge is getting reallllly challenging. I met my calories…barely. I did complete my goals, if I finish tomorrow I get my first reward!!
    *5/13 – I missed my morning workout because of work. I am committed to completing this challenge though – I get my reward if I complete today! REWARD 1 COMPLETE! 
    *5/14 – 133.2 – YAY down even more for my “official” Friday weigh in! I did my morning workout and decided to skip breakfast because I am doing a “distant” meeting with my family and want some extra calories left over for alcohol lol.  MFP was down so nothing has been tracked yet.
    5/15 Got a UTI – felt miserable. Didn’t meet my calorie goal
    5/16 Exhausted from being awake all night. Feel sick. Did not work out, did not meet calorie goal.
    5/17 Again still recovering. Did not meet any of my goals 
    5/18 Trying to recover from the weekend, but I am still exhausted and struggling to find the energy.
    *5/19 Fully back on track and ready to roll! Finished workouts and stayed well below my calorie goal.
    5/20 Finished my workout in the morning – Day 16 of the Chloe Ting challenge done!
  • annblahow1618
    annblahow1618 Posts: 21 Member
    Hey, everyone! I’m joining in very late this month. I’m back on the weight loss bandwagon after three years of my weight slowly creeping up 10lbs. My ultimate goal is to achieve what I didn’t the first time I lost weight: 140lbs. Here’s my info!
    Height: 5’9”
    Age: 26
    CW: 161
    May goal: under 160, so 159? 😆
    GW: 150 (back where I was)
    UGW: 140

    I really started back trying to eat better and be more active about a week ago, but I was too scared to weigh myself until today. 161 is not nearly as bad as I expected it to be! Yay! I’m also in a wedding that is in September (not cancelled yet) and I’m hoping to be nearing the 150 goal (if not already there) by then. Anyway, thanks for being such a great community. I really appreciate how supportive everyone is!
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member

    CW: 137.2
    GW: 135

    May 5: 137.2
    May 6: 137.8
    May 9: 136.4
    May 11: 137.6
    May 12: 136.2
    May 13: 138.4
    May 14: 143.2
    May 15: 142.6
    May 19: 141.8
    May 20: 140.1
    May 21: 140.6
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    Ok my posts are getting too long, so I am just going to post a week at a time.

    5/16 Exhausted from being awake all night. Feel sick. Did not work out, did not meet calorie goal.
    5/17 Again still recovering. Did not meet any of my goals 
    5/18 Trying to recover from the weekend, but I am still exhausted and struggling to find the energy.
    *5/19 Fully back on track and ready to roll! Finished workouts and stayed well below my calorie goal.
    *5/20 – 136.8 :( Finished my workout in the morning – Day 16 of the Chloe Ting challenge done!
    5/21 – 133.8 (yay!) hoping to keep seeing this number go down! I can’t work out this morning, but will try to squeeze it in this afternoon.
  • cayenne_007
    cayenne_007 Posts: 668 Member
    5'8" 42yo
    SW: 154.4
    May GW: 140
    GW: 133

    August SW 145.8 EW 145.6
    Sept SW 145.6 EW 145.6
    Oct SW 145.6 EW 142.6
    Nov SW 142.6 EW 146.2
    Dec SW 146.2 EW 147.0
    Jan SW 147.0 EW 142.0
    Feb SW 140.5 EW 143.2
    Mar SW 143.2 EW 143.4

    May - wow! I've been snowed under the last 2 wks. Finished a major project this morning that's been sucking up every minute of my time and energy when I'm not in the office. I had an old friend (we've been social distancing and so has she) stay with us for a week - she's not in good health and required the rest of my energy to try to help her. Big lesson in WHY we need to keep our bodies strong. We've had my hubby's kids with us pretty much non-stop the whole quarantine - this isn't easy on a 42 that's never had children in the house. I'm not very domesticated so figuring out quick meals took some doing. Bought new batteries for my scale today and ready to get back to daily weigh ins. I'm focusing on doing a few things for me this month - can't pour from an empty cup. I will have my goals for the month lined out by Monday. This wknd is the first time we've had alone in since this mess started March 15th - I'm not going to worry too much about it and simply enjoy the quiet time with my husband. Steaks on the grill & cocktails is on the menu tonight.

    5/6 - 145.2 - Put new batteries in the scale this morning and weighed for the first time in a WHILE! Nothing like weighing in after celebrating Cinco de Mayo all day yesterday....but gotta start somewhere! Rode for a few hours and did well on calories but not nutritionally.
    5/7 - 143.0 - took the evening off for an 'at-home' date night.
    5/8 - 144.5 - chocolate cake & wine last night and it's showing this morning.... weekend is almost here and I'll get in 23432342343 steps and sunshine.
    5/12 - 144.6 - Too many carbs last night...My mother-in-law is going to be in charge of dinner for a couple of weeks and she's a phenomenal cook, but it's going to be lots of mexican food. I'm just going to concentrate on portion control. On the upside - no workout, but I hauled 50lbs grain sacks and moved hay bales. My hubby is laid up for a bit so I'm riding his horses as well as mine. Rode for 3-1/2 hours. I have no idea what that burns, I don't feel like the burn on here is right - I don't think I use that much actually riding so I'm not logging it.
    5/14 - I swear I feel so fluffy right now, eating way more carbs in the evening than I'm used to isn't the greatest - but I'm not in charge of meals and that's fabulous. Worked at the barn for 3 hours last night riding... I've got to get 4 worked this evening and I'm just so tired. At least tomorrow is Friday and my husband is getting around a little bit better daily. I'm betting by next weekend he'll be more back to normal...hopefully.
    5/18 - 143.0 Really busy weekend, but at least my husband is getting around a bit better so I'm hoping he'll be able to help with the horses after this week. I'm not doing great nutritionally but I'll be back in charge of food pretty soon so I'm just going to roll with it for now. I need to get back to at least daily pushups, I don't think I've lost too much yet - but my summer goal is to tone my arms up. Did great with eating until.............nachos & a stiff drink on the patio with hubby about 9:30 when I got finished at the barn. *facepalm*
    5/19 - 143.2 - did great with food, until I got home and my mother-in-law had a fabulous meal...but then I worked at the barn for a few hours.
    5/20 - 142.6 - First time I've seen a 2 in a while, I'll take it! - Decent day with exercise & food
    5/21 - 143.4
  • annblahow1618
    annblahow1618 Posts: 21 Member
    Height: 5’9”
    Age: 26
    SW: 161
    CW: 162.2
    May goal: under 160, so 159? 😆
    GW: 150 (back where I was)
    UGW: 140

    5/20: 161
    5/21: 162.2 UGH! So frustrating. I had such a good day yesterday- I was active, I ate well, I drank water... and I gained 1.2lbs. I know it’s about the average and not about each day’s weight, but this was not fun to see this morning. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be down!
  • laurapal00
    laurapal00 Posts: 15 Member
    38yo 167 cm (7m pospartum)
    W pre-baby: 74kg
    SW (January): 76.5kg (3m pp)
    CW: 69.7
    GW: 65kg
    GW May: 68kg

    1. Log food everyday.
    2. Walk 1h 5x week.
    3. Workout twice/week.
    4. Do a stretching session each week.
    5. Going back to work on the 11th after 8 weeks at home: try not to stress and enjoy our “new life”.

    9/05: 69.7kg
    Logged everyday and worked out twice, but only walked twice this week. I’ll try to go walking and do my stretch session this weekend. I’m going back to a small deficit this week: diet break is over.

    15/05: 69.7kg
    I’ve been stuck at the same weight for 2 weeks: last week I was eating at maintenance but this week was back to a small deficit. I hoped to lose something 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve worked out, logged cal, but I just went for a walk twice this week, instead of everyday like I used to. I know what I have to do...

    22/05: 69.7kg
    3 weeks at the exact same weight. I was afraid I would have gained a bit: I didn’t log on Sunday, didn’t work out... it was my first week back to work after lockdown is over and I didn’t have much time. A bit stressedout too.

    I’m not happy, but I know I have to increase my “calories out”. 3 weeks at the same weight! 😩

  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member

    CW: 137.2
    GW: 135

    May 5: 137.2
    May 6: 137.8
    May 9: 136.4
    May 11: 137.6
    May 12: 136.2
    May 13: 138.4
    May 14: 143.2
    May 15: 142.6
    May 19: 141.8
    May 20: 140.1
    May 21: 140.6
    May 20: 140.1
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.9
    Maintenance weight: 69.5
    May GW: get back to 70

    1. Get my snacking under control. I'm good with my three meals, but it is the inbetween and evening snacks that undo everything
    2. My May goal is exactly the same as the April goal, I'll keep on reporting here on a daily basis until I get to 70 again.
    3. Hopefully, we will get back to diving again somewhere this month, which burns calories like crazy

    01/05: 70.7
    02/05: 70.7
    03/05: 70.7
    04/05: 71.9
    05/05: 71.9
    06/05: 71.6
    07/05: 71.4
    08/05: 71.1
    09/05: 70.9
    10/05: ?
    11/05: ?
    12/05: 71.1
    13:05: 71.2
    14/05: 70.6
    15/05: 71.0
    16/05: 71.0
    17/05: 72.5
    18/05: 72.5
    19/05: 71.6
    20/05: 71.7
    21/05: ?
    22/05: ?
    23/05: ?
    24/05: ?
    25/05: 72.9

    Frankly, I was that close to give up all together. Not logging, not worrying about food, about exercise, about coming here to vent it all. I'm really struggling.
    But although I didn't weigh, I still filled in my foodlog which did nothing to cheer me up, but certainly made me think about what I put in my mouth and most importantly: how much !!
    I also didn't exercise at all, just being lazy, either working or reading a very good series of books (I'm at book 5 of 12 - go figure). I also watched the complete Harry Potter series with hubby.

    Anyway, today is as high as I want to go, this is it, I just can't gain any more as my clothes will start to feel tight.

    Today is a new day, a new opportunity. But I also know that I've started many Mondays that way the past weeks, so I really need to change my gameplan. I'll give this a thought today.
  • l4a_p
    l4a_p Posts: 241 Member
    30y * 5'9" * Weight goal: 63kg (138,89lbs)

    1. Get back into some workout routine
    2. New focus on glute workout
    3. Do better on IF again (fix coffee in the morning)
    4. Make more "binge-volume-eating"-safe food

    I don't dare to. I really don't. But okay, I went and just did it, here they are compared to my lowest weight at the end of last year (sigh):
    Waist: 76cm (<> 74cm)
    Belly: 92cm (<> 90cm)
    Thigh: 59cm (<> 56cm)
    Hips: 100cm (<> 98cm)

    So overall, a gain of 2cm (.8") everywhere. I can see it, I can feel it. I hate it.

    WEIGHT - 7 day averages
    04 May: 69.1kg
    11 May: 68.8kg
    19 May: 67.6kg
    25 May: 68 kg

    Okay, not sure what happend there; I shot up back to 69 even for one day and have to log with a gain unfortunately. I admit Friday was a debauchery (always seems to be the case when I go over to my bf: he just feeds me everything) but Saturday I compensated with no dinner and Sunday I was way below my budget. I have not been able to exercise all week because of a back injury, so maybe that's the cause? Still, bit unhappy

  • niniundlapin
    niniundlapin Posts: 327 Member
    35yo, 166 cm
    Maintenance weight range= 52-54 kg
    CW= 53.5 (as of 5/3/20)
    BF%= 20-22

    Goals for May: [week 5/18-24]
    - Follow through the workout plan ✅
    - Decrease sugar intake ⭕️ (sweet craving kind of calm down when TOM ended 😇)
    - Increase protein especially during breakfast ✅
    - Devote time in stretch/yoga sessions ⭕️ (three short sessions after main workouts)

    It’s the end of 5th week/ beginning of 2nd month of the workout plan. I can see a little bit muscle definition on abs without flexing really hard, but the loose skin from pregnancy isn’t something that’d go away that easily for sure.
    Tendinitis on right wrist flared up again and I had to cut down the frequency I use dumbbells. Strength training days for total body were mostly replaced with resistance training for core and glutes. Hopefully I can resume the normal intensity/ weights starting from today.

    It’s interesting how our bodies react to things done daily/ repeatedly. I feel like the less sweets I have the less I’m craving for it, and the more frequently I exercise (frequency per week) the less tired I feel. Maybe because my weekly schedule is different now (haven’t gone back to work yet). We’ll see how that part goes on work days and the days afterwards. 🤔
  • RobinAlex666
    RobinAlex666 Posts: 144 Member
    Age: 25
    Height: 5'8"
    Jan SW: 164.5
    Feb SW: 161.5
    Mar SW: 157.5
    Apr SW: 157.5
    May SW: 156
    May GW: 154.5

    5/3: 156
    5/8: 155
    5/15: 156.5
    5/25: 155.5

    Few more days in the month. Let's see if the monthly goal is reachable
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.9
    Maintenance weight: 69.5
    May GW: get back to 70

    1. Get my snacking under control. I'm good with my three meals, but it is the inbetween and evening snacks that undo everything
    2. My May goal is exactly the same as the April goal, I'll keep on reporting here on a daily basis until I get to 70 again.
    3. Hopefully, we will get back to diving again somewhere this month, which burns calories like crazy

    01/05: 70.7
    02/05: 70.7
    03/05: 70.7
    04/05: 71.9
    05/05: 71.9
    06/05: 71.6
    07/05: 71.4
    08/05: 71.1
    09/05: 70.9
    10/05: ?
    11/05: ?
    12/05: 71.1
    13:05: 71.2
    14/05: 70.6
    15/05: 71.0
    16/05: 71.0
    17/05: 72.5
    18/05: 72.5
    19/05: 71.6
    20/05: 71.7
    21/05: ?
    22/05: ?
    23/05: ?
    24/05: ?
    25/05: 72.9
    26/05: 72.6 - stayed under cal goal and achieved 10k steps !
  • Go_Deskercise
    Go_Deskercise Posts: 1,630 Member

    CW: 137.2
    GW: 135

    May 5: 137.2
    May 6: 137.8
    May 9: 136.4
    May 11: 137.6
    May 12: 136.2
    May 13: 138.4
    May 14: 143.2
    May 15: 142.6
    May 19: 141.8
    May 20: 140.1
    May 21: 140.6
    May 20: 140.1
    May 25: 139.7
    May 26: 139.2
  • guitargirl55
    guitargirl55 Posts: 258 Member
    **5/26 – 132.4 – I was pretty good this weekend, only ate over my calories once and did do all scheduled workouts.
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    47, 5’2”
    GW: 107
    CBF: 19.9 %
    Goal BF%: 19%

    Goal #1: Eat light dinner
    Goal #2: Lunch run 5x week
    Goal #3: Burst mini workouts 5x day
    Goal #4: Don't Stress!!
    ** take self progress pics.

    05/01 110, 19.9%
    05/05 112 20.4%
    05/11 113, 21.1%
    05/12 110.6, 20.3%
    05/15 109.2, 19.6%

    05/26 ??? I don't even know! Ha!

    Been super busy with everything, I haven't had a chance to check in at all!!
    I have been good with eating and working out. I have been walking, running, doing whatever I can. OTF opened but the time slots are all booked and my time slot is not offered! So not going back. Need my rower... still waiting.

    Anyhow, my clothes still fits and looking at myself in the mirror, I haven't changed much so I should be in the same 110 area. Will log tomorrow!

    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!!! it's 88 outside! Incredible. (but Im in the basement working away- :'( )
  • Antiopelle
    Antiopelle Posts: 1,184 Member
    2019: HW 78 - LW 69
    CW: 71.9
    Maintenance weight: 69.5
    May GW: get back to 70

    1. Get my snacking under control. I'm good with my three meals, but it is the inbetween and evening snacks that undo everything
    2. My May goal is exactly the same as the April goal, I'll keep on reporting here on a daily basis until I get to 70 again.
    3. Hopefully, we will get back to diving again somewhere this month, which burns calories like crazy

    01/05: 70.7
    02/05: 70.7
    03/05: 70.7
    04/05: 71.9
    05/05: 71.9
    06/05: 71.6
    07/05: 71.4
    08/05: 71.1
    09/05: 70.9
    10/05: ?
    11/05: ?
    12/05: 71.1
    13:05: 71.2
    14/05: 70.6
    15/05: 71.0
    16/05: 71.0
    17/05: 72.5
    18/05: 72.5
    19/05: 71.6
    20/05: 71.7
    21/05: ?
    22/05: ?
    23/05: ?
    24/05: ?
    25/05: 72.9
    26/05: 72.6
    27/05: 72.4
  • weatherking2019
    weatherking2019 Posts: 943 Member
    47, 5’2”
    GW: 107
    CBF: 19.9 %
    Goal BF%: 19%

    Goal #1: Eat light dinner
    Goal #2: Lunch run 5x week
    Goal #3: Burst mini workouts 5x day
    Goal #4: Don't Stress!!
    ** take self progress pics.

    05/01 110, 19.9%
    05/05 112 20.4%
    05/11 113, 21.1%
    05/12 110.6, 20.3%
    05/15 109.2, 19.6%
    05/27 113, 21.1%

    Oh boy. I guess the indulging shows! Well 4 more days of May will be no cheating for me!