DOWNSIZERS Team Chat - MAY 2020



  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    Thursday May 13
    Steps: 6901

    Yesterday was a very lazy day but I am making up for it today I just hope it is enough to not see the scales go up for my weigh in tomorrow. I have been eating under goal but not drinking nearly enough water plus having a lot of sodium.
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Weigh Day Thursday:
    PW: 253.0
    CW: 252.0

    Small progress towards losing what I have gained over the last couple of weeks. Shooting for progress again this week.

    Steps 5/13: 17,075
    Met Wednesday's goals, but apparently did not get enough stretching in. I am still sore from an interval workout I did on Monday 😕. Jumping rope was so much easier 30 or 40 years ago😉. So even though I had everything set out for a run and strength training this morning...I used sore and stiff as an excuse to stay in bed. Planning to get out for a run after work and do some upper body strength training tomorrow morning to make up for it.

    Goals for today:
    Log everything
    Minimum 15,000 steps--short run after work

    Happy Thursday!

    Well done on the loss!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Thursday May 13
    Steps: 6901

    Yesterday was a very lazy day but I am making up for it today I just hope it is enough to not see the scales go up for my weigh in tomorrow. I have been eating under goal but not drinking nearly enough water plus having a lot of sodium.

    Water retention from sodium is a pain. If I eat a high sodium meal my weight will jump 3 to 5 pounds the next day.
  • 19shmoo69
    19shmoo69 Posts: 1,154 Member
    5/14 steps 26442
  • michelleywardell
    michelleywardell Posts: 84 Member
    I'm sorry folks. I haven't been real active on here. I'm so busy at my job. I worked 8am-8pm today. So tired.. I have to be in at 7:30 tomorrow so I'm going to bed soon. I just wanted to let you all know I'm still here.
    I forgot my step counter today so I didn't get many recorded 2,652 on my phone. I did a lot more than that though. See you tomorrow
  • Murphyi150
    Murphyi150 Posts: 54 Member
    May 14th. 4878 steps.
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Check-In: Thursday, May 14th

    •Log all food: Fail ❌
    •Calories: Done ✔️
    •Exercise: 5K ✔️
    •Water: 2L ✔️
    •Steps: 13,230 ✔️

    Good morning team. The scales are still creeping down slowly. I may not have a huge loss this week but I’m happy as long as it’s going the right direction. Got out and did my 5K this morning and now I’m gonna start cleaning up as we have people coming to view the house. Today is OMAD day for me so my only meal today will be at dinner time. In the meantime lots of water. Have a great day everyone.

    May goals:

    •Log all food. The good the bad and the ugly!
    •Stay on or under my allowed calorie goal.
    •Do at least 30 minute workout each day.
    •Drink at least 2L water each day.
    •Reach at least 10,000 steps each day.
  • Piqueaboo
    Piqueaboo Posts: 1,193 Member
    Steps Thursday May 14th: 2 093

    I was exhausted and tired and my body was aching so instead of moving I went to bed and slept nearly 12 hours! Feel so much better today 😅
  • dabbers18
    dabbers18 Posts: 52 Member
    Starting weight....222.4
    1st weigh in .....222.1
    2nd weigh in.....221.6
    Loss a weary 0.5 altogether. 😥
    Steps down by 14599 to 31768 but it has been hubby's 1st week at home. Spent a lot of it sitting down so he would rest like he should.
    Food diary been quite good and consistent. Now back to it and a better effort all round.
    Best wishes everyone and stay safe ❤❤
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Steps Thursday May 14th: 2 093

    I was exhausted and tired and my body was aching so instead of moving I went to bed and slept nearly 12 hours! Feel so much better today 😅

    Sometimes we just have to listen to our bodies. Glad you feel better!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    Starting weight....222.4
    1st weigh in .....222.1
    2nd weigh in.....221.6
    Loss a weary 0.5 altogether. 😥
    Steps down by 14599 to 31768 but it has been hubby's 1st week at home. Spent a lot of it sitting down so he would rest like he should.
    Food diary been quite good and consistent. Now back to it and a better effort all round.
    Best wishes everyone and stay safe ❤❤

    Congrats on the loss! Glad your husband is doing well!
  • lindamtuck2018
    lindamtuck2018 Posts: 9,607 Member
    Thursday check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 74 minute walk and 14 minute dance off the pounds
    Water: ✅

    Steps: 5/14 12,034

    PW 209.4
    CW 209.8

    A slight gain but it came down from my weekend of terrible eating. I have planned out this weekend and everything is logged already. I am going to stick to it.

    I walked 5.49km yesterday. Right now it is pouring but there is supposed to be a break in the weather before we get thunderstorms this afternoon. I am going to take my walk in that break.

    It is a long weekend in Canada. There is not too much you can do yet but I am going to visit my granddaughters and see them from 6 feet away. Can’t wait for the day I can hug them again. Have a great day everyone!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    panda4153 wrote: »
    Good Morning!! I am feeling f so good this morning, I got to go back to my pole fitness class for the first time since quarantine started. It’s a small studio with a max attendance under the 10 person limit we have here in Colorado, and the poles are more then the 6 feet of space between each other, so the owner got to reopen. It was super fun, and nice to be able to leave the house for something other then grocery shopping.

    I’m happy to see you had a good day! Pole fitness sounds like so much fun. Some classes here are starting back up again but it’s hard to get in due to the 10 person limit. I always come too late 😖.
    cesse47 wrote: »
    Thursday, May 14 --- check in

    Today's To Do List --
    do chair yoga + 5 min walk, drink all water, be mindful of food choices; log everything
    Dining Room - declutter -- major decluttering needed; will probably take several days ✔️

    Had a small gain after my indulgent weekend ... and it's still with me. Need to be extra mindful of my food choices, eliminate all snacks, and drink extra water for the next couple of days to see if I can remedy the gain.

    Hope Y'all have a great day!! 👋

    Don’t let that little weight gain discourage you. Just keep working hard each day and you will see results in no time. Throw those naughty snacks out!
    Wednesday’s check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 64 minute walk, 15 minute strength video
    Water: ✅

    Steps 5/13 10,848

    My weight finally spiked down but I don’t think it will be enough to pull off a loss tomorrow. We will see tomorrow.

    I am watching the hourly forecast and it just shows showers for the next few hours. I am going to get out for a walk before it really starts to rain.

    I had some good news yesterday. I had a phone appointment with my doctor and he finally agreed to take me off one of my medications that makes me so hungry. The hunger is so hard to control. I was on another with the same effect but I stopped that one a few months ago. I have been on these medications since last July. I am so happy I could cry.

    Today’s goals
    1. Walk minimum 5km
    2. Workout video
    3. Tai chi
    4. Drink 8 cups of water
    5. Stay within calorie goal
    6. Log all food

    Keep the faith. Make sure you drink lots of water today and be mindful of the sodium! I’m sure you can still manage a small loss. Great news from your doctor! One less medication to worry about. The further you go down this healthier path the healthier you will be. Best NSV right there!!
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Steps 12 May 2020: 7 255

    Correction (I didn't synchronize my Fitbit)

    Steps 12 May 2020: 10 960
    Steps 13 May 2020: 14 975

    Gotcha! All fixed in the spreadsheet.
    Weigh Day Thursday:
    PW: 253.0
    CW: 252.0

    Small progress towards losing what I have gained over the last couple of weeks. Shooting for progress again this week.

    Steps 5/13: 17,075
    Met Wednesday's goals, but apparently did not get enough stretching in. I am still sore from an interval workout I did on Monday 😕. Jumping rope was so much easier 30 or 40 years ago😉. So even though I had everything set out for a run and strength training this morning...I used sore and stiff as an excuse to stay in bed. Planning to get out for a run after work and do some upper body strength training tomorrow morning to make up for it.

    Goals for today:
    Log everything
    Minimum 15,000 steps--short run after work

    Happy Thursday!

    Well done on your weight loss this week! Also congrats on those steps! You are doing so well! I also recently found my kids jump rope while sorting out my basement and I am soooo not made for jumping 😂 you’ve got lots of great fitness goals there! Beast mode!
  • mari_moulin
    mari_moulin Posts: 3,717 Member
    Thursday May 13
    Steps: 6901

    Yesterday was a very lazy day but I am making up for it today I just hope it is enough to not see the scales go up for my weigh in tomorrow. I have been eating under goal but not drinking nearly enough water plus having a lot of sodium.

    You still got a good amount of steps in. I hope you were able to get a good days rest.
    19shmoo69 wrote: »
    5/14 steps 26442

    Wowza! Great stepping! Gotcha in.
    I'm sorry folks. I haven't been real active on here. I'm so busy at my job. I worked 8am-8pm today. So tired.. I have to be in at 7:30 tomorrow so I'm going to bed soon. I just wanted to let you all know I'm still here.
    I forgot my step counter today so I didn't get many recorded 2,652 on my phone. I did a lot more than that though. See you tomorrow

    It’s ok Michelle. I am ready to add your steps in so if you have any other days that you want to give me I still need your steps for Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I don’t know how you do it everyday.
    Murphyi150 wrote: »
    May 14th. 4878 steps.

    Gotcha! I’m missing your steps from Wednesday. Not sure if I missed them.
    Piqueaboo wrote: »
    Steps Thursday May 14th: 2 093

    I was exhausted and tired and my body was aching so instead of moving I went to bed and slept nearly 12 hours! Feel so much better today 😅

    Good! Rest and recovery is part of the journey!
    dabbers18 wrote: »
    Starting weight....222.4
    1st weigh in .....222.1
    2nd weigh in.....221.6
    Loss a weary 0.5 altogether. 😥
    Steps down by 14599 to 31768 but it has been hubby's 1st week at home. Spent a lot of it sitting down so he would rest like he should.
    Food diary been quite good and consistent. Now back to it and a better effort all round.
    Best wishes everyone and stay safe ❤❤

    Goos job with weight loss! It’s going the right way! Keep up all the great effort!
    Thursday check in
    Calories: under
    Exercise: 74 minute walk and 14 minute dance off the pounds
    Water: ✅

    Steps: 5/14 12,034

    PW 209.4
    CW 209.8

    A slight gain but it came down from my weekend of terrible eating. I have planned out this weekend and everything is logged already. I am going to stick to it.

    I walked 5.49km yesterday. Right now it is pouring but there is supposed to be a break in the weather before we get thunderstorms this afternoon. I am going to take my walk in that break.

    It is a long weekend in Canada. There is not too much you can do yet but I am going to visit my granddaughters and see them from 6 feet away. Can’t wait for the day I can hug them again. Have a great day everyone!

    Ok sorry I was a bit late with my replies and I’ve just replied to your post from yesterday lol. Well done Linda! You’ve managed to get yourself so close to your previous weight. You only need a few more ounces. I’m sure next week you’ll be back to losing. Great job with your walks!

  • destiny_sierra
    destiny_sierra Posts: 66 Member
    Thursday May 14 Check-in

    Steps: 30,194
    Calories: Under
    Water: 2.5L
    Exercise:a lot of walking

    Weigh in day - Friday
    PW - 241.2
    CW - 241.8

    The number on the scale this morning was a little disheartening but I was expecting it to be higher honestly. I had too many days this week with under a litre of water and over 3500mg of sodium, it just gives me the motivation to make better choices this week.

    Friday May 15 Goals

    - 7500+ Steps
    - 2.5L of Water
    - Under 2500mg of sodium!
  • mellane30
    mellane30 Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning everyone! It's Friday and I should have posted on Monday. I think, in an effort to stay on top of things, I am going to post something every day. That way, I don't forget. I find myself forgetting what day it is more than I forget to post or do other things. Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday for four hrs. How ridiculous is that?
    I'm managing to lose a little bit but I think the lack of activity is really making this harder than it should be. So my goal is to up the activity somehow. I will make a plan tonight and then, for my post tomorrow, I will reveal my plan! I wish my job weren't so sedentary. But I guess that's what you get when you work with numbers all day.
    I love reading everyone's post, though. It helps. :smile:

    Username: Mellane30
    Weighin Week: 05/09/2020
    Weighin Day: Monday
    Previous weight: 211.8
    Current weight: 211
  • metonymicalinsanity
    metonymicalinsanity Posts: 80 Member
    mellane30 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone! It's Friday and I should have posted on Monday. I think, in an effort to stay on top of things, I am going to post something every day. That way, I don't forget. I find myself forgetting what day it is more than I forget to post or do other things. Yesterday, I thought it was Tuesday for four hrs. How ridiculous is that?
    I'm managing to lose a little bit but I think the lack of activity is really making this harder than it should be. So my goal is to up the activity somehow. I will make a plan tonight and then, for my post tomorrow, I will reveal my plan! I wish my job weren't so sedentary. But I guess that's what you get when you work with numbers all day.
    I love reading everyone's post, though. It helps. :smile:

    Username: Mellane30
    Weighin Week: 05/09/2020
    Weighin Day: Monday
    Previous weight: 211.8
    Current weight: 211

    Nice to meet you! Looking forward to seeing your plan. I know I’ve had to rip myself off the couch to go walking which has helped a lot.

    In that vein, here’s my semi-daily update. I just finished today’s 3 miles of walking! That makes 5/5 for the last week. Tomorrow is my weigh in day and I’m looking forward to seeing the scale, especially after the progress I made the last few days. This morning I saw a 305 (and change) on the scale. I’m nearly down to the 200s! Can’t weight! ;) oh that’s a good idea for a new team name. Note to the mods! :)
    I also did my planks again last night after taking a rest day on Wednesday. And I promise I’ll do today’s planks later this afternoon! Good luck and Godspeed everyone!

  • 888Angie888
    888Angie888 Posts: 890 Member
    Steps 5/14: 19,302
    Thursday's goals done.

    Goals for today:

    Log everything--I've been good about this the last couple of days. Very often though, I get home from work and mindlessly grab a handful of chips or nuts or both...then another handful and another and another...and maybe just one or maybe two, or three little candies...😉
    If I am more mindful about logging, I tend to put less in my mouth🙂.

    Minimum 15,000 steps (close)

    Stretch more-got some in this morning, but the dogs were being a little too helpful, so I cut it short

    Meditate (done)

    Upper body strength workout (done)

    Happy Friday!!
  • jennt817
    jennt817 Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! It’s FriYAY!
    Hope you all have a lovely weekend! I stayed the same here.
    Pw: 143
    CW: 143
    Super hungry last week and working a lot of hours over weekend writing reports and paperwork... I hurt my foot in the middle of the week, what’s funny is how you can get hurt doing nothing! Hahah... I gave my self an extra day of rest to heal... see what happens for this coming week!
This discussion has been closed.